mattederz · 4 years
Hello, great blog post about this weeks topic. I agree that creating a content calendar is a great way to stay organized about posts. Additionally this gives you the ability to make small changes on the fly. Thus if there is s new trend on social media it is easy to use that trend and focus it towards whatever you have planned to post for the day. Also I completely agree with you that it is curtail to get your content to your target audience and this takes a great knowledge of social media to be done well.
Week 14
Effective content is created very methodically and with great care. You need to take a step back and realize who your target audience is and what they will be receptive to. You need to make a content calendar and be extremely organized. Effective content is developed with extensive research and care. Effective content is also shared very meticulously. You can use things such as Instagram stories to share your content. You can send things to your friends, and you can use incentives so people share your content for you. 
Becoming a social organization has everything to do with the principles of effective content development and sharing. To be an effective social organization you need to be especially effective at content sharing and development. You need to be competent enough to develop your own interesting content. You also need to be experienced or at least have an understanding on how to distribute your content to your target audience. 
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mattederz · 4 years
Hello Luke, very nice post about this weeks topic. I agree that using a content calendar is key to successful content. It pays to plan ahead and keep track of what you have done it the past. Additionally, this is a great way to make small changes as you see fit and find out what is working. 
week 14
Effective Content 
How effective content is developed and shared is by using a content calendar. This works in tandem with your social media content strategy. This content calendar has all social media posts planned on and explains what you will share on all your different types of platforms that day. Doing this ensures that your content is consistent, balanced, strategic and relavent week to week. Social media moves at a fast pace so dont move to far ahead. However, it is better to have a general monthly calendar that doesnt go to far into details. Content that is performing well should be reposted so more people have a opportunity to see it. Make sure you and your team are always listening and looking for current trends to post about.
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mattederz · 4 years
Effective Content
Creating effective content is not always an easy task. To streamline the process it is important to start with a content calendar. This calendar will give you an overview of when and what you will be posting on social media. By doing this it also gives you a great way to track what works and what isn't working. Trying to find a time of the day that gives you the most engagement is crucial. As well as what type of content gets the most engagements. A good rule of thumb is to be sixty percent curated posts and thirty percent original posts. This is because curated posts will help generate engagements. If you are only posting original content it will be hard to grow on social media.  
For an organization to become a social organization it needs to follow the principles of effective content development and sharing. This is because an organization will have no credibility if they do not utilize social media properly. Additionally, it will be very hard for an organization to gain traction if they are not following these principles. 
Hootsuite Academy; Social Marketing Module 5
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mattederz · 4 years
Hello! I completely agree that Chapter 4 and 5 really helped my understanding of building an online community. Additionally, that you need to know what platform to use that your target audience is already one. I think another interesting point made in the reading is that community collaboration is not always effective or the right strategy to use. Overall nice post this week! 
Week 11
After reading Chapter 4 and 5 from the Social Organization, I learned a ton about how to truly build a social media community. Something that I found super important while reading was community collaboration. I think that I felt this was an important concept because of the affectiveness when it used appropriately.
I think that the reading gives many good ideas on how to build a good social media community and how to understand social media and how to pick the correct type when working for your client. I think that using this very helpful tips it will benefit me greatly.
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mattederz · 4 years
Hello, I completely agree with you have being responsive and positive will help you grow your online community. If you don’t take these steps you are setting yourself up for failure. Additionally, I think it is a good idea to go out of your way to start conversations with people that are now already in your community. This will invite them in to join and make them comfortable with engaging with your content. 
Week 11
One of the key ways to building and then growing an online community is positive interaction. Having conversations with people, positive sentiment, and a booming voice are key to getting your name and brand out into the public eye. If the general populous sees that you are consistently and constantly interacting with your core audience in a positive and productive manner, then this will encourage them to interact with you and your company, thus growing an online community. If you eventually grow your community enough through repetition and positive engagement, you can leverage your community to support other communities and businesses for a payoff of your own. You can also engage with influencers and advocates in a more intimate way because these will be the people that will promote you and your company for you. You can also promote your company buying doing giveaways and other things like that. People could enter these giveaways by sharing your content and following you. This will grow your company and brand recognition as well.
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mattederz · 4 years
Building Online Community
The first step of building an online community is to form a vision for community collaboration. Along with this it is important to understand if community collaboration is appropriate for your organization. After these stages you need to apply an understanding of your organization’s goals and culture to the plan for community collaboration. As stated in the book the Social Organization, When crafting the strategy for the community collaboration you need to, “identify the communities the firm will investigate, sanction, and support; when and how it will support them; the desired collaborative behaviors they will exhibit; and the organizational benefits expected to flow from them.”
After completing the Hootsuite social marketing training chapter 4, it is first important to note that each social media platform offers unique opportunities to grow your community. You need to choose a social network where your target audience already exists. The client that I am working with Aura Pinecones mainly utilizes Instagram for building their online community. Thus, this is what I focused on in this module of Hootsuite. I have advised my client to create a branded hashtag for their company. Through this module I learned that you can also follow specific hashtags and I will be advising my client to do so. Additionally, I will be advising my client to run polls on their story to better interact with their community and find out what their customers want next.
Anthony J. Bradley & Mark P. McDonald, The Social Organization
Hootsuite Academy, Social Marketing Training.
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mattederz · 4 years
Hello Abbey, I completely agree with your view on this issue. I also think it is super important to be proactive rather than reactive. Businesses need to do the best that they can to protect their data for themselves and for their customers. Although it is scared to think how much information has been hacked over the year I think it is important for companies and people to learn from this and be smarter about what information they are storing. 
Week 8- "The Legal Side of Big Data"
After watching the presentation "The Legal Side of Big Data", there are some questions posed. Businesses should be aware of many things when using big data. Obviously, being aware of what big data is and all the responsibilies that comes along with it is key. Today, technology is apart of everyday lives and involve much of businesses and consumers personal information. This information cannot be secure or impenitrable. Hacking is a major threat that both the consumer and the business needs to be aware of. According to the presentation, last month 21.5M current, former & prospective federal employees data assets were hacked. Ways for business to take steps in reducing this risk is by assuring contracts are in place, confirm confidentiality agreements, and confirm emplyment agreements are up to date. This will help balance the opportunites and threats presented by the development of big data. Also having strong privacy policies, vendor agreements, and clarifying with the consumer what happens in the event of sale, merger, or bancruptcy can make all the difference.
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mattederz · 4 years
Hello Sydney, I completely agree that consumers need to be aware of all the data they are giving to companies without even realizing it. Additionally, I think that as much as it scares people they need to be aware that nothing is safe from being hacked into. Businesses just have to do the best that they can to be proactive in preventing it and do it to the best of their abilities.
Week 9
Over the course of this past week I watched the recording “The Legal Side Of Big Data”, I learned more about Big Data. In the video speaker, Doug LaLone, stated that there was no actual definition for “big data”. He told the audience that it’s basically a phrase that us as a society are using to refer to the information stored in the internet. 
The reason Big Data is so dangerous for businesses because they are unaware of what it really is. Some things businesses should be cautious of who is gaining access to these records. In 2013, 740 million Target shoppers had their data hacked due to someone hacking into their records. And more recently in 2015, Home Depot had 56 million credit cards hacked. In both cases the businesses were hacked and someone gained access to all this information. Along with having legal issues to deal with in order to get the money back to the consumers.
Not only do business need to be aware of this but so do consumers. The reason consumers should be aware are because when purchasing something on the internet you need to enter your card information, name. and address. When submitting this information you are allowing for that business and its computer system to have all that information. If an incident like Target of Home Depot were to happen, your information could be accessed and used. 
One way a company solved this was Hedge Fund bought 21 million records and previously buying 1700 RadioShack stores. The reasoning behind this was so that he could get the email information. It was only customers within the past two years. They did this so they could have new emails of previous customers and reach out to them about their company. They also agreed to keep this information to themselves and not allow partner companies to gain access. This was a smart idea because Hedge Fund gained a new audience by purchasing the information from another company.
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mattederz · 4 years
Legal Side Of Big Data
I believe that the biggest thing that companies should be aware of when using or collecting big data is that it can be hacked. Companies need to be proactive to protect themselves from being hacked and losing all of the data they have collected. Being hacked can create huge problems to a company. No only will they lose the trust of their customers but they could also lose their trade secrets and anything that gives them an edge over their competition. Additionally, companies need to have a plan for what will happen to all their data if they go bankrupt. These need to be clearly outlined and told to anyone that they are collecting data from.  
Consumers need to be aware that any information that they have given to a company or the government has a chance of being compromised. Along with any sales record and other data collected at a point of sale.  
I believe the best way to balance big data is first to be proactive in protecting that data to the best of your abilities. Secondly, I believe that the government need to take action on what happens to data when a company goes bankrupt and is liquidating their assets. Obviously companies need data to be able to conduct business but is really up to the company to make sure that the data is being protected and not taken advantage of.
“The Legal Side Of Big Data” Doug LaLone
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mattederz · 4 years
Hello Alan, I completely agree with you that its hard to understand algorithms. I think this is largely due to machine learning. This means that the machine is learning what posts get the most engagement and will push them to the top even if it junk news. I believe that there is very few people that have any knowledge of how these algorithms work.   
Week 8
The first thing that was brought up was Algorithms, I really struggle with how exactly they work and how they without them we would have a ton of information thrown at us constantly. I think that when looking at algorithms, I think that it's really cool to understand that algorithms are based off calculations so when looking at junk news, it put in calculations to stop having tons of informations thrown at us without it.
The second thing that is brought up is advertising, I really don't think that it's fair that companies can buy all our information from other websites to be able to target us with their ads and I also find it weird how much work and energy is put into figuring out how to targeting us. I don't think that they should be able to so freely get our information just by an easy purchase.
The last thing is exposure, I think revealing or exposing things can push junk news out there very easy. We are very exposed on our social medias so many things can be mishandled when you think about easy everything is now and to figure out things just by the exposure of social media. We have alittle bit of control over exposure but not as much as I think people would like.
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mattederz · 4 years
Hello Jacob, good job describing algorithms, advertising, and exposure on social media. I like how you kept everything short and to the point. I think its important to add that exposure is what gave rise to clickbait and over exaggerated information to provoke people. This is turn leads to junk news spreading quickly.
Week 8 Blog Post
Algorithms, advertising, and exposures are the three main reasons junk news spreads so quickly across social media. 
Algorithms are meant to keep people engaged on social media and maximum amount of time spent on the apps. This can be good and bad because it keeps things on our feed that we want to see but it causes people to spend an absurd amount of time on the apps daily. 
Advertising brings in revenue to social media companies by using the advertising model. The advertising model consists of viral content and clickbait. Companies take your data and place advertising that they know you will want to see to make a profit. This is why all the social media apps are free. 
Finally, exposure is another way junk news spreads so fast. Companies track what shows up on your feed and this filters news and adds throughout your feed. 
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mattederz · 4 years
Junk News
The rise of the internet has lead to a steep rise in bad information being spread rapidly and more than factual information. As stated in the article, Three reasons junk news spreads so quickly across social media, the three main factors are algorithms, advertising, and exposure. 
In relation to algorithms, originally they were created to better target ads to customers. Although, with the addition of machine learning models to these algorithms, these codes now makes the decision about what we see and don’t see on the internet. Posts that incite outrage and engagement are favored by these algorithms regardless of whether the post is factual or not. Although without algorithms like this everyone would have to sift through loads of information to find what they are looking for, I believe the overall impact of these algorithms has turned negative. Pushing false information to the masses and leaving critical and diverse viewpoints of information to the bottom. I believe that there has to be a way to tweak these algorithms in which factual information from credible sources is pushed more than posts provoking negative response.
In relation to advertisements, the advertising model rewards clickbait and viral content whether factual or not. This is because these posts are getting the most eyes on the internet. Thus, this has given rise to misleading and exaggerated content. Additionally, social media’s data-based advertising model spreads junk new by empowering various actors to micro-target potential voters during an election year. As the election approaches this November this is clearly evident no matter what social media platform you are using. Currently, there has been a huge push on social media from both parties for people to register to vote.
In relation to exposure, people are more likely to share information that conforms to their pre-existing beliefs. This leads to people not getting a balanced or accurate selection of news. The article highlights that this is especially evident during an election. The algorithms will continue to feed into a persons pre existing biases and not show any information that challenges their beliefs. I believe that this is terrible for a democratic society. People need to be presented factual information from both sides on an equal playing field so that an individual can create an opinion for themselves. 
I believe that business and individuals should be aware that the information they are seeing on their timelines is specifically targeted towards what an algorithm thinks that you will like. For yourself to get the whole picture on any situation you need to conduct extensive independent research to find the whole truth. 
The video linked below I think demonstrates how and why junk news spreads so quickly with a real world example. 
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mattederz · 4 years
Hello Michelle,
I really like how you highlight the need to have good communication and creativity to be successful. I believe creativity is also super important because this is the only way you can stand out from the crowd on social media. I am the same way with my social media. I don’t post enough at all. I find it hard to think of things to post and find myself just sharing things I find on social media. Overall, very nice post about this weeks topic!
Social Media Consulting
Qualities and skills that a social media consultant should have are creative thinking and communication. In an indistry that can reach potential millions, you need to be able to communicate effectively and be able to stand out. Communication is key in regards to exchange efforts with clients and what you’re communicating to others via text. Creativity is important in order to help clients stand out and leave a mark. Because you’re able to reach millions, that means others are too. It is important to have you social media presence make a statement.
If I were consulting my own social media, in regards to LinkedIn, I would definitely say I need to post more. Looking at my professional social media presence, I don’t post my own things really. I more so find myself sharing things, but that is still a rare occasion. I need to get creative and start making more a presence so my connections can help me further my career and effectively communicate my goals.
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mattederz · 4 years
Hello Jacob,
I really like how you outlined the four qualities needed to be an effective social media consultant. I dont think I could have said that any better myself. I love your idea for a car detailing business and I actually know someone that does the same thing. It makes it very easy to have content to post because each job you do you can make a post about and show off your service. Additionally I think creating a Facebook group could be super beneficial to this business where you could give tips and ticks about detailing and give special offers to people in the group.
Week 7 Blog
When it comes to hiring a social media consultant, I believe that it is important they have the following four qualities. The first being, having the knowledge of how social media works and how to market or advertise on it. Second, be innovative and have the motivation to get things done. Third, be able to set goals and recommend different strategies for success. Lastly, Being able to adapt and understand what industry your in and what network your audience is using the most. 
If I were a social media consultant for myself, I would focus on making my home pages more visually appealing. Putting high definition photos and bright colors will catch the attention of people scrolling through social media. Getting a head shot will also make my social media presence look more professional on apps like linkedin. I plan to own my own car detailing business one and for that I would focus on facebook and Instagram. This way I would interact with both an older and younger audience and get their attention by posting high quality photos and monthly promotions and deals. Also, I would provide a link on the homepage to our website that will show the details of the services we offer.
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mattederz · 4 years
Social Media Consulting
In relation to what qualities are most important for a social media consultant it is important to first note the definition of consulting. Consulting is the creative application of knowledge to a specific problem or opportunity. Thus it is very important for a social media consultant to extensive knowledge about social media as a whole. Additionally, it is important that the consultant have knowledge of the industry that the company is in. Finally, the consultant must be able to come up with creative solutions to the issues that the company is having.
If I was acting as a consultant for myself To improve my professional social media presence I would start with posting more overall. Right now I do not post frequently at all and that could be instantly improved. Additionally, I would advise myself that I need to keep my Facebook page more up to date. I focus mainly on Twitter and Instagram and could use more focus on Facebook. Furthermore, when I post on social media I need to focus the posts more on a common niche. I have tried to do these things in the past but my biggest issue is running out of ideas for posts. This is why I don’t post as often as I should. Updating my Facebook page can be easily done in the future and I just need to remember to post on Facebook whenever I post other social media platforms.
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mattederz · 4 years
Hello Jacob,
In my blog post I touched on many of the same topics you addressed about “The Internets Orginial Sins” article. Although their intention were not to invade the users privacy, this quickly went out the window when they needed it for the survival of thei company. It is crazy to think that we my not be dealing with these issues if any of the other business plans he tried would have worked.
I can agree with you that the more I learn about the internet the more creepy it begins to feel. I am glad that I know everything that I do about how the internet works but I can’t deny that it makes me more hesitant to use it. One of my favorite sayings is “ignorance is bliss.” In regards to the internet this is certainly the truth.
Surveillance and Data gathering
After reading “The Internets Original Sins” and watching Maciej Ceglowski’s talk, I now understand how much influence business models have on surveillance and data gathering on the internet. In the article, Zuckerman talks about how he tried dozens of business models to try and create revenue. But, the only thing that got them funded with advertising. Their idea was to analyze users personal homepages so they could better understand what they like and target them with specific ads. This became what we see today as the pop up ad. Companies collect our personal data so they know what kind of products or services that we are interested in purchasing. Zuckerman also brings up how companies persuade investors that their app will bring in more money through their ads than other competitors. With facebook having a billion users, Zuckerberg was collecting the largest profit margin out of any other social media app. The article brings up that the intentions of companies, when this started, were not meant to be bad. But, it has turned into a race to dig through our private data to try and make money off the ads they target us with. 
Ceglowski states that “the internet as we built it is getting boring and creepy.” I can’t say that the internet is boring to me, but the more I learn about how it works the creepier it gets. Ceglowski brings up the fact that all the data that we share on the internet is still out there and will never be deleted. He understands that this is a problem and talks about how we should protected from companies accessing our private data. Overall both the article and video were very educational about how the internet works today. 
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mattederz · 4 years
Hello Alan,
I felt the same way watching the Maciej Ceglowski talk. Although I have heard before that anything you post on the internet is perminat even if you delete it, Ceglowski refreshed this to me. As scary is it is, I really like the connection he made between that and your permint record in grade school. Additionally, when he talked about how even he doesnt know where the information goes when a website is deleted is scary. Although the website is delted, he knows that all the information that was on that website is still somewhere on the internet. My biggest takeaway from this video was when Ceglowski compared information on the internet to radioactive waste. It is easy to accumulate but very tricky to get rid of. This seems to me to be the biggest issue that needs to be figured out in regards to privacy on the internet.
Week 6
The Internet with a Human Face
This was a truly a frightening thing to listen to, I think that Maciej Ceglowski really opens my eyes on the fact how truly scary the internet can be. He talks about really nothing on the internet is private, that everything that is put out there even if we think it is erased, isn’t it. It is put into a centralized place that holds all information that holds people’s information from that web searches. When it stuck in the middle of the internet, that information can be pulled out of the middle of the web for different purposes.  All types of people can have access to this information it goes from the government all the way to advertisements can use our information to target us for their gain. Even though there are things that seem to be “protecting” us from this, there is always loopholes for companies to have access to our personal information. I think that it is scary that really all the information that the internet has can be used against it’s users at anytime. This is really eye opening how much control is on the Internet and how it affects data gathering.
The Internet’s Original Sin
The article is very similar in what Maciej Ceglowski had to say about internet and big data. I think that it’s interesting in the article he talks about his own experience with advertising having to use people’s personal information to get sales, and I also think it’s important that he points out that there has to be a better business plan than that because it’s unfair to the people using the internet to have to all their information used against them. He also goes into talking about advertising is the original sin of the web and I couldn’t agree more with his statement. I think that advertising can buy our information or have our information being sold to them to try is a huge problem. I think that having no privacy while using the internet isn’t fair to us as people.
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