mayorfuu Ā· 4 years
Mod Translations
Continuing from my previous update post In regards to those interested in translating my mods, including Harvest Goddess, here are my permissions for uploading them:
Under no circumstance are you allowed to monetize the translations, this includes nexusmods donations, patreon, and putting it behind any form of paywall and the likes
Only include the sections to be translated in the content.json, do not include any other coding nor text that doesn't need translation
Do not include any of the visual assets
Make the original mod a prerequisite installation (ā€œHasModā€ in the content.json) where the needed translation patch is then applied by your mod
Leave a link and credit to the original
At any point in time, I may ask you to take down your translation if I see it goes against the permissions Iā€™ve set up or I am in disagreement with how it is being handled
Thank you very much for your work and for wanting to make my mods more accessible.
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mayorfuu Ā· 4 years
Blog and Stardew Mods Update
Hello everyone, I hope you've all been well despite the world's unfavourable happenings. My apologies that it has been months since my last post here. I haven't been able to keep up with things online and that includes keeping my stardew mods up to date.
I'm currently still not in a good place to work on them again. Regrettably, they will remain on an indefinite hiatus. I'm very sorry as I know some of you have been looking forward to what I had planned, especially for Harvest Goddess.
I'm sorry for also being unable to answer messages and I will try to attend to them in the next couple of days.
For the feedback and support I've received for my mods, I cannot thank you all enough and again, I'm truly sorry I'm unable to continue working on them.
To those who are interested in using my mod assets or making unofficial updates for my mods EXCLUDING Harvest Goddess mod (read further down), please adhere to the following:
Under no circumstance are you allowed to monetize any parts of my work and unofficial updates, this includes nexusmods donations, patreon, and putting it behind any form of paywall and the likes
Make absolute sure the mod you are updating is no longer working for the latest stardew patch
Only if applicable, make the original mod a prerequisite installation ("HasMod" in the content.json) where the needed patch is then applied by your mod
If you are looking to use one of my assets but only to make a minor change and still essentially keeping the original purpose of my mod, please do not upload it and keep it as a personal edit for yourself instead
Leave a link and credit to the original
At any point in time, I may ask you to take down your uploaded mod if I see it goes against the permissions I've set up or I am in disagreement with how it is being handled
Now in the case with my Harvest Goddess mod, I know this will sound selfish of me but this is a very personal project and would like to keep her as my own even if it means she becomes obsolete. I would also like to leave something for me to work on if ever I do return to stardew modding in the distant future. I appreciate the good will and intention of those wanting this mod to be usable again and the positive attention she's gotten has been quite overwhelming but I hope you will come to an understanding with my decision.
Again, thank you so much for all for the support and I honestly wish everyone the best.
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mayorfuu Ā· 5 years
Iā€™m sorry fren, maybe sheā€™ll be in a more dancey mood in the future! šŸ˜­
(couldnā€™t add her in the current version because sheā€™ll end up duplicated on the map)
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mayorfuu Ā· 5 years
Can you draw a guide on how Lunti's hair works? I wanna draw her but I can't figure out her hair.
Her hair is made up of 3 parts!
- Matronly bunkinda loose and can be a bit messy
- Side bangsthey loop towards the back of her bun
- 2 tiered braided side bunit spirals inwards
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mayorfuu Ā· 5 years
hi!! :D i love your harvest goddess more than life itself ;; is there an actress/musician/etc. you think looks like her irl? just curious and thank you so much for making this absolutely perfect mod!!!!!
Hello and aw thank you so much for liking her!
Hmm I donā€™t really refer to a specific person irl when I make characters so canā€™t say I have anyone in mind. :o
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mayorfuu Ā· 5 years
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Marvelous has announced Story of Seasons: Reunion in Mineral Town, a remake of the Game Boy Advance titles Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town and Harvest Moon: More Friends of Mineral Town, for Switch. It will launch on October 17 in Japan.
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mayorfuu Ā· 5 years
I just looked at your concept art of HG and it says her name is Lunti. Please make it an option to call her Lunti in SdV bc her not having a name makes me sad. Give my wife a name dammit.
Donā€™t worry anon, already got you covered.Ā šŸ‘Œ Her name changes if you court her to the very end.
[SPOILER] After you see the 2nd part of her 10 heart event, assuming you previously saidĀ ā€œYesā€, her name should change the next day. If you saidĀ ā€œNo,ā€ youā€™ll need to marry her for another event for the name change to happen. If your config forĀ "Use shorter name" is set to a nickname, try changing it back toĀ ā€œNoneā€
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mayorfuu Ā· 5 years
I can't get over your Harvest Goddess mod. I'm playing with a friend right now, and he's trying to steal Leah from me. So I told him that he can have Leah if I can have the Harvest Goddess. I love her. I wanna give her cuddles. All the cuddles. I'm going useless lesbian over here and I never want it to stop.
An extra helping of cuddles for a sweet dear like you! Hee hee!
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(I see you both have a preference for nature-loving stardew gals haha! Thank you so much!)
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mayorfuu Ā· 5 years
LMAO i have yet to reach god tier tho
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mayorfuu Ā· 5 years
Hi, so I have a strange question. Are you okay with people creating ask blogs (blog that are meant to be like the character in question is writing the blog) using the Harvest goddess? With proper credit of course.
Hello, rather than strange, I think it's quite flattering. Unfortunately, Iā€™m not at the comfort level yet to readily agree with it.Ā I'm sorry but thank you very much, I appreciate you asking, anon!
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mayorfuu Ā· 5 years
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Animal Crossing: New Horizons | March 20th 2020
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mayorfuu Ā· 5 years
Hi, if I'm having problems with the heart mod, should I message you off anon? I have other mods installed (namely starry sky interface) and I edited the folder for hm hearts but it's still not working. Thanks in advanced
Hello and yes, the cause is starry sky interface already having itā€™s own custom indicator included.
What I can suggest is to:- open starry skyā€™s manifest.json- copy theĀ ā€œUniqueIDā€ (usually the line underĀ ā€œDescriptionā€)- open my hearts modā€™s manifest.json- replaceĀ ā€œManaKirel.VMIā€(If youā€™re more familiar with the coding, you can also just paste another dependency instead of replacing)
This should make it so the hearts will load on top of their indicators. However, I only made a matching palette for vintage interface so it wonā€™t come out with a blue background. You can fix that by using the custom options and making your own personal edits to match.
Feel free to IM me if youā€™re still having trouble!
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mayorfuu Ā· 5 years
Hey, i posted this on the forum but I haven't got a message lately. The spouse room isn't working for the Harvest goddess Mod, I have all the mods I need for it too. Here's the log: log. smapi. io/CXThBjBJ. Know a way I can fix this? Thanks in advance!
Hello! My apologies if you asked on nexusmods, I havenā€™t been very active in the mod scene.
I donā€™t see the spouse room folder in your log, could you kindly send a new one with it included please?Itā€™s a separate mod folder that needs to be downloaded as well, found under the optional files: ā€œRanā€™s Goddess Garden.ā€œ (Make sure itā€™s in your ā€œ\Stardew Valley\Modsā€ folder)
Also, canā€™t seem to recognize any mods that might be in conflict with it but perhaps try removing them one by one in case thatā€™s the problem?I checked in my own game and I can confirm itā€™s working fine on Stardew 1.3.36, SMAPI 2.11.2, PyTK 1.7.7, TMXLoader 1.7.11
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mayorfuu Ā· 5 years
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Quick Shane warmup
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mayorfuu Ā· 5 years
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started playing stardew multiplayer and saw a half-modded shane walk by and remembered i was doing this
at this rate iā€™ll have half of shaneā€™s spritesheet done by 2025
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mayorfuu Ā· 5 years
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I donā€™t think Iā€™ve posted this here soā€¦ have chibi Shane
(Bottles are drawn by amazing free brush set of liquors from clip studio! )Ā 
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mayorfuu Ā· 5 years
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Deal with it!
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