projectindigostuck · 11 years
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And it will.
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projectindigostuck · 11 years
Quick update from the artist.
Hello! I just wanted everyone to know that the hiatus is still ongoing. To keep the blog alive, I'll occasionally post some doodles I've done of the characters-I've included one of these doodles in this post. To give a quick description of said doodle, I did it quickly in the beginning of June and is of Malachai, as you can obviously see. I hope you are all having a wonderful summer so far and will continue to stick with us until the hiatus is over. Thank you! 
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projectindigostuck · 11 years
I'm sorry to announce that the comic will be going into a hiatus. In the meantime, please feel free to send us more commands!
Stay gold!
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projectindigostuck · 11 years
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What? No overextended intro? No background depth? (Trust me- there will be.) No kissing of Spiderman posters? Well, that's too bad, but you can live with it. You've always been able to live with it.
You press the start button on SBURB, going into PesterChum to answer Mala, let him know that you've joizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....
FL: What?
FL: Huh?
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projectindigostuck · 11 years
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Your name is CONNOR FETCH, and you are absolutely god damned THRILLED to be starting this game. It's with one of your closest friends, MALACHAI, and that usually means it's gonna be great.
The games booted up, and ready to be played. What do you do?
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projectindigostuck · 11 years
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You open up the game client, and steel yourself.
This is it, some small part of your mind whispers to you. This is the way it all changes.
On a side note, another part of your mind that sounds suspiciously like a sixteen year old teenager snickers, as if some dark scheme it has concocted has finally come to boiling point, and it is taking it's time sampling it's wares. 
You press the start button, and-
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projectindigostuck · 11 years
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You leave the postman behind, to bleed out on your lawn or to amble away, returning to his nest. Postmen live in nests, right? Yeah. Just like doctors.
You open your pesterchum, and immediately regret it.
CK: So I've been thinking about one of our friends.
FL:Really? Which one? We have a lot.
CK: That doesn't matter. Anyway... I wanted your advice on something.
FL: Sure, go ahead.
CK: Well, I am really... well, attracted. To our friend. And I want to make a move on them.
FL: Well.
CK: Well what?
FL: I dunno. I can't help you there. But I would say... just be yourself, alright? That'd be a good way to start.
CK: You sure?
FL: Yeah. Positive.
CK: Alright then. Game's loaded up on my end. What about yours? 
FL: Almost. Give me a moment, would you?
CK: No problem.
Great. Fucking great. Not just great, but fan-fucking-tastic. You blew it, Mala. This is why you can't have nice things. You wait too long, and you expect everything to be handed to you, but no. No, no no no. You get one upped by one of your friends, probably because they had been more active in his life than you have.
It's time to start the game, you guess.
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projectindigostuck · 11 years
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What? You have no idea what you're talking about. You head to open the door and GOOD LORD YOU SHOT THE MAILMAN.
He seems... fine, right? He'll be fine. Great. Fantastic. Oh, hey, your gift! That's always great, receiving gifts in the mail. You tell this to the mailman, who just stares at you.
You take the red box, throw about 10 dollars on his body, and make a hasty retreat to the house before anyone sees you.
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projectindigostuck · 11 years
Tonight's final update will be answer-enabled!
As always, we here at Project IndigoStuck adore your submissions and commands, so we have one request for you all- keep it up! The commands may now be submitted through answer, as well as the usual ask function. Remember- your ideas are always considered, and almost always accepted! 
All of the love, allllllll of it!
PS: We'll be opening a FAQ page soon, along with a Chronological page, so you can read it without backtracking through what we hope to be a large, intricate adventure.
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projectindigostuck · 11 years
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You blow a hole dead straight toward your target. Perfect. Now you'll know who's at the door before you open it. Jehovah's Witnesses, beware. You blow the smoke off the barrel of your gun, which you think makes you look like a badass.
Huh. Sounds like someone's frustrated outside. Not unusual- your neighbors are dicks. Always complaining about how you're 'mentally unstable' and 'should not be allowed in civilized society'. Fuck 'em, you say.
Wow, that sounds really close. Maybe you should check it out. Again, maybe not.
What -should- you do, anyway?
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projectindigostuck · 11 years
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Awesome idea. You've been thinking... this door needs a peephole. since you have no windows in your room, it's hard for you to get sunlight. You cock back the pistol, using all of your skill as a marksman to get a dead center bead, and-
The mailman whistles happily on his way to work. His job is to deliver the packages, and he does it well. He has to feed his wife and kids, of course, and nothing ever stops the mail. He had to deliver a package to some guy named Evans today. He really hope he appreciates it. It's the small things in life, you know?
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projectindigostuck · 11 years
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That seems like a fair request. You slide in the disc, only to be greeted with- a fucking loading screen. Estimated time of download? Forty five minutes.
Great. Perfect. Fanfuckingtastic. God, you hate waiting for things. Oh well. Might as well dick around a little while you wait.
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projectindigostuck · 11 years
Once again, this story cannot proceed without the commands of our followers. So if you think of anything or everything, put it in the ask under anonymous or non-anonymous and we'll get to it!
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projectindigostuck · 11 years
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No, no.
Fuck off.
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projectindigostuck · 11 years
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CONNOR FETCH.... well, there's not much to be said that the lazy ass author won't tell you later. But you'll attempt to sum it up in the most obscure way possible.
He's a great guy. Like, really interesting. You enjoy listening to all of the stories he tells you; hell, as a reporter he's got lots of things to tell. He's sort of got an adaptive personality, and as far as you can remember he's never had a bad day.
Not once.
He makes you laugh, and makes you happy. That's more than most people can say.
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projectindigostuck · 11 years
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Wow, really? Alright then. You're the boss.
You look under your bed. You keep a shoebox under here, filled with stuff you write, and some of your creative ideas. It's private. 
Oh, yeah, and those are your guns. Those pistols are important to you. Why do you keep it under your bed? Because the monsters will think twice when they know you're packin' heat.
Eat it, Beetlejuice.
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projectindigostuck · 11 years
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You already opened the package, smartass. Now it's on to your friend.
curiousKoala started pestering firearmLiberator at [16:13]
CK: Hey there shellhead. Happy birthday! Hope ya got my package.
FL: Oh holy shit, Connor! Hey!
FL: Yeah, I got your packa- er, your gift. Thank you so much! I love these boots.
CK: Heheh…
FL: What?
CK: You act like such a chick sometimes, dude. You’re freaking out over shoes! Haha.
FL: Fuck you and your boots.
CK: Was that an offer? Whoa, Jesus, I've been spending too much time around RG. Think he's rubbing off on me a little. Hehe :P
FL: Shut up, man. Anyway, I’m happy you could talk to me- oh! Will you stick around to play this game with me? I hope you got a copy yourself.
CK: Aw, of course I will! It’s like my moral duty to spend time with you on your birthday.
FL: Awesome ^u^ I’ll talk to you when I get it loaded up!
CK: Sure thing- I’m not going anywhere. See you then!
CK is your best friend. He's been your best friend since the day you met him online. You two have never met in person, but you know you could. At least, you could one day. You've talked through webcam and stuff before, but it's not the same as doing it in person, you know?
What? What do you mean blush? You aren't blushing. Totally not. 
...Shut the fuck up.
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