Love, no matter what
The following TED talk explores the topic of “Love, no matter what.” It talks about what it is like to raise a child who’s different from you in some fundamental way. Andrew Solomon explains what he learned from communicating with a number of parents, questioning the line between unconditional love and acceptance between a parent and their child. This TED talk allows us to think about: Why is it necessary to love someone no matter what? Can a limited amount of love affect the way a child is being raised and grows up? How come parents find it so hard to ensure that they are providing enough love?
Andrew Soloman states “The love you have for your children is like no other feeling in the world and until you have children you don’t know what it’s like.”He tries to convey that parents possess the most love for their children wanting the best for them in life while trying their best to satisfy them.
It is necessary to love someone no matter what. It is important to acknowledge the fact that if one shows love to another person who might not show it back as much, that person still shows love no matter what because they express themselves as caring individuals. Andrew says “Love is something that ideally is there unconditionally through the relationship between a parent and a child, but acceptance takes time.” This explains that love is unconditional to the point to when you love someone regardless of any circumstances.
A limited amount of love can affect the way a child is being raised and grows up. This can be due to the fact that without that good amount of love from parents for a child, they can slip into having thoughts about child neglect and start to have feelings of sadness and this can follow them as they grow up. Some parents may find it so hard to ensure that they are providing an adequate amount of love for their child because they feel a sense of fear when it comes to trying their hardest to display the greatest amount of unconditional love.
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Switched at Birth
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Switched at Birth, tells the story of Daphne and Bay, that were accidentally switched at birth. Bay Kennish was brought up in a wealthy family while Daphne Vasquez who lost her hearing as a child because of an illness known as meningitis and was raised with a single mother. Things eventually go downhill when the two families meet and battle to figure out how to live together for the sake of Daphne and Bay. This show portrays an effective example in relation to family dynamics. It proposed ideas about: How do families manage to work things out at the end of the day? What makes families different from each other? Do families find it hard to adapt to change easily? 
In Switched at Birth, Bay struggles from feeling out of place and disconnected from her family based on the way she looked and her interests. Her artistic ability is far expelled from the sports background of her parents. Meanwhile, after her blood type has appeared not to match her parents, she finds out that her physical appearance and her adoration for art is at long last clarified. On the other hand, Daphne identity is covered in her deafness, but the main issue that is continually evoked is the need to be as independent as possible.
Most families are able to work things out. They do this by taking the time to interact with one another while considering each other's concerns and feelings in order to strengthen their family relationships. When the Kennish and Vasques families met they started off on some rough patches because they were all in shock of what has occurred between the girls. However, at the end of the day, both families were able to work things out by communicating and allowing their relationships to develop over time while living together. 
The main thing that makes families different from each other is the way in which children are being raised and influenced by their parents as they grow up. Some families may find it hard to adapt to change because they could be so prone to following a regular routine and if change appears it can be difficult for them to realize the importance of that change. Throughout, Switched at Birth, both Daphne and Bay struggled to adapt to switching places for a while. They felt a sense of missing out on family milestones but tried their best to learn about their other families.
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Gilmore Girls
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Gilmore Girls is a television series about a single mother and a daughter who are more friends than mother and daughter and who both fantasize of pursuing satisfaction in their love relationships. Gilmore Girls portrays the idea of family dynamics throughout the show. This show makes us ponder about: How do people maintain close and long-lasting relationships? Are relationships effective despite being unfamiliar? Why would it be important to stay close to the ones you possess the most love for? 
In relation to family dynamics and relationships, This show displays that this mother and daughter were able to engage in each other's lives and maintain a relationship that is more alike to friends. Lorelai and Rory’s relationship gives a unique example of a parent and child who both maintain open lines of correspondence through which they can talk about almost anything. 
When it comes to thinking about how people are able to maintain close and long-lasting relationships, it can be as easy as taking the time to communicate with each other in order to gain and maintain that close relationship. In the show, Lorelai and Rory are closer than anything because it was just the two of them since Rory was born. Both Lorelai and Rory were able to maintain a close relationship because they knew that they could always go to each other to talk and is willing to sacrifice anything for their relationship to not fall apart. Most families would do the same, but some may struggle to maintain long-lasting relationships with its member which can be due to complications that may arise amongst the relationships and the ways in which they interact with each other.
Relationships can be considered effective despite being unfamiliar. This can be due to the fact that most relationships people tend to try their best to maintain the love and that strong connection, despite anything that could get in the way. While others may feel that if they do not see a strong connection between each other they would not care to find ways to better the relationship. It is important to stay close to the ones you possess the most love for because those individuals are the ones who are there with you through all life situations. 
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A New Approach to Understanding Social Anxiety
Social anxiety is a mental illness that is known as a “social phobia.” Individuals who suffer from social anxiety experience moments of intense anxiety or fear of being criticized, negatively evaluated or rejected in a social or performance situation. They tend to lack self-esteem which can cause them to create a negative self-image about themselves. In the following article, it explores the topic of a new approach to understanding social anxiety. It talks about the condition of social anxiety disorder (SAD) and the various symptoms that occur for people struggling with this mental health condition. This article suggests us to formulate thoughts about: Why is it important to become aware of someone who struggles with social anxiety? How might people with social anxiety feel about opening up to people about themselves? 
It is very important to gain knowledge about individuals struggling with social anxiety disorder. It is significant to take note that gaining a good understanding of social anxiety disorder can be helpful for people to be able to know how to react if they ever encounter individuals with this mental condition. The article talks about new approaches that have been flawed because they fail to take into account the relationships among social anxiety’s specific symptoms.
Having a conversation with a person who has social anxiety can be tough because some people may not understand what its like to be in that person’s shoes struggling with this mental condition. If someone who is struggling with social anxiety is asked about how they feel about opening up to people about their feelings, they may feel a sense of fear. This can be due to not feeling comfortable expressing themselves to other individuals because they may feel that no one understands what they are going through. In this article, it states that people with SAD tend to avoid situations in which they fear and this can lead them to become overwhelmingly anxious.
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Midnight Sun
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Love is when you give your whole heart to another person. It is the strong feeling of empathy towards their significant other. It is the idea of choosing to walk with someone during their pain and feeling it as their own and is willing to sacrifice whatever it takes for the other person.
In the film, Midnight Sun, Katie Price suffers from a genetic condition a life-threatening sensitivity to sunlight. She spent all of her childhood housebound having her father and best friend as her only company. Meanwhile, when she meets Charlie, a boy she has been watching from her bedroom window each day, struggled to determine whether she should tell him about her skin condition or pretend to live a normal life. The film suggests thoughts about: Can one thing lead to two people falling in love? Why might people feel a sense of fear when it comes to opening up to their partner? Can an illness keep a couple from being in love with each other? 
One little thing can bring two people together. In the film, Katie’s journal was the one thing that brought her and Charlie together when he found it by the train. This journal was a sign that this relationship was meant to be. Since that day, Katie and Charlie spent every day together gaining an endless amount of affection for each other. He brought her on multiple adventures to explore his favorite places around town which she has never been to before. 
Some people may feel a sense of fear when it comes to opening up to their significant other and telling the truth. Sometimes it can be hard to be open and honest to your partner because some people may not want to hurt the other person by telling the truth. At the same time, one may feel that if they are not being honest with their partner they may think that they are thought of differently by their significant other. In the film, Katie keeps her condition as a secret from Charlie because she did not want him to view her as not “normal” and thought that he will leave her because of this illness she was struggling with.
An illness does not keep a couple from being in love with each other. If one person in a relationship is struggling with an illness the other person acts as the one who is supportive and does not think otherwise just because they are dealing with a condition. Even if someone is suffering from an illness, it should not affect the feelings that someone has for their partner and a great amount of affection is shared with each other. Charlie chose to stay with Katie because he developed strong feelings for her and could care less about her illness and would rather spend all his time with her and be by her side through it all.
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A “Normal” Family
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A “normal” family is a non-dysfunctional and well-functioning family that does not really experience intense moments of conflict, misbehavior and or child neglect. Normal functioning families consist of a great amount of love, support, care and providing a sense of belonging to each other. These families tend to possess a strong connection with one another, as opposed to a dysfunctional family that encounters continuous moments of conflict. This photo displays a happy family that seems to be living their best life together. It gives off an impression that these parents are doing such a great job at raising a child while allowing him to learn and explore with his parents. The photo proposes thoughts about: What is considered a “normal” family? What keeps a family together? Is a family healthy if there is no conflict? 
When it comes to thinking about what a “normal” family is, its the idea that they are families in which everyone seems to be getting along with each other without many implications that can arise in their lives. There can be minor conflicts within a normal family, but not to the point where it leads to creating dysfunction. This photo is an effective example of a normal family because it displays a little family of a married couple with their child who all seem to be enjoying each other's comfort. 
The key components that keep a family together can range from the show of affection, laughter, honesty, trust, and communicating. In order to keep a family together, the relationships have to be uncomplicated and the members should be aware of its standards while trying to gain an understanding of how to treat and what to expect from each other.
If there are no conflicts within a family it is considered not healthy. Without conflicts and or disputes, it can affect its members emotionally and or mentally. Some people may have a bunch of thoughts that are bottled up in their minds and without sharing it can affect them mentally. They can also choose to bury their feelings and thoughts, which can lead them to act differently towards each other because there are probably little to no conversations occurring. Also, without conflict, some people restrain from expressing what’s inside their mind because they feel as if no one would really understand. 
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“Let You Down” by NF
Sometimes in life, we tend to let each other down even if we tend to notice it or not. We sometimes do not intend to do so, but often feel a sense of guilt and the need to explain why this has occurred. In the song, “Let You Down” by NF, it explores the relationship between a father and his son who felt that he let his own father down along with disappointment. 
In relation to family dynamics, it connects to the idea that families tend to have certain standards that they would like each other to live up to. However, some families may struggle with the thought of trying to not let anyone down, at the same time trying to be there for one another no what. In this song, NF experiences a time in his life when he let his father down and sings “all these voices in my head get loud, I wish that I can shut them out, I’m sorry that I let you down.” He feels like he is a disappointment and questions what he did wrong with his thoughts taking over his mind, apologizing that he let his father down. While listening to “Let You Down”  it gives us thoughts about: Why do families feel the need to create a set of standards for its members to follow, would this guide them to become a better individual? How might people let each other down, can this affect their relationship?
Sometimes parents decide to set a strict set of standards for the members to follow in order for them to maintain healthy and calm relationships within the family. Without setting these standards then problems can occur between its members. When it comes to the idea of people letting someone down, it can be sometimes unintended by a person. This can be due to not being aware that sometimes the things you do can hurt another person badly and you end up regretting every moment of it. This can affect the relationship because there could be a lack of trust and acceptance amongst each other.
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For Parents, happiness is a very high bar
Sometimes in life happiness is not something that is easily given to you. Some people may feel that happiness isn’t enough for them and feels the need to question their state of mind and whether their needs and desires are satisfied with happiness. In this TED talk, it explores the topic “For Parents, happiness is a very high bar.” This statement is essentially talking about the idea that parenthood can be filled with a great amount of anxiety. This can be due to trying to raise happy children in a world where the main goal is to ensure that they are living their best life as much as possible while teaching them how to also handle life’s challenges. Throughout the TED talk, it suggests thoughts about: Why is parenthood consist of so much stress? Do parents expectations for their children affect the way they are being raised? How have the roles of mothers and fathers changed?
Parenthood can most definitely consist of a great amount of stress. This can be due to the fact that parents have a lot of responsibilities in which they have to ensure to complete in order to provide for their children. Taking care of and raising a child consist of a lot of work which can cause stress for the parents. 
Parents expectations for their children affect the way they are being raised. Most parents may feel the need to set standards in order for their children to follow and learn from. The idea that the roles of the mothers and fathers have changed is to better the relationships within their family. In the following TED talk, the women explains that “It would probably be easier for parents to do their new roles if they knew what they were preparing their kids for.” She tries to convey that this is what makes modern parenting so confounding and has no clue what portion of our wisdom is useful for their kids.
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The Filter Theory
Sometimes people become too caught up in another individual's physical appearance and tend to ignore the true aspects of what kind of personality they possess. This article discusses the topic of The Filter Theory of Mate Selection and suggests different ways in which it is used by people each and every day. It states two individuals theories arguing that we select romantic partners by using a series of filters to limit reasonable mates. It also talks about support for the filter theory and reasons as to whether a relationship will actually work out or not. This article proposes ideas about: What makes people feel the need to use filters on individuals based on their preferences, as opposed to just choosing someone based on a simple personality? Can using filters cause people to become racial bias towards each other? How can we change the way this theory is used? 
The Filter Theory is used by people because they feel the need to obtain a great amount of satisfaction by choosing someone based on specific preferences and tends to block out their inner aspects. The partner probably has to be appealing to the person’s eyes in order for them to feel satisfied. As opposed to selecting someone based on a simple personality is important, because you want to get to know the individual better before critiquing them by their looks. In the article, it covers ideas about the different stages people take in order to select the perfect mate that suits their needs and desires. For instance, it explains information on similarity of attitudes, which means people are filtered out who do not have similar attitudes and values and Kerckhoff and Davis state that similarity in attitude is the focal significance when it comes to engaging into a long-lasting relationship.
Using filters can cause people to have a racial bias towards each other. It is essential to consider that using filters limit people from keeping their options open on potential matches. Having a racial bias causes a person to make false judgments without viewing the character of the individuals. This article says that filtering prevents people from making the wrong decisions and this idea is necessary to realize because it is an effective tool when selecting a mate. Changing the way that this theory is used can consist of influencing people to be open-minded when it comes to exploring all their options without the need to use filters just to please their wants and desires.
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To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before
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In the beginning stages of most relationships, the couple is trying to discover everything about each other and are willing to do anything for each other no matter the situation, even the things they do not like. However, things eventually seem to shift over time and the excitement from the early stages disappear. 
In Netflix’s To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before, portrays the story of Lara Jean, who never openly admitted her crushes, however instead wrote each boy a love letter about how she felt about them, sealed it, and hid it in a box underneath her bed. Lara Jean finds out that this secret box of love letters has been delivered causing all of her crushes from her past to confront her about the letters they received. Meanwhile, as Lara Jean begins to learn and deal with her past crushes face to face, she discovers that something good may come out of all those letters. This film suggests thoughts about: Can the decisions of a family member affect the relationships that someone has? What can cause someone to rethink the importance of being in a relationship? How does a relationship develop over time?
The decisions of a family member can most definitely affect the relationships that someone has. The idea that families are constantly influencing each other about relationships affects the way its members go on about trusting the advice given to them and the idea of feeling ready to start this new chapter in their life. Most families try their best to guide each other in the right direction for what they think is best and tend to be caring for one another and put each other first. In the film, Lara Jean's little sister, Kitty affected Lara Jean’s relationships ever since she unsuspectedly mailed her love letters to every single crush that she had feelings for. This affected Lara Jean because she felt exposed due to having something so personal be revealed without her knowing. It affected her relationships with her past crushes because before all this occurred she never spoke to a single one of them. But ever since they got her letters they would not stop asking her questions about why they got the letters and it made her feel somewhat worried and afraid. 
When it comes to considering the thought of what causes someone to rethink the importance of being in a relationship, we often tend to think about people feeling that it is important to be able to connect with each other and have that other person who you can share your thoughts and feelings to. However, sometimes this is not the way it works a person can feel the total opposite and feel as if being in a relationship is not essential with no importance. Lara Jean struggled with feeling ready to start an official relationship with the one boy that she really had feelings for, Peter Kavinsky, and thought deeply about this decision.
Most relationships start to develop when two individuals begin by communicating and learning new things about each other. Commitment is an important thing to consider when it comes to a relationship starting to develop because the couple has to feel committed to one another before entering the next stage. As soon as her love letters were delivered to the boys, her relationship with Peter changed. When they first started pretending to be boyfriend and girlfriend their relationship started off kind of dry but eventually, they ended up catching strong feelings for each other, because they started to get to know each other more, with the time that they have spent together. 
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Is Social Media Ruining Your Mental Health?
Social media is said to be a major factor when it comes to ruining a person’s mental health. Every day people are constantly spending their time scrolling through social media, unaware of the bad effects that it has brought upon their mental health. Some people may not know it but social media is the main cause of individuals becoming more likely to experience depression, anxiety, and stress. The online world prevents individuals from living in a world where they have the ability to feel confident in themselves without the need to compare themselves with how others decide to live their lives. 
In the following TED talk, “Is social media hurting your mental health?” Bailey Parnell talks about the ways in which social media is ruining one’s mental health. She talks about the four common stressors on social media which are the highlight reel, social currency, fear of missing out, and online harassment. She explains these four stressors in detail and covers the issue of if they are unchecked it can lead to full-blown attacks. While watching this TED talk, we tend to generate thoughts about: Why do people only display their highlights and hide their worst moments? Why might people feel the need to post, why is it so important to do so? Does social media think that people should have a bunch of friends?
When it comes to pondering about the concern on why people only choose to display their highlights while blocking out their worst moments. Bailey talks about people using highlight reels which is a collection of the best and brightest moments in our personal lives. They tend to do this because they want that attention to be focused on them and wants people to only view the good side of them, as opposed to viewing their bad times because they feel that no one really would care if they were going through rough times. 
Feeling the need to post comes from the idea of people wanting to gain a tremendous amount of attention by their followers and wants them to view that they are living such a “perfect” life without any implications. At the same time, people struggle with insecurities because they compare their behind the scenes with everyone else’s highlight reels and constantly comparing themselves to others as Bailey also stated. And by feeling the need to post it can put a lot of pressure on them. Some people can experience F.O.M.O also known as the fear of missing out, which is a form of social anxiety and fear of a potential connection of an event or opportunity. 
Social Media most definitely influences people to have a bunch of friends because Bailey states that nowadays people are tying up their self- worth of what others think about them and quantifying it for everyone to see and we often become obsessed. At the same time, people tend to care too much about having so many friends just for social media fame. 
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TED Talk
The following TED talk explores the topic about Why it take so long to grow up today? Jeffrey Jensen Arnett questions the issue of why is it taking so long to grow up and why is there this new stage of emerging adulthood. He explores multiple revolutions of emerging adulthood that led to major changes. He talks about a technology revolution that altered education and led to more education.  He also goes over an idea of instead of moving from adolescence to young adulthood, at about age 20, it’s the adolescents and then emerging adulthood for most of the 20s, and then the entrance into a stable young adulthood.
In this TED talk, it explores facts about in emerging adulthood no one really depends on you and during this new stage, you have a great amount of freedom that one should make the most of it. He states that you do not need to let anyone stampede to adulthood. While watching this TED talk, we may think about: Why is it such a big deal that it takes so long for young individuals to grow up? Can the delay in time allow young emerging adults to learn more about what life they are going to be entering?
The reason as to why it was stated that it takes so long to grow up today is that as emerging adults are slowly transitioning from adolescence to adulthood, they experience moments in their lives where they have to make big decisions and it can sometimes be hard for them. As times goes on, emerging adults will eventually gain new understandings of new encounters that they will be entering as they grow up and for their future.
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Family is a group of people who are closest to you and who are always there for you no matter the situation. They are the ones who share laughter, love, sadness, tragedy, happiness, and success together. In Netflix’s series “Riverdale” the Cooper’s, display a dysfunctional family. Betty Cooper and her family possess a love-hate relationship with each other. Dysfunction is created when the Cooper’s began to keep secrets from each other, lacking trust for one another because of intense events which occurred. Throughout the show, we think about: What causes a family to fall apart, and does it negatively affect its members? How can dysfunction impact the relationships within the family as they grow up? Can dysfunction be resolved and if not what are ways to improve a families relationships?
In the show, Riverdale, the Cooper’s struggle with an intense amount of ongoing and never-ending tension. The tension that this family endured caused their relationships to fall apart and created distance and dysfunction. Betty's family life was exceptionally tense, as her mom was extremely controlling, which made her sister to have a psychological breakdown and being sent to live in a group home.  As the only remaining daughter in the Cooper family, she was set under immense pressure by her mom to be perfect inside and out. As for her father, who always put himself before his own family and was never around for Betty to learn to trust him or to develop a good relationship with him. Sometimes when the relationships within a family are unstable, it causes multiple events of dysfunction.
When thinking about what causes a family to fall apart, this can occur because there can be a lack of trust, love, and respect for one another. This can negatively affect the members of the family because they may feel a lot of pressure on themselves from the tension with feelings of fear and anxiety. Dysfunction can impact the relationships within a family as they grow up because if nothing is done to help with the family issues, then the conflict will carry on with them as they grow up. Dysfunction can sometimes be resolved if the members of the family come together and talk things out trying not to create more conflict.
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“Out of Love” by Alessia Cara
Relationships take a great amount of work. They require love, gratefulness, and respect. It takes more than friendship and commitment. Love requires the presence of trust and vulnerability from one person to another. Falling in love may seem simple, but the difficult part is staying in love, and committing yourself to your partner until the end of time. While listening to “Out of Love” we take notice of the message that Alessia is trying to convey and may think about: What can cause a person to fall out of love, dismissing their feelings for the other person? Can losing someone affect the way someone feels and thinks about themselves? Why is love such a strong word, that is necessary for everyone to have a good understanding of? 
In the song, “Out of Love” by Alessia Cara, portrays a song about Alessia asking her partner reasons as to why he fell out of love with her. When she sings “Nothing can fill up the space, won’t ask you to stay, but let me ask you one thing, Oh when did you fall out of love?  She tries to explain that she wants to know why he fell out of love. She sings about not crying or telling him that there is not a thing that she could say for his mind to change about her. A multitude of thoughts are filled up in the back of her mind, stating that she will not tell him that she is lonely because it may be selfish of her. 
When it comes to thinking about what causes someone to fall out of love, while at the same time losing feelings for the other person it could be due to a number of reasons. One reason can be a lack of communication. In a relationship, communication is crucial because couples should be able to feel comfortable with their partner talking about anything and if communication slowly begins to shut down, it can just create distance between each other. Falling out of love can also be due to dishonesty and or loss of attraction. In the song, Alessia states a loss of attraction between herself and her partner through her lyrics.
Losing someone can affect the way one thinks about themselves. Sometimes falling out of love can cause people to doubt themselves because they tend to question themselves and have thoughts about what they did wrong for this to happen. Love is such a strong word that is necessary for everyone to understand because it is the strongest emotion that allows us to possess feelings for another individual, and can be interpreted by people in endless ways.
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There is no shame in taking care of your mental health
The following TED talk discusses a man’s experience feeling insecure with his mental health condition. He talks about a time in his life when he was asked if he wanted to speak with a mental health professional about his stress and anxiety. He denies to speak about his mental health and felt a profound sense of shame and the weight of stigma, but could not contain the feeling of speaking to anyone about his feeling of pain. Throughout this TED talk, we may think about: What makes people feel ashamed of experiencing a mental illness, does it affect their ability to feel confident in themselves? How can recognizing the importance of taking care of your mental health lead you to understand yourself better? Do individuals with a mental health condition ever feel a sense of gratitude for themselves?
When someone is in the middle of experiencing a mental illness they tend to experience feelings of fear, guilt and feeling ashamed. This affects their ability to feel confident in themselves because they may feel a lack of self-worth and or trust in others. This man talks about the different ways that people think about the cause of mental illness and tries to convey that there should be no shame in taking care of your mental health.
Recognizing the importance of taking care of your mental help is the first step in assisting you to understand yourself better. One should be able to embrace their weaknesses in order to build onto their strengths. Also, having positive thoughts about your mental health can lead you to understand reasons as to why it is important to take care of it and not feel a sense of shame when it comes to sharing your feelings with others. Individuals with a mental health condition can feel a sense of gratitude for themselves by having the ability to appreciate how far they have come maybe trying to reach a certain goal in life and not letting anything get in the way of their success.
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13 Going on 30
The term Emerging Adulthood comes from the idea of a new stage in life and the transition period between adolescence and adulthood which can last for a few years. Emerging adults tend to experience moments of not feeling totally prepared for adulthood and struggles to come to terms with preparing themselves for real life responsibilities.
The film, 13 Going on 30, is about a young girl, Jenna, who makes a wish on her thirteenth birthday fantasizing about being a well-adjusted adult because she wanted to fit in and be more like the cool kids at her school. She then transforms into a grownup overnight, unaware of the challenges and responsibilities when entering adulthood. This film intertwines with the concept of emerging adulthood because Jenna struggles with this new life she was magically brought to and having to take on many new responsibilities that are needed to be an adult. Throughout the movie, we form a number of questions about: What challenges can arise for individuals transitioning to adulthood? What are important aspects to consider for an emerging adult as they are entering this new stage in life?
There are many challenges that can arise when it comes to emerging adults transitioning to adulthood. These challenges can consist of not being mentally and emotionally ready for adulthood and to not seeking the right steps and responsibilities that are necessary. Emerging adults tend to lack emotional readiness which is a major challenge when entering adulthood because they lack the ability to handle life’s challenges and struggle with finding ways to thrive and put themselves out there. In the film, Jenna transforms into an adult overnight and struggles to realize that adulthood is not as easy as it looks. She was not emotionally or mentally ready for this new life and still felt trapped in a young girls body.
There are important aspects to take into consideration for an emerging adult as they are entering this new stage in life. One must consider that in order to be fully prepared for adulthood they should take on challenges while understanding their own strengths and weaknesses and taking care of their well-being. Jenna had to take initiative for herself in order to adjust to life being an adult. She would have to take hold on a bunch of new opportunities and responsibilities on her own while learning new life lessons.
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Don’t suffer from your depression in silence
Depression is a typical and serious mental illness that adversely influences how you feel, the way in which you think and how you act. Depression causes feelings of sadness and or fear. The following TED talk discussing a woman’s experience suffering from depression and anxiety. She openly shares her story with hopes to help people who are suffering in silence letting them know that they are not alone and with help, they can heal. She describes a time in her life when she struggled with a misconception that depression was a sign of weakness and character flaw. She talks about how she did not inform anyone about her diagnoses because she was too ashamed of it and did not feel like she had the right to be depressed. This woman’s story connects to the idea that people who are suffering from such a severe condition each and every day experiences multiple misconceptions on themselves.
While watching “Don’t suffer from your depression in silence”, we tend to form questions about: What might cause a person to hide their depression, and not discuss their feelings and thoughts to a person who might be able to help? Can holding in thoughts and feelings in your mind cause one’s depression to escalate or even get worse? What are the common causes of depression, and how can it affect the way you grow up and your future?
Hiding your depression in silence can lead to a number of issues. A person may decide to hide their depression and chooses to not discuss their feelings and thoughts to another individual who might be able to help. This can be due to not feeling comfortable and or confident to share what is going on in their minds to another person. Mental illness plays an important role that intertwines with the story behind this woman's life struggling with a mental illness. It connects to the idea that no one is alone when it comes to experiencing situations in which they feel like they are unable to find help and move forward in life. She tries to convey that there is a way to help individuals who are suffering from depression and anxiety.
Holding in thoughts and feelings in your mind can most definitely cause one’s depression to escalate or even become worse for a number of reasons. An individual may decide to do this because they may feel ashamed to talk about their suffering from depression. They lack the ability to feel that they can be open and express all of their words without the need to doubt themselves.
The common causes of depression can include not being able to control your emotions and this can negatively affect a person's life, even though it can sometimes be unintentional. This can be due to the mind taking over someone's thoughts and causing them to act in a way that is not intended, for example treating loved ones badly. It can also affect the way a person grows up and their future because as you get older this mental condition can have the ability to follow you unless you get the help that you need in order to overcome it.
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