maria-slice · 10 days
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*my head turns red and steam comes outta my ears like a steam whistle**
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maria-slice · 12 days
Would everyone draw murasaki on June 2nd if I asked really nicely… and said pretty please…
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maria-slice · 15 days
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Welcome to my new hyperfixation
You're not gonna know what this even is unless you remember an early FNAF youtuber, but this is MY hyperfixation so it's what you're gonna get
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maria-slice · 1 month
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maria-slice · 1 month
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maria-slice · 1 month
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No matter what, I always go back to this frick ask YouTube channel.
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maria-slice · 1 month
...What is he watching?
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maria-slice · 1 month
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Kat’s Character Overanalysis of Murasaki
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The content below may exhibit multiple instances of confirmation bias due to over a year of brain rotting.
Do not proceed if you dislike excessive analysis of characters that only appear in official tweets and random merchandise.
I treat this guy like an oc so don’t be mean to me ok 💔 just my headcanons and personal observations!!!
Viewer discretion is advised…
Ok so I'm going to start with the basic stuff (i.e. inkipedia)
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From 2015-2018(?) Murasaki was the drummer for the band Squid Squad. He was the youngest member of the group.
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While this excerpt from Inkipedia may seem small, there are a lot of traits described here that can be further analyzed (if you have nothing better to do)
The Squid Research Lab describes him as rough around the edges.
The term "rough around the edges" is used to describe something that has small imperfections, but is generally good. When describing a person it can mean someone who is unsophisticated or impolite. In this instance, "rough around the edges" could be describing Murasaki's drumming skills as he's said to have potential, but he also needs some practice.
this characterization was probably made to resemble his appearance as well! (sea urchins don't have very smooth edges...)
2. Murasaki is referred to as a wild child.
A "wild child" is usually someone (likely a young person) who is headstrong, rebellious, and/or uncontrollable. To me, this info matches nicely with the impolite interpretation of the phrase "rough around the edges."
3. From here, it sort of goes on about his playing which I sort of addressed in the first point. Basically, he has a natural gift in drumming because he has a good sense of rhythm, and despite lacking in technique, he always tries his best.
4. He is prone to crying
The Squid Research Lab states that he could be caught crying during a drum solo which goes to show how much effort he puts into his playing :). I feel like this part tends to override his other traits in fan stuff (if he gets included at all). I personally view this as a subversive aspect of his personality. Normally he has an abrasive personality because of the rebelliousness and lack of manners, but he is also a sentimental person and his emotions are expressed through tears even if he isn’t sad (samee). Think of how urchins have a spiky hard external shell that hides soft uni inside of it ok...
5. Energetic
I know the energy think is probably referring to his playing style, but I picture him to be a fidgety person who doesn't like to stand still. I guess it matches with the wild child thing.
6. He's the youngest
Expains the previous behavior. rude + rebellious + more talent than practice. teenager.
Moving onto other sources! Bye Inkipedia...
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Here is the original japanese text of the Squid Research Lab info on twitter. Yes, I know google translate isn't that accurate, but I think it's interesting and deepl says something similar as well.
7. Ignoring the strange grammar, Murasaki is additionally described as mischievous (やんちゃ?). Definition: playful in a naughty or teasing way or troublesome/irritating.
I guess this was translated into the wild child in the english version because I'm assuming the term in japanese refers to more childish behavior. I think the word mischievous is easier to understand though since I've never heard the term wild child before. Anyway, he's silly.
8. I sort of glossed over this in the english version but apparently he can take the lead when it matters most. In english, the phrasing kinda made this confusing. I thought they were just saying words lol. Anyway, this ties in with him trying his best while in the band + being compassionate/sentimental.
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topic-adjacent kinda. I've seen people interpret this in a sort of sad way, but I interpret this as him being mischievous! I think he's walking towards them to scare them. The little star next to his head reminds me of the animal crossing mischief emote.
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another bonus thing because it shows that hes silly. a silly goose. I think he likes to doodle.
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God I haven't even gotten to the splatune articles yet...
yeah this kinda repeats what I already said but here it says his playing fits well with Ichiya. I think that both of them are kinda similar. Both are sort of lacking in technique but make up for it in other areas. Both have ADHD (lying). To me, Murasaki is if an asshole turned out to be kind, and Ichiya is if a kind person turned out to be an asshole. #crazy
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Splatune 1! No more numbered list I forgot what number I was on :)
Cool and edgy urchin
I have no idea what that means. Ok.
Cool means cool.
I don’t know if they mean edgy in the internet way because ???... Anyway, edgy can mean: 1. tense, nervous, or irritable, 2. trend setting, daring, or provocative. I think the word choice was for the sake of an urchin pun.
I think they meant to convey the second definition by saying hes cool and unconventional (I don't think it makes sense to say someone is cool and nervous in the same sentence). Kind of matches with being rough around the edges. I like to apply the first definition sometimes though. I like to stress him out.
he boldly pushes up to the front like a blaster
information about his drum playing is information about his personality! this relates to his previously described energetic playing. I like how this sort of frames him as unusual compared to other drummers. It shows how his playing style relates to his character... energetic, headstrong, he can lead the way if necessary. all things previously stated.
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mean to him :(
I think this is trying to say how the others keep him around even though he doesn't match the theme. They keep him around because he looks cool? (this information is probably useless because machine translator. grain of salt)
very brief splatune 3 cameo
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can drink in bars now? (old...)
likes to talk in circles (old...)
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looks depressed now. aware of the horrors... evil leg bouncer...
thats it for official stuff i think. I like to add on bonus traits to him during the front roe era, but yeag ✌️
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maria-slice · 2 months
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My pre sanitization Acht redesign/personal AU design + bonus toddler Paul
I just think ink transparent inklings and octolings are cool.
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maria-slice · 2 months
Istg if it turns out Acht was white before getting sanitized I’m drawing her with ink transparent skin.
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maria-slice · 2 months
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maria-slice · 2 months
...there's only Four members, so this would be Boyz 4 or B4
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maria-slice · 2 months
everyone should be weirder about their ocs more.
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maria-slice · 2 months
Squidbeak: Dip & Drip
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Rookie may not be able to turn into squid but he can swim in water, which immediately makes her better than everybody else.
Screenshots w/o captions below
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maria-slice · 2 months
Being a weird little girl as a kid provides two options to you: becoming transgender or becoming a weird adult woman. Both of which are things the world needs more of
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maria-slice · 2 months
having an oc you havent drawn / written about publicly yet that only exist as a concept is so funny. i have special access to this limited edition guy from my brain
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maria-slice · 2 months
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You have good points in the tags but I want you to consider.
They do come back as a band. Maybe for nostalgia, maybe to stick it to the people think they suck(looking at you Mizole). Reason why isn’t all that important. The name they chose for this band?
Not Squid Squad.
Because they grew as musicians and as people.
Because they’ll never be those Fresh Kids ever again.
I love that squid squad broke up. That’s the most important part. That is the most important part to me.
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