marlsdyanrose · 3 years
He could feel her legs were shaky and he carefully walked with her to the bed while she sat down, plopping himself down next to her. “I mean, I guess that’s possible but I don’t know when she would have gotten it. We didn’t have sex in the weeks leading up to our breakup so there was nothing to save. I just… I don’t understand it. Why can’t she let us be happy? What does she hope to happen? That I would suddenly decide I liked the abuse and go back to her? It makes no sense.” He said, giving her hand a squeeze as she answered him about Santana. “I just hope she doesn’t believe that I would do this. You know her opinion of me and I’m worried that she will think its true and refuse to help.” He admitted, biting his lip. “I don’t get it either Marls but we’ll get to the bottom of it. She won’t get away with it. I just… I hope you believe me when I say that I never cheated on you. She is lying like she always does.” 
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Marley sighed as he talked. She didn’t know how any of this could’ve happened. She had no idea what was going to come to this and she wished that the woman would just leave them alone. “I have no idea what’s going through her mind.” She shook her head and rubbed her stomach. She looked down at the ground and sighed as he squeezed her hand. “She won’t. And if she does, who cares? She’ll help because it’s for me.” She took a deep breath and looked into his eyes again. “I know you wouldn’t cheat. I know that. Don’t think for a moment that I thought you would.” She squeezed his hand. “We’ll figure this out. Like we always do, right?”
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marlsdyanrose · 4 years
All Finn could do was hold his fiancé, not knowing the right words to say to make her feel better. Mostly because he didn’t understand the situation himself. Why was Quinn doing this now? How had she really found him? Its not like they were very active on social media or giving away their place of residence. Had she really came all the way to Ohio just to fuck with their relationship? He wouldn’t put it past her to be honest. But he couldn’t care about that now, Marley needed him and he needed to be there for her despite everything. “There’s no way this kid is mine, Marley, I swear. I mean, its hard to deny the DNA test but I just know that’s not my kid.” He said, biting his lip. “Do you think Santana could help us? I mean, I’ll pay her to help us but we need to know. I don’t trust her and we need a second opinion.” 
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Her legs were feeling a little weak and she held onto him tighter. She still wasn’t a hundred percent with them and being up like this while upset was making it hard to stay standing. “I know, but how could she have it? Did she... Did she have some of your sperm or something? Waiting for things to be good for you to come in and try to ruin it?” She asked and she moved back while holding his hand so she could sit on the bed before she fell or something. That’s the last thing they needed. “I’m sure she will. Especially if I call. You know she likes me best.” She said and tired smiling a little. “I don’t get any of this, Finn. I really don’t.”
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marlsdyanrose · 4 years
Finn knew he wasn’t the smartest person, hell he wasn’t even top 20 in his graduating class, but something inside him told him not to believe Quinn. Something was off about all of it, from the test results to the age of the kid. His head was already hurting from thinking about it all so adding it all up and trying to figure it out today wasn’t an option. Right now, he was on damage control. Quinn showing up had caused him unnecessary grief and if there was a way he could make her pay, he would. Hearing the lock click and the door slowly open, he smiled softly at Marley but it quickly faded when he saw her face. The words that came from it made him pause and he stepped closer to her, reaching out to grab a hand. “Marley Dylan Rose, why on Earth would you think I would ever do that? I fought so hard to win your heart, put up with so much of her shit, to ever think about going back to her. You are my entire world. I would never cheat on you. Not with Quinn, not with anyone. I’m so sorry that she’s trying this crap but I can assure you that our baby is the only one that is mine.”
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Marley listened to his words and squeezed his hand before leaning into his body and sobbing into his chest for a moment. She knew she shouldn’t believe Quinn. She lied about everything and always had and she knew Finn would never cheat on her with anyone. She just held onto him for a moment as she let the sobs out before moving back a little and looking at him. “I-I’m sorry. I just... it all doesn’t make sense. H-How is the kid yours?” She stammered as she squeezed his hands tighter. “I know you wouldn’t... cheat on me. I do. I’m just... so confused. What are we going to do, Finn?”
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marlsdyanrose · 4 years
“You’ve changed, Finnocence. Its kind of hot. Are you sure you’re happy with her? Because I’m willing to take you back.” She said, her fingers running up and down his arm. “Quinn! Stop. I don’t know what kind of game you’re playing but I don’t appreciate it. There is no way that this child is mine and I’m going to fight this. I want nothing to do with you or this bastard child! You can’t even get my DNA because you haven’t been here to get it!” He said, grabbing her arm and guiding her to the door. “Now please leave while I go comfort my fiance. She probably thinks the worst of me, which is probably what you wanted when you came here anyway.” He said, pushing her out the door and slamming it behind her. “Ahh!” he yelled, kicking the table next to him. “Fuck!!” Finn shouted, looking down at the foreign looking paper. “How do I prove she’s wrong? I can’t… this isn’t possible. I can’t be…” He whispered, making his way to the bedroom but finding the door locked. “Mar? I, uh, I’m so sorry about that.” 
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She heard him yell at her to get out and she jumped when the door slammed. The dog nudged her to try to comfort her and she petted him as she heard her fiance yell and heard the sound of him kicking something. How was any of this possible? What was going on? And what was true anymore? She looked at the door as the doorknob jiggled and she stood while the tears rolled down her cheeks and she had a hand soothingly on her stomach to try to keep the little girl inside calm. Marley stood at the door as Finn apologized and bit her lip before unlocking and opening the door. “Is she right? Is the kid yours? Did you...” More tears build up and she let out a sob. “Did you cheat on me?”
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marlsdyanrose · 4 years
The blonde watched the other woman walk away, a smirk on her face and a quick change to shock when she slammed the door. “Was it something I said?” She asked, shaking her head before pushing past Finn and inside the room. “Well this looks better than I was expecting. I take it she did the decorating?” She asked, grabbing a handful of popcorn and putting it into her mouth. “Come on Finn, you look like you’ve seen a ghost. You should have expected this. You can’t fuck me without a condom and not expect there to be consequences. And apparently from the looks of Bambi in there, you’ve got some powerful swimmers. I’m impressed.” Quinn said, sitting on the arm of the couch. “I’ve missed you, Finn. I know we didn’t end on the best of terms but uh, we were good together right?” Her hand came up to rub against his arm. “Why are you in my house? I didn’t invite you in and you’ve upset my fiancé so please leave before I call the police.” 
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She could hear them going on in the living room. She sat on the bed with Maximus at her legs and head on her lap while Marley’s hand was covering her mouth so her sobs wouldn’t be heard through the door. Their daughter inside her womb was moving around as she could tell her mother was upset and she put on hand on her stomach to try to calm the little one down. At least one of them could be calm and the last thing she wanted was for the girl to be stressed again. However, the tears rolled down her cheeks and she sobbed into her hand; but it was definitely getting louder as she did. How could any of this happen? Was she even telling the truth? She said she had proof, though. That would mean Finn cheated on her and now had a kid. Her heart was breaking and she wasn’t sure that to do.
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marlsdyanrose · 4 years
The shock at seeing his ex standing at their door still hadn’t worn off even as Marley walked over to stand next to him. “How do you know where I live?” He asked, pulling his fiancé in tight against him. “Don’t be daft, Finn. Your mom told me where you were. She was particularly helpful once she found out why I came to this shit town.” Quinn chuckled, looking over at Marley, her eyes glancing the other woman up and down. “Hmm, I suppose she’s better than Rachel but still not as good as me.” She laughed, handing him the envelope. “I hope you’re making better money now than you did when we dated because you’ve got two kids to take care of now.” She explained, waiting with excited anticipation as Finn opened the envelope. “That’s right, quarterback, you’re already a father. Our son was born two months ago and this is not only the DNA test proving it but an order demanding you pay me support.” 
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Marley stayed quiet and close to Finn as the woman talked. She wasn’t one to really hate anyone, but she did Quinn. She always had, even when she as only friends with Finn and the two were dating. She caused too much drama for them and they worked so hard to forget her and move on. Her eyes widened as she said she had a son with him. She looked at Finn and back at Quinn before needing to get away. She couldn’t stand there and listen. If she was right, they had to be together when Marley and Finn had started dating. Hell, it would’ve been after they got engaged. Did she question Finn on this or did she trust that he wouldn’t? Her heart said the later, but she couldn’t handle it. Not in front of the blonde. “I can’t believe this.” She said and shook her head as she moved from Finn and went into their bedroom before she closed the door and fought the tears that came.
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marlsdyanrose · 4 years
“I have no doubt. You’ve always had good taste babe so I trust your judgment.” He added, his nose wrinkling as he turned back to focus on the show. To be honest, it hadn’t taken much convincing to get him to watch the show. It was one his mom loved and while he never watched this one with her, he had watched some shows with her because it was the only way he could think of to keep her from being so sad about his dad. Sure it was considered a “chick” show but he didn’t care, he liked to branch out and watch something other than sports, despite what some people said. He shrugged his shoulders, wondering who could be at their door this time and he chuckled, wondering if it would be his step-brother or his brother-in-law, showing up for a nightcap to discuss yet another fight. “Hello lover. Did I come at a bad time?” Well it definitely wasn’t Kurt. Or Blaine. “Q…Quinn? What… what are you doing here?” 
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“Well, I chose you.” She smirked at him. God how much did she love the man she was with. She hoped he always knew that and that she valued him completely every day. She sat up a little bit, or as much as her stomach would let her so she could see the door and her heart fell as she saw who it was. Finn was just as shocked as she was as he talked to her. She thought they were done with her. They should’ve been done with her. She moved the blanket off her and struggled to stand before walking over and taking Finn’s hand. Maximus stood behind her and she heard a little growl from the dog. “Finn, what’s going on?” She asked softly as her other hand rested on her bump.
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marlsdyanrose · 4 years
“I never imagined myself ever watching, much less liking, a show like this but its so good. What have you done to me Marley Dylan Rose?” He chuckled, grabbing the blanket they’d gotten for Christmas and heading back out to the couch. “I’m coming, I’m coming! This thing weighs a ton, where did Mercedes say she got this again?” He asked, sitting down and spreading it over themselves. He pulled her into his side and was about to hit the play button when the doorbell rang. He groaned and looked over at her. “Are you expecting anyone? Did I order food and then forget about it? Who would interrupt us, on today of all days?” He asked, getting up off the couch to answer the door.”
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She giggled softly and was definitely very pleased with herself. “I told you so. You’re going to love it more and more.” She promised him. It was a shame more guys didn’t watch shows like this because it was deemed too ‘girly’ but she was glad she broke Finn down to doing it. “I have no idea, but I love it. Make me feel comfy.” She said and smiled up at him as he draped it over them. She was so happy to have him as hers. Nothing was going to be in their way and they were going to live their lives out together forever. She was still surprised by the door and she shook her head. “I’m not. I promise the pregnancy brain didn’t order food this time.” She laughed and watched him. “Is it Kurt or Blaine?”
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marlsdyanrose · 4 years
“I mean I don’t hate Dean, he’s a Winchester, but I definitely don’t think he’s right for Rory. Unless he does something truly awful in later seasons and I want him to die in a fire.” He stated, scruffing up his face. “She doesn’t end up with Jesse? What is this conspiracy? Am I even going to like the end of this show?” He had so many questions and he knew that it was amusing his fiance. “Okay yes, that would be preferable. Let me go grab us our new blanket and then we can start.” 
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Marley couldn’t help but laugh and she scrunched up her nose. “Mmm that’s enough to hold that against him.” She teased Finn. “I don’t think you’ll want him to die in a fire, but... just wait. Come sit and watch.” She pointed at him and laughed. “You know, sometimes someone doesn’t have to end up with someone. Just saying.” She put her hands up innocently. “Hurry please. I wanna cuddle my man and watch my show.” She yelled towards him and heard the doorbell go off. “More interruptions.” She grumbled playfully. “Help, I’m a stranded whale and I can’t get up to answer the door.”
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marlsdyanrose · 4 years
“Ooo who’s Jesse? Am I going to like or hate him?” He asked, getting up from his spot on the couch and walking into the kitchen. “As long as he’s good to Rory, then that’s all I care about. She deserves all the happiness. They both do.” He said, fixing the bag of popcorn and grabbing the container of gummy bears. He’d learned early on in her pregnancy that she could eat handfuls of them and one bag simply wasn’t enough. Looking over his shoulder, he laughed and raised an eyebrow. “I mean Max is okay for now but its going to be Luke and Lorelai in the end.”
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She couldn’t help but laugh softly. “Jess. And if you’re anything like the rest of us, you will love him and completely despise Dean.” She explained with amusement before nodding at his words. “That is true. And I think she’d definitely end up with Jess if she wasn’t so... her.” She shrugged. “You’ll see. I don’t want to spoil it for you.” She laughed softly and nodded. “Yes. Exactly. Good boy.”
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marlsdyanrose · 4 years
If you had told Finn back in high school that he would one day be curled up on a couch with Marley, her very prominent pregnant belly pressed against him, and a ring on her finger that would one day bind them together forever, he would have laughed. He always knew he would get married but that wasn’t the funny part of the scenario. No, what was funny was how intensely he was watching the show she had picked out. He had never been a fan of those shows that everyone deemed “girly”, and this one even had girl in the title but yet, here he was, ten episodes in, and he was hooked. Perhaps it was merely a distraction so that he didn’t have to think about how upset Marley had been a week ago. It had taken him a while to reassure her that everything was fine with the baby but still the worry was there in the back of their minds. It probably would be until she arrived but that didn’t mean they had to dwell on it. 
He looked over at her and nodded, hitting the button himself. “This is so exciting. I mean, you’ve got Tristan, the hot bad boy who’s definitely in love with the nerdy good girl, but she has a boyfriend, who’s the dude from Supernatural, and kind of just meh… I mean, I have no idea who she’s going to choose but I personally know my own answer.” He laughed, getting up to head into the kitchen. “Popcorn?” 
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She laughed as she listened to him and nodded. “Just wait until you meet Jess.” She teased and nodded as he headed for the kitchen. “Yes, please. And some gummy bears.” She said and took a sip of her water. “Now, the question is are you liking Lorelai with Max or do you think she has chemistry with anyone else?” She asked; knowing full well she was hinting towards Luke.
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marlsdyanrose · 4 years
Lazy Sundays were definitely a favorite for Marley. Especially when she was cuddled up on the couch with Finn and Maximus, under blankets and just watching something on Netflix. Her hand was on her stomach while she felt the little one move around inside and a smile was on her face. She had calmed since the doctor’s visit and taken it easy to help ensure the baby was doing as good as she could be. Everything was going fine and it would stay that way, Marley knew that and was determined to keep that up.
Now as fall sprung up on them, the binging of Gilmore Girls was a must for Marley so there they were, watching it and the “Continue Watching” thing popped up again on the screen. “Another?” She asked and looked over at her amazing fiance to see what his opinion on the matter would be.
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marlsdyanrose · 4 years
He squeezed her hand back in response and gave her a weak smile. “You just have to have faith babe. If you two can survive a crash, and everything else you’ve been together, a small case of indigestion should be no big deal.” He teased, trying to lighten the mood. He should be just as worried as she was, and in a way he was frightened too, but he had to focus on keeping Marley calm. He couldn’t let her get inside her own head and overthink things. That would do more harm than this little hiccup they were experiencing. “I know its scary adn you’re worried sick but trust me when I say that this is going to blow over. Dahlia is going to be okay and healthy and happy and I have to believe that. She is strong like us and smart like you so she’ll fix this situation herself.” 
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Marley nodded and took a breath. He was right. She needed to have faith and just breath. Things would be fine in the end and they’d have a happy, healthy baby girl. She squeezed his hand tightly and nodded again. What would she ever do without him? “She’ll fix it.” She smiled at him and rubbed his hand. “Let’s go home. Cuddle and watch a movie?” She suggested. Something to get her mind of this should be good.
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marlsdyanrose · 4 years
Finn could tell that Marley was upset, and for the first time in a while, he wasn’t sure how to fix it. There were no words he could say that the doctor hadn’t already said but he hoped that by the time they arrived home, she would feel at least a little bit better. Shaking his hand with a reassuring smile, he escorted his fiancee from the room, a hand steady on her back. “Hey, its going to be okay, Marls, I promise. Dahlia is going to be fine. She’ll be born with ten fingers, ten toes, and look just like you. I know it sounds scary but he said it was going to be all right and I’m choosing to believe him. She’s a Hudson, and Hudson’s are tough. There’s nothing she won’t be able to do and a fast heart rate just means she’s got too much energy and nowhere for it to go…” He trailed off, hoping that his words were comforting somewhat. He put the car into drive and they headed home, the air tense and quiet as they rode. 
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She squeezed his hand as he talked and she nodded before wiping her eyes. “I know.” She sniffled a little bit. “It just worries me that something else could be wrong. Her and I... we survived that crash and we’ve been doing good. I’m just worried it’s going to go downhill, you know?” A tear ran down her cheek again and she took a breath to try to calm herself down. “I hope that it’s just the energy. I hope she can get it out by rolling around and kicking in there because I don’t care if she does that the rest of the pregnancy as long as she’s fine.” She rambled. “And hopefully she’s just like you with that energy.” Marley tried smiling. “I just worry it’s more.”
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marlsdyanrose · 4 years
Hearing the worry in her voice broke Finn’s heart and he gave her hand a squeeze, eyes looking over at her and then up at the doctor. He felt a sense of relief when the doctor hurriedly shook his head. “Absolutely not. This is nothing to do with you. You are as healthy as can be and so is your little girl. These type of problems happen in most pregnancies. It could just be a random pain or she’s upset, both of which are harmless to her overall health.” He said, doing his best to comfort the first time parents. “If there were something serious happening, it would have shown up on all the scans and seeing as how there was nothing problematic, it has to be a pain, like a cramp, of which she will course correct and it’ll go away. You are doing wonderful Marley so please don’t worry yourself over this. She is fine, you are fine, and you’re going to be the best mom ever.” 
She should’ve felt complete relief as the doctor spoke, and she did to a point. She faked a smile but stayed quiet the rest of the time. She didn’t know what to say. Or do. She just felt upset. Glad things were okay, but still upset that her little girl was experiencing something that was making this happen. Once she was able to, she got dressed and with the help of Finn, made it out to the car. The second she was inside, she let out the tears she had really bottled up. She put her head in her hands and just sobbed while she sat in the passenger seat.
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marlsdyanrose · 4 years
Hearing your doctor say that there was something found but wasn’t a cause for concern had the exact opposite effect. The fact that he waited until the last minute to throw it out there felt like an insult but he decided not to yell or get angry. Marley didn’t need that and neither did he. He squeezed her hand as he too, looked over at the doctor for an answer. There was no way he would sleep easy knowing that there might be something wrong with their daughter. The soft chuckle that escaped from him should have put him at ease but it didn’t… he didn’t appreciate the laugh, the way he pushed buttons on the monitors, didn’t like that he had upset them on a day that should have been joyous. “I promise you it it not a cause for concern. It was just that the baby’s blood pressure and heart rate were a little elevated, which means nothing more than a simple pain most likely due to her positioning. She is healthy as can be but anytime this happens, we like to monitor it to make sure. Nothing has showed up on any of the tests to suggest its anything to worry about.” He explained, hoping to put their minds at ease. 
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Her grip didn’t ease as the doctor spoke and she rubbed her bump softly. Her heart was racing like crazy and she was sure this wasn’t going to be good for her or Dahlia. She listened and tried to hold back tears. “Is... Is there anything we can do? I can do? Did I cause this?” She asked and she finally let her hand in Finn’s loosen as her lip quivered and her teeth bit it to try to control it all. She would do anything for her daughter. Take it easier than she had been. She was pushing herself to walk and she needed to just calm down. Needed to relax. And the thoughts just kept coming to her as she worried endlessly about if this would turn into something bad.
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marlsdyanrose · 4 years
Watching the doctor walk away, he smiled down at his fiance and kissed her softly. “I think we did know, you know? We both leaned more towards feminine colors for the nursery, we found the clothes cuter, we always talked about all the things we wanted to do with her so you know, even though I joked that I wanted our first kid to be a boy, I am beyond thrilled that we’re having a little girl. I can’t wait to teach her how to play sports though. And I want her to show me how to play Barbies and dress up… I am man enough to show up at McKinley with painted nails that my daughter did…” He laughed, rubbing her belly fondly, his eyes staring at the soft skin as if he could see her already. “She’s going to have your face and your brain and my athletic ability. Best of us both.” The soft laughter that followed was infectious and it was a good five minutes before anyone returned to their room. “Here are the pictures. She looks healthy and is growing exactly as she should be. There is something we noticed however and its not a huge concern of course but we might need to make another followup appointment.” 
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Marley listened to the man she loved and she squeezed his hand as he talked and rubbed her skin. She couldn’t help as more tears rolled down her cheeks and she laughed with him. “You trying to make me fall more for you? Because it’s working.” She pulled him in and kissed him deeply. “Maybe we did know. A little part of us. Her screaming out as she could. Helping decide on the colors and clothes.” She looked deep into his eyes. “Any part of us is the best.” She touched his cheek and just laid there in the happiness for a moment. When the doctor returned, she looked up and happily took the pictures, only for her smile to leave and worry to take over her. Her hand went to her stomach protectively and she fought the urge to cry. “What is it?” She asked with a shaky voice. All sorts of things started going through her mind and she tried not to panic as she squeezed Finn's hand harder than she ever had.
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