mauhayqueen98-blog · 7 years
Advance English Grammar E-notes 5
Demonstrative Pronouns - used to poin objects -can be used either plural or singular 4 Demonstrative pronouns: *This *That - if the object is near/ close on time and space -singular *These *Those -Remote in time and space -plural Interrogative Pronouns -Pronouns used to ask 5 interrogative Pronouns: *Who (less formal) - pertains to subject *Whom (formal) - pertains to an object *Whose - possessive *What - specific informations among general range of possible answers. *Whice - choice Note: When and Where are not interrogative pronouns for they are an adverb. Relative Pronouns - Introduce in a relative clause -After a noun, to make it clear what thing or who are we referring to. * Restrictive (defining) clause - essential information about antecedent in main clause. *Non- restrictive clause (Non- defining) - can be separated by a comma. The difference between which and that: Which- defines That- restricts Ex. I bought shoes that are expensives. I bought rubies, which are expensives. "THAT" was used in the first sentence because it restricts that the doer only buy expensive shoes and shoes can be either expensive and inexpensive. "WHICH" was used in the second example because rubies cannot be bought in cheap prices unlike in shoes. Rubies are defined as expensive. Note: That are expensives and which are expensives are relative clauses. Whenever we use "WHICH" always put comma before it.
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mauhayqueen98-blog · 7 years
Advance English Grammar E-notes 4
Noun Cases Nominative Case- Indicates the subject of the sentence. Objective Case (Accusative) - Indicates Direct object, Indirect object, object of the preposition. Dative case- shows possession Vocative Case- used for direct address Collective Noun and Compound noun Collective Noun- words for single thing that are made up if more than one person, animal or Thing. - when the number of the unit are acting as individuals, use plural forms of verb and pronouns. - when the member if the unit are acting in unison, use singular forms of verb and pronouns. Compound nouns- words made up of two or more words -the first word describes or modifies the secong word. The second word usually identifies the item. Types of compound: * Closed or Solid Ex. Butterfly *Spaced or open Ex. Swimming pool *Hyphenated Ex. Mother-in-law *there are nouns that has conjunctions but is actually a compound nouns. Ex. Bread and butter Pronoun- word or phrase that can substitute a noun or noun phrase Antecedent- word or phrase that is represented by another word. -A noun replaced by a pronoun. Classifications of pronouns: Personal pronouns- words associated with certain persons, animals, things and place. Characteristics: 1. Three person point of views * First Person- the one speaking (I, me, my, mine, we, us our, ours) * Second Person - The one spoken to (you, your, yours) * Third Person - the one spoeken about (he, him, his, she, her, hers, it, its, they, their, theirs) 2. Three Genders * Feminine (she, her, hers) *Masculine (he, him, hers) *Neuter (it, its, they, them, their) 3. Three Cases * Subjective (Nominative Case) - I, you, he, she, it, we, they - uses to replace a noun as the subject of the sentence Subject of sentence- doer of the action Subject complement- gives information * Objective (Accusative) - Me, you, him, her, it, us - affected by action of the subject - takes the place of the object Direct object - person or thing that receives the action. Indirect Object- receives what is being given or done. Object of the preposition- pronoun liknked with a preposition. 3. Possessive (Genetive) - Shows ownership on something Types of Pessessive pronoun: Possessive pronoun (mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, theirs) -replaces the noun they refer to Possessive Adjective ( my, your, his, her, its, our, their) -cannot be used independently -always modify the noun they refer to. Indefinite Pronouns -used for non-specific objects -one or more unspecified objects, being or places -most of the indefinite pronouns act as a part of speech Indefinite Nouns and its meaning: Singular Another-an additional or different person or thing Anybody/ anyone- no matter what person Each- everyone of two or more people or things; seen separately Less- smaller amount Much- a large amount Neither- not one and not the other of two people Nobody/ no one- no person Nothing- not anything One- an unidentified person You- unidentified person (informal) Either - one of the other of two people or thing Enough - as much or as many as needed. Everybody/ everyone - all people Everything - all things Little- a small amount Other- different person or thing from one already mentioned Somebody/ someone - unspecified ir unknown person Something - unspecified or unknown thing Plural Both- two people or things; seen together Few- small number of people or thing Fewer- reduced number of people or things Many- large number of people or things Others- other people; not us Several- more than two but not many They- people in general (informal) Singular/plural All- whole quantity of something or people Any- no matter how much or how many More- greater quantity of something; greater number of people or things Most- the majority; neasrly all None- not any; no person or persons Some- unspecified quantity of something; unspecified number Such- of the type already mentioned
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mauhayqueen98-blog · 7 years
Advance English Grammar E-notes 3
Proper Nouns - " Specific Name" - Begins with capital Letter Common Nouns-" General Name" - Not specific * There are times whrn a word can be usedas either a common noun or proper noun and might get us confused when using it. * Countable Noun- Things that can be counted. -Can also be singular or plural Things we can use to identify countable nouns: -a/ an (a house, an apple) -the (the table) -numbers (two children) -some/any ( when they are plural only) Quantifuers of countable noun: *Many, few, a few, how many Uncountable Noun- refers to immaterial concepts. -stuff or liquid that cannot be counted. -always singular Things we can use to identify uncountable nouns: -some/any (some water in the glass) * we can't use a/an, numbers* Partitives - referring to a part of a whole (A glass of water) Concrete Noun- Perceived by tge senses and something you can see, hear, touch, smell ir taste -tangible Abstract Noun- nouns that are intangible. Material Nouns -name giveb to material substance -materials like cloth, air, metal, gold, salt etc. -most of it are uncountable nouns Categories: Material noun from Nature- water, air, silver, gold, etc. Material Noun from Animals- egg, milk, honey, etc Material noun from plants- cotton, food, oil, wood, etc. Material noun from man-made - acid, alcohol, asphalt, etc. Rules: *a, an, the are not used with material nouns when they are uncountable. *a, an, the can be used when they are countable. Gender-specific noun- refers to gender of the noun Types: Masculine Gender- Male sex Feminine Gender- Female sex Common Gender- either male of female Neuter Gender- neither male or female I also learned plural and singularity of the wods. To sum it all, The teachers that day were good and have studied their assigned lesson well. I too, enjoyed their motivational game. I had fun and the lessons are interesting. Additional infos: There's no such thing as advices or evidences. Pieces of advice or pieces of evidence are more acceptable. Fishes are only used when referring to different species of the fish. Inner thoughts: Why the plural form of ox is oxen not oxes? Why the plural form of chief, chef, roof are chiefs, chefs, roofs not cheives, cheves, and rooves since if the word ends with f can be change into either v+es or add only s as their plural form? Why words became as it is? Who saids that it must be like in this form or arranged in that appearance?
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mauhayqueen98-blog · 7 years
Advance English Grammar E-notes 2
Our professor made us watched  a movie that has connections in language and linguistics. At first I find the movie confusing maybe because I am not really paying attention to it because I want to get things done right away but as the movie goes by, unbelievably,I got into it. I even tried to copy the writings of the aliens believing it’s also a linguistic terms.
 Movie: Arrival
Linguistic terms:
Non-Linear Orthography-A form written language that has no backward or firward direction.
Linguistic Competence- your unconscious knowledge of language
Linguistic performance- observable use of language
Approaches of grammar:
Descriptive- just analyzing the grammar
Prescriptive -correcting your grammar
 Types of grammar:
Universal Grammar
- Noam Chomsky
- all languages are the same.  Meaning, it has the same features such as verbd, noun and etc.  
Functional grammar
-M.A.K Halliday
- it is the study of the functional words in a particular sentence.
Pedagogical grammar- it is the teaching of grammar.
 Additional information:
Sapir-whorf Hypothesis- Directly influence or determine our thoughts.  It id under sycholinguistics.
Ferdinand de Saussaue-Father of Modern Linguistics.
Animals don't have languages.  
- is a system of arbitrary sounds and symbols used for human communication.
-There are certain rules
Grammaticality- correctness of grammar on a sentence.
Acceptability- the grammar/ sentence should make sense.
-it is arbitrary because it doesn't have connections with the symbols or sounds it uses.
Language shapes the thoughts
 We learned how to make our lesson plan " Kilgore Lesson Plan" on the spot for our furst demo teaching. You guys have no idea how much panic I've been through that time because I still haven't read my topic. I was relying on my knowledge stocked deep within me. Haha.  
Even though I’am already a third year, I still think that I lack knowledge when it comes to my course. Maybe I should put more effort in understanding what my course is or what does it mean being an English major. I’m enjoying my subjects somehow but I do lack motivations. I want to me called a linguist not only by name but also by profession. you know. hindi yung mema lang.
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mauhayqueen98-blog · 7 years
Advance English Grammar E-notes 1
Biennial- happens twice every two years Biannual- happens twice every years Inasmuch instead of In as much Insofar instead of In so far One of the + plural noun IC, + (coordinating conjunction) + sentence Spelling: Withhold Appraise Full-fledged Pastime Accommodation Full-time is different from full time. Full-time works as an adjective. Data-gathering procedures In this phrase, data-gathering acts as an adjective. He was caught unawares. Unawares is an adjective. With regard to Aa regards the In- month/year Example: In 2009, In july On- full date Example: On July 9, 2024
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