marzza · 9 days
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marzza · 15 days
if i sigh loudly enough will all of my problems go away 
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marzza · 15 days
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PAUL MESCAL Gucci Cruise Show
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marzza · 16 days
pros: it would most likely vastly improve my life in a multitude of ways
cons: might get scared
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marzza · 16 days
unavoidable that you will be the villain in someone else's story. You will be painted in an unfavorable light. You will be the irredeemable one. and all of this will happen despite how nice you might usually be or how kind or how respectful or how warm. and you will just have to move on.
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marzza · 16 days
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marzza · 16 days
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Stop the lights!
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marzza · 26 days
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#say it louder king
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marzza · 26 days
just a reminder to COMPLETELY boycott Eurovision this year; Azerbaijan and Israel, despite committing genocide, are STILL allowed to compete & have NOT been banned. by refusing to ban both countries, Eurovision is profiting off of the genocide of Palestinians and Armenians.
do not listen to the artists. do not pirate or stream the artists' music, and this applies to ALL the artists who are competing and performing this year. do not listen to the songs on ANY platform, do not give them ANY attention.
write to your broadcasters and tell them you REFUSE to watch the channels until they recognise the Armenian and Palestinian genocides & that you find it disgusting how they are allowing Eurovision despite Azerbaijan and Israel's entries.
do NOT give eurovision OR the competing artists ANYTHING but silence.
boycott ALL of eurovision.
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marzza · 26 days
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marzza · 27 days
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why didn’t gandalf just carry the ring to mordor himself with these tongs
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marzza · 27 days
Eurovision is in a week so reminder to not watch or support it in anyway with the fact that Israel is still in the competition 
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marzza · 27 days
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"I would have you smile again.
Not grieve, for those whose time has come.
You shall live to see these days renewed.
No more despair."
— The Lord of the Rings
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marzza · 1 month
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“There’s no big sweeping romantic gestures and yet I think the film is absolutely romantic. All these characters do is listen to each other and are there for each other. To love with courage sounds so simple on paper, but I think it's utterly radical and requires a huge amount of bravery, so I think what they give to each other is their total focus and attention.” | Paul Mescal
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marzza · 1 month
i won at work this week!
last year, i'd found out that students at my place of work are made to work for illegally long school days (8 hours on some days, when the legal maximum for kids this age in Finland is 7 hours)
i couldn't believe my ears. my kids are being mistreated and they don't even know it!
so i told them i'd try to change the situation.
i filed a complaint at the appropriate official, but when asked about it, my boss gave the official some impressive sounding flannel and the case was dropped.
i started talking to my students about how the right to rest and free time is, like, a universal human right. and how there's a legal upper limit to their workday, and it's being ignored.
at first, they didn't think anything could be done. and i quoted the ursula k leguin divine right of kings speech to them, and their eyes lit up a bit.
then they started talking to their parents
and the parents started calling the principal
the student council chairperson (who is one of my students) took it up at the council meeting
and yesterday, the principal announced that their boss had told them to shorten the school days, and how important it had been that the kids had been so conscious of their rights and demanded that adults treat them right
and if i ever had doubts about how i as a teacher can make a difference
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marzza · 1 month
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How about I kiss ya?
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marzza · 1 month
I finally watched The Old Guard and tumblr did not adequately prepare me for how funny the van kiss scene actually is. Like I've seen whole gif sets of Joe's impromptu love poem but that's not the half of it.
Dude are you sure you want to be making a homophobic jab at these people specifically
Joe: "Yeah he is and what about it, bitch boy" <- said with far more grace and eloquence
Nicky: "<3"
(This is where we give kudos to the actors for not smashing each other's teeth in when LAUNCHING at each other. Couldn't have been me)
Everyone is so taken aback they fully just watch for a whole second in, presumably, homophobic horror before all simultaneously deciding This Cannot Stand
you INTERRUPT joe and nicky? you interrupt their kiss like the football game? oh! oh! death for homophobes! death for homophobes for One Thousand Years!!!!
This isn't really part of the scene but "There's a TV, Joe!" is close enough that I'm going to add it. As an epilogue.
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