mayhemgeneral · 4 years
"Loser" (Mario Kart meme)
                           Mario Kart
Our muses have been playing Mario Kart. Send “winner” to see my muse’s reaction to winning a race or “loser” to see their reaction to losing a race.
Button smashing could be heard both, fast and loudly. Competitive aura on full percent.  Ravenette  raised her left hand an pointed finger at the soldier. 
                 “Wha- Whaaat!!  How? ” 
She pointed finger at the soldier an began wag it aggressively.
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“I Call Bull Shit on this.. Re-match NOW! ”
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mayhemgeneral · 4 years
“   here   we   are   in   the   future ,   and   it’s   bright  …   ” “   we’ve   got   nothing   to   fear ;   there’s   no   one   to   fight  .   ” “   i   can’t   believe   we’ve   come   so   far  .   ” “   happily   ever   after ,   here   we   are  !   ” “   once   upon   a   time ,   i   thought   i’d   always   be   in   your   shadow  .   ” “   i   have   every   idea   what   everyone   is   up   to  .   ” “   i   know   exactly   who   i’m   supposed   to   be ;   part   of   this   family  .   ” “   keeping   it   together   is   hard  .   ” “   you’ve   got   to   try  .   ” “   open   your   eyes  .   ” “   it’s   the   true   kinda   love  .   ” “   everybody’s   looking   for   someone   to   blame  .   ” “   i   am   better   than   win   or   lose  .   ” “   show   me   that   solvable   problem  .   ” “   we   can   get   through   this  .   ” “   i’ll   do   the   hardest   part   with   you  .   ” “   isn’t   that   just   swell  ?!   ” “   it   can’t   be  …   ” “   oh ,   but   it   can   be  .   and   it   is  !   ” “   i’m   going   to   put   an   end   to   your   happily   ever   after ,   once   and   for   all  !   ” “   i   heard   the   story  .   don’t   really   like   how   it   ends  .   ” “   what   did   you   do   without   me  ?   ” “   did   you   play   games   without   me  ?   what   did   you   play  ?   ” “   …   who   am   i  ?   WHO   AM   I  ?!   WHAT   ARE   YOU   EVEN   SAYING  ???   ” “   i’m   the   loser   of   the   game   you   didn’t   know   you   were   playing  .   ” “   let’s   play   another   game ;   this   time   i   get   to   win  !   ” “   i   am   at   your   eternal   service  .   ” “   what’s   going   on  ?!   ” “   it   looks   fine   to   me  …   ” “   are  —   are   you   okay  ?   ” “   i   could   really   use   an   explanation ,   here  !   ” “   allow   me   to   illuminate  .   ” “   something   is   clearly   wrong  .   ” “   don’t   you   recognise   them  ?   don’t   you   recognise   me  ?!   ” “   i’m   so   excited   to   meet   you  !   ” “   you’re   not   mad  ?   ” “   mad  ?   why   would   i   be   mad   at   my   best  friend  ?   ” “   this   will   be   fun  !   ” “   aren’t   you   a   lucky   one  ?   ” “   i   can   make   a   promise  .   ” “   i   can   make   a   plan  .   ” “   i   can   make   a   difference  .   ” “   i   can   take   a   stand  .   ” “   i   can   make   an   effort  .   ” “   i   can   make   a   change  !   ” “   after   everything   you’ve   been   through ,   you   must   be   in   a   lot   of   pain  !   ” “   no  .   you   don’t   understand  .   you   can’t   change   the   way   i   feel  .   ” “   you   can   make   this   right  !   ” “   you   can   make   this   better  !   ” “   we   don’t   have   to   fight  !   ” “   is   this   how   it   works  ?   am   i   doing   it   right  ?   ” “   you   keep   on   turning   pages   for   people   who   don’t   care   about   you  .   ” “   it   takes   you   ages   to   see   that   no   one’s   there  …   everyone’s   gone   on   without   you  .   ” “   isn’t   that   cruel  ?   and   aren’t   i   a   fool  ?   ”
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mayhemgeneral · 4 years
thedivinearmageddon :
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“You know how our client loves to have their prey kept fresh. And if they’re not strong enough I would not waste my strength, but the guards are what we can worry.” He was looking forward to get some entertainment from this, He needed to get their assignment for the extra payment. That gold was really helpful to them.
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“So, that’s why we punch an be extra careful not leave a mark.” jested poking him in cheek with index finger. Boring!-- Mao didn’t sign up or tag along with Feng for dull job, Oh no,no, no, no, no...She joined Feng for some fun and if she has to she’ll bring the fun herself. 
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mayhemgeneral · 4 years
If you ship with me, you’re fucked.
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mayhemgeneral · 4 years
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“You’re wasting your time, my dear.” She giggled as she placed her hand on the wine glass before proceeding to down the liquid in one gulp. She glanced at her friend and tried to take the test further by drinking another glass in one gulp again. “I admire your courage but it is that, that will be your downfall if not careful.” She teased
“Tssh..Perhaps but sometimes gotta gamble. Lu family raises no Quitters.”
Raven haired spoke fired up, was clear her competitiveness was flaring. She looked at big jug then light bulb went off. her delicate slender hand removed cloth picking up the jug, opening of the jug touched her lips. Hellion chugged whole jug.
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“Your turn buddy. Bring it! I’m ready for a challenge.”
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mayhemgeneral · 4 years
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劍網 3 / JX3 PV
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mayhemgeneral · 4 years
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I don’t know why but a lot of people in pintrest think that this photo is a fan art for the Chinese animation Mo Dao Zu Shi, well, guys, this is an art by Ibuki satsuki form her comics which is based on jx3 Yi Chui Wu Yue Tiao Man Ji
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BTW, it’s really a good comics…
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mayhemgeneral · 4 years
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nail biting | throat clearing | lying | interrupting | chewing the ends of pens | smoking | swearing | knuckle cracking | thumb sucking | muttering under their breath | talking to themselves | nose picking | binge drinking | oversleeping | snacking between meals |skipping meals | picking at skin | impulse buying | talking with their mouth full | humming/singing to themselves | chewing gum | leg jiggling | foot tapping | hair twirling | whistling | eye rolling | licking lips | sniffing | squinting | rubbing hands together | jaw clenching | gesturing while talking | putting feet up on tables | tucking hair behind ears| chewing lips | crossing arms over chest | putting hands on hips | rubbing the back or their neck | being late | procrastinating (if he feels reluctant to do it, its his excuse) | doodling | shredding paper | peeling off bottle labels | forgetfulness | running hands through hair | overreacting | teeth grinding | nostril flaring | slouching | pacing | drumming fingers | fist clenching | pinching bridge of nose | rubbing temples | rolling shoulders
bold which habits your muse has
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mayhemgeneral · 4 years
jiagonglu :
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Jia Chong stood with his arms folded as he surveyed the scene: the cards strewn over the floor, the last few animals scurrying out through the open window, the panda sitting in the room. He covered his face momentarily, his brows furrowed in an intent scowl as he took in the bizarre sight. Perhaps he did have too much to drink.
❛❛ I have no need for excuses, ❜❜ he told her, once her tirade was done. He dropped his hand from his face and narrowed his eyes at her, unimpressed. ❛❛ I’m not the sort who lets things off as a ❛minor misdemeanor.  ❜ ❜❜
But despite the effects of the wine, Jia Chong was still as sharp as ever: he did not miss the motioning toward the panda or her attempt to flee. Before she could tiptoe her way out, Jia Chong moved to step in front of her to block her path.
❛❛ Don’t think you can escape from me so easily, ❜❜ he said, lowering his already quieted voice. ❛❛Your chance to run has already passed. ❜❜
She really did it now--BAD IDEA for her trying have her own fun. Mao closed trying think logically being in his mercy since beginning he found out.  When gears in mind gave her no alternatives, a sigh escaped. Raventte mouth opens speak but  nothing comes out, trying find right words say. Grumble comes out as she kicked air then folding her arms accepting her fate. 
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“Damn it...I’m already been in thin ice. Fine, fine.. I Submit. Don’t look forward to being grounded and my allowance getting frozen on me.”
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mayhemgeneral · 4 years
Keep reading
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mayhemgeneral · 4 years
Our muses have been playing Mario Kart. Send "winner" to see my muse's reaction to winning a race or "loser" to see their reaction to losing a race.
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mayhemgeneral · 4 years
Reblog if you are willing to do heart-to-heart threads where our muses just sit and talk about their feelings, things that have happened to them in the past, or even current events within their verse.
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mayhemgeneral · 4 years
good-ending-true-zenon :
That pun almost called Zenon to scowl, but she let it pass.  Perhaps seeing an old face again had put her into a forgiving mood?  It didn’t matter, she supposed.  At most, it was something to consider when she had a moment to think.  She might not bother in the end, but who really knew?
Regardless, this girl was an applicant, and that meant it was time for a job interview.  “One of several, it seems.  The dregs of Celestia continue to baffle.  In any case, if you are here for the attendant application, there are a few things we shall need to cover before I may consider hiring you.  Firstly and most obviously, I need to know your capabilities.  Not only combat capabilities, mind, but more domestic ones as well.  Things such as cooking, cleaning, diplomacy, commerce, and the like are not strictly necessary things for my attendant to know, but having such skills will improve your chances by an appreciable margin.”
Seriously?  General remained calm and resolved just folding her hands brain storming how explain her experience better. Clicked in her mind, she took deep sigh and began.
”Let’s see, i’m good cook..pretty smart but not completely strategic smart at times. Cleaning wise i’m okay but not my favorite thing.  My strong suites is War though and where I  really shine.. ” paused grinning wide, confident in her skills with a blade. Mayhem general would be all out of mercy for her enemies, they were wrong oppose her in first place. 
“Hahaha. As for diplomacy and commerce wise, i’m pretty good at that too. I’m not above making them submit to any of our needs or wants by force.”
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mayhemgeneral · 4 years
boldxvirtue :
“You’ll probably get in a good amount of trouble, lady, but I don’t blame you. I’d like to take a chance to relax but work comes first.”
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Scratching back of her head, eyes on her filled with dullness. Then lips curled into deviant smirk while leaning on fence. elbows perched on fence and hands palms on her cheeks. 
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“That’s probably true. I’m not in mood do anything outside of sparring or war. I’ll make one or two of the flunkies of my unit do it, they need buff up anyways.” mumbled out loudly manner. Ravenette could do all the chores effortlessly but would she? Ha! nope. There wasn’t any motivation to nor prize out of doing it for them. 
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mayhemgeneral · 4 years
* interview the muse
‘ do you miss anyone? ’
‘ how are you doing? ’
‘ do you believe in ghosts? ’
‘ what makes you laugh? ’ 
‘ list your top three bands or singers. ’ 
‘ how many blankets do you sleep with? ’
‘ does your name hold any special meaning to you? ’
‘ gum, cake, pie or ice cream? ’
‘ favorite book? ’
‘ are you a good person? ’
‘ describe love. ’
‘ have you ever taken part in an uprising? ‘
‘ favorite song? ’
‘ name a guilty pleasure. ’
‘ the most embarrassing thing that’s happened to you today? ’
‘ tell me one truth and one lie. ’
‘ do you like people? ’
‘ what motivates you? ’
‘ describe the perfect weekend. ’
‘ any pet peeves? ’
‘ do you need a hug? ’
‘ would you like to have kids? ’
‘ do you have any tattoos? ’
‘ classical, oldies, punk, hip hop or country? ’
‘ when was the last time you cried? ’
‘ are you religious? ’
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mayhemgeneral · 8 years
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“Hm. my motivation is deflating..wonder how much trouble get into  if I DON’T do these tasks today and just relax. ”
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mayhemgeneral · 8 years
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Would anyone mind reblogging / like this if you don’t mind interacting with an indie Narsus from Arslan Senki? I need more people to interact with since the fandom is relatively small. Crossovers and OC friendly! Give this a like / reblog and I’ll check you out. :>
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