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And here’s the alt. version for day 21! I really like how it turned out, and thought the format I had decided to use for the Inktober didn’t really do it justice, so I colored it!
This is by far one of my favourite pieces I’ve ever made. Really glad I took on the challenge <3
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I did the Monsterprom Inktober Challenge! All monster types were randomly chosen from the table (except for day 21). Here are days 28 to 31. They are basically from the future! In order: 28 - Alien Cultists 29 - Swamp Monster Amira 30 - Peacock Centaur Milo 31 - Enchanted Armor Liam
And that’s it! It was very challenging to keep making one piece every day, and for the most part I did lag behind a day or two, but I’m surprised with how timely I’ve managed to be! And to say I started this mainly because Scott was day 1 <3
I’ve thought about re-doing some early pieces, but I really like to see how the pieces I’ve made became increasingly more elaborate and clean. Watching all of them lined up really makes me feel like I’ve improved a lot since the start of the month! :3
So: - I had fun - I improved as an artist - I submitted 31+ pieces (so far) for the monthly challenge I’d say this month went pretty well!
PS. Check my Twitter profile (here: https://twitter.com/_MatteoGrilli) if you’d like some thoughts/moods/stories/explanations for the various pictures!
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I did the Monsterprom Inktober Challenge! All monster types were randomly chosen from the table (except for day 21). Here are days 19 to 27. In order: 19 - Robot Norah 20 - Eldritch Cutie Faith 21 - Dragon Damien Dads (there’s an alt version of this too!) 22 - Yeti Aaravi 23 - Cat Person Kale 24 - Blob Miri’s Sisters 25 - Zombie Calculester 26 - Ghost Vera 27 - Kappa Blobert
PS. Check my Twitter profile (here: https://twitter.com/_MatteoGrilli) if you’d like some thoughts/moods/stories/explanations for the various pictures!
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I did the Monsterprom Inktober Challenge! All monster types were randomly chosen from the table (except for day 21). Here are days 10 to 18. In order: 10 - Demon Leonard 11 - Mummy Interdimensional Prince 12 - Plant Persons Wolfpack 13 - Golem Oz (+ alt. version!) 14 - Fairy Hope 15 - Fire Djinn Damien 16 - (Sea) Witch Miranda 17 - Reaper Fellow Student 18 - Vampire Brian
PS. Check my Twitter profile (here: https://twitter.com/_MatteoGrilli) if you’d like some thoughts/moods/stories/explanations for the various pictures!
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I did the Monsterprom Inktober Challenge! All monster types were randomly chosen from the table (except for day 21). Here are days 1 to 9. In order: 1 - Weretiger Scott 2 - Werewolf Vicky 3 - Sentient Insect Joy * 4- Fear Itself Valerie 5 - Gorgon Zoe 6 - (Sports) Elemental Coach 7 - Animated Object Dmitri 8 - Franken Monster Polly 9 - Mermaid Dahlia
(* I later realized they meant an actual insect like PGS, but I like this version :V)
I suppose these will all be entries? I didn’t find a limit of subsmission, so...
PS. Check my Twitter profile (here: https://twitter.com/_MatteoGrilli) if you’d like some thoughts/moods/stories/explanations for the various pictures!
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While in Japan, Zoe and Liam won a literal award for being the world’s biggest experts in Naruto’s lore. I mean, Liam was just there to support Zoe, but he DID answer one rethorical question, so I think it’s only fair he also gets the award.
They immediately tried to phone the others at the camp, but they were in the middle of a hike and their phones had no coverage. Luckily, Calculester intercepted the call! Technology surely is amazing :O
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Scott graduated and became an astronomer. Now he gets to name constellations, like the Little Triangle, the Big Square and That One! His most famous discovery: the secret second moon that is always behind the first moon and is totally a real thing.
PS: There’s no tail in the image because his colleagues thought it would look unprofessional if it started wagging wildly during the conference, so they tied it to Scott’s back.
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Here I partecipate in another Monster Prom Challenge!
This time it’s Scott+Liam! I imagine him being super intelligent, but ironically acting dumb all the time.
Also posted this on Twitter https://twitter.com/_MatteoGrilli!
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Here’s my entry for the Monster Prom Challenge!
This is Connor, an intelligent but rather timid manticore. Connor lived inside the walls of his house with his rather big family until finally being allowed to go to Spooky High School, and is determined to live life to the fullest!
Of course, his family sent his brother to look after him.
Also posting this on Twitter @_MatteoGrilli!
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Art by yours truly.
Finally I get to reveal what I’ve been secretly after for a while!
Yup! I’ma give these babies away to people because I love giving away shinies.
Bonbon the Chespin ♀ - Adamant - Mischievous
Taffy the Fennekin ♂ - Modest - Mischievous
Fizzy the Froakie ♂ - Naughty - Takes plenty of siestas
All three babies were bred for, so they are all completely untouched. :3
So, this time I’ll have 3 ‘places’ instead of just one. Here’s what you get!
1st place - Gets to choose whichever one of the three they want.
2nd place - Gets to choose one out of the two left.
3rd place - Gets the last shiny baby.
Alrighty! So now down to the rules.
1 Reblog and 1 Like per entrant
You don’t have to be following me for this giveaway. However, if you are you get special bonuses! I will offer to change the nickname of the baby for you to whatever you’d like, as well as EV train them for you in whichever ways you’d like them trained.
Leave your ask box open so I may contact you if you win, of course!
Giveaway ends on November 25th. All winners are required to respond me within 24 hours or someone else will be chosen.
Good luck everybody.~
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I just wanted a shiny and got these too many instead.
If you’re a competitive pokemon trainer and need a Mawile with the perfect IVs you want, I’m giving four flawless Mawiles to new homes!
2 of the Mawiles are male, Adamant with the ability Intimidate and have 6 perfect IVs.
One Mawile is male, Adamant with the ability Hyper Cutter and has 6 perfect IVs.
and this last Mawile is male, Adamant with the ability Intimidate and has 5 perfect IVs (HP, Attack, Defense, Sp. Defense, and Speed. Who needs Sp. atk on a mawile? No one so this guy is still considered perfect).
You don’t have to be a follower of mine. Anyone can enter!
Simply like and/or reblog this post. A like is one entry and one reblog is another.
You may reblog as many times as you like. Just don’t spam your followers’ dashboard.
No giveaway blogs please. I’ll check.
Keep your ask box open so I can contact you, should you win.
andddd of course you need to have Pokemon X/Y 
I’ll randomly choose 4 winners by NOVEMBER 21 at 12:00 noon Philippine/Manila time (or when there’s no more November 20 anywhere in the world). If a winner fails to respond within 24 hours given time, I’ll choose another. First winner to respond though will get first pick so that’ll be a bonus.
I’ll also be willing to nickname the Mawile for you. uwu
Good luck everyone!
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