mattsisaysthings · 4 years
Just head about Dragon’s Dogma anime
It’s bad
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mattsisaysthings · 4 years
Stardew Valley completed me and it can and will complete you too :D
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mattsisaysthings · 4 years
a beautiful bub
Summer Tux:
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Winter Tux:
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mattsisaysthings · 4 years
Imagine one man... dying to a Zombie adjacent incident and then starting over in a house right next to where he died. What are the odds?
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mattsisaysthings · 4 years
Here I am, once again. Bitten by zombies.
Can't believe I messed up the editing towards the end SO DANG BAD LMAO
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mattsisaysthings · 4 years
Made a neat guide to not getting eaten by rabid wolves :)
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mattsisaysthings · 4 years
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mattsisaysthings · 4 years
In this Project Zomboid video I go over a botched loot run and use some of the materials I looted to clear out nearby zombies. In this video I'll teach you how to use guns and why you shouldn’t use guns. :)
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mattsisaysthings · 4 years
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mattsisaysthings · 4 years
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mattsisaysthings · 4 years
Definitely on the naughty list
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mattsisaysthings · 4 years
Need Help
My wife started following me, post ponies
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mattsisaysthings · 4 years
I will cry
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mattsisaysthings · 4 years
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ベビにも着せてみた。 まだ胴も首も短いから大人より、も〜っといろいろ持て余す。
#ferrets #フェレット https://www.instagram.com/p/CIVWkREHjEq/?igshid=14lb9dsiap6zc
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mattsisaysthings · 4 years
i think edward elric entire military experience can be summarized as john mulaney’s “horse loose in the hospital” bit
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mattsisaysthings · 4 years
God, I can't wait to get my two dorks some sweaters
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mattsisaysthings · 4 years
That is uh... that's a ride and a half
in grade 6 and every time we had a movie day or class party id ask my mom for a can of doctor pepper but i had to keep it in my backpack and it always got shaken up and would explode when i opened it bcus we all know dr pepper has much more chaos inside the can than any other soda and anyways my whole class instinctively knew every time that my doctor pepper would explode and we'd have to pause the movie and clean it up and id usually be covered in dr pepper for the rest of the day and be super embarrassed and this happened to me about twelve times throughout the year. you might be wondering why i couldnt keep my dr pepper in my locker until we watched the movie and its because i didnt have a locker in grade six after i left a piece of pumpkin pie that my teacher gave me in there for a month and it rotted and molded so bad and there were maggots everywhere so one day i locked the locker and refused to open it ever again so for a whole year i carried all my stuff around because i was afraid to go to admin and tell them about my maggot pie because someone started a rumor that if the principle figured out you did something bad she would lock you down in the basement storage room that was infamous for having a giant rat that lived inside of it and i was afraid of rats after seeing ratatouille because i thought a rat might climb inside my hair and start controlling me and force me to do things i didnt want to do like make soup
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