mayaparker · 4 years
“There’s no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’, Maya,”  Iann groaned lowly, rubbing his brow.  “At least, that’s not the way I think about this.”  The young woman was so intent on trying to do what was ‘right’, but it was far more complicated than that, especially when it came to Tuah, and talking about Tuah.  
“I asked if you wanted to know everything, and you said you did.  If you realize that you’re in over your head, that’s fine.  I don’t need you to use morally-upstanding excuses for why you’re changing your mind. You don’t wanna hear anymore, so I’ll stop talking about it.  Not a problem.”  He nodded in agreement.
“It is better this way.  Don’t be sorry…”  Iann smiled then though, as Maya kept talking and she said the words that did reassure Iann: she’d do her best to give Tuah the help she could.  Really, that was all Iann cared about.  People helping Tuah through support, not through fixing or solving his problems.  No one could solve Tuah, but Tuah.  
Iann had learned that the hard way himself, but he didn’t regret everything he’d done.  That effort that Iann put in had all been worth it.  Just to see Tuah’s smiles and kindness shine through all the shit, brief as those moments were for the beleaguered vampire.
“Just…remind him in small ways that you care about him.  Even if it’s literally saying,  ‘I care about you, dumbass’….”  Iann shrugged and knocked on his own head.  “Sometimes that’s the only way to get into that coconut of his.”
He stood up and dusted himself off even though he wasn’t dusty.  “Well, I better get going, kiddo.”
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Sunset Borderline
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mayaparker · 5 years
soft asks to get to know people
what song makes you feel better?
what’s your feel-good movie?
what’s your favorite candle scent?
what flower would you like to be given?
who do you feel most you around?
say three nice things about yourself (three physical and three non-physical).
what color brings you peace?
tag someone (or multiple people) who make you feel good. 
what calms you down?
what’s something you’re excited for?
what’s your ideal date?
how are you?
what’s your comfort food?
favorite feel-good show?
for every emoji you get, tag someone and describe them in one word.
compliment the person who sent you this number.
fairy lights or LED lights?
do you still love stuffed animals?
most important thing in your life?
what do you want most in the world right now?
if you could tell your past self one thing, what would it be?
what would you say to your future self?
favorite piece of clothing?
what’s something you do to de-stress?
what’s the best personal gift someone could give you (playlist, homemade card, etc.)
what movie would you want to live in?
which character would you want to be?
hugs or hand-holding?
morning, afternoon or night?
what reminds you of home (doesn’t have to mean house… just things that remind you of the feeling of home)?
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mayaparker · 5 years
“That isn’t what I asked,” Ciara replied with a raised eyebrow, but didn’t push it. She had no doubts about what the young witch was or wasn’t capable of, and it was on Maya’s head, whichever consequences came her way. 
Maya’s question did give her pause though, as she straightened her hair back into place. “Yes. I have a lot of books, on these kinds of injuries, and other demonic traits. You just have to give your word you won’t try summoning anything in them.” She chuckled, turning around to scribble a note on her notepad. “I’d be in serious trouble if I was responsible for another demon in town. But aside from that, yeah. What kind of books were you thinking?”
Maya glanced over at Ciara. “I know,” was all she said. Because there was no point in pretending like she had answered the question or misunderstood it. She hadn’t answered the question, on purpose, and they both knew it. 
She half laughed when Ciara said she’d have to promise not to summon anything. “Don’t worry. I may be stupid, but I’m not that stupid,” she replied as a promise. As far as what kinds of books, Maya thought for a moment. The truth was she knew very little about any of demons in general or the situation Ryden had found himself in. “Whatever you’re willing to share honestly,” she finally replied. “You know,” she shrugged, “The more you know.” 
On the DL
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mayaparker · 5 years
Miguel ushered her inside, leaving Molly to close the door after the canines - ah the joys of having a familiar. “Alright. Mostly tired, but I’m getting there.” He had shucked a lot of the emotional turmoil of the event onto Iann, something that he was starting to feel bad for. Iann had only died for a little bit, no big deal. 
“How have you been while I was… uh… away? I heard you and Tuah opened the new cafe, right? Tell me about that.” 
As they passed by the kitchen he turned on the electric kettle and started looking through his tea basket. Once he plucked one out he passed the basket to Maya and raised an eyebrow in offer. 
Molly trot after her dad, but stopped on the inside part of the doorway and looked after Hermes expectantly. 
Maya nodded. She knew that feeling. Plenty of times she had been tired, but getting there. She followed Miguel inside. A not quite genuine, but convincing smile touched her lips when he asked how she’d been. “Good,” she replied, “I’ve been good.” 
If the past few months had reminded her of anything, it was that her problems were hers to bare. Asking anyone else to help her carry it was too much to ask. Luckily, Miguel gave her something actually good to talk about. 
“Yeah,” Maya continued with real excitement, “It’s been a lot of work and I’m still not entirely convinced it’s real. But it is.” She laughed to herself as he offered her one of the pastries. They were for him, not her. “I mean I have no idea if we’re making any money, but we have customers everyday.” 
Hermes had followed them in. He sniffed around, making sure that there wasn’t anything bad about this house. It smelled good. And Maya looked relaxed. Satisfied he came to stand by Maya’s side. 
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mayaparker · 5 years
The smile that found its place on Bobby’s lips when the stranger, without question, got into a protective pose in front of her was blinding. Bobby was just tickled someone actually listened to her. Someone who helped without question was always an interesting type too. “I like keeping things exciting and I’ve found inducing a heart attack is pretty spontaneous,” Bobby said quietly, her ears now catching the slow clicks of a bicycle being walked on a sidewalk. Showtime.
There was a doorway that partially obscured any part of Bobby that the sweet-smelling girl didn’t. She completely pressed herself against it, feeling the cool metal of the door on her palms as she watched a blue head pass by, making questioning coos as they did. “It’s weird, right?” Bobby asked, stepping out of the doorway, peeking her head out of the alleyway to follow that bobbing blue speck until it disappeared around a corner. “This town is weird. I don’t even know how to ride a bike.” Bobby turned back to the stranger, giving her a questioning look.
“Where do you work?” Her nostrils flared and Bobby tried, really tried to not look like a dog that had just sniffed out a bone, but her scent was a curious mix of things Bobby wasn’t sure how to label yet and it smelled so good. The one scent she could place was vanilla. “A…bakery?” Bobby ventured her best guess. Maybe she was getting a hang of this super scent thing, or maybe her common sense was jumping out for once.
Maya had to huff a laugh. “I mean, I love spontaneous too, but I think heart attack might be the wrong kind of spontaneous,” she teased. It was second nature for her to help. Especially in situations like this where there seemed to be something tangible to fight.
It didn’t escape her notice the way the woman pressed closer to the wall. Maya didn’t turn around, knowing that would only alert the person that there might be something worth looking at down the alley. Instead, she maintained her casual pose and listened. A bicycle rolled slowly by. “Yeah, the town’s weird as fuck. Portland and Austin ain’t got shit on us,” she replied under her breath, “But how’d they know you can’t ride a bike. Even I know how to ride a bike.” 
Once the sound of the bike disappeared, Maya waited a few more seconds to make sure they were gone. She then took a step back to give the stranger. “Yep, We Knead Dough, she jerked a thumb in the direction of her and Tuah’s bakery, “Just down the road.” 
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mayaparker · 5 years
txt: I’d say you didn’t say hope to die but I’m not gonna jinx it. 
txt: Not gonna have a cow. Cross my heart. ;P
[TXT] Alright, see you later
(txt) Later. BE SAFE. 
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mayaparker · 5 years
txt: I’d say you didn’t say hope to die but I’m not gonna jinx it. 
txt: Not gonna have a cow. Cross my heart. ;P
[TXT] Alright, see you later
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mayaparker · 5 years
“You make it sound so simple, as if I can just excise whatever you consider is the relevant part of Tuah’s life from all the other things, even though you don’t even know what’s relevant and what’s not.  Life isn’t like that - life is -a - a - a layered network of connections and interconnections. It feeds and folds into itself.” He wasn’t even sure if that analogy made sense, but he figured Maya would get the gist.
Iann shook his his head.   “You can’t really think it’s that easy, huh?  Three hundred and fifty-fucking years - of which I’ve only been privileged and honoured enough to learn even a small fraction of that, most of which Tuah would’ve probably never wanted me to know, if I didn’t find out through learning everything I could about him - and you simply want to be told exactly what you believe I should only rightfully be telling you, and nothing more?  Too bad.”
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Iann tilted his hand towards Maya.  “I’m telling you the best that I can and everything I can, for Tuah’s sake, because he says you’re his friend.   And because you say you’re his friend, and you want to care for him.  I asked if you wanted to go there, if you wanted to cross his personal boundaries, and you said you did. But if you now don’t think you can handle his messy, complicated, fucked-up life - or god forbid if you think it’s too invasive for you - then don’t ask any more questions.”
Taking a breath, Iann slowly exhaled, tilting his head at her.   “Maybe it’s better if you care without knowing.  You know, sometimes people appreciate that, hm?  Tuah especially.  Sometimes…well sometimes the big guy just needs a hug or something.”  He couldn’t imagine Maya Parker giving affectionate, spontaneous hugs though.  
“Uh…or just basic kindness I guess.  Smiling at him, or taking his dog for a walk while he’s busy.  Or…” Iann racked his brain.  “Doing something silly to entertain him when he gets that morose sad-puppydog face and he doesn’t think anyone would ever notice him, because who’d ever notice Tuah, Son of Arjuna.” Iann snorted, and folded his arms.  “He’s got a great sense of humour.”
Before she could swallow her pride, Maya huffed an almost incredulous laugh. Of course, it wasn’t simple. She knew it wasn’t simple. When it came to people, nothing ever was. It was all a complicated balancing act. But she erred on the side of not invading privacy if it could be helped. At least, she tried to.
She knew only too well what it felt like to not have boundaries and secrets respected. Even with the best of intentions, it always hurt. She’d seen the way too that doing it put distance between her and the people she had been trying to help. With Ryden most recently, but at least a dozen times before. She’d always read it as her behavior being hurtful enough that they didn’t want to be around her anymore, lest she hurt them again.
“Of course, its not that simple Iann,” Maya said, “Give me a little credit.” She sighed. Explaining her thoughts to Iann had never been something she was good at. Explaining her thoughts at all had never been something she was good at. But she wasn’t convinced anymore that it wasn’t worth still trying. “And it’s probably me backing out. But I know what it feels like for someone to suddenly know your life without you being the one to tell them. I know how much that can hurt.”
She shrugged, not knowing what the right thing to do was. But she gen’t think it was listening to Iann lay out Tuah’s whole messy, complicated, fucked-up life for her. “I know I might be wrong. Knowing everything would probably mean I’d be of more use in this situation. But in the long run, I think its better that Tuah gets to decide what I know about his past. The last thing I want is for him to feel like betrayed him, however good the intentions.” 
Maya took a long drink from her coffee. It was getting cold, but she ignored that. “I’m sorry. I probably could’ve handled this whole conversation better. But know I’ll do my best to give Tuah the help I can, even if its not as informed as it should be.” 
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Sunset Borderline
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mayaparker · 5 years
txt: ofc not. What’s the fun in that? 
txt: you promise?
txt: okay so there was something? what was it? Even if it was small and probably stupid, tell me? Please? Just so someone else knows.
[TXT] Exactly
[TXT] Cross my heart
[TXT] It’s just the same shit as always. Nothing to have a cow over. 
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mayaparker · 5 years
It was Ryden’s last shift at the Erzebeth’s. It took him some time to decide and finally rip that band-aid off. It just wasn’t the same without Bellamy around. Still, he couldn’t say that it felt good to quit. It left a bittersweet taste in his mouth as he left the building through the back door one last time, lighting up a cigarette out of habit as something to do on his way back home. 
He was on foot, looking forward to a long walk back to Rein’s house, where he’d prep for going into the forest later that night to wolf out. He’d forgotten again that he wasn’t able to just drop by after work at Maya’s place and pass out on her couch, or bed if she let him. He didn’t need his bike to get there from work. He thought it would be easy to break that habit but it was much harder than he expected. Once, he got all the way to her building before he remembered he wasn’t supposed to be there. He had to make a conscious effort not to make that mistake again. 
That was when Ryden saw a large dog sprinting towards him, barking up a storm. Honestly, he was ready to literally kick the puppy should it turn out that it was pissed at him for whatever reason and would rather bite than negotiate. But it wasn’t just a random stray - Soapberry didn’t really have any. It was Maya’s dog. 
He panicked for a second, cussing under his breath, pretty sure that Maya was around and bumping into her was not something he was ready for. However, she wasn’t, and looking for her left and right didn’t make her manifest. Hermes was barking like he’d gone rabid and Ryden tilted his head at him, realizing that something was wrong. Animal ken was not a stat he’d ever invested in, but being a werewolf had its advantages when a dog suddenly came up to you, demanding that you follow it. Tossing the cigarette away, he followed, slipping Faye’s moon charm onto his finger to stall the inevitable. Hopefully, whatever trouble Maya was in, he’ll be able to sort it out quickly.
The dog took him somewhere much farther than Rein’s house, and it was good that Ryden could keep up because Hermes never stopped to check if he was. He was almost out of breath when they finally slowed, stopping some distance away from an idyllic-looking churchyard. At a first glance, it looked deserted, but it was too well kept to be abandoned. The church itself looked more like a stone country house and there was smoke coming out of its chimney. It was also well lit inside. The obligatory cross on the arch of the roof was taken down but the little cemetery was still there. At least the gravestones were.
Hermes got antsy. He wanted to barge in and Ryden stopped him with a soft click of his tongue. Then Ryden dropped low behind some shrubbery when he saw someone step out onto the porch. That’s when Hermes decided it was a good time to tell them off for taking Maya away. They immediately noticed the barking and Ryden resisted the urge to scream profanities at the stupid husky. He moved, sneaking around the churchyard as the men approached to investigate. Having almost made a half circle around the perimeter, he was now sure that it was full of people. Strange thing was, it wasn’t Sunday church time. How was he supposed to check if Maya was there without alerting anyone? At least Hermes had stopped barking and was now quietly following Ryden as he sneaked around, thinking his next step through. 
Then Ryden remembered - wasn’t he a werewolf with supernatural speed and strength? What was he skulking about for? Giving Hermes a firm command to stay put, which the dog surprisingly obeyed, Ryden just walked up across the cemetery, alerting the people loitering - or keeping watch - there.
“Who goes?” One of them called out, all standing up ready to deal with a possible intruder.
“Hey.” Ryden approached casually, raising his hands up, in case someone was, for whatever reason, armed. “I’m here for the… thing.” He improvised, because church and people probably meant there was some kind of gathering going on. What kind though, hopefully they won’t ask.
“We don’t know you.” A smart one pointed out and Ryden countered. “Well I don’t know ya either, but I know some people inside, they told me to come. I’m Doug. Now you know me. Have a nice evenin’.” Hurrying up while he still got them too confused to react, he almost got away with it. Almost.
“Hey.” The smart one called out to him. Ryden paused and pressed his lip into a thin line as the man approached. “We’ll see Julian first. Then you can go find the people you know.” 
Well, whatever. He’ll see how he’ll avoid that Julian guy later. Might be easier to get in with one of theirs accompanying him. He followed the annoying smart guy into the church. That’s when Ryden could focus on his scent. The smart guy was a werewolf too…
Movement outside the window caught Maya’s unfocused gaze. She blinked, paying closer attention to what she was seeing. The figure looked familiar. But it couldn’t be Ryden. He wouldn’t be stupid enough to come out here. Not when they both knew that the Man in Black was all up in this cult. He wasn’t here at the moment according to what she’d overheard in the car. But he could show up anytime. 
More importantly, Ryden had left. So he wasn’t about to show up here with some harebrained scheme to rescue her. The figure disappeared below the window. Maya shifted back to listening more than she was looking. 
After some time, she didn’t know how long, the door opened. She didn’t bother turning around. It didn’t much matter to her what they wanted. It wouldn’t be something that Maya would willingly agree to, but at the moment she didn’t have much choice. 
“Come on,” the person at the door said, “It’s time.” 
Maya hesitated. Obviously, she didn’t want to find out what it was time for. But she also wasn’t about to escape from this room. She’d already investigated any escape route from here. She’d have more luck on a ground floor. And she’d have more luck if everyone thought she was cooperating. She stood and silently followed the female werewolf out of the room. The stone floor felt cold against her bare feet. The flower crown atop her head felt heavier than its actual weight. She was running out of time.
Looking down from the top of the stairs, she froze. There, at the bottom, with only a shadow of doubt was Ryden Bolt. Who she hadn’t seen in weeks. Who had disappeared on her with half his Christmas present. Who had one point had probably been her best friend. Who had decided for one reason or another that he was done with her.
Her breath caught as her heart jumped into her throat. He couldn’t be here. It was too dangerous for him to be here. He had spent too long running from the Man in Black for that asshole to win because he had tried to rescue her. Or, possibly worse, he was here of his own accord for whatever this bonkers ritual was. Fear flashed across her face. But she quickly flattened her expression. They weren’t alone. If he was going to make it out, these werewolves couldn’t know that she and Ryden knew each other. 
She took a step down the stairs, wincing as her ribs protested. But she did her best to ignore it as well as the man who had no reason, in her mind, to be standing at the bottom of the stairs. Instead her eyes had skipped down to the ground floor beyond, looking for the best exit point. 
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mayaparker · 5 years
State of Grace
Maya sat with her back perfectly straight on the edge of the crisply made bed. On her head was a crown of Casablanca lilies and moon flowers. She had been put in a long shimmering grey dress. Her gaze, faced towards the window, was unfocused. She had to get out of here. Preferably she would get out of here before she figured out exactly what the whole get up was for. 
And she had no one to rely on but herself. It would take more luck than she’d ever had for Hermes to get to Soapberry and back with help in time. Her wrist throbbed dully. But that didn’t worry Maya much. What worried her far more was the way her ribs protested whenever she took a deep breath. Well, that and the two dozen werewolves in the house with her. One had come in earlier. They’d left food on the dresser without a word. Maya hadn’t touched it. She couldn’t guarantee what was in it. Her growing  hunger might be a problem. She couldn’t remember exactly the last time she’d eaten. It was sometime yesterday. 
Occasionally, she could hear someone pass in the hallway. A kid had been in earlier, no older than sixteen, to try and convince her to worship Werewolf Jesus. He hadn’t called him Werewolf Jesus. But Maya hadn’t been paying attention. She’d sat motionless and silent. Houses like this, there was no use arguing or begging or even talking. It was best to just lay low until she could figure out an escape. 
Outside the sun was setting beyond the trees. The full moon would be rising in a few hours. Maya had a bad feeling that unless she got out she wouldn’t be seeing the sun rise again. At least, not in the same way. 
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mayaparker · 5 years
Txt: you sayin I’m not smart? ;p
Txt: Has anything else happened? I still wish you’d at least let me look into it. Low key stuff. I can search our database for any cases similar to what you’ve experienced. I’m gonna be on leave in a couple of months anyway.
[TXT] I’m saying you won’t ruin a good ol’ fashioned prank if I end up pulling one
[TXT] Nah, nothing else
[TXT] They really haven’t done much. It’s nothing to worry about. 
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mayaparker · 5 years
txt: He’d probably like it. 
txt: this is true. He’s a smart boy, our Mr. Bolt. He’d end up getting you back though. 
*a few minutes later* 
txt: you sure everythings okay?
[TXT] Exactly why I asked you and not him.
Maya lied again. She wandered into the kitchen and started making tea. Her phone buzzed again. 
[TXT] Aside from the cult? Yep, pretty sure. 
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mayaparker · 5 years
txt: I’m not sure? You want me to call over and check? 
txt: Everything okay?
[TXT] I was just thinking about fucking with him while he was at work
[TXT] Which, you know would be ruined by asking him if he’s at work
It was a lie. Instead, Maya was left knowing that one of two things was true. Either Ryden had broken his promise to her and left town without saying goodbye or he had just left her. She swallowed before setting her phone down. 
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mayaparker · 5 years
if you could dedicate a song to anyone right now, who would it be and what song?
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mayaparker · 5 years
Maya reacted immediately when a woman ask her to cover me. Even as she was pulled into an alley, her head swiveled back to see where the threat was. She expected to see some creepy dude. Without having to look, she put herself between the stranger and the street, effectively blocking anyone’s view. 
The words the stranger said sunk in quicker than usual thanks to Maya’s immediate jump to high alert. Her posture relaxed as she huffed a laugh. She didn’t move though, still blocking the stranger from this mysterious tandem bikes fanatic. “Jesus, give a bitch a heart attack, why don’t you?” Maya said with no malice in her voice. 
She felt a bittersweet tug at her heart when the stranger said she smelled good. It reminded her of how Ruby used to give her shit for smelling like Ryden. But it wouldn’t be that anymore. She pushed the feeling aside. Instead, Maya replied, “Probably, I just came from work.” 
“Cover me.” Bobby grabbed the wrist of the nearest girl walking down the street, pulling her into a nearby alley with Bob. The wolf looked at her with wide and expectant eyes, her nostrils flaring as she caught a whiff of…she wasn’t sure what. Her senses had been so overwhelming as of late and there was less and less she could identify.
“Like, literally cover me. Body block me. There’s some crazy…something with blue hair that’s trying to get me to go on a tandem bicycle with her.” Bobby pressed her body against the wall, gesturing at the woman to stand in front of her, blocking the view of the alley to anyone that could pass by, even a crazy lady on a bike. “You smell good, by the way,” Bobby added as an afterthought, still more focused on trying to blend in with the wall than not saying weird shit.
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mayaparker · 5 years
Ruby could understand the mindset of expecting the worst. She’d already been through it in her own head, when she’d first learned she was pregnant. So even if she hadn’t known Maya for as long as she had, Ruby would’ve understood. And she wouldn’t take it personally. Or fault her friend for thinking it. Because why wouldn’t something go horribly wrong? Especially when it almost always had in the past? Not just for Maya herself, but for Ruby too. 
But Ruby liked to think that Maya knew her too. Better than most. So she laughed when Maya claimed Ruby’s child’s first word would be a swear. “Well, there’s two of them, so odds are one of them won’t be cussin’ before they can walk. Though between you an’ me, Aedan’d probably think it’s hilarious. It’s Tuah who’d be scandalized.” The affection she held for both men, and Maya herself, was clear in her voice.
“Sounds perfect, thanks.” Ruby sat down as Maya moved off to make tea, knowing her friend probably needed a minute. She idly wondered what Ryden would say when she told him, or when he found out on his own. It wasn’t like he wouldn’t be able to smell the change in her. Ruby was fairly certain he’d be happy for her, but she also didn’t want to upset him, knowing what she did about his past. 
When Maya returned, Ruby took the tea with another hum of thanks, cupping the warm mug in her hands. Her own expression brightened as Maya confirmed that she did want to be the babies’ godmother. Ruby huffed, smirking slightly as Maya joined her on the sofa. “Well, if you do, then at least I’ve got one helluva story to tell the kids when they’re older.” It was straight gallows humor, Ruby knew, but she also knew the cult - whoever the hell they were - were very real. So dark humor that acknowledged it, even in passing, was better than denying anything was going on. 
But talk moved on, and Ruby sipped her tea. “Honestly? I’d be more shocked if you weren’t. But only because I know you do give a shit.” Ruby didn’t see her friend as who was constantly anxious or worried about every little thing that came around. But she knew Maya would worry about the big things. And this was kind of a big thing. “Plus it means you get first dibs on gloating that you can still drink and fit into your jeans while I can’t,” she grinned. 
Maya had to laugh when Ruby claimed that if she did get murdered it would mean that Ruby would have a hell of a story to tell the kids. “I do think it would also mean that legally you have to name one of them after me,” she joked. She had to laugh and joke about it because her other choice was being terrified. And she never wanted to be terrified again. 
Especially since being terrified made her stupid. 
She took a sip of her tea as Ruby spoke. A soft smile crept onto her face. She saw herself differently than Ruby did. In her mind, maybe she wasn’t always anxious, but she worried too much and about the wrong things. It was she had spent so much time and money in New York doing whatever it took to shut her brain off. “Oh you can bet I’ll be telling people I’m drinking for two,” Maya replied. 
counting crows || ruby & maya
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