maskedbeskar · 2 years
don’t look at me i’m just Crying about the recent ep --
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maskedbeskar · 2 years
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                OVERSEEN  BY : CAIT  /   REBOOTED.  MAY 2020             feat. marvel, star wars, & independent original characters
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maskedbeskar · 2 years
cosmicveiined​  /  BLAKE.
She’s silent for a moment, taking in the bounty hunter’s words, before letting out a small shuddering breath. “He was a trustworthy person…I trusted him with my life.” It’s a little easier for Blake to talk about Luke now. 
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And it’s easy to talk about him with the man beside her. “What was he like? When you met him?” She turns to him, the view before them now forgotten. 
⟢  ❛  … STRONG.  CALM AND KIND. ❜  he replies after a short pause of thought.  the vivid image of luke skywalker arriving in the control room of that ship clear in his mind.  eyes compassionate and understanding -- yet, sad and marred with the lingering hauntings of war.
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   ❛  he saved us in a dire situation.  one we most likely wouldn’t have made out alive if it wasn’t for him. ❜  din was prepared to sacrifice himself if necessary if it was for grogu. that child was, and still is first priority for him in his heart. and luke skywalker was someone he was grateful for in keeping grogu safe and teaching him within the force.  for being a friend and ally.  a part of him wished he expressed that before luke’s death. a regret he would carry on his shoulders for the years ahead. 
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maskedbeskar · 2 years
uhm, but listen – quietly clears throat –  luke giving some guidance/training to din with the dark saber when he next visits gro.gu ??? 👁👁
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maskedbeskar · 2 years
manaborn​  /  GWEN.
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❝  —  HEY ! ❞  a surprised yelp escaped her lips as she hit the ground, scooting back against the crates immediately amongst the blaster fire. Gwen wasn’t quick enough to use her powers to shield both of them and if he hadn’t pulled her out of the way she would have definitely been hit, possibly fatally.  ❝ Thanks, ❞  she breathed, adjusting her position. ❝ Well .. so much for using our words. ❞
There’s a moment of silence ; outwardly it would seem like she was catching her breath but in  reality Gwen was feeling out the area amongst the chaos. ❝ There’s nine of them. ❞ the hybrid says calmly.  ❝ Four on the rooftops, two behind that building to the left, one behind that cart in the middle, the last two are flanking from the right. ❞ and more would probably be showing up.
⟢   DARK EYES BENEATH THE GUISE OF THE VISOR QUIETLY SCAN FOR HEAT SIGNATURES.  a cautionary measure for his own being if anything, knowing the other’s senses are never wrong. form is curled into a crouch as he shifts to face, handle of his blaster adjusting in gloved fingers. being boxed in was nothing new -- they would have to move quick to gain a route to safety.  this was not a place to stick around long.  with the crackling and pop of fire muttering in the background, it was his turn to take a breath.  the back alleys of this planet was a maze.
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   ❛  think you can take out the ones on the roof ?  i’ll cover you, keep the ones on the ground off our backs.  just keep moving forward to the center alley.  retrace our steps, head back to the docking bay. ❜  there’s a pause, visor now tilting to turn towards the other.  ❛  ready ? ❜
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maskedbeskar · 2 years
so i was looking at THIS MEME and THIS MEME and like. there’s something that i just love so much about these?? so essentially, the sender might send in smth like. “five times cried”. and the receiver can respond with a drabble about five times the receiver’s muse cried because of the sender’s muse! if you’re confused, that’s my fault, and that’s also why i have links to two of the memes that inspired this. i hope you all enjoy! as always, do NOT add more to these, i WILL be making a part 2!
five times kissed:     ( five times the receiver and sender kissed )
five times hugged:     ( five times the receiver hugged the sender )
five times called:      ( five times the receiver called the sender’s phone )
five times texted:      ( five times the receiver texted the sender )
five times cried:      ( five times the receiver cried over the sender )
five times smiled:      ( five times the sender made the receiver smile )
five times touched:      ( five times the receiver touched the sender (platonically or romantically or otherwise!) )
five times saved:     ( five times the sender’s life was saved by the receiver )
five times saved by:      ( five times the receiver was saved by the sender. )
five times protected:     ( five times the receiver was protected by the sender )
five times protective:      ( five times the receiver was protective of the sender )
five times thanked:      ( five times the receiver thanked, or felt gratitude towards, the sender )
five times comforted:      ( five times the receiver comforted the sender )
five times angered:      ( five times the sender made the receiver angry )
five times betrayed:      ( five times the receiver was, or felt, betrayed by the sender )
five times saddened:      ( five times the receiver felt sad for or because of the sender )
five times worried:      ( five times the receiver worried about the sender )
five times relieved:      ( five times the receiver felt relieved about the sender )
five times safe:      ( five times the receiver felt safe because of the sender )
five times happy:     ( five times the sender made the receiver happy. )
five times afraid:     ( five times the sender made the receiver feel afraid )
five times hurt:      ( five times the sender hurt the receiver or made them feel hurt. )
five times visited:      ( five times the sender and receiver visited each other )
five times left:      ( five times the sender and receiver parted ways )
five times reunited:      ( five times the sender and receiver reunited after being apart for a considerable length of time. )
five times stayed:      ( five times the receiver stayed with the sender )
five times glanced:     ( five times the receiver stole glances at the sender )
five times glanced at:      ( five times the receiver noticed the sender stealing glances at them )
five times healed:      ( five times the receiver nursed the sender back to health, or tended to their wounds )
five times watched:      ( five times the receiver watched the sender while they were working or doing something )
five times shared:      ( five times the receiver shared something (either a material or feelings or secrets!) with the sender )
five times flirted:      ( five times the receiver flirted with the sender )
five times blurted:      ( five times the receiver impulsively blurted something out to the sender )
five times confessed:     ( five times the receiver confessed a secret or feeling to the sender )
five times noticed:      ( five times the receiver noticed the sender properly )
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maskedbeskar · 2 years
goodness gracious, i did  Not  expect that promo to lift off so suddenly today -- HELLO ALL AND NEW COMERS !!!  WELCOME !!  i apologize for the mess, trying to get stuff tidied up here since i haven’t been here in a hot minute LMAO i’ll have a little gander at new followers soon, i’ll be on later tonight to write the rest of replies and work on icons etc
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maskedbeskar · 2 years
asteritm​  /  QUEEN VASYA.
            the anger subsides as she listens ; the harsh frown fading into a sort of troubled understanding as her eyes turn towards the cooing child on her desk. perhaps it was enough that he was willing to turn against his own client, but the implication of the empire’s interest concerned her. why were they after him? why didn’t they just kill him when they had the chance?
❛ i don’t like it — but i understand. i can’t imagine they were too happy when you saved him, though it is a rather unexpected move for a mandalorian. i’m just glad it was you who found him, others would’ve taken the reward and left him there. ❜
            her handmaiden slips from one of the many doorways with a small platter of food and drinks, placing it gently upon the desk before disappearing into the next room. vasya plucks a variety of fruits and meat from the platter onto a much smaller plate, before setting it down next to grogu.
❛ sorcerers? i suppose if you don’t understand their power, and the nature of their power, it might seem like that. they use the Force, and the Force is like — energy, something that exists in all of us and in every thing. Force sensitive beings can learn how to harness that energy and use it in a variety of ways, depending on how strong their connection to it is. through training, they can become very powerful and can probably appear to be some kind of sorcerer. ❜
            slim fingers swipe a small apple from the platter before she’s holding it between them in the center of her palm. after a moment it hangs suspended in the air, the next moment a small knife appears and within a few seconds the apple is cut right down the center.
❛ but they are not, they’ve only learned how to master the Force. most people believe it has two sides. ❜
she holds up one side in her left palm, and the other in her right, one for the jedi, one for the sith.
❛ one side light, and one side dark. the jedi believed in democracy, diplomacy, they wanted a galaxy at peace and most abhorred war. they were even dubbed peacekeepers because of their devotion to it. and you’re already familiar with the sith and what they believe in — the late emperor was a sith, one that grew right under the noses of the jedi. that part is, uh, complicated. and political. i won’t bore you with details unless you want me to.  ❜
            the pieces of apple  suddenly join back together, still suspended mid-air as she stares at it, thinking.
❛ to me, the Force isn’t naturally split into categories. it’s like fire — fire can be used to keep you warm, but it can also burn you alive. can you say the fire is good or evil? should you? some can learn to use the fire to heat the house and make food, while others can learn how to burn down homes and crops. it still does not change the nature of the fire or its power. ❜
            there’s a small tap on her elbow and the apple falls from suspension and right into her hand as she turns to put more food on grogu’s plate.
❛ the jedi weren’t perfect. they were flawed, made bad decisions, made plenty of mistakes — but i’d wager ruling the galaxy with an iron fist wasn’t in their agenda. unfortunately, one of the most powerful jedi went dark, and damned the rest of the galaxy with him. ❜
            shifting so she can keep an eye on the youngling and talk, vasya rubs her temples before offering her guest a small smile.
❛ it’s good that you’re bringing him to the jedi to be trained, if you can find them. who told you to do this? someone you trust? ❜
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❛ you must care for him very much, if you’re going through all this trouble. i’m happy to see he has someone looking out for him, he’s going to need it. ❜
⟢  ROUND BROWN EYES WIDEN WITH DELIGHT AT THE PRESENTATION OF FOOD.  green ears pricking upwards as small clawed hands reaching downwards towards the plate with a quiet sound of glee.  eagerly consuming what they can as they get comfortable upon the desk.  feet peeking out from tan colored garb, waving back and forth with contentment. absorbed in trying and tasting new cuisine that wasn’t frog-related, earning some unsureness with some items but eating it nonetheless. eyes glance beneath the blank visor, a twitch of a smile daring to pull at his lips before focus returns to the other as she speaks. it certainly was out of character for him to go against code -- a part of him not truly understanding why in the moment. perhaps he saw a reflection of himself. maybe it was compassion, empathy, a want to protect.  perhaps all.  what was clear was whatever intentions the empire had with the child --  it wasn’t right. it was then a blip of energy briefly fills the room.  din growing still as the fruit is levitated and held in the air.  watching as the blade of the knife cuts through the skin and flesh of the apple like butter.  she could wield it -- just as grogu could.  just as jedi could. he listens and listens well.  brows softly furrowing beneath the beskar shine of the helmet as he absorbs the information being filtered and spoken into the air.  a new perspective that wasn’t yet granted to him.  thoughts ponder on it for a moment, understanding the force more as a complete concept yet still not at all. an invisible power that could be wielded by those lucky enough with the ability to do so.  one that could be used for good or evil.    there will always be a part of him mystified by it.  it was far larger and a much more complicated concept than he first thought. there’s a quiet blink of surprise at the mention of the late emperor being affiliated with the force. another piece now filled in within the gaps.  the force -- the influence it must held -- of course it could sway galaxies ten fold if someone willed it to do so.  the thought briefly makes him uneasy.  it seems the jedi are not the only ones to worry about. a small bow of his head is then given in reply, eyes returning to the small one upon the desk. currently staring up at the floating apple. head tilting from side before it is distracted with a grape. tiny teeth munching upon it as three fingered hands hold onto the piece of fruit.
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❛  yes ... someone trusted advised that i should. ❜  thoughts move to nevarro. a convent that now no longer existed.  forced to move and survive elsewhere.  the goal, no matter how distant or impossible it seemed, was determined to be met.  one he would stake his life upon if necessary.      ❛  ... he grows on you. ❜  a distant admittance to care that is weaved with a soft breath of fondness. grogu’s head lifting towards din, mouth full and faintly slobbering.  there’s a temptation to smile, but it is replaced with a hidden frown, visor tilting downwards with stern intent. 
❛  do you know where i can find the jedi ?  they seem to be more myth than fact. ❜  rough modulated voice guiding the conversation to hopeful guidance.  the jedi were elusive, and the longer this expedition for them went on, the more rare they were to find in this day and age. chasing whispers in hope of finding them to be real.
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maskedbeskar · 2 years
SHINING ARMOR PROMPTS  / ACCEPTING  /  @hopexncarnate​​​  asked :   [ REVEALED ]: sender, having been secretly following the receiver, reveals themselves in the process of saving the receiver’s life from an unexpected threat.
⟢  A LOOMING SENSATION HAD NOT LEFT HIM EVER SINCE HE STEPPED FOOT ON THIS PLANET.  trekking through unfamiliar grounds and wildlife, the feeling of being watched was not surprising. shoulders are tense, sunlight dappling and glinting off of silvered beskar as footsteps continue to press forward. sounds of surrounding wildlife echoing and fluttering overhead.  a  snap  of a branch then adheres a  warning  of caution. form and steps still to a halt. visor now scanning as dark eyes beneath flicker in search of a potential threat. no heat signatures appearing through the brush and bramble. gloved hand hovers near the holster of his blaster, at the ready. the wildlife itself that surrounds him seems to hold it’s breath as does he before the roar of a creature shrills through the air.  broad form twists to turn to the pouncing threat, breath knocked from his lungs as back hits the ground.  blaster skidding across the floor.  snarling teeth and fangs bare and attempt to bite, arms pressing against the beast’s throat at a desperate attempt to place distance. a grunt and hiss of breath escapes the mandalorian, shifting to move a gloved palm to the handle of the dark saber at his side. teeth bare in return beneath the blank stoic visor.  carnal in nature just as the creature before him. with an emergence and breath of life -- the blade of the dark saber hisses into view.  swiping upwards at the threat, it is enough for the four legged beast to retreat in panic, claws swiping back in return.  a short yell cuts through the air, the sharp edges ripping through fabric upon his left arm.  with a kick and a turn of weight, the creature is flung, giving time for din to stand.  regain balance haphazardly with a light groan of effort.  he strains visibly with the dark saber, the weight still lingering upon it.  the wound that now bleeds crimson into fabric not appealing to this struggle.  carefully the blade raises, ready for another round of an attack -- but instead a flicker of green and black enters his vision.  one he recognizes distinctly.  jedi.  the threat is promptly eliminated in a series of flurried and skilled twirls of a lightsaber.  silently, din breathes out in relief.  the dark saber heavily resting at his side as he catches his breath. quiet beats of silence following as a semblance of peace returns.
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❛ ... thank you. ❜  the darkened glowing blade retracts with the utter of words. twice now the man before him has saved his life.  he truly owed him, in more ways than one.  not only for himself, but for the child as well. the previous loom now dissipates.  gaze glances briefly to his injured arm, gloved fingers flexing in and out in brief discomfort.
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maskedbeskar · 2 years
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“ You have something I want.   You may think you have some idea what you’re in possession of, but you do not.  Soon he will be back with me.  He means more to me than you will ever know. ”      
                     WRITTEN BY : CAIT  /   EST. SEP 2021   /  GO.OGLE SLIDES LINK.
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maskedbeskar · 2 years
me, looks at my inbox for the first time in Forever :   ......... oh dear gods -- i cannot remember for the life of me if i answered a majority of those or not ( i believe i did but i’m unsure )  BUT, i’m going to delete the old ones that are in there just to have a fresh start !!  y’all are More than welcome to send in more memes at any time !  
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maskedbeskar · 2 years
                                    🔘  PINNED POST :  🔘
 hi there !!!  i’m cait, my pronouns are she/they, and din djarin has currently taken over my life LMAO ( but i’m not complaining ) this post is specifically for all you mobile users out there or simply just someone who can’t make it to a computer at the moment !!  ( and honestly just for easier navigation in general ) THIS BLOG WILL NOT BE SPOILER FREE !  any and all spoilers will be tagged :  tw : mandalorian spoilers or tw mandalorian spoilers !  black list these tags if you want to stay safe from any spoilers ! the  goo.gle slides link  down below holds   my  rules , verse list,  and about page!  if you have any questions at all or just want to chat in general feel free to IM me !   the  interest tracker  is entirely optional but it’d definitely help me out a bunch with interactions !                              GOO.GLE SLIDES  /  INTEREST TRACKER  /  MEMES
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maskedbeskar · 2 years
uhm, but listen -- quietly clears throat --  luke giving some guidance/training to din with the dark saber when he next visits gro.gu ??? 👁👁
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maskedbeskar · 2 years
i rewatched the etern.als. and then i got thinkin. and now you guys are on the receiving end of more protective prompts, but these little beauties are aimed more for the act of actually saving a life! bon appetit!
“ what the hell were you thinking?! you could’ve been killed! “
“ hey! get away from them! “
“ if you wanna hurt them, you’re going to have to get through me, first. “
“ you underestimate how much you mean to me. i wasn’t about to let them hurt you. and i certainly wasn’t about to let them even consider killing you. “
“ i told you before. i’m not gonna let anything in this world nor the next harm you. “
“ you need to get out of here! go! i’ll buy you some more time! “
“ what are you doing?! i told you, get out of here! now! “
“ get it through your head, i’m not gonna just leave you here! “
“ now’s not the time to play the martyr, got it? you’ve got a good long life ahead of you, and i intend to keep it that way. “
“ you need to go now, okay? don’t worry. i’ve got this. they’ll want to be trying a lot harder if they want to keep me from protecting you. “
“ don’t worry about me; are YOU okay? “
“ damnit, [NAME]! i TOLD you not to play the hero! “
“ i can look after myself, you know. but… i do appreciate you stepping in back there. you saved my life. “
“ why are you so invested in keeping me alive? “
“ that was for saving my life. “
“ it’s alright, they’re gone now… are you alright? hey, look at me; are you hurt at all? “
“ are you insane?! run! “
“ were you preoccupied, or did you just really want a dramatic heroic entrance before you saved my ass? “
“ are you okay? “
“ yeah, yeah, i’m okay… are you okay? “
“ hey! why don’t you try picking on someone your own size! “
“ hurry! take my hand! “
“ get in the car! now! “
“ i’m sorry i was late… are you alright? they didn’t hurt you too badly, did they? “
add a “+ REVERSE” to switch the roles around!
[ SHIELD ]:     sender uses their own body to shield the receiver from an attack.
[ EMBRACE ]:     sender quickly wraps the receiver in a protective hug and turns so the sender’s back might take on the brunt of an on-coming attack.
[ SHOVE ]:     seeing the receiver is in immediate danger, the sender runs to them and shoves them out of the line of fire.
[ YANK ]:     seeing the receiver is in immediate danger, the sender hastily grabs them and pulls them against them, out of harm’s way.
[ TACKLE ]:     sender physically tackles the receiver out of the line of fire.
[ THROW ]:     sender throws themselves between the receiver and an on-coming attack, taking on an injury that might have been fatal to the receiver otherwise.
[ DISTRACT ]:     sender causes a distraction to draw the receiver’s attacker/s away from them.
[ FIGHT ]:     just as the receiver is about to be attacked, the sender arrives suddenly and begins to physically fight off their assailant.
[ CATCH ]:     sender manages to intervene and catch the falling receiver before they fall to their death.
[ SACRIFICE ]:     sender sacrifices themselves, either fatally or otherwise, in order to save the receiver’s life.
[ HIDE ]:     sender quickly pulls the receiver into a hiding place, hiding them from their pursuers.
[ KILL ]:     sender, seeing the receiver in immediate and intentionally fatal danger, intervenes by killing their assailant before they can kill the receiver.
[ INCAPACITATE ]:     sender, seeing the receiver in immediate danger, intervenes by knocking out their assailant before they can harm the receiver.
[ AFAR ]:     sender, having been watching the receiver’s interactions with a threat from afar, saves them from an impending attack while remaining distant from them.
[ SECRET ]:     sender, having been secretly following the receiver, saves their life from an immediate threat while remaining hidden from the receiver.
[ REVEALED ]:     sender, having been secretly following the receiver, reveals themselves in the process of saving the receiver’s life from an unexpected threat.
[ REUNION ]:     after spending a considerable length of time apart, the sender reunites with the receiver after saving their life from an immediate and potentially lethal threat.
[ KISS ]:     after having been saved from immediate danger by the receiver, the sender, in a state of intense emotion and relief, kisses them to express these feelings.
[ HUG ]:     sender, having just saved the receiver’s life, pulls them into a tight hug out of relief and a need to steady and support both themselves and the receiver.
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maskedbeskar · 2 years
... so that recent ep on tbobf was something huh 👀👀
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maskedbeskar · 2 years
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maskedbeskar · 2 years
i now have little mando and grogu ornaments for my mini xmas tree ;;  i’ll try to take a picture soon !!
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