maplewonder · 3 months
Started to read “Crime and Punishment” by Fyodor Dostoevsky!
There are any suggestions of books that you would like to recommend for me?
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maplewonder · 4 months
-Big world and the small Aizel-
[ Chapter 2-Sadness ]
Later they slept under a newspaper sheet,
In the morning, when Aizel woke up, he saw the dog by his side. The rat was worried since he hadn’t moved for hours.
He checked on him, but unfortunately, he was cold and not breathing, which just could mean he was not alive.
Aizel was used to losing his friends to hunger, cold, disease, and many other terrible things that took his family and friends lives.
He was sad, but he knew that this old dog had been suffering since way before he met him. The old dog was so thin that you could even see his bones; he was very old and very sick.
“It was better that way," the young rat told himself while recovering from the shock of his new friend’s death.
He covered the dog with a few newspaper sheets he found around him.
It took some time until the rat continued his adventure; now he was alone, but he promised the dog he would be strong and brave just like he was.
He was exploring the beautiful park, walking next to the trees, looking for something new. All of a sudden, he saw a creature that looked just like him, but with thick fur and a bushy tail.
Aizel: Hey, you in the tree, what are you?
Squirrel : Can’t you tell??? I’m a squirrel!! What are you doing here, rat?
The squirrel was disgusted by Aizel’s presence.
Aizel: Why are you acting like this? I’m not dirty. I take baths every day! And I might be a little ugly, but I’m a good rat.
Squirrel : enough!! Don’t say anything, rat!!
Aizel: Anyway…. Have a nice day. Cool squirrel.
Aizel wondered why the squirrel treated him like this; he wasn’t a bad rat and did nothing to be considered disgusting. “It only might be this squirrel’s problem, not mine."
Aizel had a terrible morning and a weird evening with a very rude squirrel. What more could happen today?
While Aizel was thinking about that a very big bird, a crow approaching him…
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maplewonder · 4 months
-Big world and the small Aizel-
[Chapter 1 - the beginning]
Aizel was a rat who dreamed about going to the outside world to explore beyond the place where he grew up.
One day, when he was old enough, he got his things and went on this risky adventure in this unknown world.
After leaving the manhole and going to see the light of the sky, Aizel saw the world he had always dreamed of seeing.
Cars, people, big buildings, He was amused by everything around him because everything was new to this young rat.
With the mixed feelings of being excited and frightened about the big world he would face, he asked the dog next to a trash can for some information about where he could go.
Aizel: Excuse me, could you tell me a good place for rats?
The dog laughed exaggeratedly at the question that Aizel asked.
Dog: You must be kidding, lad. There is no place for rats or stray animals here; you can just be next to the trash cans and eat what you have here. You can’t go anywhere where the humans are, or you die.
Aizel was surprised by the dog’s answer; now he understood why everyone in his mischief was so frightened to go outside.
Would it be the end of his adventure? No, he didn’t give up, faced his fear, and proceeded to explore.
Aizel: Hey, sir, dog! Why don’t you go with me? I’m smart, and you are strong.
Dog: Oh, lad, I’m not as strong as I used to be; I’m thin and old now.
Aizel: I will find you food and water if you come with me!
Dog: Ok, lad, I have nothing to do in this place anyway.
Then Aizel and the dog proceeded with their adventure. Now looking for food, the rat smelled food from the park.
Aizel: Hey dog, I heard human ladies are afraid of rats, so I go and scare her, and you get her food.
The dog nodded, then did everything exactly as the little rat planned. It worked.
Dog: You’re the smartest rat I ever saw, little lad!!
Aizel: I told you you could go with me!
Later they slept under a newspaper sheet, in the morning when Aizel woke up he saw the dog….
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maplewonder · 4 months
Meow was a black cat who loved eating fruits. She could not resist them.
Then one day she saw a delicious fruit, this time it was a unique fruit that she had never eaten before, without thinking twice, she ate the fruit carefully to not get caught.
some time later she felt sleepy and fell into a deep sleep…
She woke up inside a vase. She was sitting in the dirt, very confused. When she looked up, she saw the huge succulent.
“Oh no, I got smaller!! The fruit made me small!!”
She tried calling for her owner but she was too small to be heard.
When she had already given up on calling her owner, she saw a huge mealybug. Terrified, Meow remembered that they were there looking for food, so she got the fruit she was holding and handed it to the mealybug.
The mealybug happy now let meow be in their back.
Playing with the mealybug for a while she saw her owner approaching the plant
“HEY HEY I’M HERE, I’M HERE!!!!” She yelled
Her owner couldn’t heard, meow saw that she brought an watering can and poured into the plant, when the water touched heri, meow got in her normal size.
She left jumping happily while her owner was confused and asked herself where meow came from.
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