mastirsarc · 3 years
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I’m simpler than you think. I figured out one thing about this world - just one pretty much. You find a cause and you serve it. Give yourself over and it orders your life. Lucifer and Yellow Eyes … their mission was it for me. […] Obviously these things shift over time. We learn, we grow. Now, for me currently, the cause is bringing down the King. […] I know what I’m supposed to do. And it isn’t screw with Sam and Dean or lose the only angel who’d go to bat for me.
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mastirsarc · 3 years
u suck
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mastirsarc · 3 years
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why have you disturbed our sleep ? awakened us from our ancient slumber ? you will die ! like the others before you , one by one , we will take you !
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mastirsarc · 3 years
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mastirsarc · 3 years
No one gave meg a Christmas present what a crime
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mastirsarc · 3 years
Soon i’ll be archiving and making major changes to Megs lore , The main one being making her one of the archangels , this is pretty out there and some might not like it so i don’t expect everyone to follow on my new blog but the background story will make sense i’m also making Azazel an archangel as his pure power makes more sense this way.
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mastirsarc · 3 years
A Growing List of Banned Tags
This is my second go at making this blog. The first time, I got shadowbanned immediately for writing a post with these words on it, so I’m going to have to link to a google doc instead.
You can find my current list HERE
If you’d like to contribute tags you’ve found, please send it via an ask or submission so I can double check and add it to the list.
EDIT: Right now many of these are only banned on IOS, but that really doesn’t make it better
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mastirsarc · 3 years
Merry crisis
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mastirsarc · 3 years
this little bear is here to remind you that you’re fantastic! in lieu of a two thumbs up from a little bear with no opposable thumbs but only paws, please accept a snowball. <3
I’m crying in the car thank you little polar bear 😍
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mastirsarc · 3 years
★★★ All the stars!! ★★★
I love you so much Emily
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mastirsarc · 3 years
I love the planet Jupiter so much wow
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mastirsarc · 3 years
Send me a ‘★’ if you actually like my blog. Takes a second, means a lot.
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mastirsarc · 3 years
Leave me alone
hello mastirs
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mastirsarc · 3 years
The day I started posting about #unbearablyindifferent was the best day of my life.
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mastirsarc · 3 years
Hey, you. Yes, you. Send me anons. Make it about whatever you want. Just send one.
No really. Send one. Or two. Or three. Whatever.
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mastirsarc · 3 years
you don’t know me and i don’t know you, and it’s safe to say that unless we are very lucky, we will never have the opportunity to meet. that’s why making this is so hard. and something i am so ashamed to do.
on the first of december i was admitted to my local hospital with crippling stomach pains and vomiting. this sadly wasn’t a new event as 2 years previously i had been diagnosed with gallstones. so because it was known, i was sent on my merry way home with 8 different types of medicines to take 3 times a day. 5 for pain relief. 1 for acid and 2 for nausea. i was admitted again on thursday after being out of the hospital for less than 12 hours. and spent time overnight again on the thursday. 
once again i was sent home with nothing but painkillers and no promise of help. on the following monday i was admitted again, and this time kept for a week, with the promise of surgery every single day. eventually on the friday they agreed to do it but only after my dad threatened them with legal action.
they performed surgery on monday after i had been in the hospital for a week and recommended that i spend the next 2 weeks on bedrest.
thing is, and i know money is tight and i might lose followers, but i will not have enough money this month to pay rent. due to a bad relationship with a financially abusive ex, i was forced to declare bankruptcy and now i pay a sum every month to pull myself out of it, and this month it’s gone up from £100 to £335. Which I can’t afford as i’m only recieving SSP (Statuary Sick Pay.) the most i’m going to recieve a tthe end of the month is about £500, and with my rent being £400 and my council tax and travel to work on top, there is no way i’m going to survive this month unless i ask the kindness of strangers.
if you can help me, in any way shape or form
please, i dont know what to do.
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mastirsarc · 3 years
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Bruce Campbell as Jack Forrest MANIAC COP (1988) dir. William Lustig
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