marissalandicho · 7 years
Leading Worship from a Lobby
Often times, the idea of leading worship is often associated with a stage surrounded by fancy dim lights, top of the line music instruments and a high-tech sound system. At least, this is how leading worship looked like for me growing up in America. I thought our worship to God was limited inside a church building. Thankfully, over the years, the Lord graciously expanded my view on how we get to worship Him. He has taught me that we can worship Him anywhere - in my bedroom, on a University Campus, at a taco restaurant, boba cafe, retirement home, and most recently, a lobby.  
Earlier this year, I started a new job as a front desk receptionist. This job has been a blessing and humbling experience. Since my first day on the job, I have encountered God’s favor on multiple occasions. I strongly believe these encounters are the fruit of my prayers from a year ago. Last year, I asked God to place me in a job where he wanted me to be. Of course, I also shared with Him my desires for a job (15-20 minute commute, Christian co-workers, etc.) because I know He cares about me and the little things (Psalm 8:4, Psalm 37:4). Since I prayed boldly for God’s will to be done in my life, especially in the area of my vocation, it’s been amazing to taste the fruit of my prayers today in my workplace. 
In response to tasting God’s goodness, I cannot help but worship Him when I am working in the lobby. I do not have my acoustic guitar, in-ears or a microphone to worship God in my workplace; however, I have something much better and needed - God’s presence. The presence of God dwells within us (1 Corinthians 3:16). The moment this truth became my reality, my worship to God changed. I realized that wherever God placed me, I was made to worship Him and make His presence known. 
So far, it has been incredible to witness people encounter God’s presence in my workplace, a place where Christ isn’t really welcomed or known. The massage therapist at work would tell me he always feels a “welcoming presence” and “sense of peace and warmth” whenever he sees me in the lobby. Others will smile and thank me for “being so hospitable.” When I hear these comments, I cannot deny that God’s presence is alive, active and dwells within me. 
As believers, let us not limit God and our worship to Him on Sundays at church. We were made to inhabit this earth with His praise and worship. Let us continue to lead worship by glorifying God in everything that we do (1 Corinthians 10:31) and by simply hosting His presence everywhere we go.
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marissalandicho · 7 years
What are you looking forward to?
“What are you looking forward to?”
I pondered this question as I was getting ready for work this morning. Well, there’s so many things I’m looking forward to this week:
- Inspire Churches “Theology & Coffee” (https://www.instagram.com/p/BWbKZ4-Fs0t/?taken-by=inspirechurches)
- Mini high school reunion with friends at San Pedro Market Square
- Double-date with our really good friends/mentors
- Spending QT with the hubby on the weekend
As I made a mental list of all the things I am looking forward to, the thought of eternity popped into my mind. Then, other questions arose: Are you looking forward to eternity? Are you looking forward to the end when Jesus returns to earth and reunites with His bride, the Church?
Geez. What a heavy question to think about in the morning! Yet, the question bothered me. So, I began to reflect on it and realized that I haven’t been looking forward to eternity lately. I would contemplate and get excited about eternity, but I haven’t been anticipating it. This is a serious problem, especially if I call myself a Christian.
Eternity has been an afterthought for me, but I want it to be in the forefront of my mind. Spending eternity with God should be my “why” that motivates and defines everything I do. If 5:00 A.M. is the only time I have on a weekday to spend in God’s Word, I better hop out of bed instead of hitting the alarm snooze button! Sadly, the reality for me has been hitting the snooze button. Taking a closer look at my actions, they reveal that I look forward to sleep more than spending time in the sweet presence of the Almighty One. Thankfully, my actions do not shock God. God is God - He knows every detail about me (Psalm 139:1-6). He also is a God full of grace and mercy (Ephesians 2:4-5).
My own answer shocked and convicted me. It was difficult to face that my eyes were fixed on the temporary pleasures of this earth more than the glorious riches of eternity that Jesus promises us. However, I know the depths of my heart and soul yearns to spend eternity with God. Even King David knew that nothing on this earth could compare than spending eternity with the Lord. When an army was out to besiege David, he had only one request to God: to spend all the days of his life seeking God in His temple and gazing upon the Lord’s beauty (Psalm 27:4). This my deepest desire and request to God as well. This world and its temporary gratifications will fade away, but Jesus promises us eternal life. According to Tim Keller, we all have an “eternal murmur within our hearts” because we were created to live in eternity with God.
Whether this morning’s question was one of my random thoughts or a conversation sparked within me by the Holy Spirit (which it most likely was), it was a good reminder for me today. My prayers changed this morning. I asked the Holy Spirit to help guide my attention and thoughts with eternity in mind. Then, I began to look forward to doing Kingdom work at my job and became excited about being a light that shines unto others, so they may see my good deeds and glorify God (Matt 5:16). At the end of my life, I want to be found as a good and faithful servant in the eyes of God. I do not fear hell, but what I do fear is spending an eternity without the Lord. It would be an unbearable pain to be separated from God forever when I’ve tasted and seen His goodness, which is way better than this life (Psalm 63:3).
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marissalandicho · 8 years
This year has been filled with so many moments of joy, tears & laughs. One of the most memorable & magical moments of my life happened this year when @jeremylandicho asked me to marry him. I never imagined in my whole entire life that I’d be engaged at 24 yrs. old to the godly man my heart desired. However, God knew. He created these wonderful plans for both Jeremy and I (Jeremiah 29:11)! Our engagement party was surreal and overflowed with love from our family and friends. What a sweet joy and reward it is to experience the fullness of God’s timing. 
The official proposal video is out now! If you haven’t seen it yet, check it out. Feel free to “Like, share, comment”. Features exclusive behind the scenes interviews from us, the family, friends, and so much more. Creds to Mr. @BrianDublin who took a lot of time to make this masterpiece of a project. Really appreciate your hard work bro! As well as everyone who took time to make this magical event possible. ENJOY!!!
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marissalandicho · 8 years
I love you, Jeremy Landicho. So excited to marry you in the next 8 months babe! #tookmeforevertorepostthis
Counterfeit Love
I was walking through Walmart with my new fiance
You know, just running errands
And we stopped by the jewelry section– 
Glass cases full of rings, necklaces and whatnot.
They all sparkled brilliantly and I admired them for a few minutes,
Like how I had browsed for her engagement ring months before.
When I read the tags saying “simulated diamonds”
I stopped 
And thought about how we look at other things the same way.
Things like love, or, rather
What appears to be love.
People get it twisted sometimes.
Lust isn’t love.
Verbal abuse, physical abuse
Soul ties & co-dependency
Isn’t love.
Hollywood romance
Isn’t love.
Isn’t love.
We need to look through clear lenses and keep a sober mind
When it comes to these things, these… pitfalls
Seems like
The world hasn’t the slightest grip on what love is.
It’s a trip how one can be so convinced that what they are investing in is
Authentic when it’s the exact opposite.
Love is patient, love is kind. 
It does not envy, it does not boast, 
It is not proud.
 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, 
It is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 
Love does not delight in evil 
But rejoices with the truth. 
It always protects, always trusts,
Always hopes, always perseveres.
Love never fails. 
I don’t want a counterfeit love.
I’ve got the real thing.
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marissalandicho · 11 years
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marissalandicho · 11 years
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I don't know where to start, but my goodness...thank you God for such an amazing & life-changing weekend! Just finished reading all the affirmation cards written by the girls in my cabin from this weekend at Hume Lake. These cards definitely sums up the great work God has been doing in these young women's lives this weekend. I'm super grateful I had the opportunity & honor to help & be apart of it. Love all you ladies! ❤😊
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marissalandicho · 11 years
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marissalandicho · 11 years
In Transition.
We only fool ourselves when we think we can figure God out. Just when you start putting Him in a box you'll be surprised. He can take the life you're living right now and flip it upside down in an instant and, of course, turn it upright again just to remind you that His plans are much greater, much better and the best for you.
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marissalandicho · 11 years
In the space of worship, as we declare who he is, we remember who we are.
Jonathan Helser (via dottyasyouplease)
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marissalandicho · 11 years
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marissalandicho · 11 years
I’m just dust without Your breathe I’m just clay without Your kiss I’m just skin and bone Without your wind in my lungs
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marissalandicho · 11 years
God is not pleased in our doing, he’s pleased in our being.
Jonathan Helser (via dottyasyouplease)
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marissalandicho · 11 years
I am going to be completely honest and real here...
I am tired of looking at myself in the mirror and not appreciating what I see. What? Did Marissa just admit say that publicly? Yes, I did.
Since I was a young girl, feeling completely comfortable and beautiful in my own skin has been a struggle. However, I do not think I am alone in feeling this way. Whether I am on school campus, at the mall, on Instagram, or at the grocery store, I see girls around me who are striving for the same thing: to feel beautiful. From the girls who wear almost nothing to the girls who hide behind baggy clothes, I believe every girl wants to know and feel that they're beautiful. I'm not talking about feeling beautiful to attract guys, but the kind of beauty that attracts you to yourself. I'm not saying to be vain and narcissistic, but instead I am proposing to simply love yourself.
Loving yourself is a process. I am my own worst critic and learning to love myself feels like warfare: myself vs. myself. The first step I took to loving myself was training myself to look in the mirror to love what I see. I know, it sounds cheesy, but when I recognized what I loved about myself instead of what I hated, a sense of freedom overcame me.
By looking into the mirror and recognizing my beauty, two questions popped into mind: "Why am I trying to hide my flaws?" and "What really am I hiding?" I had to be completely honest with myself in answering these questions. 
To answer the first question, I try hiding my flaws because I fear rejection. ONe of the struggles of human nature is wanting people’s acceptance. I want people to like me. I want to be accepted by society. I don't want to be an outcast or labeled as "ugly". As I fought these fears, I did not realize that I have become accustomed  striving to live up to the false standard of beauty society has constructed. Granted, there are a handful of people with incredibly flawless skin, but I know there are also many women embarrassed of their imperfections because they feel majority of society has flawless skin.
My answer to the second question brought to mind the story of Adam & Eve and why people hide. People usually hide because they know they've done something wrong. When it comes to embracing my beauty I have nothing to hide except the beauty instilled within me.Then, it dawned upon me: as a daughter of Christ I'm already accepted. My flaws and imperfections do not rule me. The truth is the beauty of Christ rules me and is woven into every fiber of my being.
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marissalandicho · 11 years
I'm so thankful to God that I'm loved by HIM and by an awesome man of God, Jeremy Landicho, who showed me this song :)
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marissalandicho · 11 years
Long Way Down - W.L.A.K. (Christon Gray x Dre Murray) Just gonna take a moment to share this. I’ve been on a C. Gray hype lately. The dude’s underrated to the max. Once I discovered his music, especially this song I was instantly hooked; got the album and everything. Can someone please make a cover or choreo to it? Seriously y’all. Straight fire. Please reblog. This is mad slept on right now, and I’m still trying to figure out why. Peep the joint!
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marissalandicho · 11 years
Some days I wake up with no appetite for God. Every day is a war for what we will love most. Don’t stop fighting. He’s worth it.
- Jimmy Needham (via consulting--shadowhunter)
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marissalandicho · 11 years
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