mattratvaclinic · 2 years
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mattratvaclinic · 2 years
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mattratvaclinic · 2 years
Magnetic Therapy in Lucknow, India | Mattratva Acupressure Therapy Clinic
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MATTRATVA ACUPRESSURE THERAPY CLINIC Magnetic Health Centre, Lucknow.It offered Magnet Acupressure Therapy Treatment in India.Magnet therapy (an energy therapy) uses static magnetic fields or electromagnetic fields.Practitioners place magnets on the body to reduce pain or enhance healing. Magnets may or may not be connected to an electric charge. (See also Overview of Integrative, Complementary,and Alternative Medicine.Magnets, in particular, are used in treatment for various musculoskeletal conditions and pain. Magnets are marketed in clothing, jewelry, and mattresses to relieve pain.Static magnet therapy remains scientifically unproven, especially for pain relief, which is one of the most common applications. Well-designed studies of static magnets indicate that they are not effective for chronic pain, osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis.
Most Relevant Question People Asked, we'll Help regarding these Questions:
what is magnet therapy and how does it work
how to do magnetic therapy at home
MATTRATVA ACUPRESSURE & THERAPY CLINIC. Address-2/129,Vishal Khand-2,Gomti Nagar,Lucknow - 226010 Website:www.maatc.co.in Phone no:-9044793733 Email id:- [email protected]
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mattratvaclinic · 2 years
Acupressure Therapy-maatc |MATTRATVA ACUPRESSURE & THERAPY CLINIC , Lucknow
Acupressure practitioners use their fingers, palms, elbows or feet, or special devices to apply pressure to acupoints on the body's meridians. Sometimes, acupressure also involves stretching or acupressure massage, as well as other methods.During an acupressure session, you lie fully clothed on a soft massage table. The practitioner gently presses on acupressure points on your body. A session typically lasts about one hour. You may need several sessions for the best results. The goal of acupressure or other types of Asian bodywork is to restore health and balance to the body's channels of energy and to regulate opposing forces of negative energy and positive energy. Some proponents claim acupressure not only treats the energy fields and body but also the mind, emotions, and spirit. Some even believe that therapists can transmit the vital energy to another person.
MATTRATVA ACUPRESSURE & THERAPY CLINIC. Address-2/129,Vishal Khand-2,Gomti Nagar,Lucknow - 226010 Website:www.maatc.co.in Phone no:-9044793733 Email id:- [email protected]
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mattratvaclinic · 2 years
Cervical Pain Therapy in Lucknow | Acupressure Therapy-maatc
Physical therapy is one of the most common treatments for chronic neck pain. Most physical therapy programs for neck pain involve applying treatments to reduce pain and/or stiffness enough to begin an exercise program of strengthening and stretching the neck. The specific methods and exercises used in physical therapy, as well as the duration of the treatment plan, can vary from person to person.Cervical disc disease may be the most common cause of neck pain. It's caused by an abnormality in one or more discs, the cushions that lie between the neck bones (vertebrae).When a disc is damaged, usually due to wear or tear (degeneration) or to disc herniation,it can lead to neck pain from inflammation or muscle spasms. In severe cases, pain and numbness can occur in the arms from nerve irritation or damage from pinching a nerve.While pain relievers, physical therapy, neck traction, and as a last resort, surgery, can help ease neck pain from cervical disc disease, there are also home remedies you can use to help relieve pain and speed the healing process.
How is cervical pain caused? Is cervical pain serious? What is the best treatment for cervical pain?
MATTRATVA ACUPRESSURE & THERAPY CLINIC. Address-2/129,Vishal Khand-2,Gomti Nagar,Lucknow - 226010 Website:www.maatc.co.in Phone no:-9044793733 Email id:- [email protected]
how to relieve neck pain from sleeping neck pain treatment at home when a stiff neck is serious
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mattratvaclinic · 2 years
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Magnet Therapy in Lucknow | Mattratva Acupressure Therapy Clinic  
MATTRATVA ACUPRESSURE THERAPY CLINIC offered Magnet Acupressure Therapy Treatment in India. A type of elective medication utilizing attractive fields to treat ailments. Super durable magnets are set near the body to make bones mend quicker, soothe torment and instigate other helpful impacts.This therapy is a holistic therapy that is most commonly known for it's ability to alleviate pain. However, this natural therapy offers numerous other health benefits…Magnets posess a healing propertiy that has been used for years. Most Relevant Question People Asked, we'll Help regarding these Questions: What is magnetic therapy used to treat? Does magnetic therapy actually work? What are the side effects of magnetic therapy?
MATTRATVA ACUPRESSURE & THERAPY CLINIC. Address-2/129,Vishal Khand-2,Gomti Nagar,Lucknow - 226010 Website:www.maatc.co.in Phone no:-9044793733 Email id:- [email protected]
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mattratvaclinic · 2 years
Acupressure Therapy in Gomati nagar | Mattratva Acupressure Therapy Clinic
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Ordinary therapist treat the disease. For the time being the disease goes away. But the same disease recurrs after sometime. Skilled therapist treat the root cause of disease. On treating the root cause of the disease, the disease is cure and it rarely recur. For example common cold is caused by external attack of wind cold. Acupressure treatment can cure the common cold in three days time. But the common cold can recur in six months time as the immune system of the patient is weak. In such case after treating the common cold, the therapist should treat the immune system of the patient by toning the lung Qi deficiency for a long period of time.
Address-2/129,Vishal Khand-2,Gomti Nagar,Lucknow - 226010 Visit Us:https://maatc.co.in/treatments.html Phone no:-9044793733 Email: [email protected]
Cervical pain therapy Frozen shoulder therapy yurvedic treatment Centre Natural treatment for pain Knee pain treatment
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mattratvaclinic · 2 years
Frozen shoulder treatment in lucknow | Mattratva Acupressure & Therapy Clinic
Frozen shoulder treatment involves controlling shoulder pain and preserving motion in the shoulder.Frozen shoulder, also known as adhesive capsulitis, is a condition characterized by stiffness and pain in your shoulder joint. Signs and symptoms typically begin gradually, worsen over time and then resolve, usually within one to three years.Your risk of developing frozen shoulder increases if you're recovering from a medical condition or procedure that prevents you from moving your arm — such as a stroke or a mastectomy.Treatment for frozen shoulder involves range-of-motion exercises and, sometimes, corticosteroids and numbing medications injected into the joint capsule. In a small percentage of cases, arthroscopic surgery may be indicated to loosen the joint capsule so that it can move more freely.It's unusual for frozen shoulder to recur in the same shoulder, but some people can develop it in the opposite shoulder.
What is the fastest way to get rid of a frozen shoulder? How do you relieve frozen shoulder pain? Can frozen shoulder go away on its own? What are the 3 stages of frozen shoulder?
MATTRATVA ACUPRESSURE& THERAPY CLINIC. Address-2/129,Vishal Khand-2,Gomti Nagar,Lucknow - 226010 Website:https://maatc.co.in/treatments.html Phone no:-9044793733
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mattratvaclinic · 2 years
Seed Therapy Treatment in Gomati Nagar,Lucknow | Accupressure therapy in lucknow
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Seed therapy, palm and foot represent all the organs/meridians in the body. Seed can be done with other therapies also and it produces no side effects. This therapy is 100% safe, simple and easy to perform even by the patients. Since hands and feet are the locations of systems of active points corresponding to all organs and part of the body, stimulation of these points produces a curative effect. This method is universal. With the help of seed, various kinds of illnesses can be treated. There is no need for any precautions to be taken during the treatment. Since the therapy is natural and curing only the natural forces in and around the body, it is also one of the safest therapies ever known.Seed therapy works wonder in healing various kinds of mental disorder like phobia, depression, anxiety, addiction etc. It helps by enhancing physical and mental health and restoring all over balance.
MATTRATVA ACUPRESSURE& THERAPY CLINIC. Address-2/129,Vishal Khand-2,Gomti Nagar,Lucknow - 226010 Website:https://maatc.co.in/treatments.html Phone no:-9044793733
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mattratvaclinic · 2 years
Best Pain Relief Magnetic Therapy | Magnetic Therapy in Gomati Nagar, Lucknow
Magnetic therapy is used to alleviate pain and has many health benefits. It has been studied as adjunct therapy for treating symptoms of multi sclerosis (MS), osteo and rheumatoid arthritis​1​, tissue​2​ and bone​3​ injury, neuropathy​4​, psychiatric disorders, sleep​5​, stress, genital pain, post-polio pain, pain syndroms and many more conditions. These benefits might naturally occur due to the anti-inflammatory effects that magnetic therapy provides.
Effects purported by users and practitioners of magnetic therapy are:
Increased circulation for old injuries Reduced circulation and less swelling for sprains and strains and other acute injuries   Reduced inflammation Correction of energy imbalances Enhanced immune function More restful sleep Stress relief Reduced or cessation of pain.
MATTRATVA ACUPRESSURE& THERAPY CLINIC. Address-2/129,Vishal Khand-2,Gomti Nagar,Lucknow - 226010 Website:https://maatc.co.in/treatments.html Phone no:-9044793733 Email id:[email protected]
Frozen shoulder therapy yurvedic treatment Centre Natural treatment for pain diabetic neuropathy treatment Knee pain treatment
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mattratvaclinic · 2 years
Acupressure Therapyin Gomati nagar | Mattratva Acupressure Therapy Clinic
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Acupressure is an ancient art of healing has been practiced for centuries curing millions of people.Today, drugless therapies are gaining popularity all over the world. Acupresure Medical treatment systems are gaining momentum everywhere in the world. These systems treat man as a whole taking to consideration his physical, psychological, spiritual and social faculties enabling a complete cure.More over low cost of treatment, most of these treatments are from use natural ingredients for medicines most of them are free of side effects.
Address-2/129,Vishal Khand-2,Gomti Nagar,Lucknow - 226010 Visit Us:https://maatc.co.in/treatments.html Phone no:-9044793733 Email: [email protected]
Cervical pain therapy Frozen shoulder therapy yurvedic treatment Centre Natural treatment for pain Knee pain treatment
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mattratvaclinic · 2 years
Color therapy in Gomti Nagar | Mattratva Acupressure & Therapy Clinic
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mattratvaclinic · 2 years
Tapping Therapy is the end of all fear and anxiety  | Mattratva Acupressure & Therapy Clinic in gomati nagar
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Tapping is a brief intervention that combines elements of somatic stimulation, exposure, and cognitive therapy — and you use your own fingertips to do it. In short, it involves quick, repeated light-touch on specific acupressure points — or energy “hot spots” — to restore balance to the body’s system. The points send electrochemical impulses to the limbic and cortical regions of the brain that control stress and fear;this breaks the neural links that are causing distressing emotions and unsettling bodily sensations.Typically, the tapping is combined with identifying a specific concern or distressing issue a person is challenged by rating it on a scale of one to 10 and then engaging in a two-part statement. The first part of the statement exposes the issue, while the second part reframes it in the context of self-acceptance.
MATTRATVA ACUPRESSURE& THERAPY CLINIC. Address-2/129,Vishal Khand-2,Gomti Nagar,Lucknow - 226010 Website:https://maatc.co.in/treatments.html Phone no:-9044793733 Email id:[email protected]
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