marvelboner · 5 years
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marvelboner · 5 years
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marvelboner · 5 years
Gross positive self affirmation under the cut. You wanna avoid this Disney movie moral with all the subtlety of a chainsaw wielding gorilla? Keep scrolling.
You know, feeling like pretty much everything is going right, like you’re surrounded by good people, like things are finally looking up after almost a decade of being an overweight, depressed lump is proof that there’s light at the end of more tunnels than people think. A year ago I wouldn’t have had the courage to express myself like this in a public space, positively or negatively. But I’m happy. I’m learning what actual confidence is, and I’m no longer coping with the bad days in an unhealthy as fuck way. I’m making new friends and developing healthier dynamics with existing ones. I’m learning how to fucking live.
It’s never too late to turn your life around.
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marvelboner · 5 years
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(via alyssemazakian)
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marvelboner · 5 years
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marvelboner · 5 years
YOU hates terfs
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marvelboner · 5 years
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Amethyst and Rare Strawberry Quartz Gemstone Dice [Here]
Beautiful pops of colour on the Tabletop (Reblog if you have a character that would be attuned to these beautiful dice)
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marvelboner · 6 years
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FFXIV Flash Giveaway (enter by 11/16/2018)!
Yes, maybe I’m a little crazy for running yet another new Giveaway at the same time that my FFXIV Art Commission Giveaway is still open. ^^ 
Well, what can I say? Watching today’s FFXIV Fan Fest 2018 keynote presentation made me feel pretty connected to the FFXIV fan community, even though I had to skip Fan Fest this year. I’m stoked about all the new things coming our way, and I hope that you are, too! So, let’s get hyped with another super-fast Flash Giveaway — OPEN TODAY ONLY!
For those of you who had to stay behind to tend to house and hearth, here’s a chance to win the super-cool and account-wide new SDS Fenrir Mount — a $30.00 value! 
But don’t delay! This super-fast Flash Giveaway will end as quickly as it started — you must enter no later than tonight, November 16, 2018 at 12:00 midnight Pacific Standard Time (PST).
To enter, all you have to do is be a follower, “Like” this post, and then reblog this post on your own Tumblr! (If you have multiple blogs, please be sure to leave a comment with your main/side blog’s names so I’ll know that you’re eligible.)
Good luck, friends! ^^
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marvelboner · 6 years
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marvelboner · 6 years
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I made this for the writers
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marvelboner · 6 years
Why won't you call them cinnamon rolls??? And the narrative tension and release makes so much sense... That must be why I live angst so much
I think phrases like “soft”, “cinnamon roll”, “smol”, “precious baby” or whatever are worse than useless in conversations about characterization. I mean, too often “cinnamon roll” gets trotted out in the context of “How dare you portray this character acting in any complicated or morally ambivalent way! They are a CINNAMON ROLL they would never do that!” 
Which is….fine, I guess?
But if a “cinnamon roll” never does anything wrong, never makes a bad choice, never changes, never suffers, never fails, never is challenged, or uncertain, or unhappy, or has divergent goals, then there’s no tension in them. They are a flat character, and not a very interesting one at that; they’re certainly not about to drive the plot forward (since they build no tension) or be a feature of the eventual denouement (since there can be no release where there is is no tension). 
I understand the appeal of a Perfect Character, and I even think they’re fun to write—the several thousand words of Mary Sue fic on my hard drive attest to that—but “cinnamon rolls” don’t create tension. Characters with flaws, foibles, problems and challenges create tension. A “cinnamon roll” simply exists, and is beautiful and too good for this world, too pure, and perfectly useless from a narrative standpoint.
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marvelboner · 6 years
Killer: I’m coming to kill you as soon as I find your house addre- 
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marvelboner · 6 years
a few words on xxxtencion
- he brutally beat a young gay man, with the intent of killing him, in a jail cell where the man had no way of escaping, because the man was staring at him
- he horrifically abused and sexually assaulted his girlfriend, including holding her head under a sink and threatening to drown her
- he beat his girlfriend to the point of blindness while she was pregnant and then used his fans to further intimidate her into not testifying against him
- then later said he wouldn’t change any of his actions.
i am sick of seeing people try to justify his actions and their “r.i.p” posts by saying “his music was good”.
i have empathy for the family and friends who knew him before he was violent and abusive but the man himself deserves no respect. he lost that right because of his actions and karma caught up with him.
the bottom line is death does not automatically give you a free pass from being a horrible person in life. 
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marvelboner · 6 years
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boon cotter (lighting artist for naughty dog), shutting down homophobes and misogynists on twitter. (x)
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marvelboner · 6 years
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This is my AFF button for the Nightlands reopening. It’s hosted on imgur, so feel free to hotlink.
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marvelboner · 6 years
them: you know, it’s hard to date you, because you’re always taking and captioning brooding pictures of your chicken
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marvelboner · 6 years
There are probably Akechi Defense Squads that number the amount of times Yusuke has probably accidentally drank paint water (read: a lot) so can there be a Ryuji Defense Squad? Because much like Akechi, he gets a lot of flack from fans, but the thing is, Ryuji is probably the most disliked character in Persona 5.
His character gets misinterpreted a lot, especially since Atlus threw him over the wayside after Kamoshida’s Palace since he really had no more plot relevance (unfortunately). His role became to be the comic relief, but by doing so it reduced his character to the traits of being a loudmouth who has no filter and who is greedy for fame, who is considered stupid and rude by a lot of fans because of his actions (against Morgana, for example).
There’s a lot of key differences between the hate between Ryuji and Akechi. Akechi is hated because of his actions, for the fact that he betrays you at the end, but you’ve got to admit that he got the better end of the stick when it came to writing. Out of all the characters, Akechi Goro is one of the few focus characters that was given proper attention. He’s also the most popular character in Persona 5, with a bunch of fans in Japan as well as a heaping helping of divided fans overseas.
But Ryuji? Even Atlus seems to hate him. Thrown to the wolves after Kamoshida’s Palace, getting reduced to comic relief, getting blamed for all the shit that happened with Morgana (don’t even talk to me about that part of the game I hate it), beat up by the girls after Shido’s Palace where he essentially saved their lives (comic relief my ass)… Not to mention that there are fans that automatically write him off as a dude bro who’s perverted because of the way he stares at the girls.
People forget that Ryuji was Akira/Ren’s first friend in Tokyo. That he’s kind and considerate under all those layers of delinquent. That he tries to help others in anyway he could, as shown in his Confidant. That he is an abuse victim, both at home and at school and is probably trying to cope with it. Think about this: the only person Ryuji had in his life before the Phantom Thieves who stayed was his mother. He had no other role models, no other people to look up to, since he never mentioned anyone else he loved other than his mom. He was lonely, an outcast at school because of what Kamoshida had done. That is, until the Phantom Thieves came around.
A lot of fans come to the defense of Akechi, but not as many remember Ryuji gets either as much or more flack from the fandom and even official material, so Ryuji Defense Squad anyone?
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