maxwelltheknight · 7 years
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ALL I CAN SAY IS “!!!!!” and that I love them
Iole: There, all my tasks are done for the day. Maybe now, I can relax...
Iole: …
Iole: *Sigh* Why am I even trying to kid myself? There’s no way I relax with everything that’s on my mind…
Max: Alright, Maxwell. There’s Iole… it’s time to tell her. Finally.
Max: (unless she’s busy of course)
Max: Iole… I have been looking for you. Do you have a moment?
Iole: A-Ah, Maxwell! Y-you’ve been looking for me?
Iole: That’s a bit of a pleasant surprise…
Iole: Yes, I do have a moment to spare. I’m all ears.
Max: A-Ah, you do? That’s good… erm.
Max: Do you mind if we go someplace else? Only because it would be easy for others to pop in randomly.
Max: (and I’m not sure my heart could take it)
Iole: O-Oh, of course...
Iole: L-Lead the way, Maxwell.
Max: Y-Yes, right. Hm, this way.
[fade to black and then back]
Max: Just a little further…
Max: Here we are. Hope it’s alright with you to be as far from camp as we are.
Iole: No, it’s quite alright.
Iole: Goodness, look at all these wildflowers. There’s so many of them, how lovely…
Iole: But, what was it that you needed to speak with me about?
Max: I’m glad you like it. I had found it while on patrol and thought of you.
Max: I -- well, I had thought this was a better atmosphere than the weapons tent. Because what I wish to speak to you about deserves more than that.
Max: [coughs nervously] Alright. So…
Max: Iole. I had wanted to tell you, in a kinder atmosphere, in a calmer time. In a place that was more appropriate and --
Max: And before my failure.
Max: But now is as best as I can do.
Max: I… I love you. I believe it has been for a long time now, when it was just you and I those mornings when we trained together. Even when we spent time with our comrades and I got the pleasure of listening to your laugh.
Max: When we had spoken last, beyond our basic duty reports and at more length, you had said something that gave me some hope that perhaps you felt the same…?
Iole: M-Maxwell…! I…
Iole: *Sniff* I…!
Iole: *Sob*
Max: !!! Iole! I--
Max: I am so sorry. I did not wish to make you cry by telling you this!
Max: (I had assumed I was wrong but I was not expecting this reaction)
Max: Pl-Please, I’ll never mention such feelings again if they truly bring you such distress!
Iole: *Sniff* N-no, that’s not it… T-that’s not why I’m crying.
Iole: *Sniff* You don’t understand… how happy I am to hear you say that you love me…!
Max: You are… c-crying because you are happy? I’m-- I’m going to be honest with you, Iole.
Max: I don’t understand.
Max: It can’t be a good thing that I brought you to tears?
Iole: Y-you brought me to tears because I never thought you’d feel the same way as I did.
Iole: I don’t think it’s a bad thing, how could it be when you just brought me so much happiness?
Iole: I haven’t felt happy in so long, Maxwell.
Iole: But now… It’s almost overwhelming to feel like this again.
Iole: That’s why I cried, because…
Iole: I love you, too… With all of my heart!
Max: Y-You do?
Max: I… Gods, I want to be honest with you, I was not expecting you to feel the same.
Max: I was expecting that it was just me thinking about it too much…
Max: I am so happy you love me as well.
Max: I’m… sorry, I’m not the best person for you. I’ve failed countless times, but I promise you that from now on I will do everything I can to not fail you.
Iole: Oh, Maxwell… No, Max.
Iole: Please don’t say such a thing, you’ll never fail me. I know you won’t.
Iole: I just pray that we can both be happy together, for the rest of our lives.
Iole: I’ll do all I can to protect that happiness, I don’t ever want to lose it again.
Max: … and I will protect your happiness as well, Iole. Because if you are happy, then so am I.
Max: If… If is alright with you… may I kiss you?
Iole: Heh, I thought you’d never ask!
Max: I’ve had to work up my courage, so… [chuckles] I’m sorry for the delay.
Max leans in and kisses Iole, softly and sweetly on the lips. Their hands rest on her shoulders as they do so. After a moment, they pull away.
Iole: ...Heh, I think that was just as wonderful as I always imagined it to be.
Max: Well, I promise the ones to come will be better than you imagined.
Max: … I am very glad I had a chance to meet Father Issak before this day.
Max: The fact he gave me his blessing is wonderful, as well. Even if I did not understand what the blessing was for, at the time.
Iole: He… gave you his blessing…?
Iole: *Sniff* Oh, father…
Iole: *Sniff* I-I knew there was a reason why I felt his presence here…
Iole: *Sniff* H-he wanted to see his darling daughter with her true love, ha ha…
Max: [reaches out to touch her cheek] I hope I did not make you cry again?
Iole: T-they’re happy tears, don’t worry… Anyways, even if they weren’t, it’d be okay.
Iole: Because I know you’d dry them.
Max: Of course.
Max: Anything for you, my love.
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maxwelltheknight · 7 years
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Max: Tch… my lip is tender still. Perhaps I can clean it with some of our extra supplies…
Max: If there is extra, of course.
Iole: Hmm? Oh, there you are, Maxwell.
Iole: I was just about to drag you over here.
Iole: It’s been a few days since I last checked your scar, hasn’t it?
Max: Ah, Iole.
Max: It has been a few days, but… your time is more important spent on someone else. I can manage with dabbing some cleaning alcohol on my scar and hope for the best.
Max: (and as long as I do not open my mouth too wide.)
Iole: ...Please just sit down on the cot already. Just putting some alcohol on it won’t help it much.
Iole: You need to clean, disinfect, and dry it properly. You also need to make sure you’re not scratching it… Like I caught you doing the other day.
Iole: And my time wouldn’t be wasted on you. Really, it’s better that I help take care of your scar, it eases my mind a bit.
Max: E-Ehh, well I do try not to scratch but… erm…
Max: *sighs* Alright. *sits on the cot* I apologize for being stubborn… if it truly eases your mind then I will be your patient.
Max: It has healed much better with your help these past few days. I am not cut out to be a healer, even on myself it seems.
Iole: Thank you. And don’t worry about being stubborn.
Iole: I’ve gotten used to it by now, ha ha…
Iole: Hmm… Ah, I can’t see your scar well enough when you’re looking down like that.
Iole: Here, let me just…
Iole: *tilts up their chin* Yes, that’s better.
Max: Ah.
Max: … I know it has been only a short amount of time since you’ve joined us… but, how are you fairing?
Max: Sleeping well? Eating? I have not seen you at meal times as often as I used to while we were back in the capital…
Max: Even if I, too, do not take my meals with the others as much anymore.
Iole: That’s right, I haven’t seen you eating with the rest in a while…
Iole: I’ve been eating enough. Though I don’t have much of an appetite recently, but I’ve been helping with the cooking like I always do.
Iole: And… I’ve been sleeping as much as I can, but…
Max: Iole. *reaches up to pause her hand* You must rest more than you do. I did not wish to bring it up, but your eyes look as tired as the smile you put on around our comrades.
Max: After your loss, I know it is tough to go on.
Max: And I do not wish to speak for Father Issak, but I imagine he would wish for you to sleep.
Iole: I’ve tried, trust me. It’s just… so hard to sleep with my nightmares.
Iole: They’ve been so much more... frightening. I get them almost every night and I can never sleep after I get them.
Max: I… *sighs* I understand how you must feel. I am not one to be giving advice, considering I have not slept a full night since… *closes his eyes briefly*
Max: I wish that I could be of more help to you, Iole. That I could take those nightmares onto myself, to relieve your burden.
Max: Or, at the least, give you advice or proper comfort. But I am incapable of even that, I suppose.
Max: Have you spoken to another healer? Is there not a magical remedy for nightmares?
Iole: It’s fine, Maxwell. Please do not wish that upon yourself, my nightmares tend to be rather gruesome.
Iole: I’ve had frequent nightmares ever since I was a child. And most remedies I’ve tried haven’t helped much.
Iole: ...But you’ve had nightmares as well, correct? I can’t help, but notice the bags under your own eyes.
Max: Gruesome… all the more reason I wish I could take them from you.
Max: Hm, I suppose they considered nightmares. Though, in truth, they are just the same memory on loop.
Max: Over. And over. And over.
Max: But I expected it to be as such, since it would be foolish to let such a memory slide. Only I am to blame for such a thing and it is part of my punishment…
Max: Along with the wound on my face.
Max: But you, you do not deserve such nightmares.
Iole: If I don’t deserve my nightmares, then neither do you.
Iole: I know you tried everything in your power to protect Lord Lucien, but…
Iole: Sometimes, the world is a cruel, cruel place. Naga takes those who we love dearly for what seems like no reason…
Iole: And there’s nothing we can do about it, we can’t change what’s happened…
Max: Iole… *grips her hand tighter* There be nothing I can do to silence my own demons, but please do not hesitate to tell me what I can do to help get rid of yours.
Max: I do not wish to fail you.
Iole: You’re really too kind, Maxwell… But I don’t…
Iole: I don’t matter right now, there are much more pressing matters than what troubles me.
Iole: Like your scar…
Iole: *gently touches their scar* It really is healing better now that it’s restitched and disinfected.
Max: You matter much more than my scar. Not that I do not appreciate your tender care of it, fixing the slapdash attempt I made myself…
Max: And for that, I thank you. With my whole heart.
Iole: ...Well, I was just glad that you let me restitch it in the first place.
Iole: It was so swollen and red when we reunited. I knew that if it was left the way it was, it would quickly get infected.
Iole: Thank goodness it’s doing much better, it can properly heal now.
Iole: …
Iole: Ah, I apologize! I shouldn’t be touching it so much, I could reopen the wound…
Iole: Here, I’ll clean it for you now. Ha ha…
Max: Do not apologize, Iole. Without you, perhaps I would soon be without lips. *chuckles*
Max: But, again, thank you. I am unsure what I would do without you. Please do not hesitate to ask for my help, for anything.
Max: It is the very least I can do.
Iole: Thank you, Maxwell. Truly.
Iole: I don’t know what I would do without you, either.
Iole: ...I’m glad to hear you laugh again. I’ve missed it quite a lot.
Max: Ah. Yes well, it has been a while…
Max: And if I am being honest, I’ve missed you. As selfish as that sounds.
Iole: Y-You… missed me?
Iole: ...T-that’s nice to know.
Max: I… y-yes. *coughs* Erm. Is there anything else you need to do?
Max: For my lip, that is. I imagine there is a lot you are needed for, of course.
Iole: A-ah… Well, I don’t really have much to do. I’ve gotten most of my duties done earlier in the day, but…
Iole: …
Iole: *Sigh* No… I shouldn’t...
Iole: I’ll just pack you some supplies that you can use, but you’ll need to actually use them.
Max: But what? If you need me, in any way, I am yours.
Max: I’ll even promise to clean my wounds with the supplies you give me.
Iole: ...Please don’t say that so casually, Maxwell.
Iole: T-There’s already rumors about our relationship… Some will assume…
Max: Rumors… ah, I’m sorry.
Max: I did not mean to make you feel uncomfortable… I will watch my words from now on.
Iole: It’s not that it made me uncomfortable… It actually makes me happy to hear you say that, but…
Iole: Whenever I think of that, of those rumors, it makes me so… frustrated.
Iole: It’s unbecoming for a superior to be with their subordinate, isn’t it? Anyone could use such a thing as motivation to get either of us discharged.
Max: No one would discharge us at a time like this, Iole. Especially over rumors.
Max: …
Max: …
Max: W-Wait… my words make you happy?
Iole: ...I-I did say that, didn’t I?
Iole: D-Damn it, I did… I didn’t mean to…
Max: Iole?
Iole: I-I’m so sorry, Maxwell… T-There’s so much I wish I could tell you…
Iole: But I can’t… Not now…
Iole: Just… Here’s the supplies you need.
Iole: *Sniff* E-excuse me…
Max: W-Wait, Iole….!
Max: … damn.
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maxwelltheknight · 7 years
Maxwell had only accepted the bare minimum healing on their face. Being the only survivor of the ambush left them limited to taking care of it themself.
And there was more important things to attend to. So, on one of the nights they allowed themself to rest, Max took a clothing repair kit from their bag and stitched the ugly scar on their lip closed. No numbing, nothing that would hinder their senses.
In a corner of their mind, they deserved it - to feel every stitch, every tug of it through their skin of a needle meant for fabric, not flesh. It was shotty at best, doing the bare minimum of what it should do. Kept their lip from tearing more from the stress of moving fast toward their goal.
Maxwell might see a healer if pressed, once they were in the presence of one, but there are more important things. More important people to find.
They’d have prefered death, their life for Lucien’s, but a scar was fitting. To constantly remind them of their failure…
As a Knight and as a friend.
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maxwelltheknight · 7 years
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Here are Maxwell’s new sprites!! Now with their scar from Lucien’s death.
bonus under the cut~
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and here’s the bloody one! :’)
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maxwelltheknight · 7 years
(Hope this ok to ask) 🌊 for Maxwell or 💀 for Falcon
ANGST ART MEME — still accepting!
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don’t worry, i’m totally up for drawing others’ ocs, but THIS WAS FREAKING PAINFUL TO DRAW.
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maxwelltheknight · 7 years
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OTP INKTOBER 2017 ❤ DAY 03. lazy morning
emme and me have talked about how maxwell would love to spend a day off just relaxing in bed with iole so of course, i had to draw them for day 03 when i saw the theme. also, it’s a good excuse to draw maxwell with bedhead :3c
maxwell belongs to @dextronoms / @maxwelltheknight​!
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maxwelltheknight · 7 years
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Maxwell and Lucien
C-A Support
Lucien @random-delights
Maxewll @dextronoms
Keep reading
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maxwelltheknight · 7 years
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Max: … I’m behind on the… weapons inspection... hm, if I perhaps hurry now I can have it done before everyone wakes up.
Max: Foolish of me to let myself wake up so late…
Iole: Ah, good morning, Maxwell. It’s-
Iole: Wait, you look extremely pale. And your eyes are glassy…
Iole: Oh, no. Are you...
Iole: Lean down a bit so I can feel your forehead.
Max: Good morning Iole. Sorry, but I… cannot talk right now. I was having trouble waking this morning and am disastrously behind schedule.
Max: I appreciate your concern, of course… b-but I must continue on with my duties…
Max: *mutters* No matter how… heavy… my head feels…
Iole: Trouble walking!? Maxwell, you’re obviously sick if you can barely handle carrying your own body weight!
Iole: You need to go rest or you’re only going end up feeling worse. Your duties can wait.
Max: No, they cannot wait. I must do my duties in a prompt manner, or I am not… fit to be the commanding officer…
Max: These duties are what I was… made… f… oof… *Max drops to their knees*
Iole: M-Maxwell! Oh, gods, no!
Iole: H-here, I’ll carry you to the clinic. Please, hang in there…
Max: … … …
[fade to black and then fade back]
Max: … ugh… wh-what?
Max: Oof, my h-head…
Iole: Maxwell! Oh, thank Naga... You’re finally awake.
Max: Awake? Gods, w-what time is it? I barely remember anything…
Max: Where are we?
Iole: We’re in the clinic and it’s almost sundown.
Iole: You were so sick that you collapsed…
Max: Collapsed? … that means I did not get my work done for today…
Max: I must attempt to… get something done at once… before it piles up.
Max: I also must apologize to you, Iole, since I assume you had to bring me here…
Iole: I… I can’t believe you!
Iole: Gods, Maxwell! You fainted, forget about your work for a damn second and take care of yourself!
Iole: If you keep pushing yourself and ignoring your heath like this, you’re going to die!
Iole: You’ll die like...
Iole: Please, just… Don’t leave… I don’t want to lose you…
Max: … I…
Max: I am truly sorry, Iole. I did not mean to bring you such distress.
Max: I am merely light headed, I won’t die like… like the person you abstained from mentioning.
Max: Though it does make me curious.
Max: !! Ah, f-forgive me, it must be my hazy mind that makes me prod...
Iole: …
Iole: My mother. It was my mother.
Iole: I... never told you what happened to her, have I?
Max: No… you have not. If it brings back bad memories, you do not have to share it with me, Iole…
Iole: Even if it does, I feel like I should tell you…
Iole: You see, when I was young, my birth father… He was not a kind man and he would often let out his anger on my mother. She always took on the brunt of his wrath so I never would.
Iole: Eventually, I couldn’t stand back and let him abuse her any longer. I tried to get him away from my mother, but… It didn’t end well.
Iole: After that, my mother knew that we couldn’t stay there anymore. She packed our bags and we left in the dead of the night, leaving him and Plegia behind us.
Iole: Our money ran out fast, we had to sleep in alleyways with only the clothes on our backs to keep us warm at night. During that time, my mother had gotten a cold from sleeping in the rain.
Iole: We couldn’t afford to go to a doctor so my mother forced herself to keep going. I didn’t think much of it at the time, but since that cold was never treated, she never truly recovered from it.
Iole: Once Issak took us in, I thought everything would be fine. We could live happily and never worry about anything ever again. But then, my mother started coughing up blood one day...
Iole: By the next day, she was dead… I remember how she looked as she laid in that bed, how colorless her face was, how glassy her eyes were…
Iole: Just the way you looked earlier…
Max: … Iole… I know saying sorry about such a thing would be pointless at this time, but… I’m sorry you had to go through that.
Iole: It’s alright, you don’t have to apologize…
Iole: Back then, there was no way I could’ve helped my mother, but… I can take care of you at least.
Iole: You’re very precious to me, Maxwell… I don’t want to see you push yourself to the point where you can barely function. I want to be able to help you, so please...
Iole: Please allow me to be there for you, let me take care of you.
Max: I… must admit, I am not used to be taken care of; at least, not in the past couple of years.
Max: It will take me some time, but… if it will make you feel at ease about my health then… alright.
Max: But, this will not be a one-way street. I know hearing such things from an invalid lying in bed may not be reassuring, but I will take care of you as well.
Max: When I am feeling less as though a Wyvern is sitting on my skull, of course.
Iole: Ha, Ha… No, it is reassuring, don’t worry.
Iole: I know that you’ll take good care of me, I just hope you’ll have the same kind of faith in me.
Iole: Here, I’ll get you a cold rag for your head. Just relax, okay?
Max: Hm, alright… thank you, Iole.
Max: I think I should be fine… after some sleep…
Iole: Rest well, Maxwell...
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maxwelltheknight · 7 years
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Max: And that’s how one politely tells a drunk Noblewoman that they are not going to take off their shirt in the middle of a formal event.
Iole: Ha ha! Goodness, that must’ve been an ordeal. I mean, I’ve had drunk men ask me to undress before, but I’ve never handled it politely.
Iole: Though, I expect that from you. You’re quite the catch, Maxwell!
Iole: … Heh, I jest.
Max: *chuckles* If I could have, I would have handled it less eloquently but I do have to present myself in a way that will not shame my Lord.
Max: Hm. I have been meaning to ask you something, Iole.
Max: As soon as we knew each other on a first name basis, you have treated me very informally. And I have to wonder - why?
Max: It usually takes a very long time for anyone to speak to me in a friendly manner…
Iole: Hmm, I suppose I am rather informal towards you. I don’t mean any offense by it, I just…
Iole: Ever since I was just a recruit, I remember how others were so intimidated by you. Always shying away, fearing that you could be as harsh and strict as your mother.
Iole: I hate to admit it, but even I didn’t have the courage to approach you at first...
Iole: Then I realized that you were so much more than that. You’re so kind and gracious, the perfect captain.
Iole: And I know how awful it feels to be perceived as something you’re not.
Iole: After that, I wanted to help you feel more welcomed by treating you as if you were an equal, not someone to fear.
Iole: Back then, I couldn’t really get close to you due to my rank, but look at us now! Sitting together and just casually chatting.
Iole: It’s almost like a dream come true.
Max: That’s… I really appreciate that, Iole.
Max: I had a feeling when I took over for my Mother’s post, that people would think I am a copy of her… someone to almost fear.
Max: So I must admit, I was happy when you approached me kindly. There was no offense taken.
Max: Though now, as your friend, I am now curious as to what people perceive you as. Considering how you are nothing less than a fantastic person.
Iole: I’m glad to hear you say that… But, not everyone seems to share your opinion on me.
Iole: Many seem to view me in quite a negative light, believing that my friendliness to be… promiscuous.
Iole: I’ve heard countless rumors spread about myself, saying things like I slept my way up the ranks or that I’m an easy lay.
Iole: I’ve even heard rumors of something happening between me and…
Iole: U-uh, actually, maybe I shouldn't bring that up.
Iole: I’ve developed thick skin by now, but I can’t say that it isn’t extremely draining to deal with…
Max: How… How dare they!
Max: I may have had rumors of nepotism thrown my way, but the fact that just because you are kind makes you…
Max: Let me just say, as your superior officer, that I will not tolerate such cruel rumors to be spread about people under my charge.
Max: And then, let me say as your comrade, that I am not going to tolerate it on a personal level either!
Iole: Maxwell… I don’t know what to say. Besides, thank you…
Iole: I’m so glad to have someone like you as my friend, it means so much to me that you’d defend me like this…
Iole: Heh, I’m so happy.
Max: It is the very least I can do, as both a friend and a commander.
Max: Though, ahem, I do apologize for raising my voice just then. Trust me, if I ever hear someone mention those rumors around me in any way I will handle it much more… delicately.
Iole: Don’t apologize, Maxwell. I would get just as upset if I heard others speaking ill of you as well.
Iole: Though, like I said before, I don’t think I would be able to handle it with as much delicacy.
Iole: Still, I want you to know something.
Iole: No matter what, I want to stay by your side and make you happy. Even if others may shy away from you, I’ll always be there for you.
Iole: Ah, that is, if you’ll have me…
Max: I’d be happy to have you, Iole. Your friendship means alot to me.
Max: Though I want you to know that this is a two-way street - I wish to make you happy as well.
Max: That is what friends are for.
Iole: Heh, I wouldn’t want it any other way…
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maxwelltheknight · 7 years
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[[ First part of Iole (@oxeyeink)& Max’s supports! ]]
Iole: 48! 49! 50!
Iole: …
Iole: Well, morning drills are done! I suppose I should relax now.
Iole: Or I could get in a bit more training before the others wake up. Hmm…
Max: The practice arena is set and cleaned before the rest are awake. Perhaps I will have the soldiers do some sparring during today’s practice.
Max: … Hm? Oh, Iole. Good morning.
Max: Up early as usual, I see.
Iole: Oh, Maxwell! Good morning to you, too.
Iole: You’re up early as well, but I expect that of you. You have a lot of duties to tackle after all!
Max: *chuckles* That I do. Late to bed, early to rise.
Max: You, on the other hand, technically don’t need to be awake for another hour or so. Are you averse to sleeping in?
Iole: Oh, no. I’m just used to being awake early, is all.
Iole: My father has always gotten up at the crack of dawn, having so many duties to attend to as a priest, and I used to always wake up early so I could help him around the monastery.
Iole: I suppose after awhile, it became a habit of mine to rise early.
Iole: Not a bad habit to have, really. I get to see the sun rise and have more time to get things done.
Max: No, not at all. I suppose I started waking up early in a similar way, though I will admit that in my younger years my Mother had to drag me from my bed to do so.
Max: Or, on some occasions, drastically tip my bed until I fell out of it.
Max: … I was a very heavy sleeper when I was five.
Max: I can only imagine what sort of duties one must do as a priest, so you helping him must have lifted some burdens for him.
Iole: Well, I would hope, but I only did small things like help with the laundry and cook for the others.
Iole: To be honest, I might’ve been more of a burden upon him at first. I was not an easy child to deal with when he took in my mother and I.
Max: I do not know him personally, but I doubt a man who would take in a woman and her child would consider them a burden.
Max: Did he ever make you feel like a burden?
Iole: Oh, never! He always treated me with the utmost kindness, even when I used to show him so much hostility.
Iole: I was just so protective of my mother back then, he really didn’t deserve any of the hatred I directed at him. I suppose it was me simply over thinking things, I tend to do that.
Max: You were also a child. If you were anything like my sisters, I wouldn’t be too surprised if you were a bit hesitant to trust at first.
Max: Ah, but what of your Mother? If you don’t mind me asking, since you brought up your father, I will admit I am now curious.
Iole: My mother? My mother was my idol, she was everything I strive to be. It’s because of her that I enlisted in the first place, I want nothing more than to be as good of a soldier as she was.
Iole: And...Without her, I don’t think I would be standing here today. She saved my life, even if when it was at the cost of her own.
Max: She sounds like a wonderful woman and an even more wonderful mother.
Iole: Oh, she was… I was lucky to have her as my mother…
Iole: Ah, but I’ve spoken about myself enough.
Iole: May I ask you about your family?
Max: … ah. Well, I was raised by my Father, a truly odd man but kind and loving. Sometimes I look at him and wonder how he and my Mother ended up together in the first place.
Max: And my Mother was… hm, not much of a mother. More of a stern Captain, as she was to everyone.
Max: But I can not speak too ill of her, I suppose.
Iole: Oh… I had always heard that she was stern with her subordinates, but I didn’t realize she would treat her children the same way…
Iole: … Do you ever resent the way she treated you?
Max: Yes. As immature as it sounds, I do resent it at times.
Max: Of course, I am unsure I would be as competent as a soldier as I am now if she was more ‘Motherly’, so this resentment is purely childish.
Max: But I have my father and my younger sisters, who fill whatever void I may have.
Iole: I don’t think it’s immature of you, I believe it’s completely justified. You deserved a mother, not a drill sergeant.
Iole: That’s just my thoughts on the matter. Really, I can understand being resentful of a parent. Though, I don’t believe you would hate your mother as much as I hate my birth father…
Iole: Ah, but that’s besides the point.
Max: Hm… I am sorry to hear that, Iole.
Max: Luckily for us, we still have those who care for us deeply.
Max: Well, there is the first batch of soldiers making their way to the dining tent. I must do one final thing before they finish their breakfast.
Max: Thank you, Iole, for spending this morning with me. Even if our topic of conversation went to an unhappy place.
Iole: It did, but I’m glad that I got to know a bit more about you. Oh, and before you go, there was one last thing I wanted to say.
Iole: I’m so thankful to have someone as kind as you as my commander.
Iole: Well, I should let you go do your duties now. I’ll see you later, Maxwell!
Max: … thank you, Iole. Have a pleasant rest of your morning.
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maxwelltheknight · 7 years
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A fun night of dancing ends with a little surprise…
not seen ; iole immediately regretting being so forward with maxwell and sulking for the rest of the night.
since it’s the last day of the event, here’s the last part of iole’s side of san’fay’s event! i’m kind of sad that it’s over, but it was still really fun to participate in. i’m looking forward to doing more with iole and maxwell after this, heh heh. >:3c
maxwell belongs to @dextronoms / @maxwelltheknight!
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maxwelltheknight · 7 years
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i found a quote generator for awakening, it’s time to shitpost.
maxwell belongs to @dextronoms / @maxwelltheknight​!
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maxwelltheknight · 7 years
[[ what is up everybody! i will be using this blog for maxwell stuff both directly involved with the timeline of Lost Heir, for events, and even for maxwell aesthetic stuff! i’ll properly tag everything! you can still mention my main blog @dextronoms for maxwell things, but mentioning this blog will also help me keep things organized! thanks <3 ]]
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maxwelltheknight · 7 years
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Iole works up the courage to ask Maxwell to the ball, but it doesn’t exactly go as planned…
I FINALLY FINISHED THIS, thank goodness. i was afraid that starting school was gonna make completing this a huge endeavor, but now it’s done! i love drawing maxwell so i’m excited to start drawing the next part. >:3c
maxwell belongs to @dextronoms!
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maxwelltheknight · 7 years
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Full Bio for Sir Maxwell under the cut!
Keep reading
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