mazelholo-blog · 6 years
Rant  01: STOP TOUCHING MY STUFF1!!!11!!
I have a wall of post-its in my old room with random thoughts I have, projects that I think of that I’ll do in the future, and to-do stuff in general. A week ago, I needed to transfer to my new room because our house renovation finally came through. I transferred all my stuff to my new room except for my vision board and wall of post-its because I was too lazy to move them to my new room. Tonight, I wanted to finally move my vision board and wall of post-its to my new room and gUEss WHat????!!! MY WALL OF POST-ITS IS GONE and I literally like wanted to scream at everyone at home because I didn’t know who removed them!!!1!!
It’s not even the post-its themselves that I was mad at but it was all the fucking projects that I thought of and all of my to-do stuff that I put into words THROUGH THOSE FUCKING POST-ITS and because a dumbass in our house fucking removed them without my permission, now all of that information is gone. Honestly, don’t fucking touch my stuff without asking for my permission! Do not move it, touch it, poke it, or even breathe the air around it (lmao jk) but really DO NOT TOUCH OTHER PEOPLE’S STUFF WITHOUT THEIR CONSENT BC THAT’S ANNOYING AF!!!
- end of rant -
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mazelholo-blog · 6 years
hello tumblr :)
Definitely not new to tumblr but this is a new account I made. This should’ve been my first post but I just felt so strongly about the post below this. #FuckGenderRoles #FuckThePatriarchy #WomenEmpowerment ya know
Made this tumblr for rant purposes and general outlet for expression, feelings, teenage angst, and the monthly PMS emotions. As much as I love Twitter, I just don’t feel right ranting there about my life because my thoughts just couldn’t fit in 280 words and also, who likes to read a 280-word tweet? NO ONE. 
I have also recently (re)ended watching Awkward, the MTV series and I just love how Jenna, the main character, is so me you know? She’s selfish, filled with anger, and self-centered but I really love her character development. I also love how she can just feel so free writing online and I have wanted that for a long time now even if its purpose is just for my expression of frustration in my mediocre life. 
I hope this will be a fun and productive project for me; something that I could really benefit on especially for my self-growth and mental stability. Also, I hope no one I know in real life will see me here plz 
#firstlegitpost #boredom #ihatewritingmanuallyinanactualdiarysoidecidedtowritemythoughtsonlinefortheworldtoseelmaowhatabargain
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mazelholo-blog · 6 years
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