maybesofadaisy · 4 years
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maybesofadaisy · 4 years
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"Love your enemies" is a very common saying that most of us have heard at least once in our lives. A phrase that is easy to say but can be really challenging when we come right to it. A saying that we try to apply in dealing with people who have hurt us or even with those who we do not agree with in one way or another.
“But to you who are listening I say: Love your enemies....” (Luke‬ ‭6:27‬ ‭NIV‬‬)
But what if when Jesus said "Love your enemies", He meant more than what we first thought it just was? Maybe it was another mercy in disguise. In disguise because it was not meant only for other people who we perceive as hard to love but also for our very own selves. In personal failures, disappoinments, and imperfections, we sometimes end up making an enemy out of ourselves. A greater enemy harder to forgive and to accept than those other people who have hurt and offended us. And so in circumstances like this, maybe 'love your enemy' is God's other language for saying 'love yourself'. A process of accepting, forgiving, and changing ones self for the good that is waiting ahead.
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maybesofadaisy · 4 years
How it came to be...
I've always loved daisies and i've always wanted to talk about pretty much everything under the sun. One of my favorite book in the Holy Bible is the book of Ecclesiasties. (and yes we can have favorites in the Bible. Considering the books of Numbers and Leviticus, yes we can. Anyhow...) Filled with musings and wonders about our reality of time and truths between creation and wisdom is where infinite maybes about life are born. And these maybes might just be as far as we can go in trying to get the correct answers about all the things that goes under the sun.
Another root for this blog is a poem by Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) called "The Daisy Follows Soft the Sun". It came to me as a beautiful romantic piece about how the daisy always has her heart following that familiar and always-there warm light that crosses the skies. Flourished by that same constant yellow light right from the moment she bud up to the last fall of her petal. Given life, purpose, and love. That one thing that one looks forward to after every long night.
Just like us, creations, and God the creator. We are the Flower, thou the Sun (the daisy follows soft the Sun)
“What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.” ‭‭Ecclesiastes‬ ‭1:9‬ ‭NIV‬‬
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