martyrofblood · 9 years
Kaiser shortly joined her on the platform, a smile gracing his aged face as her words rung in his head, filling him with enthusiasm. While the Vantas was fairly young for an adult troll, his nature towards others as well as the scars littering his body aged him quite a bit, not to mention the scruffy hair and bit of facial hair along his jawline. He appeared as if he was sweeps and sweeps older than he actually was, but in reality, the troll would most likely live no longer than forty sweeps, if he was lucky to even make it that long. Right now though, he didn’t think about. Instead, he cared more for those around him and the situation they were in than his own short lifespan.
Cerulean Interest
Kaiser was clearly thrilled about hearing that the others had been keeping the will of the rebellion going in his absence.  It made Aranea glad that she could be the one to deliver the news to him.  She looked over her shoulder and gave him her own smile.  “Now that you’re here to guide them, I can only imagine their resolve will grow ever stronger, even without you being able to lead from the outside.  I doubt you’ll see the end of that faith here.”
Soon enough they reached the transportalizer room.  The guardbots were no less vigilant than ever, especially with Kaiser here.  She walked up to one of the pedestals and took a good moment to punch in the coordinates for the portal closest to her hive.  The ceruleanblood stepped onto the platform, gesturing for her slave to join her so they could be off.
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martyrofblood · 9 years
“The last thing I’d want to do is disclose a secret,” he responded, before raising a hand and drawing an ‘x’ shape over his chest with his finger, “Cross my bloodpusher. Not even my quadrantmate will know.” He offered a soft smile to him as his hand dropped to his lap. This indigoblood seemed to have kind intentions despite his job, and if Kaiser could provide even the smallest bit of comfort, he would. His other hand kept Gamzee’s in his own, keeping a gentle but firm grip to show his support.
A First time for Everything
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martyrofblood · 10 years
His interest perked up at the mention of those fighting for his cause, blinking a bit in surprise. It was amazing for him to hear that even those held in captivity still held onto hope in this bleak situation. A smile graced his lips before he sighed softly in what seemed like relief. “I’m so glad to hear that those here can still keep at least a shred of hope,” he commented, following right behind her. “Even in the darkest of times we must have faith and stick together.” Even here, where he was being sold off to any troll or human who wished to rent him, he still held fast to his beliefs, unwavering and refusing to break. Not only did he know that’s exactly what those against him wanted, but he also had to stay strong for those standing with the rebellion. While he didn’t like to think of himself as some sort of martyr or hero, he knew he was looked upon for this event, and he needed to keep the faith in the rebellion alive, no matter what it took.
Cerulean Interest
“Well, as I’m sure you’ve realized, there are those here that, even in these bleak circumstances, still believe the same as you,” Aranea added.  “Before you arrived, I’d seen trolls and even one or two humans fight for the Rebellion’s cause however they could, none moreso than your disciple.  The flames your message ignited have proven quite hard for them to smother.”  Though she spoke as a neutral party, the words carried a light tone of admiration.  “Yes, I’m afraid my caste has its share of less-than-amiable individuals.  Thank you for your compliment, though.”
She figured that he’d at least try to speak to her about the Rebellion while under her watch.  Naturally, she was already fully convinced that the system needed to be done away with, so if doing so was meant to convert her to believing in the cause, it was unnecessary.  On the other hand, this would be an excellent chance to potentially hear the Signless’s preaching straight from the troll himself, which she was looking forward to.  Displaying an interest in at least what he had to say when he chose to speak wouldn’t hurt.
With a silent nod she turned from the doorway and began heading down the hallway to the transportalizer room.
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martyrofblood · 10 years
“It’s still enough of a deal that I would like to know,” the elder troll insisted, a frown gracing his lips as he looked over Gamzee. For a still pretty young adult troll, he felt so much older. It could just be his scruffy appearance, but the scars scattered across his frame, along with the dark bags under his eyes seemed to age him a bit. Those eyes of his still seemed fierce and full of energy though, contradictory to the rest of his body. His hand gently squeezed Gamzee’s as he sat with him. “Like I said, I’ll respect your boundaries if it’s not a topic you want to discuss, but I’d also like to understand you better.”
A First time for Everything
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martyrofblood · 10 years
AE: 9f c9urse. I’m m9re than willing t9 help.
AE: If y9u’re willing t9 change, that’s all the enc9uragement I need.
AE: ...Unless this is an9ther 9ne 9f y9ur traps?
MS: 0k s0…
MS: y0u didnt d0 anything wr0ng, calm y0ur rumblespheres.
MS: anyway, i th0ught ab0ut what y0u said the 0ther day.
MS: i th0ught ab0ut it a l0t, actually.
MS: and y0u were right.
MS: l0ng st0ry sh0rt…
MS: i want y0u t0 teach me h0w t0 be a decent pers0n.
MS: teach me h0w t0 deal with the pain 0f being nice and caring ab0ut shit.
MS: because being angry and hating everything is all i kn0w.
MS: it d0esnt hurt as much as being happy and l0ving.
MS: but i want t0 care and i want t0 kn0w h0w t0 bear the burden 0f caring.
MS: … can y0u help me?
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martyrofblood · 10 years
AE: What’s the cause f9r alarm?
AE: Did s9mething happen?
AE: I d9n’t recall d9ing anything wr9ng, if it’s s9mething directly ab9ut me.
majyykalSadist [MS] began trolling achromaticEquity [AE] at 12:53 A.M.~
MS: kaiser.
MS: kaiser, we need t0 talk.
MS: n0w.
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martyrofblood · 10 years
“Gamzee.” Kaiser looked to him with a frown, knowing quite well that he was lying as he said that. “Trolls down usually react that violently just for water being poured over their head. Something is wrong.” He hesitated for a moment, before gingerly placing his hand on Gamzee’s. “I won’t push you to explain, but I’d like to help if I can. You’re uncomfortable with water it seems.” His eyes searched Gamzee’s, as if trying to find the answer there. He wanted to know just what had happened to set this troll off like that. Not that he hadn’t seen his mood swings before, but this felt so much different. There felt like a cause to this, and he was interested in finding out what.
A First time for Everything
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martyrofblood · 10 years
“That tends to happen when you’re known for turning the entire system upside down,” he responds with a chuckle. “You make a lot of enemies, but for what we’re fighting for, it’s worth it in the end run.” He shrugs his shoulders before smiling at her with a nod. “Regardless, I’m looking forward to getting to know you better. It’s not often I get to meet a cerulean blood who’s as kind as you are.” He is quite honestly pretty curious about this girl. While the overarching experience of being rented isn’t something he particularly enjoys, he’s hoping that maybe, just maybe, he can change the minds of some of these masters. Even if it’s just enough to change the way they treat their slaves, be it human or troll. While he’s aware not every slave here is put here for being a supporter of the rebellion, he does especially want to help those who fought along side him. “Lead the way,” he insists, ready to follow her to her place.
Cerulean Interest
Well, he was certainly prompt in answering the door.  Aranea returned the smile he gave her as he opened up the door, waving back to him as well.  Even just standing before him, she could tell all that he’d heard of him was true.  He managed to exude such a welcoming presence even knowing that she would technically be in charge of him for the next two weeks.  The Rebellion truly had not only a great leader but a great troll stolen from them…
“That’s correct,” she replied with a nod.  “I’m sorry we haven’t had much time to speak in any previous encounters we may have had, Kaiser- you’ve always seemed to be caught up with someone or something else during all of them.  Regardless, I’m sure these next weeks will provide ample time to make up for such missed opportunities.”
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martyrofblood · 10 years
I’m actually g9ing t9 sec9nd that and insist that y9u really d9n’t talk t9 my quadrantmate at all, Megid9.
w0uld y0u prefer i call y0u “medal” then? 0r h0w ab0ut “prize”?
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martyrofblood · 10 years
It took awhile of searching before Kaiser took a glance out the window, spotting Gamzee at the edge of the shore by the water. Taking a deep breath and sighing, he figured he might as well get himself dressed before heading out there. No point in talking to the indigoblood in nothing but a towel when he could wear his standard clothes. So instead, he headed back to the bathroom, wasting no time in pulling his leggings and cloak back to their rightful place on his body, then looking for a door to outside.
He wondered what it was that was troubling Gamzee so much. Something was obviously not right if he freaked out that badly over just water being poured over his head. There was an underlying fear there that he intended to seek out and console. Once he found a door, he headed outside, walking straight over to the indigoblood, and settling down next to him instead of touching him as not to startle him. “Did I do something wrong?” he asked, voice soft as he spoke, his eyes looking up to Gamzee’s. “I’m sorry, whatever I did, I didn’t mean to.” He had a feeling that it was much deeper than that though.
A First time for Everything
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martyrofblood · 10 years
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Dualsign commish for Somdal~~
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martyrofblood · 10 years
Upon hearing the soft rapping at his door, Kaiser stood, wasting not a moment in answering his door. Upon seeing the cerulean blood, he offered her a warm smile and a wave. He was pretty sure he’d spoken to her at least once before (if not at least been in the same room with her), and she seemed kind.  His demeanor was warm and gentle it seemed. While he could get so passionate and energetic about his cause, here, the atmosphere generally tended to keep that energy suppressed. Not to mention any obvious spread of his word ended up with him in trouble, so everything had to be kept on the down low. Even then, he had to be careful who he spoke too. With this Serket, he wasn’t even sure if he should talk to her about it. “Aranea, was it?”
Cerulean Interest
Aranea Serket still sat in her respiteblock, mulling over the situation she’d set up for the near future.  A silver chain hung loosely from her fingers, her eyes trained on the charm that hung on the end of it.  Two cuffs used for detaining prisoners of the Empire, disconnected from each other- a symbol that might have once signified oppression and powerlessness, but now represented hope.  Freedom.  Rebellion.
The hand released the necklace, letting it fall into the drawer left ajar below and land atop her logbook.  Since day 1 she’d used it to record every day’s events, as well as all details she’d come to know about those who resided in the hold, including any abilities or strengths and connections to the Power Houses- all information that might prove useful were there to be an uprising.  Should the wrong people find out about that logbook, Aranea would be under rather heavy suspicion.  Not another soul had found out about her plans or the text to this day, and in shutting the drawer and mixing up the 4-digit padlock built into the desk, she silently resolved to not let that change within these weeks.  Not even for Kaiser Vantas, captured leader of the rebellion himself.
It was shortly thereafter that she arrived at the hold, now searching for the room they kept him in.  It wasn’t terribly long until she found the door she was looking for.  She walked up to it and knocked lightly, hoping he’d be there to answer.  This was going to be an interesting list period…
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martyrofblood · 10 years
Cerulean Interest
The two weeks spent with one Gamzee Makara had turned out to be surprisingly eventful. From mood swings to calm talks, it had been a rollarcoaster of emotions, but in the long run, not terrible. However it did leave him pretty tired, and the past day or two he’d spent relaxing in his assigned respiteblock, taking time for himself. That was something he never really had, now that he thought about it. Traveling across Alternia in attempts to spread his message left very few chances for him to have a room to his own. He supposed he was thankful now he had that chance, even if it was slim with constantly being rented. He’d picked up information that some cerulean blooded troll was to be picking him up this time around, and needless to say he was curious. He wasn’t sure exactly who this troll was, and what their intentions were. They could easily be very much a follower of his in silence, or entirely against him. He hoped quite a bit for the former. 
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martyrofblood · 10 years
While he wasn’t at all surprised to experience a mood swing from the capricorn, he was surprised to experience one right then. Last time he’d seen that change in him, it had been a steady build up, while this was instant, almost within a blink of an eye. He hardly had time to process what was happening before he was shoved roughly, his back hitting the edge of the tub and pulling a grimace to his face. He took a minute to get his bearings, trying to understand what it was he’d done wrong. Gamzee had been so content, and all he’d done was pour water over his head. Had he gotten soap in his eyes? He warned him to close them, but maybe he hadn’t heard? Confused and slightly concerned as he watched the indigoblood leave, he waited for a moment, then took a deep breath as he pulled himself out of the tub.  Grabbing a towel from the rack, he gave the highblood a bit of time to calm down while he dried his skin. Once done, he wrapped it around his waist, heading out to search for Gamzee’s respiteblock, calling his name as he searched. The hive seemed absolutely huge, with so many doors and hallways. He wondered how one didn’t get lost in this place.
A First time for Everything
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martyrofblood · 10 years
“I can see why,” he remarked, having been taken awhile with scrubbing if only to make sure he removed all the dirt and grime from the troll’s hair. It wasn’t an easy task for sure, but he guessed that’s why Karkat washed it constantly. Keep it from getting to an even worse mess than it already was he supposed. “Alright, time to rinse,” he noted, before glancing down at Gamzee. “Close your eyes.” Once he was positive the indigoblood had his eyes closed, he proceeded to scoop up water, then pour it over his head with intentions of rinsing out all the suds. He had absolutely no idea of the troll’s fear of water, considering the fact he was the one willingly suggesting a bath.
A First time for Everything
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martyrofblood · 10 years
“Do you two bathe together frequently then?” he questions, glancing down at the Makara. He was quite a bit intrigued by their odd relationship. While it wasn’t entirely uncommon to see such a vast difference between blood color of two moirails, it was definitely a surprise to see a subjuggulator harbor such pale feelings for that of an off-spectrum blood. Pitch feelings, maybe, but those of the pale variety were rare, if not unheard of. He wondered just what sort of relationships existed in the hold. Of course his own interests were confined to one troll in particular, but he was more than curious about those of others. Maybe there was some light and hope in this otherwise gloomy scenario he was forced to preside in. He was practically lost in thought at the concept, having to force his attention back to focus on Gamzee, both on his words as well as scrubbing at his hair, not wanting to accidentally slip and get suds in the other’s eyes.
A First time for Everything
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martyrofblood · 10 years
Unaware of the sheer size of the indigoblood’s budge hiding away in the Makara’s sheath, Kaiser’s eyebrows raised in surprise when he glimpsed the purple bulge peeking out. Of course his immediate thought was that Gamzee was aroused, immediately pulling a grimace to his lips. He really hoped his mind was just tricking him, because the last thing he wanted on his plate was a turned on highblood who was renting him. He took a minute to realize Gamzee was talking to him, but when he did, he gave a quick nod and stood up, grabbing the bottle of shampoo that was drifting along in the water. Moving over to stand in front of the other troll, Kaiser wasted no time in filling one hand with shampoo (he was going to need a lot with how much hair this Makara had) then setting to work scrub at his hair. His fingers worked to knead the shampoo through his hair, keeping his touch gentle but still scrubbing efficiently, in attempt to get out as much dirt and grime as possible. His hands worked much like those of Karkat’s, meticulous and careful.
A First time for Everything
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