masterdong · 5 years
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Der letzte Tag in Ericeira. An diesem Morgen ist der westliche Swell vom Hiricane in Florida mit einer Periode von 18s bei Supertubos eingetroffen. Da konnte ich nicht widerstehen und bin nach Peniche gefahren. Perfekte kleine Surfbedingungen habe ich vorgefunden, aber auch eine Surfgemeinde die das selbe wie ich vorhatte. Es befanden sich sicher 50 Surfer auf engstem Raum.
Die Sesdion war mega. Die Welle hatte richtig power. Sie brach sehr nahe am Strand und durch die 18s hatte es viel Zeit zwischen den Wellen. Ich hatte auch ein paar Wellen abgwkriegt und ich war sicher auch ein paar mal in der Barrel, aber meistens war die Welle zu schnell und ich wurde gewaschen. Ungerwasser hatte es mich richtig durchgespühlt. Die letzte Welle hatte mich auf mein Pyzel Brett geknallt und beschädigt. Somit war die Session vorbei. Ein Loch am oberen Teil des Boards musste gleich getrocknet und versiegelt werden. Diesmal hatte ich es selbst gemacht.
Ich hatte noch nicht genug von diesem Swell und bin dann noch bei Ribeira d‘Ilhas ins Wasser gegangen. Es war zear grösser wie sonst, aber ziemlich unsauber durch den Wind.
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masterdong · 5 years
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Pedro Branco. Eigentlich eine gute lefthander Welle, jedoch lief sie super nach rechts. Sie hatte an diesen Tagen am meisten Swell abgefangen und bot coole turns.
Man konnte bei der Reefplatte entlang raus paddeln um den langen Weg von vorne her abzukürzen. Nicht alle sind da so gemütlich raisgekommen, weil sie dirch die grossen Sets zurück an die Felsen gespühlt wurden.
Insgesamt bin ich drei mal dort surfen gegangen. Das Wasser war sehr kalt und am ende zum austeigen hatte ich die nächste Welle weiter rechts in der Bay genommen, dann kann man beim Strand beim nächsten Parkplatz gleich unterhalb vom Boardrider aus dem Wasser steigen.
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masterdong · 5 years
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Zum guten Glück trennte uns eine dicke Scheibe.
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masterdong · 5 years
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Mein Town and Country board musste durch ein Profi repariert werden. Jose hatte es wieder perfekt in shape gebracht. Er hatte mir auch noch seine Produktion gezeigt.
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masterdong · 5 years
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Party at Boardriders #36 Ericeira. Food, drinks, music, sunset, surfwear, skate good people.
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They also have a gym below - BJJ!
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masterdong · 5 years
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Reef and Pedro Branca were pumping. This was the day I was waiting for.
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masterdong · 5 years
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No way, I have to get there before sunrise I thought. I got up and took my prepared stuff outside the camper to be quickly ad possible.
I was the first! No one out there and smaller than yesterday! Perfect! I paddled out there and got my first couple waves, till a bodyboarder „Francisco“ joined me. Together we‘ve shared the calm but barreling fast wave. I really was stoked, when I turned my new Pyzel on with some good moves. It was a dream session with a few very good waves.
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masterdong · 5 years
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Welcome Ericeira.
The campground we‘ve got recommended is just above three reef surfsposts „reef, backdoor and pedro branca“. The picture above shows the view from the place down to the ocean.
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The first surf in Ericeira was at Ribeira d‘Ilhas. The water was freezing 17 degrees Celsius and the tide low to mid. I found a way along the cliff and at the end I jumped from the rock into the whitewash. It was a bit freighting but it was just in a rip bringing be out. The waves were very small and I just got one wave at the very top position. After that I had to fight my way through three or maybe four surfschools to get to the beach. At the inside I managed ro get some bigger smaler waves. All in all: it was a a shitty session. But I spotted a wave at the far other corner always breaking. I wanted to see this spot.
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At the late afternoon I went with the family straight down to the coast from the campground and there it was. The wave - named „reef“ - I spoted in the morning was a barreling beautiful righthander with about 2-2.5m waves. What a show the guys out there did! I also want to surf that thing!!!
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masterdong · 5 years
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Nazaré, the worlds biggest wave. The lighthouse of Nazaré is just amazing, when one imagines the size of waves who breaks here. Today was also some swell 2.0m out there but on big conditions it is going to be ten times as much. Inside the lighthouse is a little memorial with boards of the biggest waves surfed.
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There is an underwater canyon which makes this monster wave possible.
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This relief shows tje underground from Ericeira to Nazaré.
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Foto by Alex Wippel.
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masterdong · 5 years
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Waves check at Lagide. It was very on shore windy.
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Praia Baleal.
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And later this Saturday at Ribeira d‘Illhas when it was high tide.
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masterdong · 5 years
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Just arrived in Peniche.
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masterdong · 5 years
Rio Alto, the hidden super spot of north Portugal
Unfortunately I don’t have a picture of this spot, because I always wear a wetsuit and I didn’t bring my camera with me.
We stayed four nights at this basic campground and the weather and the waves were good. At the second day I found a little down the beach just below the golf house a righthander at high tide. It was twice the size of the rest of the beach and just breaking always on the same spot.
At the last day I jumped in there at the very low tide and stayed almost till it was full. The conditions changed during the session but got better and better. The size was almost on the limit for my 5‘11“, but it was an amazing session.
At this spot I got to know some locals and they were very friendly. Just agood atmosphere not only out in the water.
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masterdong · 5 years
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Today I surfed togheter with Pablo his home spot Furnas. The last and best wave we took togheter👊
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masterdong · 5 years
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Fishing and seafood! We‘ve had oysters and langostas.
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masterdong · 5 years
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Beautiful beach ar Louro.
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masterdong · 5 years
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masterdong · 5 years
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Lounge a the lighthouse👍
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