markedbygrief-blog · 10 years
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❛ I decided a while ago not to deny myself      the  s i m p l e r  pleasures of EXISTENCE. ❜
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markedbygrief-blog · 10 years
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hey friends !! if anyone wishes to find me, i'm here right now. i miss all of you && my baby girl, but i have very little time for all of my accounts & whatnot !! i hope you are all doing well cupcakes uvu.
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markedbygrief-blog · 10 years
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Art Credit
I think it’s about time for another one of these! This time I didn’t call it a 'Follow Forever' because those have been problematic for me. Especially when…I didn’t even end up, you know, following them…forever. Cough. ANYWAY. Here we go! You guys have made my experience here on tumblr grand!! Even with all the drama happening, I’ve made it through and kept some really awesome pals along the way. You guys make it worth staying here and enduring the drama — I end up learning who the best people are. <3 Thank you. :)
agiftedglider / everynightiwilldream / sagexftime / flosdeitas / holdingmyworldsdestiny / jewelhuntress / clumsier / resolutedarkhero / boomboomshinies / satamblaze / kempybowe / drakedomitor / dxphneblake / guidemyfire / afinalguardian / thefinalhazard / mxelstrom/ legacycaptain / keyblxde / kexper / coronianthief / coozco / raphieel / livingmetal / tutendie / raxcity / chaoticaphotic / accxntbxyond / amorouschaos / watcherofstars / winterbuns / withsonicspeed / wanguanji / enpapiier / gongringer / coupdegrxce / ilhuicac / ignitxr / igniteist / spacerxnger / domigerium / desertofiore / flynnisms / hxrdcorendian / hebreaks / vaniima / markedbygrief / xlionhearts / offireandrebellion / mizunojo / magnanimousmonarch / jixnchi / hammerbeauty / avidlass / seriadux / raiionhato / stufflovingcube / docfinite / tyrantofmobius / tuxedomxsk / podacity / sarasudeiji / merkuris / emperoristic / nachttschatten / lxgique / ofkokiri / junkyardbeatnik / litoraliis
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markedbygrief-blog · 10 years
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so i just hit a milestone on hazelle and rory, and i figured it was about time i did one of these. i love you all and i’m so thankful you’re all here! and even if you’re not on here just know i love you ALL SO MUCH.
my little angel babies.
i actually can’t imagine being on this site without you guys! you are all so lovely and super special to me. so now instead of rambling here i’m going to ramble about you guys ok.
whiskeymitch ❁ ELLIE! okay, you are seriously such a delight i just jkldfds. haymitch is hazelle’s best friend and their relationship makes me very very happy. your writing is absolutely outstanding and i love all of our threads. :’)  you put something so special into all of your muses, and it’s magnificent! you are such a wonderful roleplay partner and i am so lucky that i know you, and so honored to roleplay with you ok?? you deserve all incredible things bc you my friend are all types of amazing!
markedbygrief ❁ sAMMY SAMMY SAMMY!! you are such a ball of sunshine and i love you. -insert picture of a prim & katniss hug here; you are so sweet && every single reply i get from you is so breathtaking i just i cRY. you actually amaze me and your katniss is so beautifully written. YOU ARE STUCK WITH ME NOW. :D katnip to my prim 5ever!
xpresidentsnowsdaughter ❁ where do i even start?? i could not imagine roleplay without you! actual paget to my aj. we’ve stuck together and i wouldn’t want it any different! your writing is always amazing, and you never fail to give me major fEELS. you are such an incredible friend and i am so glad i met you back in the criminal minds fandom! YOU ARE THE BEST TWIN I COULD ASK FOR, so thank you for being you!
posyhawthxrne​ ❁ you are the cutest of the cute tbh. emma, you are such a sweetheart it seriously amazes me. how do you even?? the hawthorne family feels always eXPLODE whenever hazelle interacts with her baby and i love it. your posy is absolutely wonderful, and your writing is exceptional! you’ve done a beautiful job with portraying her no matter what age or verse she is in! you are so lovely and i love you mucho honey buns!
the adored. 
you guys makes me SMILE!all of the threads i have you guys i love, and i seriously love seeing you guys on my dash. you are all astonishing writers, and beautiful humans!
teawithtrinket x volutneer x huntingpartner x youngerhawthorne x debrailles x primhealed x animakerma x vickisms x exdonner x frayedxrope x tentoriumxlignum x witsandtiits 
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markedbygrief-blog · 10 years
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( this is so crazy to me considering i hit 1,600 followers not even two weeks ago. thank you guys so much for following me and staying with me — even when i neglect this blog for other blogs. i think everyone knows how horrible i am with keeping new muses and i inevitably crawl back to this blog. nevertheless, you all follow me from blog to blog and that really means the world to me. whether we’re mutuals or not, whether you’re a recent follower or you followed me back when i first made this blog, i appreciate every single one of you more than i can put into words.  as per usual, here are some friends who inspire me and push me to become a better writer! )
morguliis burning-vermilion illripyourthroat wiintersqueen malifiicus killianns markedbygrief huntingpartner moranument cossassin arielshepard immortalcorrupter mercenaiire wreathsofeden classiqua soeuratous viewtokill surviivism forsakenvows shiieldmaiden offireandrebellion fakedpersona slxnderman idrxs dominatrick abamentia thredsxn callmeselina xspeaknoevil divinedemoniac cainfever triplethreatelise maimedlion queenxcersei impavidusx winterbuns merabra cutoffthehead queenxregina xaedificare lavchra unseenmockingjay unreapable slytherrus svikinnar violetsdeath bydornishlaw oceanwrought markofakiller deathworn fouriisms rymors leiaisms
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markedbygrief-blog · 10 years
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           to me it’s really an amazing start to the new year but hitting your all time goal of followers as a writer. i’m shocked that so many of you actually like my posts and it makes me smile and pushes me to continue doing what i love. i’ve had this blog for almost a full year ( coming up in two months ) and i never would have expected to get to 100 let alone 1000 holy shit. i’m honored and so thankful and blessed by you guys. your support really helps me to keep doing this, but enough about the sappy stuff, let’s get on to the new year and list! 
          i’ve lost friends but gained friends over the year and although they are not with me anymore their memories will forever be a part of rick. but some of the new friends i’ve gained in 2014 i call family today and i wouldn’t be here without them. this is in no particular order and please do not be offended if you are not on the list. i am thankful and love every one of you.  
these people are my family; 
     ohbernthal | shelikedmefirst | asskicker-grimes | laidre | theyoungsir |       pulledfromhell | vagabondiism/addiikti | terminusoftheline | ophidiian |      cmacmanus | aintnxbodysbitch | unseenmockingjay | aintashes |       waveringhumanity | changedsongbird | kxllercolt
we survive this by pulling together;
     starlordiism | drowniism | stetsxn | aintgonnabeyourbitch | lorixgrimes       builtforthisworld | little-songbird-greene | exaequatio | onlyhxmxn |       ericfuckinnorthman | southxrncomfort | anchortohumanity | carnxfex |      ofconviction | tobeloyal | maggie-greene | keptthemsafe | inessco |      gunatmyside | immunesaint | abetterangel | abrahxm | dixonisms
notice me please thank you!;
    queenxregina | neverwillagain | geluuk | ofdestructiion | andimissit |             hebreaks | brokenisms | dinuovosolo | booksmarting | markedbygrief     solamfidem | venater | survivaant | scelestvs 
amazing ricks you should give a follow;
 fromxupxthexroadxaways | nefxstus | talktorickgrimes |     theres-us-and-thedead
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markedbygrief-blog · 10 years
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respondinginkind's milestone bias list
So I’m trying to focus less on numbers and more on appreciation of you guys, so I’ve made this little bias list to thank all of you for a) sticking around or b) just joining this little bandwagon. I didn’t have time to make a new graphic so I’m using one of my old promo pictures, whoops. Anyways, I’m really happy you guys are all here. If you’re not on here, I’ve probably just forgotten or we don’t interact regularly.  Special Mentions: porticosdaughter: Jes, you are my rock, a ray of positivity which I really need to have around. And you put up with every au under the sun. I’m really happy we became good friends. It’s been a pleasure watching Door grow, and writing with you.  belgravianbitch: V, I’ve known you forever and watching Irene take off has been a privilege to witness. I’m only sorry Khan and Irene don’t get along better, but oh well. I’m sure we’ll figure something out where they’ll at least be civil. You really helped me out this year and I love you for it. mannukiili: Rowen, you are my sunshine. And you send me videos of puppies when I need them most. You are the least dramatic person I know which makes you so lovely to talk to, and maybe someday Khan will not be mean to your muses. Especially if you give me more Paul Bettany. moranument: Chuckles you are so sweet, I have no idea what I did to earn your affection but honestly, you’ve made me a beautiful theme and grace me with your beautiful character. You’re really lovely. 
The Crew (whether I rp with you regularly, or admire from afar)
sapphirescales hooopers detectum callmeselina idrxs tzaled fxmily unrivaledmind pippinxtook edhelernil onemansinsanity-onecatsreality harktoblivion compulsiion markedbygrief kkaleesh skepticalstarbuck empathicstars gamemakxr thedamefolle meantforsomethingbetter xeightyhg xwhiphand accxser svikinnar paramount-icebound acrownofflameforaking wasthatnotprocedure krovidym motherofasgard ofliesandarborgold
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markedbygrief-blog · 10 years
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ok,  so  i know i havent been v active here lately at all, but this  is  just  a notice that activity won't be picking up until 2-3 weeks from now !! mostly, it's due to  the  fact  that i want to start off the new semester with good grades so i won't have to take 4-5  weeks  catching  up at the end !! thank you for understanding and i'm super excited to return here once school calms down uwu ; if you need to find me, i'll be on my arwen (lotr)  blog every few days.
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markedbygrief-blog · 10 years
( respondinginkind. )
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He will be a great dictator leader if they let him. He has no intention to segregate and destroy the way the capital did. ( UNLESS HE IS               F O R C E D TO).                              “Miss Everdeen, thank you for                              agreeing to meet with me.” He will burnthem all to the ground, if they cross him. And then he will freeze the roots in the scorched earth. There will be no rebellion under his reign.
    { ————— ➹ ;;
              COUNTLESS sachems are now a s h e s of fiendish ambiance,                     failed attempts at dictatorship. This has withered her               her t r u s t, && now it's nothing but an ossuary of hope's demise.                      Her voice is laced with no FRAGILITY ; no empathy                in bones of shriveling misfortunes. It is q u i e t, though, lulled                        with sternness. A blend of temerarious && appraise.
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                    ❝Snow used to arrange these meetings, too.❞
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markedbygrief-blog · 10 years
( xdemonclaus. )
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           ”Whoa-I don’t think I’ve ever seen a spell that can do that before.” 
    { ————— ➹ ;;
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             ❝ I think that's because it's                  against the rules to use it.❞
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markedbygrief-blog · 10 years
( symboliism. )
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          ❝ go back to bed you have to rest, let your neck heal. ❞
    { ————— ➹ ;;
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             ❝ My neck is ( fine ).                  ———I need to SEE him.❞
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markedbygrief-blog · 10 years
( arcanetyrus. )
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                “i’m fine.”
     a   blatant  lie  whispered  through gritted  teeth.  he      hated it. he  hated  them.  he  hated  that  he  wasn’t      a l l o w e d   to   fight   back.  he could take      them   all   in   a   moment  but  to  overpower  them      would  risk him unleashing what he was so  careful      to  contain  in a cage weaved of nothing more  than      will  power.  his rib was broken,  (  quite badly  if  he      was to be honest  )  but there was not an  ounce  of      candor   in   his  voice.  still,  he  was  glad   of   her      presence,  for both the safety & comfort it provided.
    { ————— ➹ ;;
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              ❝ It was worse, this time, wasn't it ?❞
              RELUCTANCE to concede to annihilation's ( presence ) is a         primitive  notion, carved upon the clavical's of humans since the birth of                 of their dissemblance. In contrast, it's empathy's penumbra that         conciliates  said  glaciers. ( Sympathy ) clashes against IMMURES that                threaten to do nothing but kindle his lack of willingness to speak.        Though she, too, has ACHED with reluctance to utter reverie's opposite               force. Still, she refuses to a l l o w him to fall into gloom's void.
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markedbygrief-blog · 10 years
yeah it's really sad people think you aren't "quality" or just a good writer because you use gifs or you don't have a custom theme or you don't just have photoshop skills... but then again, sometimes they don't even bother to look at the person's actual writing...
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exactly !! the fact that a super intricate theme withphotoshop skills of a person who seems to havemajored in it is all that matters to people is very,very sad. but then again, i wouldn't necessarilyw a n t  people who ONLY look for that to followme, anyways ; i wan't those who actually look atwriting, characterization, etc. but, to each their own.
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markedbygrief-blog · 10 years
( dudeclownskill. )
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         With months of careful traveling,           he was able to see the current state          of all the districts and how the mockingjay          fueled them with hope and anger.          He never imagined he’d come face to face          with her himself since she inspired him as well.                             It was an honor.
    { ————— ➹ ;;
          Perhaps there is STEEL of aeneous embroidering across lungs of ashen                     aria's, once tinged in an astral of hope. ARMOR upon her            being is ( nothing ) but simple curlicues upon downcast hues ; a panoply of                      reinforcement upon the mind, though, is the VITAL key to            the nourishment of sanity. As irises of celadon shadows peak through dark                     lashes to see the bedridden forms before her, she yearns for it.
                            ❝ ——I'm here to see them.❞ 
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markedbygrief-blog · 10 years
what do u mean "acceptable"?
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as in, people wouldn't judge you for it or deem youLESS than others who did more than that !!! now, it's all of this extra fancy text stuff && icons, &&while I do realize i partake in it, i miss what wasthe simplicity of tumblr rping at one point.
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markedbygrief-blog · 10 years
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when you realize that only a few months ago,  slapping a huge gif onto a reply with text that wasn't even s m a l l was still acceptable.
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markedbygrief-blog · 10 years
    { ————— ➹ ;;
  She REEKS of excess coriander, inundated in the SMELLS of her            enemy’s kingdom ; she is the embodiment of hypocrisy’s  veering form. Despite fissures of f a u l t s, citizens see her as the             quintessence of HOPE, a lustrous pearl among stones    of woe. The man’s countenance is taken as a sign of disapprobation,                && her frigid gaze is dislodged from it’s PLACE. 
                            ❝ I just needed some fresh air.❞ 
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