markistarr · 6 years
reblog if you hate nazis and don’t think they should speak on college campuses
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markistarr · 6 years
@therealjacksepticeye this is beautiful and of course they make it anti
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markistarr · 6 years
Wilford: "Oh, we're going to paint something nice and happy here. Something really beautiful." *Paints a picture of Dark.* "Sometimes beautiful things aren't always bright and colorful, but they're exquisite all the same."
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dont repost! reblogs are welcomed!
I had to draw this okay…
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markistarr · 6 years
The Willows
"Down by the water, under the willow, sits a lone ranger, minding the willow; he and his wife, once lived happily," he hums.
I grin and step closer, taking care to remain silent as a panther on the prowl for its prey.
"Planted a seed, that grew through the reeds, summers and winters, through snowy Decembers, sat by the water close to the embers; missing out the lives that they once had before."
Upon reaching him, my grin broadens, my teeth visible as I steadily reach forward.
"I wouldn't leave you, I would hold you; when the last day comes, what if you need me? Won't you hold me on the last day, our last day?"
I place my hands on either side of his waist.
He startles, glances back; I catch a glimpse of his brilliant cyan eye through a curtain of raven curls.
Still beaming, I sing, "Mr. and Mrs., dreamed of a willow; carving their names, into their willow, if he had spoken, love would return spoken inside, too soft to be heard."
His silver lips contort into an endearing smile, soft to the core, just as the glimmer in his gaze.
 "Summers and winters, through snowy Decembers, sat by the water close to the embers; missing out the lives that they once had before,"   he replies quietly as he turns around to truly face me.
 "I wouldn't leave you, I would hold you; when the last day comes, what if you need me? Won't you hold me on the last day, our last day?"
I press my lips to his forehead.
He sighs. My grin stretches, reaching for my ears.
"Wil?" he murmurs, heterochromic eyes peeking at my soul.
I hum, plant another blossom of affection on his cheek. "Yes, Darkling?"
"Do you remember them?"
I freeze. I swallow the lump forming in my throat.
Another blossom is planted on his other cheek.
"Remember who?"
"No, no, not who. What."
I blink. He shakes his head slowly.
"Do you remember the weeping willows out in the gardens?" he queries.
Another blossom, his cheekbone.
"They used to sing, you know. They used to preach, used to tell legends."
I lean back, brow cocking.
His eyes are shut, like he's trying to picture those willows in place of the emptiness behind his lids.
"Wil, tell me, do you remember the willows?"
My lips move upon their own accord. "No. I don't."
The corners of his mouth drop.
I cannot help but feel as though I've done something wrong.
"These memories, they hurt you know," he murmurs. "I'm glad you cannot recall them."
My eyes widen, a tidal wave of shock crashing down over me.
His eyes flutter open.
Unshed tears swim there; fish in a silver sea of cyan and cherry lights.
My eyes snap shut.
A spark of taffy-pink, an explosion of neon blues, of neon reds.
The bitter taste of dark chocolate, the sweet tang of skittles overwhelms me.
It fades, quick as it came.
He's smiling. He hums the song of the willows.
I hum along.
(tag list under the cut! c: just comment if you’d like to be included in the list from this post and onward!)
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markistarr · 6 years
Updates to Tumblr’s Community Guidelines
Today we announced some big updates to our Community Guidelines and what kind of content is permitted on Tumblr. Adult content will no longer be allowed here. While we do not judge anyone for their desire to post, engage with, or view this stuff, it is time for us to change our relationship with it.
We expect you may have some questions on how this will affect you, and we’re here to make sure those questions get answered.
When does the new policy take effect?
Our new Community Guidelines will go into effect on December 17, 2018.
Newly uploaded content flagged as adult will no longer be allowed on Tumblr. We’ll also begin flagging and removing existing adult content with the ultimate goal of removing as much of it as we can.
What is considered adult content?
Adult content primarily includes photos, videos, or GIFs that show real-life human genitals or female-presenting nipples, and any content—including photos, videos, GIFs and illustrations—that depicts sex acts.
What is still permitted?
Examples of exceptions that are still permitted are exposed female-presenting nipples in connection with breastfeeding, birth or after-birth moments, and health-related situations, such as post-mastectomy or gender confirmation surgery. Written content such as erotica, nudity related to political or newsworthy speech, and nudity found in art, such as sculptures and illustrations, are also stuff that can be freely posted on Tumblr.
What about Safe Mode?
Our new policy negates the need for Safe Mode so this feature will no longer exist. These new policies are the same regardless of your age. Read more here.
My content was flagged, but I don’t think it should be. What should I do?
If you feel that we have categorized your post incorrectly, you can appeal this decision with the form that was sent to you via email or use the button on the post in question. Please note that this process is only possible to complete on the web or with Tumblr app version 12.2 or higher.
Read more about how to review your content and appeal here.
What goes into classifying content as adult?
This work requires a mix of machine-learning classification and human moderation by our Trust & Safety team—the group of individuals who help moderate Tumblr. We’ve been expanding the team to handle the increased workload, and we will continue to expand as needed.
Computers are better than humans at scaling process—and we need them for that—but they’re not as good at making nuanced, contextual decisions. This is an evolving process for all of us, and we’re committed to getting this right. That’s why when you appeal a post we’ve marked as adult, it gets sent to a real, live human who will look it over with their real, live human eye(s).
Will I see any adult content on Tumblr after December 17, 2018?
Due to the technical challenges that come with moderation at scale you may continue to see some adult content. This is true for all types of content that might be in violation of our guidelines. At any given moment, millions of people are posting to Tumblr. To review everything and to get it right is complex, but we’re committed to continuously improving.
As always, if you see a post with adult content that you don’t want to see, you can report it directly to our Trust & Safety team. Learn about how to report content here.
What will happen to my adult content already on Tumblr?
Starting today, we will begin sending out email notices to members of the Tumblr community whose content has been flagged as adult. This email will provide a link to the post(s) in question and a form to appeal our decision if you think we have made a mistake. Starting on December 17, 2018, any post(s) that have been flagged will be reverted to a private setting viewable only by you. If you want to learn more about how to see those posts, please visit our Help Center.
As always, please make sure the email associated with your Tumblr account is one you use regularly. It’s how we get in touch when we need you!
You can also download the contents of your blog(s) before these policy changes take effect. Find out how here.
What if my blog (not to be confused with posts) was marked as “explicit” before December 17, 2018?
Blogs that have been either self-flagged or flagged by us as “explicit” per our old policy and before December 17, 2018 will still be overlaid with a content filter when viewing these blogs directly. While some of the content on these blogs may now be in violation of our policies and will be actioned accordingly, the blog owners may choose to post content that is within our policies in the future, so we’d like to provide that option. Users under 18 will still not be allowed to click through to see the content of these blogs. The avatars and headers for these blogs will also be reverted to the default settings.
You can check and see if your blog is marked as explicit per our old policy in your visibility settings. If you think your blog has been erroneously marked as explicit, please send an appeal here.
Will I get kicked off of Tumblr if I’ve uploaded adult content in the past?
We’re removing content, not people. However, those who repeatedly and deliberately post new content that violates our updated guidelines may have their account deactivated per our Terms of Service. If you feel you’ve been incorrectly suspended, you can appeal here.
What if I reblogged adult content?
The original poster of the content will be notified of its removal, and it will no longer be on your blog.
What if I have more “What if” questions?
We got you. You can review our updated Community Guidelines right over here. If you still haven’t found an answer to your question, you can ask our support team.
<3 Tumblr
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markistarr · 6 years
stop insulting yourself. it doesn’t help.
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markistarr · 6 years
Sorry I haven't been posting! School has been thrownin' me for a loop as of late. That, and I'm also anxious about the next Happy Families chapter.
I don't want anyone upset.
The chapter brings in Mark's father, and in this verse he isn't a kind soul- so I'm nervous about how well everyone will take it.
But, uh, anyways...I'll still try and get the next bit out soon.
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markistarr · 6 years
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Forever and ever
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markistarr · 6 years
be proud of yourself. Getting out of bed is a struggle sometimes. taking care of yourself is hard. keeping clean, staying motivated, recovering, finishing a task, finishing a meal. Every day you accomplish so much. Value your accomplishments, and don’t let others belittle them. You are doing a very good job. I am proud of you.
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markistarr · 6 years
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Made this to help promote @markiplier‘s Charity Stream on December 1st! One of the many reasons I love this guy is his determination to use his platform as a way to help others (plus, he’s so dang funny). If you can tune in, I know it’ll be a blast. Anyway, Mark, I hope you enjoy! <3
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markistarr · 6 years
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markistarr · 6 years
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markistarr · 6 years
Important about the Tumblr “Purge”
Tumblr has made and official statement on twitter about what’s going on:
We’re committed to helping build a safe online environment for all users, and we have a zero tolerance policy when it comes to media featuring child sexual exploitation and abuse. As this is an industry-wide problem, we work collaboratively with our industry peers and partners like NCMEC to actively monitor content uploaded to the platform. Every image uploaded to Tumblr is scanned against an industry database of known child sexual abuse material, and images that are detected never reach the platform. A routine audit discovered content on our platform that had not yet been included in the industry database. We immediately removed this content. Content safeguards are a challenging aspect of operating scaled platforms. We’re continuously assessing further steps we can take to improve and there is no higher priority for our team.
Please please please, for the love of everything, stop spreading fear in our community. They are not purging your blogs for having NSFW content. If your blog gets deleted and you didn’t have any of the above mentioned content, or something that could be percived as such, then please contact Tumblr Support to regain your blog. They can be contacted via the form here.
Please reblog so people stop spreading false information and cause unnecesary fear.
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markistarr · 6 years
Eldest Doom -0.1- [Happy Families 0.3]
(A/N: I sorta hate this chapter because, like...meh. I just...don’t think all too fondly of it. :/ I’ve been pretty iffy ‘bout posting it, but I figured, “May as well!” So, uh, here goes, I guess.)
Baby Boy All in black; That's my brother, Darkus, So you better Stay back.
Bullies, bullies, Everywhere, I'd like to hit them, Right there, right there.
But I can't. If I hit them, I'll get Detention or suspension
and Mom and Dad Won't be happy.
Though, I s'pose That they never are.
Brother's and Sister's Are meant to care; To love and cherish One another.
Damien and I Used to fight Over everything.
That is, until Darkus. Sweet, sweet Darkus.
He never hurt A soul; He has so much love To give away.
He just...
Doesn't know Who to give it to Just yet.
But, I think that Wilford Is the perfect Candidate.
Markus Fischbach Is endearingly Bittersweet.
I adore his eyes- A soothing coffee blend- I adore his skin- A wonderfully speckled olive- I adore his hair- A velvety curtain of ebony-
I adore his smile, His decently toned build, His infectious laugh, His contagious solemn.
I adore each and every Fragment.
Yet I also adore Someone else Just a little More...
Reflections The mirror reminds me Of each and every one.
Reminds me Of the scars, of the pain, Of every minute I wept.
Mom and Dad Are harsh, So they stripped me Of everything I once Held dearly.
But if I told Damien Or Darkus, Or worse, Markus,
I know as a fact That everything would topple Like a toddler
Who's destroying their tower Of building blocks 'Cause it's time
To clean up.
Snip Sing the scissors,
"No!" Cries Darkus.
Raven locks Fluttering, fluttering;
Darkus is sad To see it all go.
But I never liked my hair.
Anxiety; Can't breathe, Can't see.
Damien is here, I hear his voice;
"It's alright," He soothes.
He's got my hand Held in an iron grip.
Pitter-patter Of footsteps.
"Is Celine okay?"
"Darkus, Cel will be just fine."
Darkus whimpers, "Promise?"
I can hear The meek smile he gives.
(Tag list under the cut! c:)
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markistarr · 6 years
Bubblegum Boy (0.1) [Happy Families 0.2]
There’s a Cute Boy Named Darkus Doom Who sits next to me every day In literacy and science, And he’s super smart;
Pale skin, Vibrant eyes, Dark hair, Big brains, Glum mood.
Bullies Think They’re so funny With their calls of, “Crybaby, Crybaby,” Out on the Playground.
They think they rule The entire school, But I’ve got William To use as a defense, ‘Cause they all like To poke fun at
Darkie’s pretty eyes, His velvety hair, His glittery skin.
Cut it Away bit by bit; That’s what Darkus told me Cel likes to do When she thinks that Dames and Him
Aren’t looking.
“That’s bad,” I say.
He replies, “I know.”
“So you aren’t going to stop her?”
“I don’t think she’d listen to me.”
“Why’s that?”
“‘Cause no one else does.”
If only he could understand That that isn’t True.
Smoke and Drink And cut away,
That’s what Darkus says mamas and dads do.
But that’s not what my mama and dad do.
Mama crochets and bakes And sometimes drinks;
Dad cleans his guns And builds little planes And ships.
I asked him, “What do Brother’s and sister’s do, Then?”
“They treat you well,” He said.
“They love you, And feed you, And tuck you in At bedtime.”
William doesn’t do any Of those things.
William cleans the house, Feeds the dogs, Plays tag, Shows me how To fight, Teaches me ‘bout Guns and ships and jets.
Then, he heads back To Camp.
For forty more days.
Mama and Dad Say that William Only goes to Camp
Because he’s a good kid With a bad mind.
Damien seems upset Whenever he comes to visit And we bring up Camp.
“William, Why does Damien Not like Camp?” I ask.
William smiles. “Damien doesn’t like Camp because He misses me,
“And for every day That I’m gone, I have to kiss him Twice as much When I get back home.”
Camp Is home for William, Even though home Is really here, With Mama and Dad And the dogs.
The Dogs Are fed every day At sixteen-hundred.
Their names are Stanler and Hen.
Stanler is a Rottweiler; Hen is a Frenchie.
Mama says, “Stanler and Hen Are like brothers.”
“So They’re like Markus And William?” I ask.
Mama frowns. Dad folds the paper With a soft sigh.
“Markus and William Aren’t like brothers,” Dad says.
“Why not?” I ask.
“Because, Markus is a bad kid With a good mind, And William is a good kid With a bad mind.”
I didn’t ask Anymore questions.
Mark Fischbach Is nice;
Mama told me He’s a good kid With a good mind.
“He’s a kind one; Polite and respectful, With a sincere Soul,” Mama says.
I think that We’re friends, But I’m not so sure.
He’s rounding The corner now; I’ll ask ‘im.
“Mark,” I say.
He turns, Says, “Yes?”
“Are we Friends?”
He grins.
Mama will be Glad To know That I’m friends With the
Good kid, Who’s got a good mind, Is Polite And respectful, With a sincere Soul.
(Tag list under the cut! c:)
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markistarr · 6 years
arin & danny put out game grumps content for us every single day—and not only do they work hard to make sure we get two (sometimes three) videos a day, they each have other projects they are actively involved in. on top of that, they are both only human and they need time for themselves and to spend with their family and friends too. i love danny to death but I do hate seeing people give Arin shit constantly when he is one of the most genuinely kindhearted people on YouTube. his video broke my heart and while I understand being disappointed about Ghoul Grumps, there was no need to be an asshole to either of them about it. it’s cool that they’re going to do their best to do a nightmare before Christmas thing AND jingle grumps for us, since after the way some people acted we don’t deserve for them to work extra hard for us at all.
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markistarr · 6 years
Junior Doom (0.1) [Happy Families 0.1]
Everyday They tell me, “Your mommy and Daddy don’t love you!”
I already know this, ‘Course I do, But it still stings;
Leaves me To earn this nickname I’ve got of crybaby.
I Tell Them To shut it Every single day, But they don’t listen ‘Cause they like To laugh at me;
“Crybaby, crybaby,” They sing.
“Shut up!” I cry. “Stop laughing!” I shriek.
But they never listen To lil’ crybaby me.
Often times I Wonder Whether or not Mommy and Daddy Will come back happy,
But they never Do.
I think Mommy and Daddy Hate each other Because of me.
Damien and Celine, Brother and sister,
Tell me, “They loved each other.”
“How much?” I ask.
“A lot, a lot,” Damien replies.
Damien and Celine, Brother and sister,
Tuck me in Every night, Make me dinner Every night, Play games with me Every night, Help me with homework Every night.
“Is it my fault That Mommy and Daddy Don’t love each other No more?”
“No, no,” Celine soothes.
“Mommy and Daddy Just don’t know How to love anymore,” Damien says.
I don’t think They’re telling the Truth.
I Think Celine has a crush On Damien’s friend Markus.
Markus has two brothers, And he’s the middle kid;
Jason is the elder, Mark is the younger.
Damien and Celine, Brother and sister, Think I should try To befriend Mark,
But I don’t like him, Not one little bit, Even though I can’t quite place The why’s of it.
Damien’s boyfriend, William, Also has A brother;
His name is Wilford. I like Wilford;
I think he’s cute, But I don’t think He likes me Very much.
“Is it just me?” I ask.
Damien says, “Yeah. Cel and I Think he likes you Lots, Darkie.”
Maybe I Should just ask.
But Whenever I even Ponder it,
Butterflies rupture out In my stomach; A volcanic explosion Of anxiety, Fluttering about Gracefully.
I Want to Say Hello, Want to smile wide,
But I’m afraid He’ll hate me Like all the other Girls’ and boys’.
“Crybaby, crybaby!” The nickname they’ve Given me.
“Crybaby, crybaby!” They never learned to listen,
Especially not to me.
My Skin Is Too pale, My eyes are Too bright, My hair is Too light.
Dye my hair, The one thing I Can fix,
‘Cause I never liked It’s pallid waves, Unlike Dames and Cel, Who always say They like my pearly hair,
‘Cause it makes My eyes glow Real bright In the night, Like two spotlights.
I dye it Deep, deep black, Like a raven’s wing, Or a crow’s feather; Great birds That I’ve seen in books And out on the lawn,
But I’m not aloud To get up close, ‘Cause Celine says I’ll burn right up.
I Talked to Him Today,
But it was only Because Howard told me To stop being such A coward.
So I stepped up To the plate, And sputtered out, “Hello!”
My voice let out A shrimpy, Shrill squeak,
So I clamped My hands right over My pale lips, Hoping he wouldn’t Laugh at me.
And he didn’t.
Wilford grinned, And said, “Hello, Darkus!”
And suddenly, Everything grew So much brighter; More vibrant;
Every color, Each shade, The whole world Seemed to Glimmer.
All the Kids Who called me Crybaby Get what I like to call
The William Whammy.
I call it that Because Wilford tells ‘em That his brother, Who knows how to use guns, Will treat ‘em mean If they keep callin’ out,
“Crybaby, crybaby,” On the playground And in the halls.
Mommy and Daddy Left again
And they didn’t seem Like they planned on Coming back home.
Damien tells me Not to worry, That they’ll be back, Same as before,
Where the arguments Will begin once more.
I have my doubts, That not even Both brother and sister Can pacify.
(Tag list under the cut! c:)
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