mavvka-blog · 5 years
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I thought I’d start doing some little posts with basic questions/info/hcs on alina to help give a little more info on her !!  she does have a full bio explaining what a mavka is and her background of becoming one so if you’re looking for that check the blog !
Do they prefer being alone or with others? She is solitary, both before death enjoying time on her own and as a mavka. Are they in good health? She was until the infection that killed her. What sense do they most rely on? As a mavka she has heightened senses in general, good night vision for example, but she has incredible sharp hearing and follows that the most. Do they believe in love at first sight? She did, but it was shattered by Misha. Are they most likely to fight with their fists or their tongue? If she needs to get physical she uses her magic - usually, though, this puts her in a blackout state where she doesn’t know what she’s doing. She is more apt, both before and after death, to speak her way through things. What is their choice of weapon? Usually her hands, her teeth. Mavkas are intimate in their violence. When does your character think that violence is justified or deserved? Before death, Alina was a strict pacifist. She believed firmly in kindness. It is hard to face her violent nature once she becomes a mavka, but being saved by the forest spirits she’d believed in in life, she learns to believe it has purpose. While she cannot remember Misha, she feels the justification for killing the men she does, somehow knowing that men have done bad deeds and deserve their fates. She is a protector for the village girls/women as she sees it. How do they display affection? With earthy/floral things. She’ll weave flower crowns, make teas and dance in the rainwater. Being connected to the forest, bringing you into it is her deepest sign of trust and admiration.
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mavvka-blog · 5 years
                              eve SMIRKS. she takes another bite of the apple as she moves towards the man. there’s a shocked expression on his face. TERROR fills his dead, dead eyes. 
                              she can see why her half-sisters ADORE hunting humans, especially human men. but she doesn’t hunt men for sport – not yet, at least. no, she hasn’t become THAT cruel yet. she isn’t a good person; she’s never pretended to be one because she isn’t a good and benevolent goddess. but she hasn’t gotten to that point where she KILLS for no reason or for fun, although she might ACT it. no, she ALWAYS kills for a reason. her fellow divine beings can’t judge her for it since THEY have done far worse than her. 
                              alright, she destroyed SEVERAL cities – one in particular sent humans back centuries since it meant the loss of several important scientific and technological developments  – but it was always for a good reason. well, that one she did as REVENGE, but still a good reason! those people needed to be punished for turning a blind eye and helping HIM steal and hide her celestial robes.
                              ❝ I asked FIRST, ❞ she replies as she takes another bite of her apple. she nudges the man with her foot. ❝ I wanted to hear him SCREAM and CONFESS as I ripped his throat and beating heart out. ❞ 
                              and it’s for a good reason. he tried to BLACKMAIL her after she refused to marry him! if he didn’t die, she would have been BURNED ALIVE (again) or had her head CHOPPED OFF (again). 
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              hot anger rises in her blood.     this woman pushes every one of her buttons.  she isn’t used to so much confrontation.  mavka are LONERS,  for the most part.  of course she knows the inhabitants of the forest,  but they co-existed at most. 
             “  why him ? ”     she repeats,  stepping to the other magical woman,  her translucent skin glowing warm.   “  your answer is as good as mine !   if you belonged in these woods you’d know,  but you don’t.  ”     she is protective of the woods,  the lovely, deep way in which they go on forever.   even in the bitter cold and the empty branches it cradles her and all the spirits.  it is home.  she knows there is magic elsewhere,  but it is foreign,  and it frightens her.   
               the more she speaks of the dead man the more violent images creep through her mind.   she recalls him in pieces,  ever so faintly,  but there is still no name.  even the face is blurry.  somehow,  though,  the mysterious figure in her mind makes her shudder.    “  confess to what,  then?   what did he do to you? ”    MALICIOUS as her actions seem,  the spirits of the forest were meant to protect it.  when brought offerings,  they watched over the people of the surrounding villages.  she has to believe even this,  the ugliness of death,  is a part of that.
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mavvka-blog · 5 years
yo alina randomly showed up today so uhhh I guess if anyone’s still here you’re welcome to like for a starter !!
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mavvka-blog · 5 years
yo alina randomly showed up today so uhhh I guess if anyone’s still here you’re welcome to like for a starter !!
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mavvka-blog · 5 years
yo alina randomly showed up today so uhhh I guess if anyone’s still here you’re welcome to like for a starter !!
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mavvka-blog · 6 years
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My choices made me who I am and I regret nothing.
Mary Shelley (2018) dir. Haifaa Al-Mansour
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mavvka-blog · 6 years
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mavvka-blog · 6 years
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Do not follow her (part 2)
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mavvka-blog · 6 years
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      there is something in the stranger’s EVERY MOVEMENT that projects something unnatural… yet utterly suited to this place, these woods. in spite of her soft reassurances, fear still gnaws at tatiana. why on earth is there a youg girl out here, anyways?  why is she all alone?
      anxious fingers dance across her knuckles, like a frantic piano sonata.  she exhales, and swears she sees her breath in the chilly night air.  “ tiny. she was wearing a white dress, with a big bow… her name is anastasia. she’s just twelve years old. ”  she swallows hard, a little overwhelmed.  “ why – why are YOU here? these woods aren’t a place for anybody. ”
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              “  that isn’t so,  ”    she replies,   eyes dashing about for the sign of a white dress.   at least it would not blend with the surrounding darkness.   twelve years old    --    that’s an age she must’ve been once,   but no memory lies in her.   where it should be is only the deep,  wide void of a life cut short.    “  perhaps not for you or your little sister,   but the woods house many more than you might suppose.  ”
              with that declaration she moves swiftly down the beaten path,  hoping the girl had stayed close to them as possible.   when she’s certain the woman isn’t looking,  she waves a glowing hand through a thicket of trees,  hoping the domovoy may be able to protect the child until alina could get reunite her with the older sister.     “  so...   if you don’t find these woods suitable for anyone,   how did you and  --  anastasia end up in the thickest part of it ?  ”
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mavvka-blog · 6 years
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ᴍᴀᴠᴋᴀ ╶
in ukranian mythology, they are types of female spirits who may be dangerous to young men. However, their evil is not intentional. At the sight of a young man, she falls into a trance and realizes her actions too late to change anything.
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mavvka-blog · 6 years
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mavvka-blog · 6 years
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           “  she’s precious.  ”      alina found,   since her death,  that her heart seemed to SWELL at the sight of children,  little girls with pigtails and all their innocence intact.   a PROTECTIVE spirit took hold of her.   at least it gave the strange power bestowed on her some semblance of meaning.   she keeps the jacket wrapped tight around her  --  the fabric unfamiliar and itchy to a creature used to masquerading in the nude,   still,   she enjoys watching humans again,  seeing what good was left in them.      “  how old is she ?  ”
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mavvka-blog · 6 years
starter call  -  bear with me, I’m still finding her voice !!
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mavvka-blog · 6 years
                                    the goddess takes a bite out of the shiny red apple in her hand. as she stands beneath the moonlight, the wind tosses her curly brown locks around. had she been a NORMAL person, being in the presence of this supernatural being would have caused her to shiver and stutter. she certainly wouldn’t have been eat this apple so CASUALLY as she does now. if anything, she’s more ANNOYED that the man she was hunting was killed before she got her hands on him. not that he had any valuable information; she just wanted to kill him for calling her a whore. and because he reminded her of ex husband who ruined her entire existence by stealing her celestial robes.
                                    ❝ is that so? ❞ eve arches a brow. ❝ and why him? you stole my prey and I want to know why. ❞
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             “  you don’t   ------  ”      it was an unexpected response.   but if anything,  she was even more intrigued with the woman before her,  even more confused as well.   but she had naively expected another immortal being would simply COMPREHEND the mechanisms of her condition.      (    she has no choice in the matter.   she only awakes with their DEATH on her hands.   so was the condition of the mavka.  )   yet she holds that information on her tongue another moment,   to fascinated by this woman’s reason for wanting the stranger dead at their feet.
             “  I should ask the same,  ”   she replies,  the taste of a timid courage on her tongue.    “  whatever did he do that warranted such anger that his mere death was not enough,   that rather you had to do it yourself ?  ”     the act of killing these men bothered her less and less as time went on.   still,  it would lighten her even more to find that he had dome something to deserve his fate,  besides wander by the mavkas’ wood after nightfall. 
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mavvka-blog · 6 years
       a hand clasped to her heart is the only thing which keeps her from SCREAMING. the dark of the woods is one place you do not want to be surprised  —  especially when you find yourself lost and alone. cut off from society, from the world… from EVERYTHING THAT IS.
       she calms herself with the forcible inhale of one breath after another. the young girl’s every move is fluid and foreign, elusive as a wisp of fog  ;;  hazel eyes follow her raptly. if tatiana were an ounce less logical, she’d be sure this child wasn’t human.    “ certainly, ”  she answers, hesitating for the sigh of wind through the river weeds.   “ my sister. i cannot find her… and i’m afraid she may be lost. ”
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             “  oh.  ”     her eyes remain fixed on the lady,  her every movement and mannerism.   alina can clearly detect an acute nervousness in her eyes.  it’s not unexpected ; very few mortals found any COMFORT in a dark wood,  not like the spirits that called it home,  anyway.     “  what does she look like ?  ”
              alina is careful to face the woman steadily,   worried that any sign of her back  -   its translucent skin and the glow of her figure would scare the woman deeper into the forest,  where spirits of darker natures lay.     “  don’t worry,   I can help you find her.   she’ll be fine.  I am sure of it.  ”
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mavvka-blog · 6 years
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Мавка (Mavka) - according to the beliefs of the Ukrainians, the children who died unbaptized, died in Rusalya week or were killed by their own mothers can become mavka. Also, drowned girls could become mavka. Beautiful, with long hair and white shirt, mavka have lovely face, but from other side you could see their backbone and flesh. Usually, they lived in rivers and lakes in forest. According to one beliefs, mavka dances and singing lured young men into the forest, but others say that mavka often helped people, protecting them from wild animals. 
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mavvka-blog · 6 years
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            she had seen the tents appear,   seen the performances,  the dancers and magicians.   fervently,  she had watched the men,  with their gruff voices and ladies on each arm.   she had come to the edge of the wood for them,   ready to draw one to the river,   to take the breath from him with the touch of her fingertips.  
              but no,  a woman had appeared instead,   clearly startled.  alina smiled,   folding her powerful hands gracefully.      “  don’t worry.  ”    another step brought her more into the moonlight as it peeked through the canopy of leaves and refracted off her light figure.     “  you’re safe with me. ”
* @mavvka  //  raja & alina
                            the cold  night air gathered in clouds upon Raja’s breath. Her pipe glowed along with the fireflies. The performer strolled, reckless, from the collection of tents behind her. A thick forest sprawled mere feet from where her troupe had gathered. The sight was reminiscent of fables she immersed herself in.   
                      Raja choked when she glanced a silhouette accented by moonlight. She had anticipated only nature’s company. 
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                       ❛  Wh -  ❜   Raja coughed through a lack of eloquence.  ❛  Who’s there? ❜
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