marshellowcrumbs · 6 months
Technoblade x reader part 1
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warnings: blood, swearing
this story will take place only in a fictional world with fictional characters, it will have nothing to do with the real person or their irl persona.
The wind whistled throughout the empty forest, land covered with snow, droplets of melting ice falling from the leaves of the tree. Techno and Phil silently rode their horses back home leaving a trail of hoof prints in the deep snow when suddenly Phil came to a halt his horse huffed ."woooaah...what's that?" He said slight concern lasing in his voice driving techno's gaze to an unclear object beside a tree in the distance, he squinted his eyes slightly pulling on Karl's reins. As Phil was about to walk closer he put his hand in front of him stopping him from walking closer to what could be potential danger. His voice screamed at him 'DANGER?, person they're going to kill Phil , protect, Phil, horse monster, don't go, KILL IT, could be useful, NO KILL' "There's a horse, there's probably someone around here somewhere stay put" he spoke to Phil, they both jumped off their horses, Techno grabbed his sword pulling it out of its sheath moving closer to whatever had been on the floor for who knew how long, covered in snow.
Phil gasped as the blood came into view and recognized what seemed to be a young girl's body. "OMG, It's a girl! She could still be alive!" He said scurrying towards her figure as Techno watched him hesitantly still unsure of the situation playing out in front of him. He walked toward the person's horse taking hold of its reins, looking down at Phil examining the girl's figure carefully searching for a pulse. " shes alive, we need to tend to her wounds immediately or she might die, she's already lost of blood, common." Phil spoke to him. " are you sure...what if she's a spy, from Manburg? we don't know her." He said looking at Phil with his eyebrows knitted earning a sharp look from his friend "Techno. She's dying." He stated and moved towards their horses as Techno pulled her horse behind him.
Y/N fluttered her eyes open, letting out a soft grunt towards the sharp pain in her head. Her vision was blurry, she shifted her head around slowly trying to process her surroundings. As her vision started to become clearer, she regained consciousness of her surroundings, realizing they weren't familiar to her in the slightest. She jolted up in worry immediately regretting her decision after feeling her side and her right leg sting. "shit!" She exclaimed in a whisper careful not to alert anyone who might be in the house. Breathing heavily, she looked around franticly trying to look for an item she could use as a weapon with her eyebrows drawn together. Her gaze shifted from one object to another until it landed on a glass mug on her side table, she stretched her arm towards it and in efforts to grab it fell to the ground with a thug , she closed in eyes wincing in pain and looked up the at the side table pushing herself upwards with her forearm trying to stand up.
After she had stood up leaning against the wall behind her she took hold of the mug and threw it to the floor shattering it into pieces, bending down she grabbed the largest one meanwhile footsteps could be heard rushing up the stairs, within a few seconds, Techno stood in front of her looking at the shattered glass and then at her face glaring back at him breathing heavy holding the piece of glass in her trembling hand. "YOU STAY AWAY FROM ME!" She yelled at him. He raised his hands a bit into the air trying to signify he didn't want to seem like a threat. The sharp ends of the glass slipped into her soft dry skin and blood leaked out falling into the white rung she stood on. "you might wanna put that down and listen to me first" Techno said to her trying to calm her down which did'nt seem to work very well. "I don't give a single shit what you say."
She spat out anger lacing her words. Techno raised his eyebrows replying "Look, I don't wanna hurt you okay? I'm just trying to help." She let out a light scoff You think I'm going to believe that you're not trying to use me." Her head pulsed with pain causing her to look down, her legs weakened and she fell to the floor yelping. Techno cautiously walked towards her hands still in the air trying to help her up before she did anything else to make her condition worse than it already was." relax...you might wanna give me a chance to explain this, you're just hurting yourself even more." She nodded in agreement after a short period of silence. Techno moves towards her figure, taking hold of her forearm, letting her push herself up to walk towards the bed.
She sat down with a hiss, resting her injured leg on the soft cool sheets and resting her head on the headboard as her breathing finally calmed down. She watched Techno drag a stool at the edge of the bed avoiding the shattered glass on the floor from earlier with an unsure expression. He reached for the jug of water and glass beside her bed making her flinch to which he stared at her with a blank expression, pulling the glass towards him and pouring water into it handing it to her. She looked at him, her jaw clenched sharp look in her eyes filled with uncertainty before she took the glass of water from him, their fingers brushed against each other as Techno pulled away. He did not take his gaze off her, watching every movement she made.
She looked down at her glass shaking her head a bit trying to rid of the blurred vision and brought it closer to her face to drink, instead, she sniffed expecting it to smell like something other than water. Techno knitted his eyebrows at her behavior in confusion, also intrigued by her caution, and watched as she silently sipped the water sat it down on the table beside her, and then looked up at him waiting for an explanation narrowing her eyes in skepticism. Techno cleared his throat and began to speak. "We found you unconscious in the snow bleeding." "We?" she replied. "yes, me and a friend, Phil. You were frozen half to death, maybe you should appreciate we even bothered saving you." He said, now sitting with both his elbows resting on his legs as he looked at her with focus leaning forward. She raised her eyebrow." I didn't ask you to save me. And I don't know who you are or what you want from me, for all I know you could be saving me for your own benefit."
He stared at her for a few seconds in disbelief at her distrust in someone who just saved her life, but he wouldn't blame her, he knew he'd have done the same thing."fair enough, we don't want anything from you, just helping, you can leave when you want." Her expression relaxed now that she seemed a bit convinced, she'd never seen him, nor did she notice anything intended to harm her in any way. "...thank you, for the help." She stated with a straight face, to which he nodded and stood up to leave the room. When he reached the door, he placed his hand on the frame and looked back at her. "Do you need food?" "if you're planning not to poison me, certainly," she said, to which he huffed."trust me, if I intended to kill you, I wouldn't have kept you alive for so long." and walked off. She rested her head on the frame of her bed thinking 'He's awfully good at not breaking character unless he really wasn't lying.' Sighing heavily Serenity closed her eyes to find a moment of peace hoping for the best.
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