martinaciccaglione · 7 years
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COUNTERACT - Critical synergies and unconventional forms
Counteract is a process of historical research and contemporary investigation on the role of designers as cultural mediators and activators. The aim is to analyze  languages and methods used by designers operating in the urban context as participants and catalysts of processes that transform citizens’ cultural, social and political condition.
Considering the 60s and 70s as years of important changes and the design activities of the last twenty years, the thesis focuses on the common points of these two periods regarding the development of design practices. If the visual experimentation is considered the most effective tool and language during 60s and 70s rebellions, nowadays there is a rethinking of the design that reinvents its forms to intervene in the cultural progress of society.
Contains conversations with Luca Ballarini (Studio Bellissimo), Antonio Brizioli (Edicola518), Francesco Careri (Stalker), Andrea Facchetti, Marco Ferrari, Jesko Fezer, Zeno Franchini (Marginal Studio), Fabio Franz (Brave New Alps), Michele Galluzzo, Silvio Lorusso, Paolo Patelli (La Jetée), Roberto Pieracini, Rossella Tricarico, Michael Vogel and Adrien Zammit (Formes Vives).
Thesis project
160 × 240 mm
304 pages
Supervisor: Marco Tortoioli Ricci
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martinaciccaglione · 7 years
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A/R is a free monthly magazine made for everyday Italian commuters. Each issue focuses on a different theme, which is discovered through four sections: people, arts and expressions, society, environment. Different colour papers like light yellow, green, blue, pink and matched ink, distinguish each issue form the previous one.
190 × 260 mm
86 pages
Supervisor: Silvia Sfligiotti
In collaboration with Giulia Cordin, Cecilia Negri, Alice Poma and Alessandra Smiderle
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martinaciccaglione · 7 years
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Re-design of Walter Benjamin’s “The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction” work. The aim is to manage text and notes together, in order to keep them in a constant correlation. For a fluent reading, I placed the notes in the text box, close to the reference. In this way the reader doesn’t have to look away at the end of the page or to go at the end of the book.
160 × 230 mm
36 pages
Supervisor: Indrek Sirkel
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martinaciccaglione · 7 years
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Visual report on the district of Kopli in Tallinn, seen through an Italian exchange student’s eyes. The place has deeply fascinated me and the distinctive feature of it is the visual contrast between its elements. The old wooden barracks,the soviet buildings and the decay are in contrast with the calmness of a narrow foreshore, the intimacy of the houses and the everyday life of modest residents. These are the differences that together shape the spirit and the magic atmosphere of Kopli. The project is based on this perceived feeling, through a visitor point of view, that tried to go deeper and to comprehend the history of an enchanting place. Those emotions are shown to relatives and friends, not only in a visually way, but also with the help of personal comments.  
Supervisors: Carl Robert Kagge and Kert Viiart
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martinaciccaglione · 7 years
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Images are more powerful than words and the recent Charlie Hebdo event proves it. The book investigates the nowadays role and power of photography, through shocking historical events like wars or the Abu Ghraib prison case. The aim is to analyze how those cruel images are shown to people, so we decided to modify them based on different parameters (e.g. media circulation): combination, position in the page and cutting on the most violent images. Moreover, the huge quantity of images is split in categories based on visual affinity, giving another interpretation and explanation of the photos.
150 × 230 mm
340 pages
Supervisor: Mauro Bubbico
In collaboration with Lidia Ginga Cozzupoli
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martinaciccaglione · 7 years
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“Sogliole” is a two-week workshop which has taken place at ISIA Urbino, led by Patrick Lacey from Åbäke and the English artist Ben Cain. A close observation, during the first week, of the concept of “threshold”, followed by a short concept video, have been instrumental to design a collective book during the second week of work. The class has been split in seven different groups and each of them had to explain and develop its own idea to be included in the book, using differently coloured pages. 
210 mm x 297 mm
Supervisors: Patrick Lacey and Ben Cain
Class project in collaboration with Elisa Altan, Francesco Barbaro, Augustina Cocco Canuda, Giulia Cordin, Lidia Ginga Cozzupoli, Guido Dal Prà, Giacomo Delfini, Filippo Emiliani, Davide Eucalipto, Catarina Ferreira, Manuel Gàlvez, Clara Jessen, Leonie Ketteler, Gaja Lanfranchi, Giovanni Murolo, Luca Napoli, Cecilia Negri, Alessandro Piacente, Alice Poma, Kenya Rodriguez, Andrea Saccavini, Beatrice Schena, Viviana Scutari, Michela Sirri, Alessandra Smiderle, Josefine Taape, Lorenzo Toso and Eglé Vitkuté
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martinaciccaglione · 7 years
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Manual of the project
210 × 297 mm
196 pages
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martinaciccaglione · 7 years
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martinaciccaglione · 7 years
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What is the ideal city? The project arises from this question and has found its best expression in the utopia concept, because, as the definition itself states, an ideal reality is a unattainable one. We started a discussion about it, making a connection between utopia and its contrary, the dystopia. Reflecting on two parallel opposites helps the process of problem resolution and in our case, takes at  communication and debate.
The project starts with an online data collection, because utopia and dystopia as not tangibles can be considered metaplaces, far from every physical place.
Later on the collected data are being materialized during an open air performance in the city and printed in a final book.
Supervisor: Marco Tortoioli Ricci
In collaboration with Elisa Altan, Filippo Emiliani and Davide Eucalipto
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martinaciccaglione · 7 years
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Accattone is the first movie of Pier Paolo Pasolini, shot in 1961.
In an admirable way, the author shows the city of Rome during the 60s, through the suburbs and its inhabitants. The illustrations are produced with the monotype technique in black ink, since it is considered the most appropriate mean for the high contrast frames. The scenes, in which are emphasized the places of a poor and proletarian Rome, alternate with close-ups, sometimes grotesque, of the characters who act in the movie.
Monotype technique
289 × 380 mm 
28 pages
Supervisor: Gianluigi Toccafondo
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martinaciccaglione · 7 years
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Richard Ginori, currently GRG s.r.l., is one of the world most important Italian companies that produces porcelain. It was born in 1735 and nowadays is still using the same old manufacturing methods that define products’ uniqueness.
For this important reason, it has been decided to create a digital monograph of the company to depict its story, through an item that has always characterized it: the decoration.
1024 × 768 px
38 pages
Supervisor: Davide Riboli
In collaboration with Lidia Ginga Cozzupoli and Cecilia Negri
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martinaciccaglione · 7 years
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YES YES YES - Alternative Press
The exhibition, held in Urbino at Collegio Tridente in June 2014, is about a series of magazines typical of 60s-70s and the social, political, artistic and cultural events that distinguished the counterculture period. They are represented in a chronological order: from European Provos, through the revolutionary underground American magazines to the Punk period. Furthermore, it was created a catalogue depending on all the items sorted by themes. This highlights the articles and, above all the eccentric, innovative and subversive graphic choices.
Exhibition catalogue
230 × 330 mm
540 pages
Supervisor: Francesco Valtolina
In collaboration with Elisa Altan, Giulia Cordin, Barbara Ermeti, Beatrice Schena and Viviana Scutari
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martinaciccaglione · 7 years
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martinaciccaglione · 7 years
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