maryjoanstudies · 5 years
2019-2020 school year is fast approaching kids
A list of reminders that are mainly for myself
Sleep is really important
Don't stay up till 11-12 every night you will cry the next day
Practice good sleep hygiene by getting into good habits before bed (I personally brush my teeth, change into my pjs, lay out clothes for the next day, then go make myself a mug of sleepy time tea to drink while I read)
Try to find a place to chill on your phone/read/do other not school/work related things that isn't your bed
Color code
Color code some more
Color code everything
Color coding is helpful if you enjoy visual learning and it makes things pretty
You know highlighting in pretty colors makes you happy don't lie
You're told to buy all your supplies beforehand but if you're a high school student honestly don't
Buy everything you know you'll need (paper, pencils, highlighters, pens, etc.)
Then after the first day when your teachers give you the supply lists you can fill in whatever you don't have
That's where I buy all my comp books and I got a really cute cat one there once
This will save you a ton of money
Try to keep your desk relatively clean but it's ok if it gets a little messy don't stress
Try to keep all your school stuff in one place
If you have classes that don't have required notebook set ups then take notes for all those classes in one notebook and transfer the notes into subject notebooks at home save your backs
For my fellow IBD, Crohn's, UC, IBS, lactose intolerant, or friends with severe food allergies
Don't eat your trigger foods during the school year
It's tempting but then you will cry
And since most GI conditions are aggravated by stress missing more school/work because of a flare will cause stress and make it worse
Don't make the mistakes I made last school year I beg
Rest when you need to
School is hard with chronic illness, make sure you take care of yourselves
Mentally ill friends
I know they can be hard to use but planning things and breaking stuff down into small pieces really does help
I use an app called Egenda which let's me organize things by class and gives me notifications to get my shit done
Get proper sleep because mental illness is draining
Don't stay up till 11 just cause you wanna talk to friends it will catch up to you
Your friends want you to take care of yourself so sleep
Eat properly
Even if it's something small for breakfast it's better than nothing
Make sure you're in classes you can handle
You might have the intelligence for AP but you may not have the stamina, that's ok
School is about learning not competition don't push yourself too hard
Eat friends
Try to eat at least one fruit and veggie every day
You will feel better
Avoid diets during the school year unless necessary, stressing about food just adds more stress to your life
Dehydration is as killer when you live in a hot area
Please don't die
You are loved
Apps (my personal favorites)
Egenda - digital agenda
Desmos - graphing calculator
Quizlet - this app isn't just for cheating, you can create flashcards, quizzes, and more and it saved my ass on some of my finals last year
Khan is well loved for a reason, it's a great supplement program
School counselor's really aren't great to talk to about mental health issues, they're there for scheduling and handling school problems like bullying and such
If you can, find a therapist, seriously
Find good friends who support you
Eat at lunchtime, you need that boost to power through the rest of the day
Stay hydrated too, carry a water bottle
For incoming freshman
Don't try to look cool
Stay out of drama it's not worth it
Don't feel pressured to date just because everyone else is
That senior is not actually interested in you, you're just easy to control
Upperclassmen can be rude but if you find some cool ones make friends with them cause they can warn you about teachers and classes and help you navigate your new school
Try to have good relationships with your teachers, people may call you a teacher's pet but there are perks to a teacher liking you
My bio teacher once called me up beginning of class just to show me a cat meme cause I have an "I like cats" pin
You can't get by doing nothing like in middle school and teachers are a lot stricter, now is the time to learn the value of hard work
Fights aren't worth it, if someone is challenging you just let it go
Grades do not define you.
You are loved.
You will succeed.
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maryjoanstudies · 5 years
Someone who drowns in 4 feet of water is just as dead as someone who drowns in 40 feet of water. Stop comparing traumas and belittling other people because ‘their trauma wasn’t as big and bad as yours’.
Recovery isn’t a competition.
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maryjoanstudies · 5 years
A question for you guys
I might be a freak, but I actually really enjoy reading about education systems in other countries, ie. what exams look like and what are schools like
So would anybody want a series of posts about the Polish education system? (I really won't mind if literally no one wants it, it's just fun for me so maybe there are some souls out there that would enjoy it?)
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maryjoanstudies · 5 years
Reminder for all the studyblrs in exam season: if time gets short, it’s okay to not keep on making pretty notes and aesthetic bujos or post online, because what matters in the end is the thing you get into your head. Not on your paper.
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maryjoanstudies · 5 years
there’s nothing better than finally having the time to read books after months of only reading for classes, and the feeling of excitement to see what happens next, making your reading speed seem too slow for your own liking
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maryjoanstudies · 6 years
study hacks for college/uni
So you’re struggling to study efficiently away from home? Finding yourself getting distracted easily? Having difficulty creating a study schedule in this new environment? I know finals season is coming soon for university students, so I thought I’d share my personal study hacks that helped me during college! 
Find the least popular library: while the fancy main libraries have great appeal, the truth is sometimes you really only need a desk, a comfy chair, an outlet, and some peace and quiet
Go higher up for quieter floors: usually the higher you go, the quieter and more serious the floor
Always pack the essentials: during finals week, finding a good study spot is a commodity, so make sure you can stay as long as humanly possible and bring supplies: laptop, chargers (phone and laptop), water bottle, snacks, layers (including a huge comfy sweater that can double as a pillow), headphones, notes, pens and highlighters, and blank paper
Don’t be afraid of caffeine pills: caffeine pills can sound scary, but that venti coffee at Starbucks also has a shit ton of caffeine. Opt to finding caffeine pills that are each 100 mg (the amount in 1 cup of coffee), and save ~$50-100 on buying coffee all the time
Find (only) 1-2 good friends and make a regular study group: even if you guys don’t share classes, it’s nice to have people who are reliable, quiet, and fun to be around when studying. Also, libraries allow small groups to rent private study rooms which are clutch af
Use the Pomodoro method with a timer or app: this is wonderful for people who have difficulty focusing. Set an alarm for 25 minutes, and block all forms of electronic distraction from that time. The idea is to have 25 minutes of pure work with a 5 minute break to do whatever you want afterwards, and this helps train you to maximize your ability to focus and minimize brain fatigue
Empty classrooms and lecture halls on weekends = substitute library: on the weekends, college campuses are super dead. I’ve found that lecture halls and classrooms are deserted (and usually unlocked) during these times, which make for great quiet places to study
Listen to music WITHOUT lyrics while you study: you’ll be less likely to be sucked in to the music and distracted
Wear pajama or workout clothes: just trust me on this one
Have a few achievable goals for the day and know when to stop: college burnout is real, so remember that college is a marathon, not a race
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maryjoanstudies · 6 years
Soo I've sent my UCAS application today, literally an hour before the deadline *facepalm*
But I think everything is alrigh so... wish me luck I guess? I'm still in shock tbh
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maryjoanstudies · 6 years
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100 Days of Productivity - 1/100 (!!!)
So I started the 100 Days of Productivity Challenge today! Since it's my senior year, I nead something to force me to work regularly 🙈
I am going to try to skip as little days as possible - I know it's not a rule of the challenge, but that's just what's best for me!
So good luck to me I guess <3 And good luck to all of you guys doing the challenge right now!
Also a huge thank you to @emmastudies for the lovely printout <3
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maryjoanstudies · 6 years
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I'm officialy back on track with my studies! 💪
Today I solved some chemistry problems to revise the subject after summer break. I feel a little bit more confident now ^^ Then I skimmed through my geometry notes - tomorrow I have my first maths lesson since July and I really don't want it to be a disaster.
I also registered to UCAS and I'm in the middle of filling in the application (which is kinda scary, considering the fact that the majority of my friends will apply to universities JULY 2019 - in Poland you apply after results day).
I'm motivated to work hard, form good habits and be productive this year ^^
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maryjoanstudies · 6 years
Soo today I'm starting my senior year of high school... Like what? Where did all this time go???
It's gonna be hard, but I'll try to smash it 👊
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maryjoanstudies · 6 years
Reblog if you’re a studyblr, I’m new to the community and want to follow more people :)
This is a sideblog, though, so I’ll follow you from my main account (davesprlte)
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maryjoanstudies · 6 years
Hi! I'm in final year of high school in Poland <3
masterlist of studyblrs
Hey everyone!!! School is starting up in less than a month so i wanted to make a new and updated version of my masterlist of studyblrs, if you want to be apart of the new one all you have to do is reblog this and put in the tags what year you are going into (e.g. grade 9, 10 or if you’re in university or college) and if you’re in college/university what you’re currently studying or what you studied!!
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maryjoanstudies · 6 years
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7.08.2018 I'm currently having great time in Spain with my best friend Organic Chemistry, and it's actually very interesting ( although some people at the beach might think I'm kinda weird hah). When I come back, I'll have to start thinking seriously about my UCAS application... But now I'm just enjoying my holidays and learning some chemistry just for fun!
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maryjoanstudies · 6 years
Okay. So #studyblrs get real isn’t trying to offend anyone. I’ve gotten some anon messages that are really rude and I’ve just straight up deleted them.
#studyblrs get real is just that, we’re getting real. I’ve rewritten my notes to be aesthetically pleasing one time. Uno. Ein. Yeah that’s the only languages I know one in.
The studyblr aesthetic isn’t most people’s real life studies methods. It’s some people’s, and I want to congratulate those who manage to keep the aesthetic up.
But honestly, it’s not real life. Real life is being up at 2 AM, surrounded by four empty cups, Rice Krispies Treat wrappers, and a pizza box with just pizza crust in it, and grease marks on your paper. Real life is not having time to make these AMAZING and GORGEOUS notes, because you’re studying for the grade, NOT the notes.
People say you just need to “study” to be a studyblr, but why is it only the MUJIs, the Mildliners, and the Staedtlers get reblogged? Why doesn’t the pictures of sloppy, coffee stained notes get reblogged? The rain drenched crinkled notes that don’t get rewritten. The notes with more scribbles than legible writing.
Underneath is why I think that #studyblrs get real needs to become popular, and fast, which has been taken from what I said in a conversation with @universi-tea where the idea for #studyblrs get real came up.
Teens that are growing up may not know what they’re facing, because aesthetic studyblr makes it look like sunshine and lollipops.
“I’ve been through things that will commonly happen. I’ve been rejected by my dream school, and I’ve cried at 4 AM in the morning because my fourth SAT scores weren’t high enough to meet requirements after months of studying. I’ve taken AP classes. I’ve graduated.
Your high school/college/university experience may have been different, but mine was a rude awakening and I’m trying to prevent others from crashing and burning like I did. I was an all A student in high school, even with AP classes. I graduated fifth in my class with 25 credits from AP scores, in which my school only offered seven AP classes.
My first test in uni was a 38 in Business Calculus. A fucking 38 out of 100. I remember it very vividly (Thursday night, and the Blacklist was on.) It was like someone was trying play a joke on me because I had NEVER gotten that low of a test grade before. I remember looking at my scores, and the sense of dread settling into the pit of my stomach. I cried, and then called my old AP Bio teacher (idk why now that I think about it) I had a panic attack, and I was by myself (lived alone.) Those two are very dangerous. My next test score was a 51. Rinse, and repeat.
Do you know how worthless I felt? How long my mom yelled at me after I called her? How my friends reacted when they found out? I went and had a four hour conversation with the professor, who told me that this was the most common thing he saw in a class with freshmen in it. That they come thinking that they’re prepared and they are by no means prepared. I had to go to tutoring. For every single class but one. This was so fucking embarrassing. I had gone from the tutor in HS to the tutored in Uni.
My best friend went to the North Carolina School of Math and Science. Extremely prestigious, and extremely hard. “It’s like taking uni classes when you’re 16, 17, and 18, but you don’t get credit for them as college classes.” I’ve known my best friend since I was 10-ish. She’s the most level headed, and the smartest person I know. She calls me frequently, crying, because the work load. She spent a whole week with me trying to get over one failing grade.
This embarrassment, this shame and lack of self worth I experienced in uni is something I NEVER want ANYONE to experience. I’m trying to prevent these people younger than I am from feeling this way, because I had sunk into a depression because of grades. Grades that could’ve been prevented, had I known the truth.
Sure, the studyblr aesthetic may work in some people’s lives, but in college/uni, you’re being pulled in so many directions. I don’t know of a single person in any of my classes that have gorgeous notes. Hell, I don’t know anyone who can even afford to buy nice planners, or buy fresh fruit. Being “a broke college student” is entirely legit.
But all this aside, if you’ve managed to live out the studyblr aesthetic in university and keep up your grades, you better be DAMN proud of yourself. I’m not trying to make anyone mad. This is the reality most of us experience. It’s the honest truth, and I had to find out the hard way. I just don’t want anyone else to find out the hard way, either.“
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maryjoanstudies · 6 years
Hi guys! Sorry for not being very active, but I'm currently busy spending the LOVELIEST time with my awesome friends <3
But I promise you, I shall come back soon ;)
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maryjoanstudies · 6 years
Omg this is so awesome! I had a similar list once but it was so... minimalistic ;) in comparison to this one <3
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- ̗̀ may  ̖́-
Marvel Cinematic Universe chronology list of fimls and tv shows! It was so fun to doodle all thoose icons for the films ^^ 
ig: bujoknight
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maryjoanstudies · 6 years
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Today was much more productive than yesterday - just as I expected!
I started from doing a reading list for my Polish literature final. Looks terryfying, but actually most of these are poems (which means they’re short) and I’ve already read the majority of the novels! I really like studing literature, but sometimes I wish I didn’t have to take an exam on it :(
I also solved a few maths problems, organised my jewellery (because it got pretty messy during the school year) and read a few pages about metabolism.
Also, we hit 25 followers today! Welcome to all of you ♡
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