Reblog if you are in the RP fandom of Battleborn
or a blog willing to RP with them. I have seen so much hate for this game I really hope its not affecting the community. All the people I have met here are amazing people and sweet as heck. Either way, reblog this, show the world this fandom still thrives in a RP sense. Let Gearbox know we appreciate what they have created.
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//Hey hey!! It has been so long but I've been very busy lately. Went with Benedict's mun to see this in action and it's going to be amazing when it's done!
Hope everyone has been well!
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|☆| So, a few weeks back, I commissioned the wonderful and amazing @drills-of-defiance for a Benedict piece. Then….. I got more ink-
Session 2 underway!
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// Personal OTP :D So happy to have these cards
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// Yesssss. Now to figure a quick setting
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❤❤ (rapierwinged)
//ALL FOR IT, any ideas you have to start with?
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Send a “❤” if you wish to rp with our characters. Send a “❤❤” if you wish to plot with our characters. Send a “❤❤❤” if you wish to ship with our characters.
Send a “❤❤❤ ❤❤ ❤” if you wish to do all of the above.  
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"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN...BUT MOSTLY LADIES MONTANA HAS LEVELED UP" //Work week is over so now to become social and meet people. And with the hours lowered for now I'm finally able to plan roleplays as well
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@rocket-propelled-badass //This is exactly how Montana and Benedict bond when dealing with the stress
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"And that's what worries me, we all have lost something..or someone and that's what brought us all here, with that feeling of loss we are easily able to band together these shared feelings and work as a team"
He moved to block his way now, crossing his arms and letting his giant form take up the entire hallway.
"It's good to let it out, I mean people have their own ways, but...but I just want to stress we are a team, and that means more than just walking into enemy fire together"
“So Benedict…I need to ask, how are you holding up with the whole…world being destroyed issue that you went through. After the armory incident I wanted to just say you don’t have to hold it all in”
He had caught him a few days later after one of the armory checks. While it wasn’t the easiest task to catch up with Benedict at times, his massive height made it easy enough to match his stride as he walked with him from the hallway that led from the armory to the mess hall.
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“Marquis, we spoke about what will happen if Hoodini kept taking my hat!” //Credit to @silsol for this great art piece >
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|| Montana sounds like a goddamn gnome XD
|| PLEASE forgive the feedback every now and then. I’m fucking dying with Monty-mun rn. @mansformation-monty
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// Work week is almost gearing down for me finally, then I'll take a stab at being more active and getting to know all you short people. Hope the day is going well for you all.
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@rocket-propelled-badass "So Benedict...I need to ask, how are you holding up with the whole...world being destroyed issue that you went through. After the armory incident I wanted to just say you don't have to hold it all in" He had caught him a few days later after one of the armory checks. While it wasn't the easiest task to catch up with Benedict at times, his massive height made it easy enough to match his stride as he walked with him from the hallway that led from the armory to the mess hall.
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//Hey everyone, this is Monty-mun, super excited to meet you all, I'll add in that I'm actually pretty new to Tumblr in general so forgive my shyness when it comes to interacting with you all.
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