maulofdathomir · 2 years
I think the Jedi council should have at least considered sending obi-wan over to Dooku to be like “yes hello I am here for sith training” just to see what would happen
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maulofdathomir · 2 years
These are my sillies.
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maulofdathomir · 2 years
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In my head Maul was the oldest.
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maulofdathomir · 2 years
I never got around to posting these here, sadly most in character pictures are blurry as hell so you get the fun ones.
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Also I got interviewed two times too often, I was absolutely not prepared. So here is fear and rage in quick succession.
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maulofdathomir · 2 years
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Maul: I'm a reverse necromancer.
Ezra: Isn't that just killing people?
Maul: Ah, technicality.
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maulofdathomir · 2 years
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Back again for another Dayak Maul, this time I've just made a doodle sketch of him being a Dayak tribes again.
Been a long time I rare to post something on Tumblr
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maulofdathomir · 2 years
Yoda is actually extremely empathetic and sensitive to other people’s pain, and he’s very easily saddened by any suffering around him, if you watch the movies. Yes, even the PT. Yes, even only the PT.
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These are his reactions to Anakin’s pain, to the pain Dooku has caused, to Order 66 (so the pain and death of the Jedi), to Obi-Wan’s heartbreak when watching the recordings, and finally to Padmé’s death. He has never once in the movies or TCW reprimanded someone for being sad btw (no, that’s not what that talk with Anakin is. Anakin isn’t sad at that moment, he’s fearful and only wants to be told that he’ll be able to stop death. Yoda is not being unkind by telling him that’s now how it works, and that he’ll be much happier if he accepts that - we see the difference clearly when Yoda presides over an actual funeral in TCW, with everybody there in mourning). Oh, and since this isn’t an actor playing him? Each and everyone one of the above reactions were a completely purposeful choice by the creative team. They wanted us to see just how heartbroken he was every time. There’s no way to read too much on his face here - the face was animated so we’d read it this way.
That somebody who has trained over 800 years to be able to let go and is so good at not letting pain and loss and anger consume him could still feel this bottomless sorrow… That the kindly old Master who loved to make all his little children laugh would be made to see all their dead bodies strewn across the halls of his home like garbage, when he once had to let go of his dream of a perfect world for them…  That he’d still have tears left after all of that…
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maulofdathomir · 2 years
Yes I am aware he has committed atrocities but have you considered that he’s my special guy
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maulofdathomir · 2 years
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maulofdathomir · 2 years
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what have you become?
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maulofdathomir · 2 years
nothing will ever beat baby anakin saying "qui-gon sir i don't want to be a problem" and qui gon telling him "you won't be ani" being followed by numerous movies and shows where he was in fact the galaxy's biggest problem
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maulofdathomir · 2 years
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Anakin Skywalker + Text Posts: The BabyGirl™ Collection
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maulofdathomir · 2 years
so, look, here’s the thing, palpatine and anakin know each other. i mean that in the ROTS novelization, in deleted ROTS scenes, anakin refers to palpatine as “family”, and palpatine has been going out of his way to get anakin alone since anakin was a very literal child - when anakin’s a sensitive pretween in the obi-wan/anakin miniseries, palpatine sneaks him off to a bar, in ROTS he takes anakin out to a fucking bubble opera, this all implies that palpatine regularly took anakin out to things like dinners and plays and art galleries and bought him stupid expensive glasses of wine, like they spent a chunk of time together. anakin is legitimately close to palpatine. anakin thought he knew palpatine before palpatine’s “hey, i’m secretly evil” reveal in ROTS, and because we don’t see anyone else ever close to palpatine, i’m sure anakin thought he was literally the only person who actually knew palpatine, who loved him like family.
i want you, specifically, to distill that image in your mind. a friend so close you consider them family. a friend you are confessing things no one else in your life - not your wife, not the man who raised you, not your spiritual leaders - knows about, and things you feel like you can’t tell them. it’s that guy. and then we flash forward to the part where this guy finds you smoldering on the bank of a river of lava, and then proceeds to design ungodly horrific contraptions to inflict you with. like this guy, he’s like your best friend, and then suddenly his image is swimming over your eyes while your ribcage gets sawed out, while your throat’s sliced into to scrape of the desiccated tissue. this guy in one fell moment replaces your face, your voice, and the shape of your body with his vision for what he wants you to be. people will only ever understand why i can’t be normal about darth vader when they understand the extent to which anakin and palpatine have the most grotesque relationship imaginable. “my boss is my best friend and also my dad and also the head of state, and he designed an outfit i will die without but it involves wearing a mask that shoves needles into my face” is fucking CRAZY dude it’s fucking CRAZY
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maulofdathomir · 2 years
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HAYDEN CHRISTENSEN as Darth Vader behind the scenes of ‘Obi-Wan Kenobi’ | Obi-Wan Kenobi: A Jedi’s Return (2022)
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maulofdathomir · 2 years
broke: jedi are cold disconnected space monks
woke: jedi are hippie sluts with no sense of modesty who just like to fuck with the wider galaxy 
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maulofdathomir · 2 years
no more padmé lives au more padmé is resurrected and slowly begins to crave the taste of flesh and vader supplies her with a steady flow of imperial underlings au
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maulofdathomir · 2 years
The Palpatine/Anakin parallel to Walt/Jesse is galaxy brained, especially in the context of Jane dying. I’m just wondering who is male wife and shady enough to be Saul/Jimmy in the Star Wars universe
FUCK this is hard. this one i'm drawing a blank on.
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