maytheforcebewith · 5 years
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“There’s no pretending. I love you, and I will love you until I die, and if there’s life after that, I’ll love you then.”
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maytheforcebewith · 6 years
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Rebelcaptain Appreciation Week: Day #1 - Favorite Scene
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maytheforcebewith · 6 years
Jyn: That’s ridiculous. Cassian doesn’t have a crush on me.
Bodhi: Yes he does.
K-2SO: Yes he does.
Baze: Yes he does.
Chirrut: Yes he does.
Cassian: Yes I do.
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maytheforcebewith · 7 years
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cassian finding k-2so  a young orphan discovers an abandoned KX-series security droid and restores it to working condition
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maytheforcebewith · 7 years
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coffee shop!au, i guess?
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maytheforcebewith · 7 years
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rebelcaptain (Jyn / Cassian) doodles
I love handsome guys loving someone deperately&painfully <3
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maytheforcebewith · 7 years
Jyn’s Internal Monologue, Part 1/?
“So are we gonna kiss now? Because I’d be totally fine with kissing now.”
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“What are you looking at, man? I’m right here!”
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“Come to think of it, there ARE a lot of people around… Nix the kissing, then?”
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“Yeah. Good call, bro.”
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maytheforcebewith · 8 years
Cassian: I like everything about you. Just the other day someone asked me who I thought the most beautiful girl was in all of galaxy. You know what I said?
Jyn: What did you said?
Cassian: I said...
[Just then, K-2SO appears in the window behind Jyn]
Cassian: Kaytoo?
Jyn: Kaytoo?
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maytheforcebewith · 8 years
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Star Wars: Rogue One Poster - Created by Alexey Kot
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maytheforcebewith · 8 years
Soo… I saw Rogue One again last night on IMAX. Some random thoughts:
In the bunker while little Jyn waits for someone to get her, in the low glow of the lantern light, you can see her silent tears rolling down her face. At eight, she learned how to cry silently. I imagine that, until she saw her father’s holo on Jedha, from eight until twenty-two, it was the only way she ever cried if she cried at all: alone and without a sound.
I’ve been pronouncing Chirrut’s name wrong for months now. I’ve seen this movie twice before. His name is not a text post. What the hell is wrong with me?
You can see how much Jyn and Saw cared for each other when they reunite on Jedha. There’s a lot of hurt, but also a lot of love that never went away.
The looks on Baze and Bodhi’s faces when they see NiJedha destroyed breaks my heart. You see it pass through their eyes: their home is gone, everyone they ever knew is now dead; incinerated.
I got chills every time Cassian shouted “JYN!” because this guy has no chill and I love it.
Jyn lashes out at Cassian after Eadu because he has lied to her and had intended to kill her father, but it strikes me that the hurt is amplified because up until then, she has trusted him more than she has trusted anyone else in almost a decade. And like in the novel, she doesn’t just feel like he lied to her–many people have lied to her–she feels betrayed because he mattered, and he’s shown that she matters to him somehow, too.
The first time I watched it, I was totally in the uncanny valley with Tarkin. Less so the second time, and this third time, I was like oh yeah, that’s cool, that looks fine.
TARKIN IS TALL. I never noticed this before, but he’s a giant. After we got home from the movie, we put on A New Hope and yep, Tarkin was always super tall, but he looked average sized because he was always standing next to Darth Vader who is a giant.
The lack of personal space, oh my gawd. I mean I noticed it the last two viewings and obviously during all the times I stared moonily into the various gifsets, but seeing it on IMAX, like whoa. They’re six inches away from each other practically every time they speak. One stumble and they’re making out. WHY DID THEY NOT STUMBLE EVER? STUPID SURE-FOOTED REBELS.
Ben Medelsohn nails the look of terror when Krennic meets Vader. By all accounts from the Rogue One press tour, he was legit terrified when he shot those scenes, and it shows, and it’s perfect.
Felicity Jones is fucking amazing in this part and I’m literally the fight me emoji (ง'̀-‘́)ง to all the haters because if all you want is obvious scenery-chewing to represent deep emotion, then get out of my face you clowns.
By the time we get to “welcome home,” Jyn and Cassian are so into each other, like, I cannot even.
Oh, Bodhi. You were key to all of this. Your bravery was the first domino to fall. Without you, none of this would have happened. And then, taking charge on Rogue One. Giving orders. What a change from the shell-shocked, post-Bor Gullet Bodhi on Jedha. Galen would have been proud of you, too.
When Baze smiles my heart melts a little bit and then I die inside because he’ll be dead soon, too.
“Your Father Would Be Proud” kicks in as soon as Cassian saves Jyn from Krennic on the tower, and I was barely holding my shit together right then and there.
Jyn and Cassian walking to the beach is like peak handsomeness and beauty. Goddamit, Diego and Felicity. And goddamit, Gareth Edwards, you done good.
Every single one of them died knowing that they had completed their piece of the mission. Bodhi patched through to the Alliance. Baze and Chirrut turned on the master switch. Kaytoo helped Jyn and Cassian get the data file. Jyn and Cassian successfully transmitted the plans. But none of them never knew for sure if the Alliance got the plants. They’d never know that the Death Star would be destroyed. They’d never know that they were all parts in the sum of the whole. But they all died knowing they gave it everything they had to give.
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maytheforcebewith · 8 years
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Take Me Home
Saw Gerrera left Jyn in a bunker when she was 16. When she got the nerve to climb out, knowing she’d been dumped, a boy found her. He took her back to the Alliance and gave her a home. For a while. Until she left him.
It’s been a long time and Cassian needs her help to complete a mission the rebellion won’t support. Still tangled up and hurt from their breakup as teenagers, he knows this is going to be complicated. 
(i’ve adjusted their ages from canon so they’re about the same) 
Read it on ao3
Big shoutout to @captainandor, who did the Star Wars nerd once over. @kategecko for the editing once over. @ofhobbitsandwomen, @thewanderinguniverse, @happycos, @starmaammke, and @biteymadlady for the constant handholding and cheerleading. :)
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maytheforcebewith · 8 years
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maytheforcebewith · 8 years
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This took ages. Still love them.
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maytheforcebewith · 8 years
let me show you something beautiful
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maytheforcebewith · 8 years
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Incorrect Rogue One quotes
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maytheforcebewith · 8 years
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Started it some time ago as mix of @luv-lala and @grexigone requests (I hope you don’t mind it?) and only now managed to finish it x)) Fix-it!AU is best AU and Cassian really needs some sleep.
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maytheforcebewith · 8 years
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I love them.
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