masqueh · 5 months
Hello, Mister Gaiman 🩷
Have you heard that Our Flag Means Death got canceled this week? We as a fandom are devastated and have created a petition in order to bring it back for one final season. I know a lot of the audience of Good Omens are also familiar with this show, so could you please share the link to our petition?
Thank you 🙏
Of course!
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masqueh · 5 months
#ofmd #ofmd fanart #our flag means death #this is wonderful #I love pixel Jim #amazing work!
Would you like a tour? #2
All the characters have been integrated in the game! Here's another tour, this time of the main deck.
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Bonus: Jim can talk now, but are they a mermaid?
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Would you like a tour? #1 - Gun deck
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masqueh · 5 months
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You know what to do! 🏴‍☠️❤️‍🔥🏳️‍🌈
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masqueh · 8 months
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I just think that in every way, Aziraphale is a perfect moomin
Bonus Snufkin Crowley because: they are a set, do not separate
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masqueh · 9 months
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Knitted Aziracrow sharing a hot chocolate
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masqueh · 9 months
These are so beautiful! 😍😱
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Everything is going to be okay in the end ❤️‍🩹
(A little bit of hope and so much love)
Pssst, have you seen the Ineffable Affirmation deck? 😇
Now you have! ❤️
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masqueh · 9 months
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With s2 coming out next week I thought I would share this cross stitch of the OFMD lighthouse painting that I made earlier in the year. I had an idea to embroider a kraken over the top but never got round to it. Maybe one day!
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masqueh · 9 months
Saw this badger patttern and it made me think of Aziraphale so I had to make it :) Also gave him a miniature version of Agnes' prophecy book. Hope you love him as much as I do
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Pattern is by Dotpebblesknits on etsy and instagram
Sidenote: this is only the second thing I have ever knitted so that's why it look slightly wonky
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masqueh · 9 months
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The WGA strike has ended! Wahoo for WGA! Writing Good Omens Season 3 can resume! 🥳❤
(Amazon commisioned only the S3 scripts so far, not S3 itself)
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masqueh · 9 months
Thought I would share some tiny details on knitted Aziracrow that make me happy 🤗
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Aziraphale pocket watch chain.
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Fluffy hair! I'm not very good at short hairstyles on knitted dolls so it took me a while to work out how. In the end i just used lots of pinning and hairspray. Don't light a match near these lads!
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Crowley waistcoat with the tiniest most adorable buttons I have ever seen
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Snake belt
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masqueh · 9 months
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A demon companion for knitted Aziraphale!
A few people asked about patterns. I only really used this pattern for the head/body : https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/adele-doll-with-her-kitten
Clothes were a make up as I go along situation but if people are interested I could try to reverse engineer some patterns.
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Oh and with wings!
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masqueh · 9 months
Aaw thanks all I'm glad people like him!
Someone asked about a pattern in the tags. For the body and head I used this pattern but the clothes I made up as I went along and didn't think to write it down sorry! I'm not really a pattern maker myself.
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I don't think I have made a post on here before despite having an account for a long time (just for lurking). I'm not really sure how it works but I will try!
I'm a bit happy with this little angel and I thought he might make other people happy too! He seems a lonely but I might have a friend up my sleeve (or on my needles) so hopefully not for much longer 🤗
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masqueh · 9 months
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I don't think I have made a post on here before despite having an account for a long time (just for lurking). I'm not really sure how it works but I will try!
I'm a bit happy with this little angel and I thought he might make other people happy too! He seems a lonely but I might have a friend up my sleeve (or on my needles) so hopefully not for much longer 🤗
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masqueh · 6 years
UK vet here! I use the resources on this website a lot for body scoring of rabbits, guinea pigs and birds. The “size-o-meter” charts are useful to print out and have in practice.
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hi! I am a vet tech student and was just wondering if you had any specifics regarding body condition scoring of small/exotic mammals? I have a general idea of definitely overweight and definitely underweight but am not confident identifying animals that may be on the borderline of the extremes. my clinic sees a lot of rabbits and guinea pigs in addition to dogs and cats. question tax: came for the excellent veterinary insight, stayed for the sassiness :)
I don’t, I’m sorry. I actively avoid rabbits these days and don’t get to see a lot of other exotics, especially compared to what someone in the USA considers an exotic pet.
As a general rule, in most species you should be able to feel at least good muscle coverage along the spine and scapula at s minimum, but I am not much help for exotics.
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masqueh · 8 years
What I should be doing: Research papers
What I am doing: Knitting a blanket beneath which I can hide from all of my responsibilities.
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masqueh · 8 years
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30 Days Of My Baby Bunnies Growing Up
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masqueh · 9 years
Veterinary mentors
Numerous vet unions hold conversations every year about the need for support and mentorship for our new graduate veterinarians. They’re right, it is important, but these big burocratic messes are slow to get anything moving.
The day you graduate you suddenly change from a vet student, into a veterinarian. Society views you as fully fledged, and happily expects you to know how to do everything. We know better. We know the doubt that questions yo,it every decision every day, and the irritating fact that most patients haven’t followed the text books. Intuition only comes with experience, and if you haven’t got a good mentor beside you when you start work, you can only gain that experience the hard way.
Let’s face it, as a vet you’re going to be do.ing lots of things the hard way. Let’s not add to that.
Let’s make our own tumblr list of veterinary mentors for vet students and new grads to seek guidance in a semi- anonymous way. A list where you can go to ask someone a little older and wiser anything from handling clients, job seeking, difficult case management, or the gremlins in your own head.
There are some great forums out there (Vin, for example), but increasingly these places are asking for money after you graduate. Also, if we’re already here on tumblr anyway we can be very accessible.
I’d plan to organise this list of veterinary mentors by country, current species they work with and past experience. I could list special interests too if desired. For example: Australia, current small animals, past emergency & mixed practice.
This would not be a recourse for lay people to ask about their pets, and have a disclaimer as such. This would be for veterinary mentorship.
Please message me if you would like to be on this list, reblog with any feedback for an open discussion or let me know if this would be useful for you.
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