marctriesagain-blog · 8 years
The first meal
So here I am, staring into a bag of packets and plastic bottles.  It all looks so delicious I simply can’t decide which of these two scrumptious packets I’m going to choose for my first meal.  Since it’s Sunday, it feels like choosing one of the items that requires cooking is probably better today than during the week when I’m constantly in a rush in the morning -- so today I’ll be enjoying the pancake and the omelet.  
I love to cook, but powder into a bowl of water and mixing thoroughly just doesn’t feel like cooking...and this damn omelet does not want to seem to stop being powdery.  There are two options for cooking this little egg mixture, the more traditional method in a skillet or putting it in the microwave.  Microwaved eggs have never been all that appealing to me - reminds me too much of airplane food - and microwaved egg powder mix is a level below that, so I decide that I’m going with the pan.  At this point I realize I really need to get better non-stick pans, because I cannot flip this damn thing.  Normally, i’d have put some oil in the pan, but I’m thinking I probably shouldn’t, and rather than check my paperwork I don’t.  Lack of oil is a great way to check the non-stickiness of your pans.  Mine suck.  Turns out, I could have used one of several approved oils:  olive oil, grape seed oil, avocado oil, sesame oil, coconut oil and walnut oil.  OK - now I know, next time, either have a better pan on hand or use one of these approved oils.  So how did this wonderful egg mixture end up tasting?  The best I can say is that it wasn’t terrible.  It had a flavor that was slightly off, and even though there were some green flecks of something, and a few flecks of some other unidentifiable objects it lacked any real flavor.  Added some pepper and it was better.  I think if I can come up with a good spice mixture - that of course does not have sugar - this should become a pretty solid part of my breakfast for the duration of the program.
Now, the pancake.  Pancake mixture for me is always a premix anyway (Krusteaz - so simple, so good) - so this doesn't feel out of the ordinary to me.  Mix it up, pour it on the griddle and in moments I’ll be in pancake city.  It’s weird to eat a pancake with nothing on it...that is what feels out of the ordinary to me.  I'm so used to putting syrup or jelly, or at the very least some butter - but here I eat my pancake plain...and it just tastes a bit off.  Again, it’s not terrible, but it’s definitely a step down from what I’m used to eating.  What I’m realizing is that it should be.  I’ve been eating so much sugar that I’ve grown so accustomed to that flavor that it’s definitely going to be an adjustment...but one I’m determined to make.  OK.  Off to take my multivitamin and minerals now - wish me luck as I continue to quest for hunkiness.
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marctriesagain-blog · 8 years
Here we go again - another attempt at weight loss
I’ve been struggling with my weight for a good portion of my adult life.  I was a pretty fit kid - very active, so it didn’t matter what I ate...and my god did I eat like crap.  That didn’t matter - youthful metabolism is an amazing thing, particularly when you are playing basketball, or swimming, or soccer, or any other activity...so those double-whoppers with cheese were no big deal.  Once that activity stopped though, well, things changed.  I definitely put on some weight - but nothing like where I am at now.  Now I’m 43 - and after several attempts to lose weight through various dietary plans I’ve come to the conclusion that I need outside support, and so I signed up for the 30/10 weight loss for life program.  Today, Sunday, March 5th is where we begin.  I’m hoping that keeping this log is going to help hold me accountable, because I’m determined to lose the weight and keep it off this time (famous last words).  My brother and I have been joking for years - “time to get hunky - 20XX”.  For me, that XX is going to equal ‘17′. 
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