maralvarezcordova · 2 years
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          “just having a smoke, myself,” he answers, shrugging a shoulder. and a drink, but that’s not important. he can do that all night! “don’t s’pose you’re interested in a light?”
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          “Oh.   Okay.   As  long  as  I’m  not  bothering  you.”   She  smiled  and  leaned  against  the  wall.   “Um,   that’s  not  really  my  thing.   Thanks  for  the  offer  though.   It’s  a  nice  night,   huh?   I  love  when  the  weather  starts  to  get  cooler.” 
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maralvarezcordova · 2 years
location: the satanic soiree participants: ciarán o’connell & open ( @c23starters​ )
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ciarán had made himself at home on one of club nyx’s couches, his feet resting on the table and his arms folded behind his head. the belt of his costume had come undone, revealing the boxers and white t-shirt underneath, but he was simply too relaxed or perhaps too drunk to care. “please tell me you’ve brought me a drink,” he smiled, not bothering to open his eyes to see who’d chosen to join him. “i’m absolutely parched.” 
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          Clubs  were  not  really  her  thing,   but  Maritza  felt  like  she  had  to  celebrate  Halloweeen.   It  was  after  all  one  of  her  favorite  holidays.   As  a  kid,   she  remembered  the  happier  times  when  she  and  her  parents  would  go  trick  or  treating.   They  always  had  a  good  time  in  neighborhoods  that  gave  out  good  treats.   “No,   I  didn’t.   The  bar  is  a  bit  difficult  to  get  to  right  this  second,   but  if  you  help  push  past  all  the  people,   I  can  grab  something  for  us.”   She  let  out  a  little  laugh.  
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maralvarezcordova · 2 years
status: closed for @smitebound​ location: satanic soiree  when: 31 october
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          “Ah,   no,   it’s  a  little  loud.   I’m  taking  a  bit  of  a  break.   You  can  go  back  in,”   Maritza  answered  her  friend  who  bounded  back  towards  the  club  and  went  inside.   “Hello.   Sorry  am  I  bothering  you?” 
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maralvarezcordova · 2 years
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MARITZA ALVAREZ-CORDOVA as juliet capulet 
Maritza  is  always  one  to  go  with  a  softer  costume,   this  year  she  dressed  as  Juliet  from  Romeo + Juliet.   She  added  the  crown  and  earrings  as  posted  in  the  photo.   She’s  wearing  a  simple  glittery  makeup  look  and  a  ton  of  glitter.   Her  costume  is  a  simple  white  dress  and  angel  wings  and  a  cross  necklace,   but  other  than  that  it’s  a  simple  look.   One  might  actually  just  mistake  her  as  an  angel  if  they’ve  never  seen  the  movie.
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maralvarezcordova · 2 years
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         with his own inexperience with food, fins can’t rightfully agree or disagree with the statement. even so, he finds himself accepting of the opinion. how could it be wrong? what she had offered him had certainly been tasty. “i’ve never tried to buy anything from those carts,” he admits, gills fluttering at his throat. there are times where he’s considered it, but the people manning the kiosk have always been easily frightened. “how do you make them?”
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          Food  was  one  of  those  things  that  had  always  brought  her  family  together.   Even  when  her  parents  were  fighting,   food  was  the  thing  they’d  always  done  as  a  family.   When  they  divorced  and  Maritza  went  between  them  during  the  year,   food  was  still  something  she  did  with  her  parents.   “Really?   Samara’s  cart  is  lovely.”   Sure  they  probably  would  be  unnerved  by  a  mutant  like  him,   but  honestly,   Maritza  had  never  been  phased  by  them.   “Yeah,   if  you  wanted  to  come  over.   Basically  you  need  some  sort  of  meat,   beans,   cheese  and  a  tortilla.   And  then  other  fillings  if  you  want.” 
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maralvarezcordova · 2 years
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cassia had never been a fan of taking notes, so she’d opted for planting several recording devices around her office. the pen and paper were more of an illusion, hence why she chose to focus on maritza instead of what she was writing down. “i can do that,” she confirmed, “i’ll need a city and date,” this part she would make sure to write down, “and any details you can remember. i’ll also need a dna sample, a few strands of hair will do.”
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          It  was  strange  talking  about  this  since  her  parents  seemed  to  have  always  acted  like  this  didn’t  happen.   It  wasn’t  part  of  her  past  because  no  one  knew  about  it.   Just  a  summer  in  Boston,   nothing  strange  happened.   “Um,   it  was...   Boston.   Twenty  two  years  ago.   Um,   end  of  October.   I  stayed  with  a  family  friend  who  was...   a  doctor  so  I  didn’t  go  to  a  hospital.   But  I  left  him  at  a  church.  I  named  him  Matteo.”   Maritza  tried  to  remember  more  but  couldn’t.   “I  can’t  remember  much  else,   but  um,   if  I  do  remember,   I  can  call  you.   And  sure,   I  can  leave  some  hair.” 
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maralvarezcordova · 2 years
Matteo tilted his head to the right slightly, eyebrows furrowed as he listens to the lady in front of him explain herself. “Uh, good for you then I guess. Someone’s gotta help people, so, you know, nice job” He gives her a thumbs up as he collects the rest of the papers that were spread on the desk to at least clear it off a little bit. Matteo will go through them at the next lull to actually organize them, maybe. “Sure, do whatever. There’s some pretty bad coffee at the machine-” He points towards the cappuccino machine “And the couches aren’t too stained right now so..” Matteo offers before laughing quietly “Don’t worry, not gonna press you for any details.” He’d probably learn all about it next time William came through.
“Who’d you piss off enough for them to trick you into coming to a motel like this?” Matteo asks, genuinely curious. He supposed it only made sense for a lawyer to have enemies, their whole job involved someone either getting into or out of trouble. Lots of feathers to be ruffled that way. “Sure am, I’ve had some close calls, but you know, always got away by the skin of my teeth” Matteo twirls a pen between his fingers.
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          “Sorry  did  that  sound  like  I  was  bragging?”   At  least  her  parents  had  been  rich  enough  to  send  her  to  school,   but  her  job  had  been  stressful  and  she  had  worked  hard  to  get  where  she  was.   Maritza  was  proud  of  her  job,   though  she  never  wanted  to  brag  about  it.   “It’s  not  really...   uh,   well  I  don’t  know  helpful.   Don’t  you  ever  feel  like  helping  people  could  be  hurting  someone?”   She  was  thinking  about  a  lot  of  things  right  now.   “I  think  I’m  good  just  standing  here.”   Maritza  properly  looked  at  him.   “You  look  far  too  young  to  be  working  at  a  place  like  this.” 
          Maritza  laughed  and  shook  her  head.   “I  do  a  lot  of  the  pro  bono  work.   The  firm  I  work  for  lets  me  do  as  much  as  I  want.”   It  wasn’t  the  best  firm,   but  she’d  made  them  a  lot  of  money  over  the  years.   “I  don’t  know  that  it’s  a  good  idea  to  brag  about  that  kinda  thing?”
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maralvarezcordova · 2 years
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         “a burrito,” he echoes, letting the word sit on his tongue. he’ll have to remember that. there are a lot of things ( most things, really ) on the surface that he doesn’t know the right words for, but this one is more pleasant than usual. even if he doesn’t know what rice is. beans are more familiar. “where did you get it?”
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          “Yeah.   One  of  the  tastiest  foods,   I  think.”   Well,   they  were  kind  of  messy  and  a  lot  of  work  to  make  if  she  wanted  authentic  food.   And  she  usually  did.   Maritza  didn’t  do  anything  half  assed.   “This  one  is  from  a  place  down  the  street,   but  I  make  better  ones.   One  of  those  street  carts.   Nothing  super  fancy.” 
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maralvarezcordova · 2 years
Matteo hummed quietly, glancing down at the desk, flipping through the papers in case someone had left a note about having a lawyer come through. “Unfortunately, I know of at least a few guests who are in the middle of legal snafus” Not that Matteo was supposed to know about those, but people tended to forget that he existed when he was stationed at the desk; and would just talk about all the going’s on in their lives. He was pretty sure that a show could be made about the random guests and the chaos that the motel got itself into. It would probably have decent ratings.
He noticed how the woman seemed to be looking anywhere but him. That was fair; why would she treat him any different? “A prank? Sounds like a shitty prank” Matteo raised an eyebrow before laughing “Nah, I don’t need one. I’m good enough to not get caught” He winks at her, before spotting a post-it note caught on the back of another paper. Peeling it off, Matteo glances at it, before looking back at the woman in front of him “Any chance you’re Maritza? If so, William said he’d be back in like 15″
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          She  knew  that  work  like  this  was  and  could  be  weird  or  dangerous,   but  Maritza  had  always  been  the  type  to  like  a  challenge.   Everyone  deserved  a  decent  legal  council  and  she  was  there  to  provide  it  even  if  it  meant  having  to  go  to  sketchy  bars.   “Oh,   uh.”   She’d  been  thinking  out  loud.   Nevermind  her  rambling  self  talking  out  loud  rather  than  keeping  her  thoughts  to  herself.   “Well,   I  guess...   I  can  wait  around  a  bit.   Unfortunately,   I  can’t  talk  much  about  the  uh,   case  it’s  about.”   Well,   she  probably  could,   but  she  wouldn’t  talk  about  it  with  a  stranger  that  worked  at  a  place  her  client  frequented  or  possibly  lived  at. 
          “Not  really.   They  know  I  can’t  resist  stuff  like  this.”   She  shrugged.   All  her  cases  about  things  that  were  about  regular  people.   Maritza  wanted  to  be  that  person  that  people  could  trust.   “Are  you?”   she  asked  absentmindedly.   The  things  she  could  uncover  and  find  with  paper  trails  was  horrendous.   “That’s  me.   I  guess  I  can  just  wait  around  until  he  gets  back.” 
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maralvarezcordova · 2 years
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         essentially nature’s garbage disposal, fins is far from the type to mind getting rid of someone’s leftovers, particularly when they aren’t of use to them. he doesn’t know exactly what he had eaten, but doesn’t need to. it’s better than some of the things he’s dug up! “thank you,” he says again, keeping himself subdued. he knows his smile can be unpleasant to others. “what was it?”
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          While  she  doesn’t  know  that  she  exactly  knows  what  it’s  like  to  be  different,   she  has  dealt  with  people  underestimating  her  and  judging  her  for  a  number  of  reasons.   And  her  parents  have  always  been  the  type  to  not  talk  about  being  different  when  they  are  different.   “It’s  the  least  I  can  do  when  I’m  not  going  to  finish  it.”    Maritza  shoves  it  closer.   “It’s  just  a  burrito.   Mostly  rice  and  beans.” 
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maralvarezcordova · 2 years
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SOME RICH PEOPLE PARTY, 7:43 PM ⇢ @maralvarezcordova​​​
“miss alvarez-córdova?” maxine interjects with a smile, extending her hand for the other woman to shake. “maxine brandt.”
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          “Yes?”   she  turned  her  attention  when  she  heard  her  name  and  looked  over  to  see  Maxine.   “I  know  who  you  are,”   Maritza  took  the  hand  and  shook  it.   Of  course  she  knew  who  worked  at  the  young  lawyer’s  firm.   “What  can  I  do  for  you?” 
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maralvarezcordova · 2 years
location: eye spy investigations participants: cassandra song & maritza alvarez-cordova ( @maralvarezcordova​​ )
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“you can take a seat,” cassia gestured towards the chairs in front of her desk as she nudged the door shut with her foot before taking a seat on the desk. there wasn’t any particular reason for her to do so, other than wanting maritza to know she was comfortable in her office. she grabbed a notebook and a pen, before returning her attention to the older woman. “what can i do for you?” she asked, arching her eyebrow. 
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          Maritza  took  a  seat  and  looked  down  at  her  hands.   This  was  long  overdue  and  she  was  nervous.   Going  to  look  for  her...   the  child  she’d  given  up  seemed  like  something  that  she  should  have  done  a  long  time  ago.   It  wasn’t  as  if  she  didn’t  have  the  means  to  pay  for  it.   “Thank  you,”   she  said  softly  before  turning  her  gaze  on  the  private  investigator.   “I  need  someone  to  hire  you  to  find  someone  for  me.”   The  way  she  said  it  made  her  cringe.   “I’m  looking  for  my...   the  child  I  left  at  a  church.” 
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maralvarezcordova · 2 years
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“As a recently retired lawyer, I’d like to ask: what’s wrong with dressing like a lawyer?” Cordelia thought she had impeccable fashion sense. Despite being nothing but a grunt now (thanks Linda), she still dressed the same and was often complimented. “I think you look fine. Perhaps you could wear higher heels to make you feel less… lawyer-like.”
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          “I  am  one,   I  don’t  want  to  market  it  to  the  whole  world.   There’s  nothing  wrong  with  it,   unless  you’re  my  mother.”   Maritza  had  always  been  one  of  those  people  that  didn’t  really  care  about  dressing  like  a  lawyer.   “Higher  heels.   Hm,   yeah  maybe  that  would  make  this  feel  less  courtroom.” 
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maralvarezcordova · 2 years
“Hm?” Matteo asked, glancing up from the paper that he was reading. He raised an eyebrow when he noticed how that the woman in front of him stood out like a sore thumb in contrast to the faded walls. She certainly had a different ‘air’ to her then most of people he saw come through the doors. “You’re gonna have to be more specific, are you talking about a guest? Or like, are you planning to check in with someone? Because that doesn’t start until like 3.” He tilted his head to the side “Unless you’re just wanting to rent for an hour, in which case-” Matteo grabbed a sheet that was sitting next to him.  “No one’s just been hanging around though, got a description?”
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          She  shook  her  head.   It  wasn’t  possible.   Anyways,   lots  of  people  looked  like  other  people.   Maritza  was  just  seeing  things.   She  felt  like  a  fish  out  of  water  here  in  a  place  like  this.   For  the  most  part,   she  had  never  spent  time  in  places  so  run  down  and  in  disarray.   Only  on  jobs  sometimes.   “A  guest  yes.   I  think.   Wasn’t  real  clear  on  the  phone.   I’m  not  sure.   He  just  said  he  needed  a  lawyer  for  something  and  that’s  all  I  really  know.”   Maritza  took  a  look  around  the  place,   trying  to  keep  her  eyes  anywhere  but  on  the  young  man.   “I’m  not...”   Maybe  she  did  need  to  invest  in  a  fake  engagement  ring  when  she  went  to  sketchier  places.   “Maybe  it  was  just  a  prank.   Unless  you  need  a  lawyer.” 
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maralvarezcordova · 2 years
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“i go away for work all the time,” noah started to explain, pausing only briefly to see if he thought she was listening to him, “but i’ve always come back. it’s my home. but this time, it’s just different,” he sighed, “almost like it’s not the same city.”
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          “Oh,   when  I  was  younger,   I  went  back  and  forth  between  here  and  Los  Angeles  where  my  dad  lives.   But  then  we  got  into  an  argument  and  I  don’t  really  speak  to  him  anymore.”   Sometimes  she  wished  that  she  did,   but  the  argument  was  always  on  her  mind,   guilt  pulling  at  her.   “Always  feels  weird  to  come  back.”
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maralvarezcordova · 2 years
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         far be it to refuse kindness ( particularly with food ) fins accepts the offering and dumps the contents of her lunch down his throat. interesting, if not what he’s used to. “thank you,” he adds, wondering afterwards if he should have slowed down. he’s not used to slowing down. “…i don’t have anything to give you, though.”
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          If  she  was  just  going  to  throw  it  in  the  trash,   then  what  was  the  point  in  not  giving  it  away?   Of  course  she  didn’t  mind  if  he  didn’t  have  anyone  for  her.   She  wasn’t  doing  this  for  attention.   “It’s  okay.   I  don’t  need  anything.   It’s  going  in  the  trash  otherwise.”   She  kept  the  smile  on  her  face.   Sure  other  people  probably  would  have  been  scared,   but  she  had  never  been  afraid  of  mutants.    
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maralvarezcordova · 2 years
status: closed for @thalassofins​ location: park idk  when: like 1pm
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          “Hey,   I  got  a  bunch  of  extra  food  on  accident.   Do  you  want  any?”   Maritza  slid  her  lunch  over.   She  normally  wouldn’t  have  ordered  this  much  food,   but  she  was  distracted  these  days  with  work.
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