manykey · 4 months
eagle eyed viewers may notice in my star wars dandelions au that blaine and litzy r both the only force sensitives and both pretty mechanically inclined! this is because i'm a subscriber to the belief that that force sensitives make better (read: riskier, but it pays off) pilots, and that a machine operating to the best of its ability can carry a sense of rightness in the force. i'm not sure if there's a canon basis to this or if it's just conjecture based on the amount of force sensitive ace-pilots through the series, but i like it so i use it.
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manykey · 4 months
'why are lauriam and litzy zabraks in star wars dandelions au' you ask. well. the following reasons: - zabraks having two hearts is an important plot point for me to make litzy's death into a presumed death scenario instead so i can more closely follow what plot i'm running with for kh4 in this au - don't you think strelitzia deserves to have kickass horns. don't you think that's the least of what she's earned.
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manykey · 4 months
this is a locked-room found family au that takes place a few years ABY (post-original trilogy, for the uninitiated), mostly because that's the era i got paid to know about. please note this is inspired by me a) loving the rebels setting and b) knowing way too much about star wars. this is a partial description of backgrounds and how everyone came to be in the same place!
blaine is a force-sensitive corellian human and the pilot of freelance cargo ship Daybreak.
skuld is a corellian chalactan and, of this cast of characters, the only one who knows blaine's backstory. they both wanted to do something other than build ships on corellia their whole lives, and managed to save up for a ship and get a business started. she claims to be both the brains and the brawn of the operation because of her position of 'having more common sense' and 'could not be blown over by a strong breeze'. she is correct on both counts.
the Daybreak is a hyperspeed-capable light freighter that is, like most light freighters, now unrecognizable from the way it was bought because of how many customizations it has. as a freelance ship, they subcontract with shipping companies, private shipping needs, and are able to regularly take better paying but less-than-scrupulous jobs. they do not transport sentients under any circumstances.
ephemera is our sweet shrimp farmer from Felucia way out in the outer rim (look up "star wars blue shrimp". yes it tastes good btw). he looks like a human and talks like a human, making him a human by all accounts. eph met blaine and skuld after he took a short job for some quick credits while he was out making his own way in the galaxy, and they grew close enough to offer him a permanent place on the crew. he's been known to turn on the outer rim charm to get the three of them a better cut of a deal.
C41-R1, or Chirithy to friends, is a C-series astromech (closer to cheep than chopper in appearance, if that means anything to you) who is besties with ephemera. strelitzia helped him mod his standard access adapter (scomp link) setup so he can more efficiently flip people off and they've been inseparable since. eph would be jealous but he's too busy being impressed.
lauriam & strelitzia are coruscanti zabraks. i may change this to make them being from nar shaddaa because i'm the #1 coruscant hater in this galaxy, but unfortunately it makes sense for the setting (and other characters bullying them for being from coruscant). regardless. like their canon, lauriam raising his sister was difficult but full of love. lauriam is a jack-of-all-trades type, but strelitzia has a knack for mechanics (and can fit in small spaces to repair them).
while traveling to the mid-rim for a reason i haven't yet decided, the transport carrying them was attacked and they ended up marooned on a minor spaceport. unable to find or purchase a way back home, lauriam negotiated that he and litzy would perform much-needed system repairs on the Daybreak in exchange for safe passage home. this was a feat in and of itself, as blaine believed this to be a violation of their 'no sentient cargo' rule. everything spiraled from there and now here they are with the rest of the crew.
strelitzia is force sensitive, and has the ability known as psychometry, which means when she touches something, she sees and feels 'echos' of it in the force. at the moment, the only way she manages this is by wearing gloves and sticking closer to her brother since her mental shields are. bad. blaine realizing litzy is also force sensitive was a significant factor in lauriam and strelitzia becoming permanent crew members.
ventus met strelitzia one time while the Daybreak was on some nowhere planet between jobs and she adopted him as a new brother on sight. no one knows anything about him and they're not going to start knowing any time soon. lauriam keeps threatening to drop him off at the nearest orphanage but the general consensus is its probably healthy for strelitzia to have a friend her own age for once, so he stays. blaine wants to know when this ship became a daycare.
would u guys still love me if i infodumped my khux dandelions star wars au. chirithy is a droid.
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manykey · 4 months
would u guys still love me if i infodumped my khux dandelions star wars au. chirithy is a droid.
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manykey · 10 months
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the kh3 epilogue/foreteller reunion is an event that lives rent free in my brain.
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manykey · 10 months
watched nimona. cried. am absolutely going to steal some things for ava. especially most of (with obvious exceptions, which is also true of ava) their forms having some little bit of pink in them no matter what. like when nimona is mimicking bal at the start but the grey streak in his hair is pink? that’s perfect. 
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manykey · 11 months
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Really quickly tapping back into my kingdom hearts roots bc I will never not want to draw my favorite daughter in cute outfits
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manykey · 11 months
hello gay people on my dashboard: if you want to join a tiny back cover watch party, click this link
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manykey · 11 months
*making out with you* *stops* i think someone just split the timelines
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manykey · 1 year
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“ if i don’t run through the streets of shinjuku while playing the flute, who’s going to give these people their sense of whimsy? the money they get back from taxes? i don’t think so. ”
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manykey · 1 year
Uhh Brain from khux?
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his cap full of secrets….
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manykey · 1 year
im a proponent of the theory that, in addition to all the ‘important’ stuff, some of the copies of the Book have weird, non-specific prophecies in them scribbled in the margins. the exact date and time of blaine having a weird ingredient sandwich for lunch. etc.  
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manykey · 1 year
“ i guess if things have to end again, i’m glad i get to be around for it this time. ” better than all the years wondering and alone, willing to give anything if she had anything left to know what happened to the dandelions.
“ well — ” she raps her knuckles against the side of the building, heels kicking against the top story. “ knock on... roof. ” there’s still time for things to go the way they did hundreds of years ago; in the darkest corners of strelitzia’s mind, there always is.
@manykey // judgement & easter lily
" it isn't over until it's over, " he begins as he stares across the cityscape, " but i am starting to suspect this game will be reaching its conclusion sooner than we think. " she's different than the others here, too, even if neither of them talk about it—it's something he doesn't feel he can talk about, whatever familiarity it is that recognizing her as other to this particular reality in a way not dissimilar to himself.
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some part of him suspects they don't need to talk about it, at least so long as they're here.
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manykey · 1 year
sorry im late i was wrestling a gator for s’more privileges
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manykey · 1 year
(rotates her and shakes up and down firmly)
an uncountable number of pebbles, sparkly rocks, a bell, two safety pins, a pen, four mismatched scrunchies, the cap to a permanent marker, a doll-size tennis racquet, and no less than 1.28 dollars in small coins hit the pavement.
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" you are the wooooorst. "
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manykey · 1 year
normalize having to pick up your baby sister by the ankles and shake her periodically or else all the rocks and cool shit shes picked up from the ground will tear holes in her pockets 
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manykey · 1 year
strelitzia still uses starlight as her keyblade! but unlike her time in leopardus, by the time sora arrives in quadratum she’s upgraded it to its third form. there is (obviously) shit to fight in afterlife shibuya/shinjuku, so she’s had a lot more practice and is noticeably (at least to herself) improved in both the magical and physical aspects of combat. 
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