maximus-bruin · 5 years
iggy sat there, arm wrapped securely around the other, for minutes that melded into hours. he didn’t know how much time had passed, but he wasn’t counting either. he was, though, counting max’s breaths. he had time to think of what would become of him if he lost someone that close to him. if obelius or max or hudson or ragnor or corey had been murdered; would he be able to get up out of bed and make it to the memorial, like max had? he wasn’t quite sure he’d have it in him.
but his thoughts turned to brighter topics. like how he was surprised the list of people that would tear his heart out with them to hell was longer than he expected it to be. he truly thought he’d come, form no ties, and die- he didn’t expect to last this long.
but he was pulled out of his thoughts after he lost count at 1,432 breathes, and he picked his head up to look down at max. his hand roughly rubbing the other’s side before pulling the comforter tighter around them.
“i know they didn’t want to,” he begins, picking his words carefully, “we’ll punish those who took them from us.” he clenches his jaw, anger and determination dripping from his voice. 
“we’ll avenge them.”
“You know... he was the first demigod I met when I got here,” Maximus said with a soft smile as he looked up at Iggy. “I almost... froze to death, but he took me in and cared for me.” The son of Hypnos could remember the exact tree he nearly froze to death against, the way Jasper scooped him up and bathed him in warmth. “...I... I hope he’s well,” he whispered softly, tears welling up once more. It helped to think that Jasper was doing well, that he was looking down on Maximus and caring for him, even in the afterlife.
Maximus nodded carefully, wanting hold the same fire and anger in Iggy’s words. But for now, he wanted to let himself grieve. His eyes fell onto the other names in the memorial, ones that he wasn’t familiar with. One of which was Silas, the former son of Hypnos. They had never met, but he had heard of his name from the other demigods, the older ones who had been here longer.
“...I wonder what he would have done,” he murmured, gesturing with his head towards the other son of Hypnos. If I’m deserving to be here. “I want to protect everyone. I don’t want anyone else to die.”
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maximus-bruin · 5 years
iggy wraps his right arm around max’s shoulders and pulls him closer. he rests his cheek on the top of the other male’s head, looking at the name he was sitting in front of - jasper henderson. and everything made sense. max had been close with jasper - and iggy knew that at least one of the captured demigods were high on max’s priority list. he was feeling isolated, like everyone he loved was being taken forcibly from his grasp. like he was helpless.
iggy swallowed around the lump in his throat. he was also feeling this way, even if not as heavily as max was in the moment.
“ssh,” he whispers, thumb moving in a comforting circle on max’s shoulder, “it’s okay…” he tried to comfort, but this was never his area of expertise. 
“it’s okay to cry, max.” he tried again.
“i’m not going anywhere.”
He hadn’t cried this strongly in a while; it didn’t strike him this heavily until now. Maximus wondered if he was selfish, crying about this sort of stuff. Asking Iggy to come see him in the middle of the night. Leaning into the other, the young man trembled as he cried harder, teardrops falling onto his lap.
After a moment of just heavy sobs, Maximus breathed slowly, feeling the cold air rush through his lungs. He didn’t move himself away from Iggy’s shoulder though, dark eyes opening to look at the names plastered on the memorial. “...I miss him...” he finally whispered when his eyes fell onto the late son of Demeter’s name.
His eyes shifted over familiar names of demigods he had met before their passing, and even those whom he never had the chance to meet. Xander. Henri. The absence of Daith and Ari, even if things had been left on a sour note. “...Why did they have to go?” he murmured quietly, lifting his head a bit to rub away the tear trails on his cheeks.
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maximus-bruin · 5 years
iggy immediately started getting ready. he pulled on a sweater, and grabbed his oversized comforter that he quickly balled under his arm. “psyche, lets go.” he demanded, a little harshly in his panic, but the white bat fluttered from the rafters he’d claimed as his own. the white puff ball landed easily - always gracefully - on iggy’s shoulder, as the son of eros was pushing out of the door. as soon as the cold air hit his face, he was running. the memorial wasn’t that far form his cabin, thankfully, but he only slowed down when he could see max’s form up ahead. 
“h-hey…” he panted out, clearly out of breath. but he continued forward, immediately sitting next to the other, throwing the large comforter around both of their shoulders.
“i’m here, i’m here,” he cooed, “you’re not alone, max.” psyche, emphasizing iggy’s point, jumped down into max’s lap and chirped up at the son of hypnos. 
The thing about having time to himself was that it gave Maximus too much time to process things by his lonesome. He normally would have gone to Daith or Jasper when he didn’t want to spend the night alone, but those weren’t options for him anymore. He almost didn’t hear Iggy approaching until the comforter was placed around him, and the other demigod sat next to him.
The son of Hypnos glanced over at Iggy with tears in his eyes, only starting to fall when Psyche chirped at him. “...I-I’m sorry...” he breathed quietly, soft breaths stuttering between his quiet sobs. “...I... I was....” I miss them. I wanted him to come back. Grimacing, Maximus’ eyes flickered over to the list of names, the newest one freshly engraved.
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maximus-bruin · 5 years
iggyiggz: what's wrong?
iggyiggz: i'm not, do you want me to come meet you?
textmeifuneedsleep: yes please
textmeifuneedsleep: worried i might do something wrong
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maximus-bruin · 5 years
@iggyiggz private chat
textmeifuneedsleep: sorry, im just not feeling well.
textmeifuneedsleep: are you doing anything right now?
textmeifuneedsleep: im at the memorial
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maximus-bruin · 5 years
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“Max?” Noah questioned what could be going on with Max as the boy was quick to pull him into a hug. “Don’t be sorry, I like hugging you.” he thought about it for a second. “I’ll arrest you, but only because I get to interrogate you after. What’s wrong? You don’t usually just pull me into hugs like that.” Noah asked, not detaching himself from Max, keeping his arms wrapped around the man.
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He continued hugging Noah as he tucked his nose into the other’s hair. Breathing lowly, the son of Hypnos tried to ease out the tension in his body. “...Just... had a tough week was all. Trying to feel... happier.” Maximus’ words were just a soft mumble at this point, but he did pull back to look down at Noah with dark eyes, trying to read the other’s expression.
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maximus-bruin · 5 years
Julian followed his gaze as a chuckle escaped him, “Oh? It’s all right, Max. The stains will wash out,” he said in a soft tone, matching the boy’s as they mellowed out. He loosened his hold so Max could pull away if he wanted, leaving Julian’s hand to slide down from scalp to neck. He knew change was hard, and for such a pivotal thing like confessions? Max needed time to process it.
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He rubbed oblong shapes into Max’s back, “Of course. Take as much time as you need. But don’t be a stranger, okay?” he said with a playful tilt of his head. Julian did continue to rub and touch Max, but it lessened until he was simply resting his hand on the boy’s back. He smiled at him, taking in his soft features and the tears that stained his cheeks. Julian combed through his hair, “You know where to find me. And if not? The camp’s not too big to get lost in.”
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He peered at Julian with wide eyes before nodding carefully. He stayed close to the doctor, letting his fingers run along his head and neck, even as far as letting them trail down to his backside. Maximus trembled a bit, nodding slowly. Dark eyes wavered, already feeling guilty for making such a request from the other man. He didn’t want to put distance between them, but he also didn’t want to have this aura of tension anymore.
“I missed you,” he murmured quietly, moving back against Julian’s chest. He could search for more space another day. “It was... quiet.” Well, at least outside of his head. “Tell me how you’ve been?”
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maximus-bruin · 5 years
some of the civilians were clearly judgmental of the young satyr and that was never going to change. while he got that vibe from some of the demigods too, it was nice to know that he could consider a couple of them close to him. as he saw hypnos’ son, he hopped up from a tree stump and smiled bright.
samwise placed the items on the stump, carefully since he was still wearing a pair of gloves, and then looked over at maximus. “why are ya’ sorry? it’s not like these visits are mandatory or anything! i’m not one of the healers in the infirmary who has to check your wound everyday, silly.”
he grabbed the dreamcatcher to inspect it a little bit closer. “this is really cool! can’t believe something actually catches dreams!” eyebrows rose in unison after he placed it back down. “thanks for this mister. lavender is also good for sleep so i’ll put both of these in my home!”
[ MAXIMUS spent time with and donated to SAMWISE ]
"No, but I’ve wanted to come see you for some time now. I’m allowed to come see my friend, right?” he teased back, grinning at Samwise with amusement in his eyes. “Tell me what’s been happening with you. Have you been healthy and well?”
Maximus laughed lightly as he watched the satyr inspect the offered gifts. “Well, it’s rumored to anyways. I don’t know if they really work, but I like putting them up in my room. It’s pretty and if they really do catch dreams, then that’s a good thing too!” Pleased that the other liked the lavender, he hummed in thought.
“I’m thinking about starting up a little garden in my home. You know, just for plants that would help people sleep better. You have any other suggestions for my garden?”
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maximus-bruin · 5 years
“offering gifts is one thing, max,” iggy’s voice was soft, calming, as his hand came up to rest on the son hypnos’ shoulder, “but your blood is another. psyche and i have an agreement, you see. he doesn’t drink human blood.” iggy looked over at the white bat that was dangerously close to max’s vein. he suddenly scurried away, almost visibly huffing at iggy’s stubborn stance. iggy took a small bite from the scone before breaking off a piece, holding it up to max’s lips, as if to feed him.
“O-Oh. I didn’t know that...” he murmured quietly, before turning to look at the white bat scurrying away from him. Maximus gave Psyche a sad smile. “I’m sorry. But if you’d like some scones, I’m sure you could have some too,” he called to the bat. The slumber child missed the warmth and light tickling against his neck, even if Psyche was hoping to bite at his vein. Turning his gaze back to Iggy, he blinked in surprise at the offered pastry. Maximus leaned forward before snatching up the piece between his lips. “...T-Thanks. How’re you doing?”
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maximus-bruin · 5 years
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maximus-bruin · 5 years
‘come visit cabin - 4 pm. w/o body.’ 
perhaps the message lacked in subtlety to be a riddle - but ragnor had put the effort in when he’d sent it to one particular son of hypnos’ phone. every passing day, his nightmares became more sinister and the presence within him became more foreboding. he grew afraid of sleep, of the terrors his dreams were teeming with: gold-haloed angels plummeting down from high places, and rivers of blood coursing rampantly. and because he couldn’t tell anyone about what was happening to him, he decided to show it. 
laying on his bed, ragnor tossed and turned, making himself focus on recalling said horrors. the wine he’d taken now weighted down on his eyelids and with fear clutched to his chest, the son of madness spiraled into his dreamscape, hoping max would find him there.  
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When he received the text, Maximus’ brows furrowed in confusion. What did Ragnor want from him? And why at 4? The son of Hypnos stared even longer at the last bit, but was too hesitant to ask. Instead, he texted back a quick ‘Okay 👍” and set an alarm for a few minutes before that time. He had time to figure out what “w/o body” meant. 
As it neared for, the son of Hypnos retreated to his bedroom with his phone in hand. The best he could come up with was to visit Ragnor in his dreamscape. It wasn’t a physical body at least; and if wasn’t correct, he would ask the blonde tomorrow. Allowing himself to fall into a familiar slumber, he found himself stepping throughout the camp until he found the other demigod, already invested in a dream-filled sleep. Allowing himself to fall through, the young man passed into other’s dreamscape.
“...Ragnor? I’m... here.”
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maximus-bruin · 5 years
Daith couldn’t believe how natural and great their kisses felt and how delicious the other’s soft weight on top of him was. His hands kept touching and cupping the other’s curves, edges, and ridges, but soon enough they settled on Max’s perky behind. He remembered quite well how much the other liked being touched there, so he slid his hands under the sheer clothing and began to squeeze the other’s cheeks in a hungry way, as he bit his lower lip in an expression of lust and hunger. His cock was throbbing already under the other’s touches and when the son of Hypnos began to kiss his neck and told him that he wanted him… gods, it felt so good. “Gods, Max…” he mewled in need, feeling his hard length starting to drip precum already, smearing the other’s fingers and hands. “I… I want you… completely…” he said as one of his hands went up to caress his back and curls, but kept the other squeezing that ass greedily. The way the other smiled at him, so genuinely and beautifully… it broke Daith’s walls. “I love you” he whispered, his voice low, soft… sincere… He looked up and brought the other to kiss him deeply, as he began to undress the son of slumber until they both were naked. Then, he turned them around so now he was on top of Max. He then straddled his chest and began to stroke himself in front of the other’s mouth. “Please, baby… come on, let me love you right…” he said as he caressed the other’s curls, tugging them playfully. “I just want to make you feel good… and make you mine…” he whispered softly. 
Whimpers and soft sighs fell from his lips as he felt the fingers tracing over his body. The way Daith’s found his bottom, cupping him and squeezing him... it drew out the most lewd and needy noises out of Maximus. The Hypnos child let Daith take the lead, letting his hands roam over his body and slowly undress him as he so desired. He felt comfortable and safe, and all he wanted to do was to give himself up completely to him. The leaking cock and the low moans from the other demigod told Maximus all he needed to know, and continued to kiss and whimper softly against the other’s neck. But his thoughts were interrupted by the son of Love’s soft declaration, and when he was pulled up to kiss him, dark eyes glimmered in the dim lighting. “I-I’m... I’m yours...” he admitted softly, shivering as the thin clothes were taken off bit by bit from his body. He allowed himself to be flipped onto the bedside, only staring up at the other man with adoration and desire in his eyes, flickering as the two sides merged into something more. He wanted Daith in a way that was hard to describe, but the other demigod loved him right back. The son of slumber opened up his lips as he saw Daith’s leaking cock being stroked before him. A sly tongue slipped out, swiping at the droplets of pre-cum there, while tender whimpers filled the room from his curls being tugged on. “...Y-Yours... Love me, Daith...”
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maximus-bruin · 5 years
Julian let him tuck his head back to his little place, the crook of the doctor’s neck while hands reassured Max that yes, Julian was there. He was fortunate that Max accepted his touch, still enjoyed it in the end. A week went by and their relationship questioned, he wasn’t sure how Max would feel, let alone articulate, the doctor’s answer.
Perhaps there was salvation for them after all. 
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Julian shook his head, “Telling me made it one less problem, Max. You help me in ways that, well, not many can do.” He whispered into his brown locks while fingers curled into his hair. It’s his strength, to make people this soft. Max allowed him to be tender and gentle, relax and at ease with the son of dreams. He remained at ease even with the softer whisper, following the boy’s almost crude laugh.
“Friends,” he assured back with a smile. He liked that. Friends. He’d be there for Julian and the man was likewise assured Max’d be there for him. It took some talking, but there’s still more to do before any hesitation’s eliminated. They’re off to a good start, however. “We’re friends, Max. Moments like these make us stronger,” he said and rubbed into the boy’s back slowly. 
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Sitting back as he rubbed away the wet trails on his cheeks, Maximus eyed Julian’s shirt with a rather sad expression. “I ruined your outfit...” he murmured quietly, fingers gently brushing the tear stains on it. “I’m sorry.” The young man breathed softly, his shallow breaths becoming calmer and the overall distress in his body being less prominent.
Giving the doctor a rather weak smile, the dark-haired demigod let his back be rubbed, knowing that the tightness and tension there was quite prominent. “I... I might still... need time, if that’s okay?” he asked rather weakly. For his own sake, Maximus was debating whether or not space from him was the right move to make. But he also needed to know that he could operate on his own, even without Julian around.
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maximus-bruin · 5 years
Even with the fire flickering strong tonight, the camp seemed much too dark, heavy, clouded. As if Eris was curling in on them like some corrupt fog. It was the absence of too many sons. Ones Max and Corey truly loved. The redhead joined Max before the fire and after a moment felt bold enough to take his hand. “Try… and focus on nothing for awhile.” Cor advised. It wasn’t too long ago he had his first real panic attack. This seemed close too one. “I know it’s hard, but it’ll help. … And I’m here, if you need someone to hold onto. To cry. It’s alright, Max. To feel this way. It’s natural and… fair.” He breathed out a short sigh and looked back at the fire. “Getting it all out now… will make it easier to move forward when we’re ready to.”
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He glanced at the other demigod taking his hand. Dark eyes wavered, clear tears welling up in them. Maximus turned his head to stare back at the fire, letting the heat just flicker onto his skin. Forcing himself to breathe at Corey’s suggestion, the slumber child inhaled raggedly, the breath shallow and tight. Just trying to force air into his lungs. He shivered, pulling the blanket around him even more. He wasn’t cold, but Maximus felt rather empty inside. “...I-I think... I’m bad luck...” he whispered, letting the hot tears fall. He just wanted things to go back to the way it had been before he had fallen asleep. “I miss them...”
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maximus-bruin · 5 years
Daith’s heart warmed up when he heard that Max wanted to stay. With him. Even if he was a mess, a disastrous mix of bad choices and selfish motives, he wanted to stay with him. He looked into the other’s eyes and smiled at him, still caressing those soft curls he simply adored. “You look so beautiful right now…” he said softly “… you always look beautiful to me, to be honest…” he said with a little chuckle before sighing as the other kept touching him in such an intimate place. His body began to react to those fingers teasing the base of his length, and he felt his cheeks going red when he noticed how much he liked that Max was looking at him wearing the rose gold cock ring. “If you like it… I can wear if more often around you” he said with a teasing tone, but full of tenderness. And then, just as Max reassured him that he was there, he was kissed. Daith’s eyes went wide open at first but then, he gave in to the sweet, soft sensation of this kiss. It was not the first time he kissed Max but… something about this moment felt like a first for both of them: New, pure, untouched. He opened his mouth at the other’s demand and deepened the kiss, as his hands began to roam all over his body. He wanted to be able to sculpt Max out of memory, that’s how bad he wanted to touch him and remember every inch of skin. “Max, fuck…” he pulled out, needing to breathe, his breath quick and soft, his cheeks red and his dick hard. “I… We don’t have to… if you don’t want to…” he started, stuttering under the other’s touch and affection. “I want you so bad… but… only if you want me too…” he said, biting his lower lip as he looked at the other. He was so beautiful, angelically even, as the soft light illuminated his body like a halo. Max was a promise of love, one that Daith wanted desperately. “Max…” he whispered once more as he brought him as close as he could, so the other could feel his naked body against him. He was undressed and exposed to him. To Max, he could be just Daith and feel good about it. 
Maximus sighed softly into the kiss, his lips fitting up perfectly against the other’s. He whimpered softly, shivering as he felt the soft fingers tracing over his form, running along his skin and carding over the sheer outfit he had worn earlier that night. When Daith pulled away, the slumber child peered at him curiously. The way the other demigod looked underneath him, with his reddened cheeks and hardened cock flitting up between Maximus’ thighs, it was a sight to behold.  The young man smiled, one hand running through the other’s hair before he leaned in for another kiss. “...I want you to...” he whispered as he ducked his head against Daith’s neck. Soft words and softer lips were pressed against the smooth skin there. “Please, Daith...” Fingers continued to trace the rose-gold cock ring, feeling the hardened cock as well. “...What do you want? How badly do you want me?” he murmured, his gaze fixated on his friend underneath him. There was a pure, genuine smile on Maximus’ face, just full of ease and relaxation. He leaned in once more to kiss the other man once, and then twice. “You’re beautiful, you know? You make me feel... good, whenever I see you,” he whispered shyly.
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maximus-bruin · 5 years
Julian hated how he flinched, as if his touch were the source of Max’s pain and suffering. He explored Max’s back until, when the boy’s stammering met with more tears, and guided him to his chest. Julian wrapped an arm around Max’s waist while his other hand stroked and combed and ran through Max’s dark locks. He slowly breathed at the memory of Max’s gaze, so soft but with such an intensity behind them, as if his confession were the undoing of their relationship.
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“If you did, then would we truly be honest in this relationship of ours, truthful to each other like we should for ourselves? Your honesty, whether what I’d want to hear your what you’d want to hear, is not only appreciated but valued. I’d rather you be honest than hurt yourself hiding,”
He didn’t wipe away the tears. Julian didn’t want to do that; Max should let them fall and feel them, as if it’d cleanse himself of the guilt and emotion he’s going through. He’s not weak, but strong. Gentle in his manners yet noble in his heart. Julian was certain Max needed a reminder and proof of such, but for now, he needed someone to hug.
“I promise. I don’t want to lose you, Max. I care about you, so much,” he whispered into the mess of brown locks and held Max close. He let his breathing fill any silence, keeping his breaths mellow as heart likewise followed suit. 
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When he was pulled back into Julian’s embrace, Maximus tucked his head back into the familiar position. Tears stained the other’s shirt as he inhaled the doctor’s soothing scent once more. The arm around the waist, the gentle pats to his hair, he wanted to fight the feeling of leaning into it. But Julian was comforting to him in a way that few of the other demigods were. The doctor was kind and gentle, and it made Maximus feel even more guilty for even having this conversation in the first place.
“I don’t... want to give you more problems. I’m supposed to be helpful,” he mumbled. He sighed, suddenly feeling his body tension ease out of him with each tear that fell from his eyes. Maximus pulled back, rubbing at his face and laughing softly. he wondered if there was a time he was with Julian where he hadn’t cried.
“I don’t want to lose you either,” he mumbled against Julian’s chest, hiding his face away once more. The son of Hypnos tried to steady his ragged breathing as he matched the other’s slow, wide breaths, feeling their bodies rise and fall together. “Friends, yeah?” he whispered once more, just wanting to know that he didn’t screw things up between them, that he could still go to Julian if he needed.
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maximus-bruin · 5 years
Fear. Another emotion Remy felt foreign to. Things like death and monsters did not shake him. What he did fear was losing people he cared for, which was a new facet to his life. He imagined if his fears took shape they could probably build an tree house in his dreams. Wondering if the size of this temple and the creature hovering over it was a sign of his deep Max’s fears were. He stopped when he felt his friend tense up behind. Turning to face him he tried to be as comforting as he could manage, “Can we kill it? Or destroy the temple and that thing with it?” Of course that being his first thought. If this thing was causing Max’s woe then Remy wanted nothing more than to see it brought down. Flexing his hand wondering if his powers worked here. “I don’t know if these are one of those…trials if you would that you have to do on your own…but the only way to face your fears are dead on.” Holding Max’s chin like he did that first meeting, when he wouldn’t allow him to lower his head. “You are a demigod, Max. Those fears are the part of your mortal self you need to let go of.”
Maximus’ eyes stared at Remy, but it was if he was looking past the other demigod into the dark temple just looming behind them. The shadowy creatures all focused their glowing, white eyes onto the son of Hypnos, and for a moment, he could almost hear their whispers, as clear as day. “...Do you hear them?” he murmured softly, holding onto the other’s hand tightly. His attention was brought back to Remy when the finger was held under his chin. Soft, brown eyes focused back onto his friend, breathing quietly. “Let go of...” he said slowly, trying to understand what that meant. “...How? They’re... so loud...” he shivered, almost wincing as the voices from the shadows grew louder in his head. But for Remy, the nightmares continued speaking in a hushed whisper.
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