mashplantstudio-blog · 10 years
Quick Tips for Halloween Safety
Are your students excited about Halloween?  Are you going to have a party at school tomorrow?  Will they dress up?  All of these questions come to mind around this time of year.  Make sure to talk to your students about SAFETY.  The infographic below is a great tool to use to remind your students how to be safe and have fun on Halloween. 
Infographic courtesy of The Allstate Blog.
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mashplantstudio-blog · 10 years
Keep Parent-Teacher Communication Open with MashPlant
Parent-teacher communication plays an important role in education.  Communication is a two way street that should be present in every classroom.  According to, The Parent-Teacher Partnership from pbs.com, "a positive parent-teacher relationship contributes to your child’s school success." Sometimes this communication is lacking for one reason or another.  Schools should be thinking of an easy solution for all teachers and parents to keep the line of communication open.  Virtual learning spaces make this possible and effortless for teachers.
When communicating with parents online, teachers should keep in mind the tone of the message.  Try to be as clear and concise as possible.  When words are written rather than spoken, the tone can sometimes be misunderstood.  
MashPlant’s virtual learning environment builds a community of engaged learners in your classroom.  MashPlant can also build relationships with parents.  It keeps parents informed about what their child is doing in the classroom.  A parent can log into MashPlant to see a portfolio of their child’s work. 
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When parents are involved in their child’s learning, it becomes easier for parents to help their child when they need it.  Parents can also easily send a message to contact the teacher.  This gives parents a reason to connect.  Check out MashPlant.com today for free and start building your community!
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mashplantstudio-blog · 10 years
How to use Tackk and MashPlant for Student Projects
Tackk is a great new tool to create blogs, flyers, posters and webpages easily.  When you get to the homepage there is a short video explanation of how to use Tackk. 
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  I love that you don’t even need a login name (without a login name the Tackk will only be live for 6 weeks.  If you want it permanent, each students will need to create a login name).  This step saves a lot of time when using this tool with students.  Simply click start tackking and begin.  Your students will be promoted to enter a title, pictures or videos, and text.  This is a great tool for students to show what they know in a creative way.  Students can also choose different colors, fonts, and styles.  
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  There is a publish tackk button at the bottom of the screen.  After the tackk is published a link will appear in the bottom right hand corner.
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Here is where you can have your students copy the link and paste it into MashPlant.com.  MashPlant is so great because the kids can see each others work and engage with each other online.  I love having all of my students work organized in one place.  It makes my life so much easier and the kids end up with a portfolio of their work at the end of the year.
 Here is what you will see after you have uploaded the Tackk to MashPlant.
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mashplantstudio-blog · 10 years
6th Grade CCSS Math Project Idea to Get Your Kids Motivated
I recently had my 6th grade students work on an Independent and Dependent Variables Project.  Integrating fun technology apps into projects really gets kids motivated.  Two of my favorite apps are GlogsterEDU and GoAnimate!.  GlogsterEDU is a virtual way of creating a poster.  Kids can insert text, video, and images into a virtual poster.  GoAnimate! is a fun and easy way to create animated videos.  Animated videos let your students tell their story out loud.  Both options are great ways for kids to show what they know and be proud of the final product.  
Not sure how to share student projects?  Make sure to check out MashPlant.com.  You can create a studio where students can upload their projects, see each others work, and comment.  It is great way to turn your classroom into a community of learners.
Below is the outline of the project on Independent and Dependent Variables.   This project aligns to the Common Core State Standards for 6th grade CCSS.Math.Content.6.EE.C.9.
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mashplantstudio-blog · 10 years
Help Students Find a Voice Using Just One Platform
Giving students a voice is an important part of the learning process.  According to Wikipedia, “Student voice is the individual and collective perspective and actions of students within the context of learning and education.”  A voice allows students to express their understanding of their learning, become self confident, and feel part of a community.  They become active participants in the learning process instead of passive individuals.  Students are also more likely to perform better when they share their work for others to see.  It becomes meaningful and they feel a purpose for an assignment.  
So how can we give students a voice?
Technology is a great way to help students find a voice.  An article from edutopia titled, 4 Technologies to Help Students Find Their Voice In Your Classroom talks about using  blogging, media collection, podcasting, VoiceThread, and YouTube Channels.  These are all great platforms to use but this seems overwhelming to me.  Teachers need simplicity and to know that students are safe.  Managing multiple platforms to give my students a voice means multiple user names and passwords that my students will probably forget.  It also means a lot of time learning each of these platforms and looking into the security settings.  YouTube is great, don’t get me wrong, but as a teacher I do not feel comfortable having my students post their videos for the world to see.  
What I do look for is something that will do all of these things.  MashPlant.com is a perfect solution.  The most important part is that students are safe and secure.  MashPlant is TRUSTe certified.  Within the platform, students are encouraged to have a voice.  They blog, post articles and videos, create their own videos, comment on posts, collaborate with each other, and ultimately form a community!  
So get started and give your students a VOICE!
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mashplantstudio-blog · 10 years
Is Online Student Data Really Private?
We always wonder if new apps and platforms for education are safe and private, but how do you really know if a website protects your online data?  It can take a long time to research these apps before using them with your students.  And lets face it, this can be overwhelming.
I am concerned about internet privacy because of the recent news about Google, who is accused in class action lawsuits about privacy and providing consumer data to advertisers.  
What exactly is internet privacy?  Internet privacy is the privacy and security level of personal data.  It involves who has access to the data and how they use it.  
One tip you can do is to look out for the TRUSTe Privacy Seal on a website, app, or platform.  TRUSTe is recognized globally as a high standard for privacy management.  To become TRUSTe certified, a company must follow a comprehensive and proven in depth process to ensure privacy practices meet the standards.  
Below are TRUSTe Seals on Mashplantstudio.com
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  My advice is to do your research, look for the TRUSTe seal, and don’t just accept a company saying that student data and information is private.
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mashplantstudio-blog · 10 years
How to Use MashPlant for Flipped Learning
We have all heard the research behind the flipped learning experience and the benefits to students learning, but many of us think, where do I begin?
The first step is to start and the rest will follow!  Using MashPlant makes it easy to upload your video lessons in a safe and secure environment.  The environment we speak of is your virtual community.  It is a space where your students not only watch the videos, but they can comment, post their own videos, and interact with their classmates.  It is a great way to turn your students into a community of engaged learners.
To get started, you need to sign up for an account.  When you fill out the required information, you will be sent an email confirmation. 
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When you login, you will be in the studio homepage (corkboard).  This is where you can create your first studio by clicking "create a studio"  I prefer to create a new studio for each unit, but you can do it however you like.  I have several studios on my homepage from various projects I have done.  I love it because they are very easy to find.
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Once your studio is created, you can click on it and hit “upload stuff” to upload your videos.  When you upload your videos, they will appear in chronological order!
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Now that the studio is created, you simply click "my students" to invite them to join the studio.  They will instantly get an email and can join to see all of the videos and become a part of the virtual community!
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mashplantstudio-blog · 10 years
Create Customized Projects with Powtoon and MashPlant
Powtoon.com is an awesome website where you can create animated videos and presentations for free.  These projects can be used by anyone.  When you get to the main site, you can sign in as a student, teacher, video artist/animator, entrepreneur, start-up, marketing pro, or other.  
After creating an account, you can start from scratch or pick from tons of styles in the gallery.  I used Powtoon with my students after a unit on two variable relationships in math.  Their task was to create an example problem, write the equation, create a table, create a graph, and explain what the relationship between the two variables. They were able to to this by inserting their own images along with the ones provides within Powtoon.  My students love to show what they know!  They really enjoyed being able to create a presentation that was animated and I Ioved that they could add voice and explain their thinking process.  
My students worked on these in groups of two and it was so easy to use MashPlant as a way for them to collaborate.  They posted the link into MashPlant and were able to work on it as a draft until they were ready to submit.  My favorite part of using MashPlant for student projects is its security and ability to keep everything in one place.  My kids loved being able to watch each others videos, rate them, and provide feedback to each other.
Check out a sample video here.
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mashplantstudio-blog · 10 years
7 Tips for Managing Technology Use in the Classroom
How do we keep kids on task when using electronic devices in class?   With the internet, kids have the world at their fingertips and we should take advantage of that.  Use these quick tips to manage students while using technology in your classroom.
Always have a back-up lesson prepared in case the technology fails.
Post directions for frequently used computer operations near the tech center for kids to refer to.
Make sure laptops, monitors, and iPad screens are turned off when giving directions.
Assign a few students to be the classroom technology managers.  You can also assign students to be technology specialists.  Specialists can help others on a particular task such as animation, text, audio, powerpoint, uploading videos, etc.
Plan a class meeting to talk about acceptable uses.  In the meeting, students can create a list of expectations when using technology.  Kids love taking ownership and might think of ideas that you did not think of.
Help students recognize that technology in the classroom is for learning. 
Arrange classroom seating so that it is easy for you to move around the room, see students screens, and get to them quickly.
There are numerous management strategies to add to this list, but here is a start.  This is your opportunity to teach students to become independent and trustworthy.  They need guidance in the beginning, but soon your students will take action and become engaged, self-motivated learners.
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mashplantstudio-blog · 10 years
Global Collaboration in the Classroom
Online learning is powerful.  Students in traditional classrooms have been limited by the four walls of their classroom and a textbook, however, classrooms today have far more opportunities to connect outside of the classroom.  
Students are able to communicate, collaborate, and share with students their own age from any classroom across the globe using MashPlant.  They are able to gain real world experiences that are new and exciting to them in a safe and secure environment.  Students are motivated to learn through experience and teachers can add a global project to any subject that they teach.  
A high school teacher in Colorado Springs used MashPlant to connect her students globally.  She said, “I use MathPlant as a platform for my students to upload their videos securely.  In this way, they were able to connect with a French speaking school in Belgium and use this as a virtual pen pal experience.  MashPlant became a central place for my students to upload and download their videos as well as for the Belgium students to be able to share their videos.  This way we didn’t have to wait weeks to receive pen pal letters and communication with each other became almost instant.  My students love being able to comment on them, to rate them and it felt like using the French language for a real goal in their life rather than just as a class subject.”
So...how can YOU get started collaborating with international classrooms? 
To start, find a partner school to connect with.  If you wish to work with multiple schools, go ahead and dive in.  There are tons of international schools all over the world where English is the primary language spoken in the school.  In other schools, the primary language is the country’s native language.  
The link below will take you to a network of international schools.  
After you have a school to connect with, collaborate together on project ideas.
Some project ideas to collaborate on
Action projects - Collaborating with your partner school to make a difference in the world
Learning a language - Learning through a real experience using the target language
Cultural Awareness - Exchanging different areas of culture with you partner school.  Student debates.
Social Awareness - Being aware of problems that the community of your partner school faces
The great thing about using MashPlant as a place to share and collaborate is that teachers can create a studio that students in both classes can access.  This allows kids to create videos that teach others a new language, post blogs about their culture, etc.  Introducing kids to the world will get them excited and inspired to learn with peers far beyond the four walls of the classroom!
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mashplantstudio-blog · 10 years
Building Classroom Community Through Technology
Building Classroom Community is Essential
A strong community is an essential part of the classroom.  There are many things teachers do from day one of the school year to build classroom community.  Teachers go out of their way to get to know their students and think of community building activities.  Students and their teacher work together to set expectations and goals for the year.  The students need to feel that they all part of the community and have a voice in the events that occur in the classroom.  How can we go beyond what has already been done?
How Can We Build Classroom Community Through Technology?
The use and availability of technology makes it easy for teachers to use technology as an avenue to build classroom community.
MashPlant Studio can improve overall classroom community which in turn will increase student motivation.  How can MashPlant do this?
1)  Students feel connected to their classmates and the teacher in each studio
2)  Students feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and ideas in the virtual space
3)  It increases student confidence when posting work they are proud of
4)  Student work can be collaborative (collaborative learning encourages positive and fulfilling relationships with others)
5)  Comments can be controlled by the teacher to prevent bullying online
6)  Students receive immediate feedback on their work
7)  The use of posting work, sharing, and commenting increases student motivation
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mashplantstudio-blog · 10 years
The Importance of Digital Portfolios in the Classroom
What are digital portfolios? Digital portfolios are collections of student work that focus on a student's efforts, progress, and performance over time.  Students show pieces of work and reflect on them.  The reflection part allows students to think about their learning and self assess. The reflections also help the teacher understand each student's learning process. Why are they important? Education is ever evolving because of advances in technology.   The power of digital portfolios can change the way students learn and teach them to be reflective of their own learning.  They can encourage independence and responsibility.  Students love to look back on work they have done and be proud of it. How can I use MashPlant Studio to create student portfolios? MashPlant has a built in portfolio for students.  As a teacher, every studio you post in MashPlant that students turn in becomes a digital potfolio for students.  When a student logs in, they see all of the work they have submitted and can look back and reflect on their learning over time.   5 Reasons To Use Digital Portfolios In Your Classroom 1) Digital portfolios allow students to use technology available to them.  They can use pictures, videos, and audio recordings along with typical writing pieces in paper portfolios 2) Struggling students are given alternative ways to express themselves and show their understanding.   3) Parents can see student portfolios anywhere and anytime.  They are able to learn what is going on in class in real time.   4) Students develop strong oral and written communication skills. 5) Digital portfolios stay with the student over time which allows them to look back at their growth.
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mashplantstudio-blog · 10 years
5 Great Websites for Student Learning
Kids go home after school and want to be on the computer.  Take the opportunity to assign homework that can be done online.  MashPlant Studio allows you to post an assignment and ask for feedback.  The websites below are great for kids to practice concepts as homework.  Ask students to answer a specific question, write down something they learned, or ask a question that they had in the comments section of your posted assignment.
Sumdog.com for Math and ELA Practice (K-6) aligned to Common Core State Standards.  These fun games are linked to the CCSS.  Teachers can create an account and assign certain standards for individual students to practice..… Perfect for differentiation.
Quizlet.com (Perfect for any subject)  Create your own vocabulary games in a fun and interactive way.  Kids love to manipulate the words and practice them with games on Quizlet.
Learnzillion.com This site provides excellent videos created by the ``Dream Team`` teachers covering each of the ELA and Math standards for K-12.
Starfall.com  This is a great site for little ones learning how to read.  There are four categories to choose from: let´s get ready to read, learn to read, its fun to read, and I´m reading.  The best part is that the directions and new words are read aloud for students!
Sheppardsoftware.com (Perfect for any subject) This site offers fun games for elementary and middle school students.  Games range from learning about the life cycle….to nouns….to integers.  What is not to love about ONE website that has tons of great resources?
 Check it Out!
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mashplantstudio-blog · 10 years
How to Increase Student Engagement with Glogster and Mashplant
Teachers know that organization it KEY.  MashPlant is the perfect place to create assignments and manage all of your student projects.  As an added bonus, the collaboration and social sharing aspect keep my kids engaged. 
My students used Glogster EDU to create their last project.  Glogster EDU is the tech way of creating a poster.  The website is edu.glogster.com.  I recently used Glogster for a Systems of Equations project.  My goal was for students to be able to share their projects with each other and comment on them.  I decided to have my students take a screen shot of their Glog and upload it to our MashPlant studio called Systems Glog.  I use MashPlant so my students so they can see each others Glogs and interact with them!  Using MashPlant allows me to keep everything organized and interactive.  
This objective of this project was for the students to understand the connection between the real world and the math they were learning in class.  Each student had the opportunity create their own problem and solve it three different ways.  Each project I received was very different and I got to see the creative side of my students.  Glogster is fun and it inspired curiosity in my students.  They were very excited to be working on this project.  An outline and example of the project are below.
Systems of Equations Project Outline and Student Example:
Create a word problem using systems of equations
Explain your problem.
Identify the variables you use to solve your problem.
Clearly set up the two equations to solve your problem.
Solve your system of equations using either the substitution method or elimination method.
Clearly label your answers.
Check your answers in your original equations.
Create a table with both equations. Use the same “x-values” for each and include your solution values.
Graph your system of equations.
Clearly indicate where the solution appears on your graph
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mashplantstudio-blog · 10 years
Build Community and Engagement with Photos
Students love to take picture of themselves.  So… why not have them take pictures while working on a classroom activity?  After the activity, they can upload the pictures to MashPlant and look back on their learning throughout the year! 
I recently observed a middle school science classroom.  The activity for the day was to create the periodic table using m&m´s.  As I walked around the classroom, I noticed that the students were very engaged and on task because they knew the pictures of them would be in the classroom studio.  Try it out and see how your students react!
  If you are interested in doing this project, here is a short outline.
1)      Students were divided into groups.  Each group was given the symbol for an element in periods 1, another in 2, and another in 3.  Using the symbol and a poster of the Periodic Table, they were asked to figure out the name, atomic number, atomic weight, two interesting facts, number of protons, number of neutrons, and number of electrons. 
  2)      After the kids had all the information, each group took out a piece of paper and drew out the information.  They made a key denoting the colors of the m&m's that would be used for each part (protons, neutrons, electrons).  Then they drew it out in pencil before gluing down the m&m's.  As a final step, the students collaborated as a class to put the elements in order.
Lots and lots of m&m´s...
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Take a peek at the students in action.....
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mashplantstudio-blog · 10 years
The Value of Teaching Kids Digital Literacy Skills
What is it?
Digital literacy is the knowledge and skills that kids need to think critically, behave safely, and interact responsibly in a digital world.
  Kids need guidance
- Our students have a new way of looking at the world and need to learn the skills to use technology safely
- They need to understand that they are responsible for what they write online
- Kids need to learn how to collaborate with peers in an online environment
- Our students must learn how to research online using keywords and choosing valid sources
  Why should we teach digital literacy skills?
We live in a digital world right?  Why not teach kids to become responsible critical thinkers, problem solvers, and teach savvy individuals.
  Digital literacy allows for kids to develop critical thinking skills
- The Common Core Standards identify digital literacy as an important component of a strong curriculum.   In all grade levels, a standard exists where students are to explore a variety of digital tools to produce and publish writing.  MashPlant provides a safe space for students to publish their writing and share it with others in their studio created by the teacher.
-  Students are able to analyze, explain, create, and design
-  Projects can be reflective of their personalities and learning styles
Example project ideas that encourage critical thinking skills
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Digital literacy promotes collaboration and a builds classroom community
- Students share and comment on their peers work
- They collaborate on projects and work together as a team
- They are able to connect with kids in schools all over the world
  What topics should we teach? 
There are tons of different ideas, but here are a few that I think stand out as the most important.
Acceptable uses
Some examples are: Who is responsible for the technology? Who is in charge of accounts and where do they keep their password?  When can they be on social media in school?
Online privacy
We need to teach kids to be responsible for their online behavior.  Everything they do online is permanent and traceable.  The MashPlant platform makes online privacy easy for teachers.  They can set privacy settings, monitor posts by students, and allow sharing on social networks.
Digital Etiquette
Our students need to learn about posting pictures of others online and sharing media projects.  Many students are unaware of the consequences that can happen without getting approval.  Students need a set of guidelines to follow.
Best practices
It is important for students to learn effective online research skills, understand the tools used to access content, generate questions, and identify key words when researching.
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mashplantstudio-blog · 10 years
Make a Difference with a Public Service Announcement
This project expands students’ awareness outside school walls, motivating them through their own interests. This is an opportunity to find out what your students are passionate about.  A PSA project integrates persuasive writing, film making, and global awareness. It also empowers students to make a change that will positively impact their community.
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  Project Outline:
1. Students work cooperatively to create a 30-second PSA.
2. Working in groups of two or three, students select a topic that interests them.  The topic must be approved by the teacher before beginning the PSA.  Here are a few example topics (drinking and driving, nutrition, dog adoption, homelessness, littering, world hunger, teen suicide).
3. Students will use a storyboard to develop their PSA based on their research findings from the Internet and concepts learned in class.  You can use the template below.  (To download our pdf story board, sign up or log in to your MashPlant account at mashplantstudio.com, go to the teacher´s lounge studio, click on teacher resources, then elements, and scroll down to storyboard template to download for free.)
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  4.  The students write the script using a storyboard to create the scenes.  They will decide on props and costumes.  They will also determine their roles in the production of the video (actor, recorder, director, etc).  
5.  Next, students begin to film their scenes.
6.  Once filming is complete, students edit and save their video.
7.  Students will then upload their PSA to the MashPlant studio created by the teacher. 
8.  Lastly, students view each other’s videos, comment, and share via social media to get the word out!  Let´s make a difference!!!!!
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