massamycket · 9 years
Om det finns någon på Tumblr som är teckenspråkstolk eller känner en teckenspråkstolk och kan snacka lite med mig om hur det är som yrket, skicka mig en ask. :)
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massamycket · 9 years
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Where’s the lie?
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massamycket · 9 years
Damn, it’s 31 October and I honestly have no idea if I want to do NaNo this year or not, but this is the first time I’ve leaned seriously towards ‘nah’. The last few years have been bad NaNo years for me and this is the first time I could actually reasonably give it a chance, if I just blocked some time out for myself like a damned adult. The main issue is... I have no idea what to write. My best success with NaNo was with something that had a fanfiction-y vibe but eventually had enough differences from the original that I could break off. I have an idea somewhat like that one now... but I kind of want to keep it fanfiction-y. Maybe. I don’t know. 
Damn, I sure feel stumped.
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