marisa-writes · 1 year
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THE SHOW | NIALL HORAN June 9th, 2023
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marisa-writes · 2 years
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Attempting to gather his bearings, Liam meets Gee’s eyes with a firm stare and sighs out of frustration—both general and sexual, he’ll admit. “Georgia,” he says, willing his voice to be as firm as his gaze, “the whole point of this evening was to get us out of this house.”
Georgia seems unbothered by both his tone and the look in his eyes. She smiles at him and lets the dressing gown slip a bit, revealing her shoulders. “Sit down, Liam.”
Liam gulps quietly and tosses his wallet towards the mattress to land on his blazer as he takes a seat at the edge of the bed. “Georgia Walker, you’re not playing fair.”
Gee shrugs as she steps towards him, grinning wider. “All’s fair in love and—”
“Sex?” Liam finishes. He looks her up and down and huffs out a frustrated laugh. “Hardly.”
boring || a Liam & Gee one-shot (told in two parts / now complete)
[[read part two on tumblr / 1dff (soon) || read part one on tumblr here]]
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marisa-writes · 2 years
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“You know, I pride myself on the pair of you being the best match-up we’ve ever arranged,” Celene said next. “I mean, look at you, with your marriage and your beautiful baby. You’re a bloody masterpiece if I’ve ever seen one. But I don’t want to see you turn into that boring old couple who never takes time for themselves.”
“Oi, c’mon, now, I don’t think we’re quite headed in that direction,” Liam had protested, pulling Carter from the high chair to sit him in his lap, bouncing him on his knee in hopes of easing away the remainders of his fussiness. He and Gee kept to themselves quite often, sure, especially now that they had an eight-month-old to look after. But had they really become…boring?
boring || a Liam & Gee one-shot (told in two parts)
[[read part one on 1dff // tumblr]]
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marisa-writes · 2 years
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Liam with a puppy today (x) - 21.12
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marisa-writes · 2 years
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In the midst of marital turbulence, Joseph and Margaret Jonas and their three children are invited to spend Christmas with Joe’s family. With accepting the invitation, there comes a challenge: attempting to not allude to any problems they are having while simultaneously vowing to begin working through said problems over the holiday.
Unfortunately, neither Joe nor Margie is very good at keeping all of their feelings under wraps…
In one way or another, this Christmas is bound to be one for the books.
This Christmas // a Holiday JBFA repost // completed 
find all chapters here
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marisa-writes · 2 years
December 8, 2022 | Niall via TikTok
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marisa-writes · 2 years
actually @ every fanfiction writer whether you wrote something that got thousands of reblogs and comments and became a staple in your fandom, or you wrote one fic and deleted it, or you write mutilchaptered fics that never get a final update, or write short fics, or long fics, or used to write and now you don’t, or you deleted/orphaned your works, or you only share with friends:
thank you.
sharing your writing is hard. and sometimes it’s thankless. sometimes it’s such a negative experience that I wonder how anyone does it at all. but you are needed; you are wanted. whether or not we properly acknowledge it, you are a vital part of fandom culture. thanks for sharing.
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marisa-writes · 2 years
is fanfic art?
This question has cropped up in my online interactions lately, and to be perfectly blunt, I think it's a pretty stupid one.
Of course fanfic is art. It's a creative expression of human emotion and imagination. If that ain't art, I don't know what is.
I think a more important question to ask is, "Who benefits from saying fanfic isn't art?" The answer to that is way more interesting.
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marisa-writes · 2 years
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“Which one is your boyfriend?”
Teyana pulls her gaze away to take in the stage again, twinkle lights hung everywhere beneath the canopy of a setting sun, Niall crooning into the microphone, his fingers strumming at guitar strings as they move into the chorus of their cover of King Harvest’s “Dancing in the Moonlight”. It’s in this very same moment that he happens to look up from the crowd, eyes somehow finding hers with ease even with a whole dance floor full of people between them. A small grin curls his lips as he sings, and he holds her gaze, his gorgeous and mesmerizing and one hell of a pair of blues.
Before Teyana can point him out, the woman chimes, “Wait, let me guess—the one with the sweet eyes who’s looking at you like you hung the moon.”
Teyana laughs, a bubbly, schoolgirl-with-a-crush laugh, and plans to blame the color she knows is seeping into her cheeks on the summer heat if she’s asked. “Yeah. That’s him.”
an excerpt from ‘who are you here for (who is here for you)?’
THE SANGRIA SERIES - an AU series of one-shots and drabbles in which Teyana Cruz navigates love, life, cat ownership, and shoddy air conditioning with indie band member Niall in Los Angeles.
read here
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marisa-writes · 2 years
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The most important question I ask myself while writing romance, five years apart and much classier now, thanks to Kate Clayborn's incredible needlepoint skills.
I'm a conflict writer (this will surprise no one, as I feel like you'd be hard pressed to find a romance writer who loves an explosion more than me), so this question is my lodestar when I work. I ask myself after every scene: Why Can't They Be Together Right Now. This isn't a vague question for me while I'm writing -- I literally write the answer down in a notebook.
"Chapter 1, Scene 1: They haven't met yet."
"Chapter 7, Scene 2: He's just been stabbed. Right now is not a good time."
"Chapter 18, Scene 1: He thinks she deserves someone far better than he is (dummy)."
The goal is for the reasons to evolve and change, and reflect both what I think of as the plot (what's going on externally in the book) and the story (what's happening internally in the book).
If the answer is the same for too long (say, two or three chapters?), I know the book is lagging, and I have to amp it all up.
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marisa-writes · 2 years
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Oftentimes, Liam feels as if he comes across a walking wreck—as if all his cracks and bends are on full display, raw and exposed for all the world to see. Like his shoulders sag quite noticeably under the weight of the metaphorical baggage he carries around, with Lissie in tow. Like there’s a headline scrawled across his forehead in screaming ink—‘Successful Pop Star Falls Off the Grid After Experiencing Personal Tragedy.’
⤷ read Regarding Our Ghosts… here
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marisa-writes · 2 years
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only tru 90s kids remember
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marisa-writes · 2 years
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niallhoran: BABY ONE MORE TIME
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marisa-writes · 2 years
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niallhoran: BABY ONE MORE TIME
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marisa-writes · 3 years
😭😭😭😭😭 I LOVE YOU
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In the midst of marital turbulence, Joseph and Margaret Jonas and their three children are invited to spend Christmas with Joe’s family. With accepting the invitation, there comes a challenge: attempting to not allude to any problems they are having while simultaneously vowing to begin working through said problems over the holiday.
Unfortunately, neither Joe nor Margie is very good at keeping all of their feelings under wraps…
In one way or another, this Christmas is bound to be one for the books.
This Christmas // a Holiday JBFA repost // completed 
find all chapters here
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marisa-writes · 3 years
Whyyy are all GREAT fic writers either completely retiring from fic writing, taking a break or updating phenomenally SLOW?? please it’s like a desert out here we NEED more (NIALL) fics!!!
Hi! Sorry I'm just now seeing this message!
I haven't retired from fic, per se, but I am working as a full-time Rolly IRL - I'm a 7th grade English Language Arts and Reading teacher. I'm currently entering into what I am calling my "second chance romance" with teaching and my time, energy, and brain power are wrapped up in that right now.
Needless to say, my time, energy, and brain power have not been channeled into any creative writing as of late. I'm sorry for that. I love my characters very much, and I'm glad you love them, too. As soon as I have anything new to share, I will.
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marisa-writes · 3 years
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niallhoran: SUMMER STUFF
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