maxluff2102696 · 4 months
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maxluff2102696 · 4 months
Unit Evaluation
LO 1: I began my unit with extenisve research to help me structure a well-informed and effective project. By exploring a range of viewpoints I was able consider to build my own somewhat controversial viewpoint which challenged my initial research, eventually informing a vastly different, but exciting final outcome than expected.
LO 2: This project I have adopted new visual communication techniques to more appropriate communicate my solutions. I looked at building an extensive design system from logo-spacing to specifically adapted grid layouts for each deliverable.
LO 3: I began very strongly by producing a clear project pipeline and planning my work strategies, however admittedly as deadline pressure began to build I had fallen behind my intial plans. By staying organised throughout production, I was able to regularly adapt my timeline to fit my schedule and stay on target.
LO 4: Overall the unit was a huge challenge for me, especially having to build my own learning agreement, however I believe this will be a useful skill for my future in creative industries. Through critically reflecting, I have documented how my work relates to both personal and wider professional contexts
Overall the unit was very difficult, but an exciting learning experience.
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maxluff2102696 · 4 months
One Week Project Outcomes
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maxluff2102696 · 4 months
One Week Project
Task: Pick something and translate it visually using a system devised by you
I found an old foldable chair abandoned outside a comic store. I don’t know what the chair had been used for, but it was interested in its history in the store. I spray painted the chair white to give me a blank canvas to work with.
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In my imagination this chair has had longevity assisting people in reading comics and becoming a part of the store. My idea was to transform the chair into its purpose in the store, a comic book chair
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maxluff2102696 · 4 months
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Refining app
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maxluff2102696 · 4 months
Refining Billboards
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I was pleased with the outcomes of my advertisements, however I agreed that some content should be visible during the day to not waste space & money, but not enough to ruin the purpose. I also adjusted colours & updated logo.
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maxluff2102696 · 4 months
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Refining Event Map
Removed un-needed content from event map for clearer UX experience. Increased legibility with stroke.
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maxluff2102696 · 4 months
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Refining Logo
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maxluff2102696 · 4 months
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At an event many people chose to drink, what better way to promote the brand every time someone puts down or picks up their drink - whilst enhancing the atmosphere.
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maxluff2102696 · 4 months
IFYK Wristband
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“58% say merchandise gives them a sense of satisfaction supporting their favourite brand” Garment Printing, 2024
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maxluff2102696 · 4 months
Plastic cups
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Although minimal, some safety concerns were raised within my research. By producing event standard clear and capped glasses, I can enforce drink safety and help my audience feel more comfortable.
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maxluff2102696 · 4 months
“People aged 25-34 are the highest proportion of current smokers in the UK” Census, 2022
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My audience are more likely to be smokers than others, If I want to build a brand for the people, I must accommodate.
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maxluff2102696 · 4 months
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Event map first design
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maxluff2102696 · 4 months
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Event map wireframing
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maxluff2102696 · 4 months
Final Tutorial
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I then pitched my project so far to my tutors for my final critique pre-hand-in.
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maxluff2102696 · 4 months
App first designs
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Here are my first app designs. I experimented with a different logo, however I believe my chosen logo would stand out and compliment more sucessfully here.
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maxluff2102696 · 4 months
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App wireframing + grid
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