maruschka4444 · 1 month
Rating: (will eventually get to mature)
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply (in the first chapter)
Categories: F/MGen
Fandom: One Piece (Anime & Manga)
Relationship: Roronoa Zoro/Tashigi
Characters: Roronoa Zoro, Tashigi (One Piece), the Strawhats make a short appearance and Smoker is mentioned
Additional Tags: Romance, Confessions, Deep Conversations, Drinking, Fluff and Smut, Sexual Tension, Post-Punk Hazard, No Beta Read
Language: English
Words: 1,905
Zoro escapes his crew for a drink and runs into Tashigi, who is avoiding the marines. After her glasses break, he agrees to help her with her business in town if she helps him find a bar. Can the two sword wielders on the oppsite sides resist the pull of their truce and blossom into something more?
Note: This is a story that has been cooking in my brain forever, my way of imagining what could happen between those two. It's my first one, please enjoy!
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maruschka4444 · 7 months
Since Avatar The Last Airbender got remade in live action so it could be more like Game of Thrones, they should remake Game of Thrones in animation so it can be more like Avatar The Last Airbender.
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maruschka4444 · 1 year
I legit thought that, because this is a Russian-Eastern European inspired world (yes I know Ketterdam is Amsterdam hear me out) that his full name was Kazimir. It stuck. I now call him Kazimir. Help me stop.
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maruschka4444 · 2 years
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maruschka4444 · 2 years
Not done talking about how Ichigo’s bankai is a bigger flop than the fall of a twenty foot pancake.  Or how Byakuya’s bankai was narratively a fail as well. (Primarily bc it highlighted how shitty ichigo’s bankai is.) The Byakyuka vs Ichigo fight where we first see Byakuya’s bankai was a PRIME opportunity to make the fight conceptually as well as visually striking - because all the elements were there! Byakuya’s bankai supersaturates the area with his reiatsu and gives him pretty much total control over the fight - he can get you from any angle! A zillion times! How do you block a “blade” that’s a zillion tiny particles? You don’t! This is approaching the level of a chemical weapon! It also looks like a cherry blossom leafblower accident, echoing Byakuya’s whole deal - elegant, aloof, as coldly impersonal and implacable as a force of nature! This is sick as hell! 
Only who’s his opponent? Oh yeah, Ichigo. The kid who turned himself into a hollow 
And what do hollows do? Oh yeah they eat reishi
Ichigo’s bankai - fitting in with his whole deal THEMATICALLY as well as VISUALLY - should’ve been eating other people’s bankais.
This would’ve been:
1. thematically poignant - he has this unstoppable power at the cost of his humanity, and now has to struggle to defeat his enemies without losing himself, becoming a cannibal and eating them as well as their swords! 
2. Narratively satisfying - his enemies in canon ALREADY become his allies whenever he defeats them, classic shonen style; this would be mirrored in the act of him literally absorbing their powers to bolster his own! 
Byakuya, the symbol of Seireitei, the cold, dogmatic institution that took Rukia away to be executed without question, versus Ichigo: the rough, untutored nobody, the animal clawing at the gates of heaven, a beast that will break all boundaries for the love of a friend. This fight should’ve been the unification of Hichigo, and they should’ve eaten Byakuya’s little lightshow whole 
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maruschka4444 · 2 years
Please make a post about the story of the RMS Carpathia, because it's something that's almost beyond belief and more people should know about it.
Carpathia received Titanic’s distress signal at 12:20am, April 15th, 1912. She was 58 miles away, a distance that absolutely could not be covered in less than four hours.
(Californian’s exact position at the time is…controversial. She was close enough to have helped. By all accounts she was close enough to see Titanic’s distress rockets. It’s uncertain to this day why her crew did not respond, or how many might not have been lost if she had been there. This is not the place for what-ifs. This is about what was done.)
Carpathia’s Captain Rostron had, yes, rolled out of bed instantly when woken by his radio operator, ordered his ship to Titanic’s aid and confirmed the signal before he was fully dressed. The man had never in his life responded to an emergency call. His goal tonight was to make sure nobody who heard that fact would ever believe it.
All of Carpathia’s lifeboats were swung out ready for deployment. Oil was set up to be poured off the side of the ship in case the sea turned choppy; oil would coat and calm the water near Carpathia if that happened, making it safer for lifeboats to draw up alongside her. He ordered lights to be rigged along the side of the ship so survivors could see it better, and had nets and ladders rigged along her sides ready to be dropped when they arrived, in order to let as many survivors as possible climb aboard at once.
I don’t know if his making provisions for there still being survivors in the water was optimism or not. I think he knew they were never going to get there in time for that. I think he did it anyway because, god, you have to hope.
Carpathia had three dining rooms, which were immediately converted into triage and first aid stations. Each had a doctor assigned to it. Hot soup, coffee, and tea were prepared in bulk in each dining room, and blankets and warm clothes were collected to be ready to hand out. By this time, many of the passengers were awake–prepping a ship for disaster relief isn’t quiet–and all of them stepped up to help, many donating their own clothes and blankets.
And then he did something I tend to refer to as diverting all power from life support.
Here’s the thing about steamships: They run on steam. Shocking, I know; but that steam powers everything on the ship, and right now, Carpathia needed power. So Rostron turned off hot water and central heating, which bled valuable steam power, to everywhere but the dining rooms–which, of course, were being used to make hot drinks and receive survivors. He woke up all the engineers, all the stokers and firemen, diverted all that steam back into the engines, and asked his ship to go as fast as she possibly could. And when she’d done that, he asked her to go faster.
I need you to understand that you simply can’t push a ship very far past its top speed. Pushing that much sheer tonnage through the water becomes harder with each extra knot past the speed it was designed for. Pushing a ship past its rated speed is not only reckless–it’s difficult to maneuver–but it puts an incredible amount of strain on the engines. Ships are not designed to exceed their top speed by even one knot. They can’t do it. It can’t be done.
Carpathia’s absolute do-or-die, the-engines-can’t-take-this-forever top speed was fourteen knots. Dodging icebergs, in the dark and the cold, surrounded by mist, she sustained a speed of almost seventeen and a half.
No one would have asked this of them. It wasn’t expected. They were almost sixty miles away, with icebergs in their path. They had a respondibility to respond; they did not have a responsibility to do the impossible and do it well. No one would have faulted them for taking more time to confirm the severity of the issue. No one would have blamed them for a slow and cautious approach. No one but themselves.
They damn near broke the laws of physics, galloping north headlong into the dark in the desperate hope that if they could shave an hour, half an hour, five minutes off their arrival time, maybe for one more person those five minutes would make the difference. I say: three people had died by the time they were lifted from the lifeboats. For all we know, in another hour it might have been more. I say they made all the difference in the world.
This ship and her crew received a message from a location they could not hope to reach in under four hours. Just barely over three hours later, they arrived at Titanic’s last known coordinates. Half an hour after that, at 4am, they would finally find the first of the lifeboats. it would take until 8:30 in the morning for the last survivor to be brought onboard. Passengers from Carpathia universally gave up their berths, staterooms, and clothing to the survivors, assisting the crew at every turn and sitting with the sobbing rescuees to offer whatever comfort they could.
In total, 705 people of Titanic’s original 2208 were brought onto Carpathia alive. No other ship would find survivors.
At 12:20am April 15th, 1912, there was a miracle on the North Atlantic. And it happened because a group of humans, some of them strangers, many of them only passengers on a small and unimpressive steam liner, looked at each other and decided: I cannot live with myself if I do anything less.
I think the least we can do is remember them for it.
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maruschka4444 · 2 years
Disney: noooo we can't show drinking and smoking on Pleasure Island that's baaaaaad ☹️
Guillermo del Toro, galaxy brain: Pleasure Island is now a child soldier training camp for the fascist party of Italy
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maruschka4444 · 2 years
Okay, here's my idea:
The British should put a time limit on the Monarchy.
Not like declaring a republic tomorrow, but deciding on a date in the future that ends the British Monarchy.
And there's a perfect date for it coming up!
October 14th, 2066.
A thousand years since the Battle of Hastings. A thousand years of this one specific bloodline ruling England.
Call time on the Monarchy after exactly one thousand years. Nice, and neat.
Even better: Charles isn't living 44 years. He'll be gone in about twenty. Now William? He's what, 40? Yeah, he can live another 44 years. His great grandmother was over a hundred, his granny was 96, William can make it to 84 barring accident or assassination.
So on October 14th 2066, William the Last steps down a thousand years after William the First won the crown.
Nice, neat, and fair. William gets the crown he's been waiting forty years for already, but ten-year-old George grows up without expectation of it.
Have a nice big abdication ceremony, even.
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maruschka4444 · 2 years
actually i think arakawa hiromu deserves more credit for pulling a ‘the real treasure was the friends we made along the way’ and having it be the single most satisfying narrative conclusion that fullmetal alchemist could have
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maruschka4444 · 9 years
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16:51|| Studying history for my last exam in this school year :)-Sheila
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maruschka4444 · 9 years
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16:51|| Studying history for my last exam in this school year :)-Sheila
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maruschka4444 · 9 years
Transition Words For Your Essays
Transition Signals:
Transitions are words and phrases that connect ideas and show how they are related.
To repeat an idea just stated:
In other words,
That is,
To repeat,
To illustrate an idea:
For example,
For instance,
In particular,
To illustrate,
In this manner,
To announce a contrast, a change in direction:
On the other hand,
In contrast,
Instead of,
On the contrary,
In spite of this,
At once,
In the interim,
At length,
At last,
In the meantime,
At the same time,
In the end,
To restate an idea more precisely:
To be exact,
To be specific,
To be precise,
More specifically,
More precisely,
To mark a new idea as an addition to what has been said:
In addition,
To show cause and effect:
As a result,
For this reason,
In short,
To conclude,
In brief,
On the whole,
In summary,
To sum up,
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maruschka4444 · 9 years
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16:51|| Studying history for my last exam in this school year :)-Sheila
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