mastersterling · 12 years
No, I guess I don't know that for sure. I'm just hoping for the best for you given your situation. I know it's not much but it's really all I can do. I hate seeing you this distressed. And I know Sugar getting claimed doesn't help you much either, does it?
Back to the cells..
Nobody knew I was conflicted until now.  I didn’t even know..I was trying to push it off.  Trust me I don’t want to either..but no one will really care if I do because i’m always replaceable right?  You don’t know that though..
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mastersterling · 12 years
It's sucks that's you're so conflicted, but maybe that's why no one told you. It's a lot to go through to have to focus on that all the time. And to answer your question...I don't know. I wouldn't want you to disappear, I've seen a lot of people who have. But Harmony, you're going to get claimed.
Back to the cells..
I’m not giving up i’m just conflicted because I don’t want to be a whore..but I want to be claimed.  I’m just upset that no one was going to tell me.  I mean if Master Puck hadn’t told me were you just going to let me live in ignorance until they took me away?
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mastersterling · 12 years
Are you sure you're not giving up, because with all that bitterness it sure sounds like it. I wish I knew what to tell you, but the fact is that's just how things are around here.
Back to the cells..
I’m not what they want.  I’m not giving up i’m just realizing the truth.  Of course i’m a whore.  Everyone passes me around and I do whatever they want me to do non sexual or sexual and then they pass me on to the next.  That’s what a whore is sir
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mastersterling · 12 years
Hey don't say that. Masters are interested in you, one of them will want to keep you as their own. If you give up then it's already over and you've still got some time. You know, I've seen slaves turned into a lot of things, but I don't think you're a whore.
Back to the cells..
I’ve been doing the best I can.  No one’s interested in having me for the long hall they just want to pass me around.  I’ve been turned into a whore and I hate it.
I would hope so
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mastersterling · 12 years
That's not what I meant. I mean, obviously it's going to be on your mind, but that's why you should put your focus on pleasing a master. That sort of thing. And I know you'll still look beautiful at 21, but age isn't just a number around here.
No, you should be. He is a sweetheart, I know.
Back to the cells..
I can’t just ignore it.  You’re a Master you don’t know what its like.  They’ll make me disappear and no one will care except Sugar.  You guys will all move on when the next shipment comes in.  I would but everyone just started claiming slaves all the sudden what am I supposed to think?  Oh so when I hit twenty one i’m not going to look good anymore?
He’s a sweetheart why shouldn’t I be?
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mastersterling · 12 years
I can tell. What's got you all grumpy?
The guards always bring me back so early.
Yes. Sorry, just in a bad mood tonight. 
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mastersterling · 12 years
It doesn't help when you think about it like that. You've still got some time, try a little patience. And careful how you talk about things like that. It's a business, and masters want young, beautiful slaves. That's kind of the name of the game.
You're pretty fond of him.
Back to the cells..
Yeah i’ve become everyone’s favorite little slut oh joy.  The only one who would possibly claim me is Master Puck and he just got back into renting slaves he doesn’t want to make a claim.  If we get a new shipment of Masters than maybe i’ll have a chance, but I doubt it.  I’d love to stay optimistic, but I thought twenty one was a good age now apparently you’re deemed unfit and you have no worth it doesn’t make sense.
He’s above and beyond
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mastersterling · 12 years
JOURNAL #10 [03/18/13]
I just can’t help this insane feeling of rage and protection I get when I think that Nick was alone with him. I know logically that Hunter wouldn’t dare try to pull something, but I still don’t trust him. And because I don’t trust him, I’m not ready to let Nick be alone with him. And it really is just this vicious cycle.
So yeah, Nick’s chained to the bed right now. I know he’s feeling pretty down about it and he’d been behaving himself so I might let him off the chains soon and take him to see Sarah. She’s been going through a lot and I think being around Nick will help her out. They always manage to bring out the best in each other, and that’s a really something they both need. So here’s to hoping.
0 notes
mastersterling · 12 years
You don't know that. You've been getting rented a lot, obviously the masters like you. Try and stay a little optimistic.
He's been trying, I'll give him that.
Back to the cells..
What if no one decides to claim me sir?  Then I will.  I don’t have as much time as the others.
He has been great
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mastersterling · 12 years
Is that supposed to be sarcastic?
The guards always bring me back so early.
Oh yes, everything’s peachy. 
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mastersterling · 12 years
You wont disappear again. Not if you get claimed.
I think he's earned it. He's been trying really hard to be good, I know.
Back to the cells..
No just an awkward one once, but otherwise i’ve been fortunate.  Well yeah..its kind of hard to not think about.  I can’t ignore the reality..I don’t want to disappear again.  That would be good, I think he deserves it..
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mastersterling · 12 years
A nice rental is always good. I don't think you've had a really bad one yet, have you? Thinking about the same thing? I'm pretty good I'm thinking of finally letting Nick off of his chains.
Back to the cells..
Ok because I had a nice rental…not so ok because i’ve been thinking.  You?
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mastersterling · 12 years
I guess now. How are you holding up?
Back to the cells..
At least it was a good rental, and I have Sugar with me, can’t really ask for more can I?
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mastersterling · 12 years
Hey, everything okay over there?
The guards always bring me back so early.
Oh well, it wasn’t like I was sleeping anyways.
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mastersterling · 12 years
Yeah it's gorgeous out here, I love it. I think I'll love almost anyplace though.
Oh...so you've caught onto that too...
You know what's not fun?
You should, from what i’ve seen its a beautiful area.
Oh nothing just found out that in two years i’ll disappear otherwise nothing really
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mastersterling · 12 years
Definitely. I might let him out so we can go exploring a bit for fun.
What's so concerning?
You know what's not fun?
You should, you deserve it sir.  I’m sure Nick will be happy.
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mastersterling · 12 years
It's alright I'm just whining. It's just been a stressful few days, but I think I'll take advantage of the weekend to blow off some steam. How are things in your end of the universe beautiful?
You know what's not fun?
Sorry work’s been too much Sir.
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