mariaofhatchettown · 1 month
[Mari watched Ted run by, flipping him the bird and yelling after him:]
Bye slut!
[Then she looked back at Peter, giving him a light shrug. She really looked like shit, bags under her eyes so big she could carry her groceries, and she was definitely a bit more gangly than she had been previously. Not enough time to eat a proper meal when running from job to job.]
I need a place to crash for the day. I finally have a day off and my roomie is......well she's hard to be around right now.
[She took a moment to actually observe him, raising a brow]
Is school still in session..? Don't you only have a few weeks left or something?
[Okay so...Maria hasn't had a full night's sleep in over two months. Two jobs is a lot to take on as a freshly 18 year old girl, especially when she's trying to save up for her own apartment. Rue was being all weird again and frankly, it was getting really fucking tiring. So now she was on the Spankoffski doorstep, leaning heavily on the railing of the front steps.]
*Pete rubbed the sleep out of his eyes as he grabbed a muffin on his way out the door, ignoring how Ted was rushing around late for work and panicking.
He awkwardly held onto his very mediocre breakfast with his mouth as he readjusted his backpack straps to make sure they wouldn't put any extra strain on his spine, he finished and opened the door, nearly dropping his food on the ground at the sight of his cousin.*
Maria...? You good? What are you doing here?
*Ted zipped past them, paying no mind to either teenager and running to his car to take off for the CCRP building. Pete rolled his eyes, turning back to Maria awkwardly. It wasn't that he didn't want her here or anything, he was just on his way to the bus stop and with Ted gone he didn't have any shot of a ride unless he bothered Paul and Richie to pick him up.*
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mariaofhatchettown · 2 months
Glad you're making wallets though, I'm sure that's a great hobby
Hey gang! I’ve been making A LOT more wallets lately lol!! What have you all been up to?😄😄
[ itll be really embarrassing if no one interacts with this post sos ]
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mariaofhatchettown · 2 months
Resisting the urge to kill my boss.
Can't kill him.
He's a god.
Hey gang! I’ve been making A LOT more wallets lately lol!! What have you all been up to?😄😄
[ itll be really embarrassing if no one interacts with this post sos ]
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mariaofhatchettown · 2 months
"Sounds good to me. I'll be there soon-ish. Thanks for letting me know."
[Part of her worried about Holloway being gone, but she couldn't let that get in her way. She just started to get ready for work again, no break needed. Though she probably looked like absolute shit when she walked through the door of Ms. Retro's to start her shift.]
Ping! A text rings on Maria’s phone from one “Wilbur”. Other messages show they’ve had previous back-and-forths over the years.
“Hey, just checking in to make sure you know the news. Holloway might be taking a break and leaving me in charge. If you could maybe work a few extra hours to help out, that would be great. Please and thank you.”
[Maria sighs, having just gotten home from her shift at Watcher World about 2 hours ago. Working two jobs back to back like this would probably kill her, but she almost had enough money to get herself into an apartment and live comfortably. For now, it was just hell on earth.]
"can't complain about more money. When do you need me to come in?"
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mariaofhatchettown · 2 months
"I can work however you need me to. Don't worry about WW. When do you need me to come in."
[Mari was never really a fan of being pitied.]
Ping! A text rings on Maria’s phone from one “Wilbur”. Other messages show they’ve had previous back-and-forths over the years.
“Hey, just checking in to make sure you know the news. Holloway might be taking a break and leaving me in charge. If you could maybe work a few extra hours to help out, that would be great. Please and thank you.”
[Maria sighs, having just gotten home from her shift at Watcher World about 2 hours ago. Working two jobs back to back like this would probably kill her, but she almost had enough money to get herself into an apartment and live comfortably. For now, it was just hell on earth.]
"can't complain about more money. When do you need me to come in?"
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mariaofhatchettown · 2 months
Ping! A text rings on Maria’s phone from one “Wilbur”. Other messages show they’ve had previous back-and-forths over the years.
“Hey, just checking in to make sure you know the news. Holloway might be taking a break and leaving me in charge. If you could maybe work a few extra hours to help out, that would be great. Please and thank you.”
[Maria sighs, having just gotten home from her shift at Watcher World about 2 hours ago. Working two jobs back to back like this would probably kill her, but she almost had enough money to get herself into an apartment and live comfortably. For now, it was just hell on earth.]
"can't complain about more money. When do you need me to come in?"
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mariaofhatchettown · 2 months
i kidna
gto a dog
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mariaofhatchettown · 2 months
i kidna
gto a dog
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mariaofhatchettown · 2 months
"About three"
[She made her way into the kitchen, opening the fridge with a sigh.]
"man we need caffeine instead of marijuana.."
[It's probably around 2 in the morning when Maria stumbles into the apartment, absolutely exhausted from her shift at Watcher World. She flopped onto the couch, groaning at the insistent ache in her legs.]
[ no-one else is in the apartment but that's not uncommon. rue's been avoiding the place, even at night, ever since maria returned. ]
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mariaofhatchettown · 2 months
[Maria rolled off the couch, getting into her feet with a soft groan. Her whole body ached]
"Eh it was long enough. Did you sleep at all?"
[It's probably around 2 in the morning when Maria stumbles into the apartment, absolutely exhausted from her shift at Watcher World. She flopped onto the couch, groaning at the insistent ache in her legs.]
[ no-one else is in the apartment but that's not uncommon. rue's been avoiding the place, even at night, ever since maria returned. ]
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mariaofhatchettown · 2 months
Spare change for the homeless?
Oh- um I would if I could..? Sorry man
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mariaofhatchettown · 2 months
[Maria's shift didn't start until 5pm so she had plenty of time to sleep in, though it wasn't exactly easy sleep. Rue moving around actually woke her up a bit.]
"oh good you're alive"
[It's probably around 2 in the morning when Maria stumbles into the apartment, absolutely exhausted from her shift at Watcher World. She flopped onto the couch, groaning at the insistent ache in her legs.]
[ no-one else is in the apartment but that's not uncommon. rue's been avoiding the place, even at night, ever since maria returned. ]
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mariaofhatchettown · 2 months
[ Maria nodded, before placing her head back onto the couch, letting out a long sigh. At least this was a bit more normal.]
"G'night Rue"
[It's probably around 2 in the morning when Maria stumbles into the apartment, absolutely exhausted from her shift at Watcher World. She flopped onto the couch, groaning at the insistent ache in her legs.]
[ no-one else is in the apartment but that's not uncommon. rue's been avoiding the place, even at night, ever since maria returned. ]
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mariaofhatchettown · 2 months
"Anyway, get your ass to bed. You look exhausted."
[It's probably around 2 in the morning when Maria stumbles into the apartment, absolutely exhausted from her shift at Watcher World. She flopped onto the couch, groaning at the insistent ache in her legs.]
[ no-one else is in the apartment but that's not uncommon. rue's been avoiding the place, even at night, ever since maria returned. ]
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mariaofhatchettown · 2 months
campers you’re making me have an identity crisis.
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mariaofhatchettown · 2 months
"Blinky enduced nightmares pretty much. Usually I end up seeing the most violent, gruesome, horrifying versions of some timelines."
[They'd gotten worse since Blinky was the one who brought her back, but she didn't need to bring that up.]
[It's probably around 2 in the morning when Maria stumbles into the apartment, absolutely exhausted from her shift at Watcher World. She flopped onto the couch, groaning at the insistent ache in her legs.]
[ no-one else is in the apartment but that's not uncommon. rue's been avoiding the place, even at night, ever since maria returned. ]
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mariaofhatchettown · 2 months
"I have an excuse, I see the horrors™ when I close my eyes."
[It's probably around 2 in the morning when Maria stumbles into the apartment, absolutely exhausted from her shift at Watcher World. She flopped onto the couch, groaning at the insistent ache in her legs.]
[ no-one else is in the apartment but that's not uncommon. rue's been avoiding the place, even at night, ever since maria returned. ]
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