mayhembymax · 7 days
Perhaps the universe does not
put obstacles in your way
to make you stronger.
Perhaps everything that happens
is not for the better.
Perhaps humans have simply
romanticised the bad,
trying to escape
the pain of life.
But everything that happens,
everything that has ever happened,
had made you the version of yourself
that you are right now.
And there is no version of you
that is not worth loving.
So maybe some things are not for the better.
But nothing is ever
for the worse.
— max
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mayhembymax · 28 days
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Old library
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mayhembymax · 1 year
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- WWC Research Tags: Research | Writer Reference - How to research your racially/ethnically diverse characters - guide - WWC How to Research Compilation - WWC Recommendations and Resources
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Frequently Asked Questions
“What are ways to describe my character’s skin tone?”
“What about hair?”
“How do I introduce the race of my characters?”
“How do I denote the race of my characters in a fantasy setting?”
“How do I describe my Asian character’s eyes respectfully?”
“I want my real-world Native American character to do/experience X.”
“I’m afraid my character has harmful stereotypical traits.”
“How do I write a ____________ character?”
“Wouldn’t including PoC make my writing forced?”
“It wouldn’t be historically accurate for my story to include PoC.”
“What is Cultural Appropriation?”
“What is tokenism and why is it harmful?”
See below for answers to our FAQ!
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mayhembymax · 2 years
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- oscar wilde, the picture of dorian gray
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mayhembymax · 2 years
The only requirement for being an author is to have authored something. So if you’ve written something—anything—you can call yourself an author.
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mayhembymax · 2 years
Some miscellaneous writing tips I've gathered over the years
Bear in mind that these are not rules. They are just things that work for me, and I'm passing them along in case they work for you:
Rewriting is a great cure for clunky prose
Make an outline at least once. If you don't want to make an outline before the first draft, that's okay, it can be just as helpful to make one after the first draft as a sort of play by play of the story.
Making an outline before you start writing does not mean you are anchored down to the outline. The outline isn't gonna come steal your firstborn. It's okay. It's just a guide for yourself. You are free to go with or against it as you please.
If you feel you've used "said" too much, reach for an action tag, or simply omit the dialogue tag altogether, rather than trying to come up with a clever synonym for 'said' (looking at you, 'uttered')
You do not need to remove every single adverb/adjective from your work; just be aware of them, and ask yourself if they're telling you anything that isn't already a feature of the noun/verb they're describing (eg: 'big elephant', 'smiled happily'). If the answer is no, consider removing it.
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mayhembymax · 2 years
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mayhembymax · 2 years
this is the funniest thing I’ve seen all day 💀😂
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mayhembymax · 2 years
didn’t realise I latibulated everyday
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mayhembymax · 2 years
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Writing prompt for those feeling a bit lost 💜✨
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mayhembymax · 2 years
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For those of us that have always been a little lost. 🖤
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mayhembymax · 2 years
They say love is supposed to be calm,
still like the ocean on a windless night.
Yet what if I do not want it to be tranquil?
I grew up reading books of roaring seas
and love that crashed like waterfalls on rocks;
I grew up with magic and love so enchanted you could watch it sparkle from a mile away—
and that is what I crave still.
That is what I’ll crave always.
-m 🥀
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mayhembymax · 2 years
If night people didn’t exist, neither would astronomers. 🌌
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mayhembymax · 2 years
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happy thanksgiving to all who celebrate. what are you grateful for today? ✨
—max 🥀
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mayhembymax · 2 years
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Did someone say SEASON 2???! ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨
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mayhembymax · 2 years
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Enchanted — by max 🥀✨
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mayhembymax · 2 years
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May we never lose the courage to be vulnerable.
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