manufactured-words · 5 years
horror prompts.
⇢ 1. A low humming sound is drawing you closer to the door nobody’s ever opened. ⇢ 2. There’s a red glow coming from the hall. ⇢ 3. Every time they look at you, a chill runs down your spine. ⇢ 4. You keep having nightmares that come true. ⇢ 5. The shuffling in the forest is getting louder. ⇢ 6. Is something looking at you in the dark? ⇢ 7. Nobody will ever find you here. ⇢ 8. You’ve stopped appearing in photographs. ⇢ 9. People who enter your neighbor’s house aren’t leaving. ⇢ 10. You hear breathing coming from your closet.  
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manufactured-words · 7 years
Words and Phrases To Include In Your Sex Scenes
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Appetite - 
craving, demand, gluttony, greed, hunger, inclination, insatiable, longing, lust, passion, ravenousness, relish, taste, thirst, urge, voracity, weakness, willingness, yearning, ardor, dedication, desire, devotion, enthusiasm, excitement, fervor, horny, intensity, keenness, wholeheartedness, zeal
Arouse - agitate, awaken, electrify, enliven, excite, entice, foment, goad, incite, inflame, instigate, kindle, provoke, rally, rouse, spark, stimulate, stir, thrill, waken, warm, whet, attract, charm, coax, fire up, fuel, heat up, lure, produce, stir up, tantalize, tease, tempt, thrum, torment, wind up, work up
Assault - attack, advancing, aggressive, assailing, charging, incursion, inundated, invasion, offensive, onset, onslaught, overwhelmed, ruinous, tempestuous, strike, violation, ambush, assail, barrage, bombard, bombardment, crackdown, wound Beautiful - admirable, alluring, angelic, appealing, bewitching, charming, dazzling, delicate, delightful, divine, elegant, enticing, exquisite, fascinating, gorgeous, graceful, grand, magnificent, marvelous, pleasing, radiant, ravishing, resplendent, splendid, stunning, sublime, attractive, beguiling, captivating, enchanting, engaging, enthralling, eye-catching, fetching, fine, fine-looking, good-looking, handsome, inviting, lovely, mesmeric, mesmerizing, pretty, rakish, refined, striking, tantalizing, tempting Brutal - atrocious, barbarous, bloodthirsty, callous, cruel, feral, ferocious, hard, harsh, heartless, inhuman, merciless, murderous, pitiless, remorseless, rough, rude, ruthless, savage, severe, terrible, unmerciful, vicious, bestial, brute, brutish, cold-blooded, fierce, gory, nasty, rancorous, sadistic, uncompromising, unfeeling, unforgiving, unpitying, violent, wild Burly – able-bodied, athletic, beefy, big, brawny, broad-shouldered, bulky, dense, enormous, great, hard, hardy, hearty, heavily built, heavy, hefty, huge, husky, immense, large, massive, muscular, mighty, outsized, oversized, powerful, powerfully built, prodigious, robust, solid, stalwart, stocky, stout, strapping, strong, strongly built, sturdy, thick, thickset, tough, well-built, well-developed Carnal - animalistic, bodily, impure, lascivious, lecherous, lewd, libidinous, licentious, lustful, physical, prurient, salacious, sensuous, voluptuous, vulgar, wanton, , coarse, crude, dirty, raunchy, rough, unclean Dangerous - alarming, critical, fatal, formidable, impending, malignant, menacing, mortal, nasty, perilous, precarious, pressing, serious, terrible, threatening, treacherous, urgent, vulnerable, wicked, acute, damaging, deadly, death-defying, deathly, destructive, detrimental, explosive, grave, harmful, hazardous, injurious, lethal, life-threatening, noxious, poisonous, risky, severe, terrifying, toxic, unsafe, unstable, venomous Dark - atrocious, corrupt, forbidding, foul, infernal, midnight, morbid, ominous, sinful, sinister, somber, threatening, twilight, vile, wicked, abject, alarming, appalling, baleful, bizarre, bleak, bloodcurdling, boding evil, chilling, cold, condemned, creepy, damned, daunting, demented, desolate, dire, dismal, disturbing, doomed, dour, dread, dreary, dusk, eerie, fear, fearsome, frightening, ghastly, ghostly, ghoulish, gloom, gloomy, grave, grim, grisly, gruesome, hair-raising, haunted, hideous, hopeless, horrendous, horrible, horrid, horrific, horrifying, horror, ill-fated, ill-omened, ill-starred, inauspicious, inhospitable, looming, lost, macabre, malice, malignant, menacing, murky, mysterious, night, panic, pessimistic, petrifying, scary, shadows, shadowy, shade, shady, shocking, soul-destroying, sour, spine-chilling, spine-tingling, strange, terrifying, uncanny, unearthly, unlucky, unnatural, unnerving, weird, wretched Delicious - enticing, exquisite, luscious, lush, rich, savory, sweet, tasty, tempting, appetizing, delectable, flavorsome, full of flavor, juicy, lip-smacking, mouth-watering, piquant, relish, ripe, salty, spicy, scrummy, scrumptious, succulent, tangy, tart, tasty, yummy, zesty Ecstasy - delectation, delirium, elation, euphoria, fervor, frenzy, joy, rapture, transport, bliss, excitement, happiness, heaven, high, paradise, rhapsody, thrill, blissful, delighted, elated, extremely happy, in raptures (of delight), in seventh heaven, jubilant, on cloud nine, overexcited, overjoyed, rapturous, thrilled Ecstatic - delirious, enraptured, euphoric, fervent, frenzied, joyous, transported, wild Erotic - amatory, amorous, aphrodisiac, carnal, earthy, erogenous, fervid, filthy, hot, impassioned, lascivious, lecherous, lewd, raw, romantic, rousing, salacious, seductive, sensual, sexual, spicy, steamy, stimulating, suggestive, titillating, voluptuous, tantalizing Gasp - catch of breath, choke, gulp, heave, inhale, pant, puff, snort, wheeze, huff, rasp, sharp intake of air, short of breath, struggle for breath, swallow, winded Heated - ardent, avid, excited, fervent, fervid, fierce, fiery, frenzied, furious, impassioned, intense, passionate, raging, scalding, scorched, stormy, tempestuous, vehement, violent, ablaze, aflame, all-consuming, blazing, blistering, burning, crazed, explosive, febrile, feverish, fired up, flaming, flushed, frantic, hot, hot-blooded, impatient, incensed, maddening, obsessed, possessed, randy, searing, sizzling, smoldering, sweltering, torrid, turbulent, volatile, worked up, zealous Hunger - appetite, ache, craving, gluttony, greed, longing, lust, mania, mouth-watering, ravenous, voracious, want, yearning, thirst Hungry - avid, carnivorous, covetous, craving, eager, greedy, hungered, rapacious, ravenous, starved, unsatisfied, voracious, avaricious, desirous, famished, grasping, insatiable, keen, longing, predatory, ravening, starving, thirsty, wanting Intense - forceful, severe, passionate, acute, agonizing, ardent, anxious, biting, bitter, burning, close, consuming, cutting, deep, eager, earnest, excessive, exquisite, extreme, fervent, fervid, fierce, forcible, great, harsh, impassioned, keen, marked, piercing, powerful, profound, severe, sharp, strong, vehement, violent, vivid, vigorous Liquid - damp, cream, creamy, dripping, ichorous, juicy, moist, luscious, melted, moist, pulpy, sappy, soaking, solvent, sopping, succulent, viscous, wet / aqueous, broth, elixir, extract, flux, juice, liquor, nectar, sap, sauce, secretion, solution, vitae, awash, moisture, boggy, dewy, drenched, drip, drop, droplet, drowning, flood, flooded, flowing, fountain, jewel, leaky, milky, overflowing, saturated, slick, slippery, soaked, sodden, soggy, stream, swamp, tear, teardrop, torrent, waterlogged, watery, weeping Lithe - agile, lean, pliant, slight, spare, sinewy, slender, supple, deft, fit, flexible, lanky, leggy, limber, lissom, lissome, nimble, sinuous, skinny, sleek, slender, slim, svelte, trim, thin, willowy, wiry Moan - beef, cry, gripe, grouse, grumble, lament, lamentation, plaint, sob, wail, whine, bemoan, bewail, carp, deplore, grieve, gripe, grouse, grumble, keen, lament, sigh, sob, wail, whine, mewl Moving - (exciting,) affecting, effective  arousing, awakening, breathless, dynamic, eloquent, emotional, emotive, expressive, fecund, far-out, felt in gut, grabbed by, gripping, heartbreaking, heartrending, impelling, impressive, inspirational, meaningful, mind-bending, mind-blowing, motivating, persuasive, poignant, propelling, provoking, quickening, rallying, rousing, significant, stimulating, simulative, stirring, stunning, touching, awe-inspiring, energizing, exhilarating, fascinating, heart pounding, heart stopping, inspiring, riveting, thrilling Need - compulsion, demand, desperate, devoir, extremity, impatient longing, must, urge, urgency / desire, appetite, avid, burn, craving, eagerness, fascination, greed, hunger, insatiable, longing, lust, taste, thirst, voracious, want, yearning, ache, addiction, aspiration, desire, fever, fixation, hankering, hope, impulse, inclination, infatuation, itch, obsession, passion, pining, wish, yen Pain - ache, afflict, affliction, agony, agonize, anguish, bite, burn, chafe, distress, fever, grief, hurt, inflame, laceration, misery, pang, punish, sting, suffering, tenderness, throb, throe, torment, torture, smart Painful - aching, agonizing, arduous, awful, biting, burning, caustic, dire, distressing, dreadful, excruciating, extreme, grievous, inflamed, piercing, raw, sensitive, severe, sharp, tender, terrible, throbbing, tormenting, angry, bleeding, bloody, bruised, cutting, hurting, injured, irritated, prickly, skinned, smarting, sore, stinging, unbearable, uncomfortable, upsetting, wounded Perverted - aberrant, abnormal, corrupt, debased, debauched, defiling, depraved, deviant, monstrous, tainted, twisted, vicious, warped, wicked, abhorrent, base, decadent, degenerate, degrading, dirty, disgusting, dissipated, dissolute, distasteful, hedonistic, immodest, immoral, indecent, indulgent, licentious, nasty, profligate, repellent, repugnant, repulsive, revolting, shameful, shameless, sickening, sinful, smutty, sordid, unscrupulous, vile Pleasurable - charming, gratifying, luscious, satisfying, savory, agreeable, delicious, delightful, enjoyable, nice, pleasant, pleasing, soothing, succulent Pleasure - bliss, delight, gluttony, gratification, relish, satisfaction, thrill, adventure, amusement, buzz, contentment, delight, desire, ecstasy, enjoyment, excitement, fun, happiness, harmony, heaven, joy, kick, liking, paradise, seventh heaven Rapacious- avaricious, ferocious, furious, greedy, predatory, ravening, ravenous, savage, voracious, aggressive, gluttonous, grasping, insatiable, marauding, plundering Rapture - bliss, ecstasy, elation, exaltation, glory, gratification, passion, pleasure, floating, unbridled joy Rigid - adamant, austere, definite, determined, exact, firm, hard, rigorous, solid, stern, uncompromising, unrelenting, unyielding, concrete, fixed, harsh, immovable, inflexible, obstinate, resolute, resolved, severe, steadfast, steady, stiff, strong, strict, stubborn, taut, tense, tight, tough, unbending, unchangeable, unwavering Sudden - abrupt, accelerated, acute, fast, flashing, fleeting, hasty, headlong, hurried, immediate, impetuous, impulsive, quick, quickening, rapid, rash, rushing, swift, brash, brisk, brusque, instant, instantaneous, out of the blue, reckless, rushed, sharp, spontaneous, urgent, without warning Thrust - (forward) advance, drive, forge, impetus, impulsion, lunge, momentum, onslaught, poke, pressure, prod, propulsion, punch, push, shove, power, proceed, progress, propel (push hard) assail, assault, attack, bear down, buck, drive, force, heave, impale, impel, jab, lunge, plunge, press, pound, prod, ram, shove, stab, transfix, urge, bang, burrow, cram, gouge, jam, pierce, punch, slam, spear, spike, stick Thunder-struck - amazed, astonished, aghast, astounded, awestruck, confounded, dazed, dazed, dismayed, overwhelmed, shocked, staggered, startled, stunned, gob-smacked, bewildered, dumbfounded, flabbergasted, horrified, incredulous, surprised, taken aback Torment - agony, anguish, hurt, misery, pain, punishment, suffering, afflict, angst, conflict, distress, grief, heartache, misfortune, nightmare, persecute, plague, sorrow, strife, tease, test, trial, tribulation, torture, turmoil, vex, woe Touch - (physical) - blow, brush, caress, collide, come together, contact, converge, crash, cuddle, embrace, feel, feel up, finger, fondle, frisk, glance, glide, graze, grope, handle, hit, hug, impact, join, junction, kiss, lick, line, manipulate, march, massage, meet, nudge, palm, partake, pat, paw, peck, pet, pinch, probe, push, reach, rub, scratch, skim, slide, smooth, strike, stroke, suck, sweep, tag, tap, taste, thumb, tickle, tip, touching, toy, bite, bump, burrow, buss, bury, circle, claw, clean, clutch, cover, creep, crush, cup, curl, delve, dig, drag, draw, ease, edge, fiddle with, flick, flit, fumble, grind, grip, grub, hold, huddle, knead, lap, lave, lay a hand on, maneuver, manhandle, mash, mold, muzzle, neck, nestle, nibble, nip, nuzzle, outline, play, polish, press, pull, rasp, ravish, ream, rim, run, scoop, scrabble, scrape, scrub, shave, shift, shunt, skate, slip, slither, smack, snake, snuggle, soothe, spank, splay, spread, squeeze, stretch, swipe, tangle, tease, thump, tongue, trace, trail, tunnel twiddle, twirl, twist, tug, work, wrap (mental) - communicate, examine, inspect, perception, scrutinize Wet - bathe, bleed, burst, cascade, course, cover, cream, damp, dampen, deluge, dip, douse, drench, dribble, drip, drizzle, drool, drop, drown, dunk, erupt, flood, flow, gush, immerse, issue, jet, leach, leak, moisten, ooze, overflow, permeate, plunge, pour, rain, rinse, run, salivate, saturate, secrete, seep, shower, shoot, slaver, slobber, slop, slosh, sluice, spill, soak, souse, spew, spit, splash, splatter, spout, spray, sprinkle, spurt, squirt, steep, stream, submerge, surge, swab, swamp, swill, swim, trickle, wash, water Wicked - abominable, amoral, atrocious, awful, base, barbarous, dangerous, debased, depraved, distressing, dreadful, evil, fearful, fiendish, fierce, foul, heartless, hazardous, heinous, immoral, indecent, intense, mean, nasty, naughty, nefarious, offensive, profane, scandalous, severe, shameful, shameless, sinful, terrible, unholy, vicious, vile, villainous, wayward, bad, criminal, cruel, deplorable, despicable, devious, ill-intentioned, impious, impish, iniquitous, irreverent, loathsome, Machiavellian, mad, malevolent, malicious, merciless, mischievous, monstrous, perverse, ruthless, spiteful, uncaring, unkind, unscrupulous, vindictive, virulent, wretched Writhe - agonize, bend, jerk, recoil, lurch, plunge, slither, squirm, struggle, suffer, thrash, thresh, twist, wiggle, wriggle, angle, arc, bow, buck, coil, contort, convulse, curl, curve, fidget, fight, flex, go into spasm, grind, heave, jiggle, jolt, kick, rear, reel, ripple, resist, roll, lash, lash out, screw up, shake, shift, slide, spasm, stir, strain, stretch, surge, swell, swivel, thrust, turn violently, tussle, twitch, undulate, warp, worm, wrench, wrestle, yank
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manufactured-words · 8 years
dropping this here for reference
Stumbled across this random kink-pairing generator and it’s pretty entertaining. Would be a pretty good pwp prompt inspiration I think! :3  
Also I can’t stop clicking the button.
some of these random pairings are amazingly on point:
writing on the skin + mirrors
repression + religious fetishization
gunplay + prison roleplay
biological imperative (heat) + restraint
some of them made me laugh:
domesticity + bukkake
preferential treatment + insults
harems + animal characteristics
beloved hostages + tentacle sex
possessiveness or jealousy +  possessiveness or jealousy
and some are just.  um.:
silence + discomfort during sex
crying/sobbing + premature ejaculation
r u ok
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manufactured-words · 8 years
Scene Kids in my Lucky Charms?
Fandom: Homestuck
Characters: John (21 y/o) / Dirk (14 y/o), Rose y Dave (Mensionados)
Pairings: One-Sided John/Dirk.
Words: 1,816.
Warnings: Diferencia de Edad, Diferencia de altura, Dirk siendo extremandamente avergonzante para cualquiera que recuerde como era en la secundaria. AU.
A/N: Escrito especialmente para mi comadre uvu.
“You were trying to reach for a box of cereal and a whole shelf’s-worth of cereal boxes fell on you here let me help”
Los estudios te tenían demasiado ocupado para poder preocuparte demasiado sobre hacer las compras de los víveres, y muchas de esas veces terminabas comprando algo para comer en el camino del edificio de la facultad hasta tu departamento, llevándote a la situación actual en la que ni tus gabetas ni tu refrigerador tenían algo cercano a ser comestible. Eso sería tan inaceptable para ti en situaciones normales, pero prácticamente estabas viviendo más tiempo en la maldita universidad que en tu departamento al cual llegabas casi solo para dormir o hacer algún proyecto mientras intentabas no babear tus papeles de entrega. Los finales estaban a la vuelta de la esquina, junto a los proyectos finales, proyectos extra para asegurar una calificación honorable o si quiera lograr pasar la misma materia y no ir pensando en como decirle a tu padre que cambiarías tu carrera y ahora serías un vago que pedía cambio en la estación del metro. Aunque seguramente ganarías bastante más que trabajando medio tiempo en ese café del que estabas seguro que su dueña y su hija eran unas brujas del siglo XV que habían permanecido en perfectas condiciones hasta estos días.
"Rose te juro que yo no subí esas sillas a las mesas"
"Si, lo sé. Las subí yo"
"... ¡Pero estabas conmigo en la bodega! ¡Te pedí ayuda para abrir la puerta!"
"Creo que los estudios te están acabando, John. ¿Por qué no vas a descansar?"
Nadie te podía engañar, tú no habías subido las sillas a las mesas y Rose definitivamente te había abierto la puerta de la bodega para que pudieras acomodar las cajas con las bolsas de café. Brujas o no, espíritus encadenados al local o no, comentarios innecesarios de que te afeitaras la barba o no, te pagaban al menos lo suficiente para poder comprar comida y algunas cuantas cosas que pudieras necesitar "No Rose, no necesito una afeitadora" .
No tenías mucho tiempo para ir a grandes super mercados, tampoco tenías realmente como porque el más cercano estaba a unos 15 kilómetros y no tenías auto. Eso era algo que irritaba un poco a tus amigos, el hecho de que tuvieras oficialmente 21 años y no tuvieras un auto con el cual desplazarte, y es que lo veías totalmente innecesario porque podías caminar desde tu departamento hasta la universidad y luego al trabajo o al dormitorio de tus compañeros y amigos. Además de que te encantaba mantenerte activo y con un auto te sentías como que estabas encerrado todo el día.
Para tu fortuna, había una pequeña tienda de conveniencia con todo lo que podrías necesitar a unas cuantas cuadras de tu zona de departamentos. El lugar tenía muy pocas personas en ese día, con solo una chica en el mostrador.  Nunca la habías visto y suponías que debía ser nueva.
A decir verdad, el lugar era bastante extraño pero en el buen sentido. Las paredes estaban pintadas con patrones sacados de los forros de los sillones de un McDonalds de los noventas o algo por el estilo, y de hecho lucía como si todo aquél lugar se hubiera quedado estancado en ese lapso de tiempo. Te brindaba un sentimiento de nostalgia, una muy sobre valorada por las personas en internet. Lo único diferente eran las canciones que se podían escuchar en las desgastadas bocinas colocadas en diferentes partes de la tienda, casi siempre siendo una colección de mixes o algo por el estilo, casi siempre siendo en lo que creías que debía ser japonés y algunas otras en inglés, canciones de los 80's y 90's que tenían un mix diferente. Admitías que unas de esas canciones eran pegadizas y el ritmo en general te agradaba, pero la gran mayoría de ellas eran canciones de elevadores.
Tu pequeño carrito de pronto ya estaba bastante lleno, casi todo con pasta instantánea y diversos dulces ¡Pero Hey! Eras un pobre universitario que se compraba lo que podía con el dinero que se ganaba y no le pedías prestado a tu padre... En gran parte porque te sentías sumamente apenado al hacerlo, ya te estaba pagando la universidad como para ir a joderle cada vez que fueses a comprar algo. No querías ser una carga, ¡Ya eras un adulto!
Lo ultimo que necesitabas era algo para el desayuno, y ya habías atacado la sección de frutas (¡No porque tuvieras el dinero limitado significaba que no pensabas en tu nutrición!), los cereales siempre estaban de oferta y por alguna extraña razón esta tienda era la única en la que podías encontrar Lucky Charms.
Una vuelta en el pasillo y... oh hey, una persona más.
Vale, no te sorprenderías por ver a alguien en el mismo pasillo que tú. Usualmente solo te harías a un lado si es que necesitaba pasar por donde estabas tú e ignorarías casi por completo a esa persona, tampoco notarías grandes rasgos, pero era difícil de no notar justo al sujeto que estaba enfrente de ti. Especialmente porque parecía especialmente decidido a intentar escalar el expositor para alcanzar las cajas de arriba. Él sujeto era bastante pequeño y no parecía tener más de ¿Qué? ¿12 años? Pero lo más llamativo de él es que definitivamente fuera pequeño, no, duh, debía ser seguramente un niño o algo y casi todos terminaban siendo más bajitos que tú porque, en palabras de tu mejor amigo, "dude eres un maldito gigante te comiste todas las reservas de calcio de la nacion o que carajo deja de comer danoninos omg vas a crecer mas y no vas a entrar por las puertas que demonios pasa con tus genes". Lo llamativo del crío es que tenía toda la pinta de ser la terrible fusión de un chico weeaboo más un Scene Kid de los tiempos del MySpace y un emo (que Scene Kid y Emos eran básicamente lo mismo en apariencia, tbh). ¿Cómo? ¿Cómo era posible que tuviera un espécimen como este enfrente suyo intentando escalar la estantería para conseguir una caja de cereal? Oh por Dios, ¿Eso era una de esas cosas de Naruto, una bandana?
Mientras intentabas registrar que demonios era lo que estabas viendo y no actuar como alguien que había visto un unicornio con melena rubia teñida en diferentes secciones de colores sumamente brillantes y una maldita bandana de Naruto, el chico había recurrido a la desesperada decisión de intentar treparse, fallando en su estabilidad y trayendo varias cajas de cereal consigo al suelo. Eso fue suficiente para que pudieras salir de tu extraño estado de shock proporcionado por su apariencia y fueras directamente en su ayuda. Lo más gracioso es que se había traído un montón de cajas consigo, pero ninguna de las que había intentado agarrar.
El niño Scene (por como te ibas a referir a él desde ahora) aun estaba en el suelo, casi tendido y mirando a la nada de una manera muy dramática. Una ultima caja cayó en su cara "Oh God, ¿Estás bien?" Te agachaste para ayudarlo, retirando las cajas de encima suya, y definitivamente intentando no reírte para no hacer sentir peor al pobre chico. Estaba usando lentes de Kamina negros. Dios salvara a este chico del bullying.
No sabías si te estaba mirando o no... bueno, si, si sabías, porque había girado el rostro para poder verte y parecía bastante impactado y de pronto un sonrojo apareció en su rostro. ¡Oh no! ¡Pobre! Debería estarse muriendo de la vergüenza.
De un momento a otro, Scene Kid se levantó como si el piso estuviese muy caliente, dejándote un poco impresionado por lo rápido que había hecho eso y como es que estaba levantando las cajas, empezaste a ayudarlo con su tarea de poner todo en orden, siendo mucho más calmado de lo que el otro podría estar "S-Si, estoy bien, muy bien, sugoi. Perfecto, lo siento voy a levantar esto e-es que mi cereal preferido esta arriba y, Jesús, ¿Por qué siempre tienen que colocarlo en la parte más alta? Deberían pensar en los que tenemos 14 y no medimos más del 1.50, no todos somos altos baras guapos como tú-"  Eso te hizo levantar una ceja. Wow, acababa de referirse a ti como alto y guapo. No tenías ni idea de que significaba bara. Scene Kid parecía haberse dado cuenta de lo que había dicho, boqueando como pez de nuevo "Carajo, mierda yo no quise decir eso. Digo no es que no seas guapo ¡Lo eres! Pero Uhm ... uhm" Palabra tras palabra el chico parecía enredarse aun más en lo que intentaba decir y su rostro comenzaba a pintarse de un imposible rojo encendido hasta que finalmente se quedó congelado por completo, y realmente no sabías como reaccionar a todos sus intentos fallidos por intentar sonar coherente, así que naturalmente, solo dejaste que una risa sincera escapara de ti confundiendo y relajando al pobre adolescente.
"Calma, sé apreciar los halagos.  Pero basta de mi, ¿Seguro que estás bien?" El rostro del menor se puso aun más rojo, si es que eso se podía. Era en cierta forma adorable, parecía que quería volver a echarse todas las cajas encima y desparecer.
Suspiró una vez más " Si " volteó a ver hacia las cajas. Hmm, intentaba alcanzar los Lucky Charms.
"Deja te ayudo. ¿Querías una de las de arriba, No?" Estiraste un poco el brazo y tan fácil como eso tomaste dos cajas, una para ti y la otra para el chico Scene, extendiendosela para que la tomara "Aquí tienes" Sonreíste con amabilidad para que tuviera más confianza y el rubio la tomó, aunque le tomó bastante tiempo para hacerlo y no recibiste un agradecimiento inmediato. En realidad, lo único que viste es como un rayo rojo tomaba la caja y corría fuera del pasillo. Impresionantemente, cinco minutos después escuchaste el timbre de las puertas automáticas abrirse.
¿Qué demonios había pasado? Tenías que contarle a Dave más tarde sobre lo que había pasado. Pero por ahora ibas a terminar tus compras.
Decidiste salir corriendo de ese lugar tan rápido como pudiste porque... ¡Porque si! Tu corazón se había acelerado demasiado y lo último que se te vino a la mente en hacer cuando un hombre extremadamente guapo había tomado a bien toda la mierda vocal que había salido de ti e incluso te había ayudado en tu intento patético por alcanzar la caja de un cereal que ni siquiera necesitabas en ese momento. Incluso para cuando llegaste a tu casa, porque no paraste hasta que subiste el ultimo maldito piso del enorme edificio en el que vivías, tu corazón seguía latiendo contra el pecho como la maldita colegiala que eras y el rostro aun lo sentías terriblemente caliente.
No volverías a comprar en ningún otro lugar más que ese. No te comerías nunca el cereal de esa caja.
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manufactured-words · 8 years
Here are some aus, divided in different themes.
College themed
I’m really passionate about this cause and I will give you this flier if I have to shove it down your throat
My roommate’s boyfriend is staying over so can I please sleep on your floor
We’re studying in the library and there are two people very obviously fucking in the stacks and we keep sharing embarrassed glances
You peed on my car. You were drunk. I was in the car. There will be hell to pay
My friend dragged me to this party and I just saw my ex quick make out with me
It’s 3am, in the dead of winter, some motherfucker pulled/set off the fire alarm and I am being very vocal about how I’m gonna make that fucker pay
I swear I’m wearing this Batman costume because of a dare
Accidentally knocked on the wrong dorm room college au
Heard a scream and thought you were getting killed but it was just a spider
Somehow, we always end up sitting next to each other during the weekly gatherings to watch [Game of Thrones, SVU, Rupaul’s Drag Race, pick a show] in our dorm’s really good TV room 
I took a bunch of free condoms from health services just because i could and they all fell out of my bag at once and now you’re staring at me weirdly
Awkward first meeting themed
“This horrible umbrella won’t extend! Oh shit I just hit you in the stomach/crotch! I’m so sorry!”
“I just tripped and fell face first into your crotch, god end my life now please.”
“I drunkenly tried to fight you and knocked myself out but you were kind enough to take care of me till I woke up.”
Trapped in a bank during a robbery 
“I met you last night when you were drunkenly patting my dog in my backyard at 3 in the morning and when i asked you what the hell you were doing you slurred something about dogs being great and then you threw up on my feet and then fifteen minutes later you were passed out on my couch so that’s why you’re here right now also what the fuck is your name and why were you patting a dog in a stranger’s backyard in the middle of the night”
“Last night was a haze for both of us and somehow we woke up hungover in a bed that isn’t either of ours and also neither of us recognize this apartment we should probably get out of here before someone calls the cops on us”
“You found me hanging by my fingertips from your window and i don’t want to tell you i was trying to rob you but idk how else to explain this and i don’t want to go to jail and also you’re kind of cute we should make out when i’m not clinging onto your window ledge for my life”
‘you thought i was someone else and started making out with me at a club and you’re really hot so i just went with it and now we’re heading back to your place and idk how to break it to you’
‘we’re two thirds of the threesome we had last night and we’re walking awkwardly out of the last persons’s apartment together’
‘i’ve had a really awful day so i started kicking a car out of frustration and it turned out to be your car i’m so sorry’
“I ordered pizza but the pizzeria got my order wrong so now I’m screaming at my really cute pizza delivery boy because I’m angry and very hungry”
Nobility themed
“your country’s trying to take over/annex my country and you’re making it difficult to hate you because you’re so nice and attractive stop it”
“we’ve been engaged to be married since we were three but this is the first time we’ve met and your portraits really don’t do you justice”
“i’m a prince/ss and you’re a servant and we’re not supposed to hang out but we’re gonna fall in love anyways”
Opposites attract themed
a hopeless romantic and a single-but-proud meet at a store on valentine’s day. the latter is buying valentine cards ironically, the former buying them sincerely in hopes of getting a date
a scary-looking person who unintentionally makes kids cry and a daycare volunteer meet at a children-filled park
rebellious teenager who’s failing all their classes is assigned a studious tutor
really distinguished food critic and fast food chef
a hopeless romantic and a horny beast are set up on a blind date
High school themed
“We’re the only ones in detention”
“I desperately need my books but my locker is blocked and you’re the only one in the hall”
“Someone wrote I’m cute in the bathroom stall and your notes match the handwriting”
“I twisted my ankle and you’re the only one here strong enough to carry me to the nurse’s office but we’re both really awkward”
“We were both left out when everyone was picking partners and now we always choose each other when we have classes together”
“I lent you my cool pencil months ago and you still use it”
“I accidentally took your notebook thinking it was mine and you have really nice handwriting and cute doodles”
“You started sitting by me at lunch because I’m alone at my table but we never talk to each other”
“I was really hungry but had no money and you bought me lunch even though I don’t know you”
“I left my phone number on the bathroom stall wall and you text me about your day and your frustrations for a month & it’s really nice and cute but I still don’t know who you are”
“I fell asleep on your couch after a party but you didn’t complain and made breakfast for the both of us”
sharing a textbook and leaving each other notes and answers in page corners
found their phone number in a library book
dancing partners
younger siblings are best friends
playing romantic interests in a play
“yes i understand that it’s may and this classroom is stuffy but why are you taking your shirt off and why aren’t you in trouble (not that i mind)”
“i can’t believe you dropped the frog we’re dissecting on tHE FLOOR WHAT THE FUCK”
“i’m fightin this person and they shoved me into u im sooo sorry- oh hey you’re cute- oH MY GOD UR KICKIN ASS MARRY ME!!! PLEASE!!!!”
“you asked me to prom by filling my locker with ping pong balls that say “prom?” on them but i tripped on one and smacked my head on a locker but thanks for taking me to the nurse!!! i still want to go with you!!”
Ridicously sentence themed
“I’m going to need you to put on some underwear before you say anything else.“ 
“Quick catch that cat it stole my wallet!”
“I hope you know that my name is actually ________.”
“That is the tenth demon summoning this week holy shit.”
“Please put me down it’s just a sprained ankle" 
“Why exactly do you need chloroform at 2AM?”
“I’m like 75% this won’t explode on us.”
“I understand the whole sleep talking thing but what I don’t understand is the princess dragon dream and why I’m in it.”
“I’m sorry that I got way too into playing house and accidentally kissed you passionately.”
Height difference themed
“I’m in a bookshop and I really need that book can you get it for me??? Wait you’ve read that book? let’s have an in depth conversation about it.”
“You were trying to reach for a box of cereal and a whole shelf’s-worth of cereal boxes fell on you here let me help”
“We’re both baristas and sometimes I have trouble reaching for things and I show up to work one day to find a personalized stool with hearts and my name on it i hATE YOU but also thanks”
“You are very tall and I am very short so you run into me all the time and honestly this is getting ridiculous”
I’m in art class and I just opened a cupboard to find a tiny person (you) squished inside and you just looked at and said “shh i’m hiding”
“We’re on the bus and I’m really not trying to take up your space I’m sorry I just have rlly rlly long legs” 
“You’re afraid that you’ll lose me in big crowds so you always hold my hand but now you just hold my hand when there’s only, like, five people around and I’m getting vry suspicious” 
Reincarnation themed
I fell in love with you three lifetimes ago and I’ve been looking for you ever since but I’ve been starting to give up and my friend’s new crush has your eyes and oh god I’m not going to steal someone’s date just because I’m hoping you’re the person I met in a past life
We keep reincarnating as people who speak different languages and it’s kind of pissing me off because I can never initially confirm if it’s you but at least I keep learning a bunch of cool new languages each lifetime
Mythical creatures themed
“i’m a newly-turned werewolf without a pack and i can’t really control myself well on full moon nights yet and you keep finding me passed out naked on your lawn”
“i got cursed and turned into an animal and taken to the shelter and ended up getting adopted by someone who is really hot OH NO”
“i’m a history major and i keep getting into arguments with one of my classmates about things because they keep saying i’m wrong so i finally scream, ‘how would you know?!?’ and they’re like, ‘because i was THERE!’ and that’s how we all find out that there is a centuries-old vampire taking our British history class”
Funny meeting at a party themed
“i was on my balcony and you started loudly quoting romeo and juliet at me”
“spilled my drink down your shirt and then tried to drink it off you”
“we had an impromptu rap duet in the middle of the party”
“you kept asking everyone to play the cha cha slide then proceeded to pass out when the song started”
“you keep shouting “THIS IS MY JAM” at every song that comes on i have a headache the size of nebraska you’re lucky you’re cute”
“whenever you saw me you’d shout ‘WHOOOOOOOOO’ really loudly and then do finger guns at me before walking off to god knows where”
“you thought I was your friend and pulled me up on the table to dance with you now you’re shirtless and grinding on me”
“you got up to the mic and started singing and holy shit you’re really good???”
“you’re really bad at beer pong but you do this really cute dance before you throw the ball so I’m letting you stay on my team”
“our mutual friend dared the two of us to chug a whole pint of beer and I’m not going to let you beat me”
“we both grabbed for the last bottle of the good beer and i’m not saying we’re going to fight for it but we are”
Competitive themed
we’re both ‘team leaders’ at a summer camp for little people and you may be hot but goddammit my collection of twelve-year-olds are going to beat yours into the dust
I used to be the best baker in the neighbourhood but then you showed up at Mrs Appleby’s 80th birthday with a stack of brownies which almost gave me an orgasm my honour is at stake and I’m going all out for the next event
a mutual friend invited us to their laser tag party and we’re the last two alive on opposite teams and goddammit if I’m going down you’re going down with me
you’re going to be at the halloween party and you’ve won best costume for the past three years but this year I am wearing the best costume ever if you defeat me I will eat my - wait you actually look really cute when did you turn hot what the fuck um
we’re always making stupid bets like ‘bet you can’t drink this whole bottle of BBQ sauce’ but then you did and now you’re sick and I feel really bad here let me look after you
did you actually just blue shell me on our date you fucker
“We’re bad at dating” themed
I can’t tell whether this is a date because you asked to see a movie but I’m still not sure you’re queer, and I’m toeing the line because maybe you’re just trying to make friends
I decided to flip a coin about every decision in my life for a week and that’s how we ended up on a date
We’re both meant to be going on blind dates with other people but we sat down at the wrong table and got our hopes up
We had one really bad date and never spoke again and now our friends have set us up on a blind date
We’re going on a blind date - but wait a moment, aren’t you that went down on me in a back alley behind a club year ago? … what do you mean “which one”?
You’re my waiter and I’m on a really crappy date with an asshole
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manufactured-words · 8 years
ok but srsly i’m going to reblog this one bcs i haven’t seen as much petstuck as before and come on, petstuck gamzee is the most beautiful thing in the world
Imagine Gamzee in petstuck, imagine that he is the last of his friends to get a owner because he js too old to be adopted or too big and problematic. Imagine that John adopts Gamzee because he thinks he is a one big baby.
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manufactured-words · 8 years
Give me a ship and your OTP song for them and I’ll write you a ficlet gooooo
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manufactured-words · 9 years
Perhaps it’s my age speaking, but I’m starting to miss the way fandom used to be fifteen years ago. Mostly since back then the concepts of ‘darkfic’ and ‘don’t like, don’t read’ were properly understood and adhered to (usually). The situation with darkfics was interesting in particular, because the entire premise was that the author could write incredibly fucked-up things, with the understanding on their part that shit was indeed very messed-up and with no pretense to the contrary (what usually gets termed ‘romanticization’ these days).  
Now? You’ve got to run an entire rigmarole of explaining the difference between romanticization and just straight-up exploring a horrible dynamic in writing as, you know, a writer. And even after that, you’ll probably have to deal with the whole invasive ‘explain every trauma you might’ve gone through, so strangers who otherwise don’t care if you exist can decide if they give you Permission to use writing as a coping mechanism’ mess. Fucking hell.
I’ve said it before. Learn to tell the difference between fantasy and reality. Learn to tell the difference between what someone explores on the page as a writer and what that same person believes and advocates in their day-to-day life.
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manufactured-words · 9 years
A lot of fiction, both adult and young adult, particularly fiction that is parodying or paralleling the real world, is not a safe space. And you know what? It shouldn’t be. Celebrate unsafe fiction. Challenging fiction that presents ideas which make you, the reader, uncomfortable. Fiction which elicits extremes of emotion, whether that’s anger or sadness or happiness or excitement or the need to go out and fuck the nearest person. Fiction which can make you, the reader, think critically about the world around you and see little nuances you maybe missed before and understand why things seemed so goddamn janky. Fiction which makes you, the reader, realise that the world can be all of cruel and kind and loving and unfair and cold and prejudiced and accepting and different. Fiction which makes you, the reader, aware of your own flaws and your own strengths and your own prejudices and your own beliefs. Fiction which shows minority groups struggling with oppression. Fiction which shows minority groups overcoming oppression. Fiction which shows minority groups not overcoming oppression but trying their damnedest anyway. Fiction which makes you, the reader, think critically about how minority groups are treated in your own culture. Fiction which reflects the real world notion that not every dickhead gets a karmaic comeuppance and sometimes the worst people succeed and the best people fail because that is how it is in real life. Not all fiction is a safe space, and it shouldn’t be. Authors should be free to write horrible things and portray prejudice in their world and show how their characters are oppressed or repressed or depressed or simply unimpressed. The content of the fiction should not be assumed to reflect the author’s beliefs. The content of the fiction should not be assumed to reflect the author’s beliefs.
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manufactured-words · 9 years
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manufactured-words · 9 years
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gayliens (gay aliens)
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manufactured-words · 9 years
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when did it become 1 am
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manufactured-words · 9 years
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Cronus stahp
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manufactured-words · 9 years
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SLAM DUNKS SOME SOLLUX PICTURES. My moirail @kicking-puppies did my gray which I was in for a few hours but I didn’t like how I looked in gray. So have a shiit ton of Human Sollux. Gonna tag @gummydicksandpixiestixs since it’s his design for Sollux I wore.
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manufactured-words · 9 years
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My wig looks better and better everyday 😊
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manufactured-words · 9 years
Masterpost of Masterposts
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I love when the witchy people of tumblr share their knowledge by creating incredibly useful masterposts of information. I made this “masterpost of masterposts” to act as a running directory of such resources. If you see any errors (such as credit or misinformation) please contact me and I will make any necessary changes.
Witchcraft 101 / Paganism 101 / Basics
The PunkGreenWitch’s Beginner Witchcraft masterpost
Windvexer’s Baby Witch masterpost
Windvexer’s Making Friends With Magic masterpost
Mysticism-n-magic’s witchy links masterpost
Thiscrookedcrown’s resources masterpost
Thepaganstudygroup’s author masterpost
Snwitch’s pagan 101 masterpost
Snwitch’s becoming a witch masterpost
Witchtip’s beginner witchcraft resources masterpost
Magicusersresource’s path directory masterpost
Witchbxbe’s witchy masterpost (a mix of useful posts)
Types of Witchcraft
Rainydaywitchcraft’s Types of Witches masterpost
Popculturewitch’s pop culture witchcraft masterpost
Miss mango’s secular witchcraft masterpost
Holidays / Rituals
Geekinglikeaboss’ blessed Yule masterpost
Naturalmagics’ Samhein General Guide masterpost
Natural-magic’s Yule general guide
Natural-magic’s Imbolc general guide masterpost
Natural-magic’s Ostara general guide masterpost
Natural-magic’s Beltane general guide masterpost
Natural-magic’s Litha general guide masterpost
Natural-magic’s Lamas general guide masterpost
Natural-magic’s Mabon general guide masterpost
Natural-magic’s Samhain general guide masterpost
Moonalmonds candle color and meaning masterpost
Thewitchesjournal herb masterpost
Witchtip’s stones and crystals masterpost
Thecatandthewitch’s magical correspondences of food masterpost
Satinsouled’s incenses by use (correspondences) masterpost
Artsy-witch’s magical waters masterpost
Tarigrove’s correspondences for luck spells masterpost
sirel-vemiel’s essential oil magickal correspondences masterpost
Spells / Charms / Crafting
Atypical pagan spell’s masterpost
Witchtip’s herbal amulet masterpost
Witchtip’s budget witchcraft supplies masterpost
Foresthoney’s magic knot masterpost
Magicusersresource’s prosperity & money spells masterpost
Recreationalwitchcraft’s bath magic, where to begin masterpost
Kitchen/Hearth Witchery
spell-of-the-month’s herbs and spices associated with money magic masterpost
Moonstonebeginning’s domestic witch tips, charms, and omens masterpost
foresthoney’s herbal remedy stress masterpost
herbalriots herbs for your medicine cabinet masterpost
Idontusemycauldren’s magical herbal teas masterpost
Windvexer’s shielding masterpost
Thesigilwitch’s protection and shielding masterpost
Energy work / Elemental work
Snwitch’s energy work masterpost
Windvexer’s shielding masterpost 
Divination / Scrying / Communication 
Arcanemysterie’s tarot masterpost
Theouijagirl’s Ouija FAQ masterpost
the-daily-diviner’s diviation masterpost
Satinsouled’s divination symbols masterpost
Thesigilwitch’s FAQ masterpost (includes a lot of resource links)
Thesigilworkshop’s list of (sigil) resources masterpost
carpeumbra’s sigil masterpost (lots of gifs!)
Deities / Mythology / Fae 
Vilarp’s mythology and deity resources masterpost
Gardenofthequeen’s resource list of all things faerie masterpost
Naturalmagic’s deities masterpost (a running list)
Astrology / Space witchery 
Astrologymarina’s Astrology blogpost masterpost
Pastelastrology’s astrology blogs masterpost
secretsofthezodiac’s astrology masterpost
astrocelestial’s planets in astrology and what they represent masterpost
Reading lists / authors / books
Wiccanwolfe’s Witch / Pagan free ebook and pdf masterpost
natural-magic’s books and resources masterpost
Duskenpath’s poison research masterpost
Duskenpath’s otherkin masterpost
Asksecularwitch’s paradigm masterpost
Unmaskingthedivine’s shadow work masterpost 
Stsathyre’s pagan posts of 2015 masterpost (a mix of pagan related posts)
Recreationalwitchcraft’s limited witchcraft masterpost
Hereditarywitch’s magic for anxiety/depression masterpost
rainydaywitchcraft’s sea witch’s guide to seashells masterpost
**Disclaimer: this is a collection of links that I thought would be helpful. I did not create any of the above content within the links. If you are confused or have concerns about any of the material please contact the original creator.
If you know of a link that would fit on this list please feel free to share. :3
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manufactured-words · 9 years
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