mazzystarxx · 7 days
why are violet accounts always accusing eachother of copying eachother.
we are all copying violet ofc a lot of us are going to look the same 😭
(edit- i’m not talking about a current situation where somebody’s selfies and edits are the same, i agree that one is just creepy.)
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mazzystarxx · 23 days
sorry but i think im losing interest in tumblr, violet will have a special place in my heart. this tumblr community is really not as appealing to me anymore with drama and hate.
i remember posting on here like everyday and talking to lots of cool people. but now it feels like honestly feels like a chore to post
i also just would rather focus on my study’s now, so i may be more inactive. i’ll still check on here every once in a while, feel free to send asks <3
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mazzystarxx · 1 month
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confession I don’t find him attractive at all, he was so annoying and honestly looked so greasy. (i honestly don’t think he took showers because like how would he 😭) I wanna get happy over it like everyone else does but I just can’t see it at all anymore
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mazzystarxx · 1 month
These girls say they want Tate until a real Tate comes into their lives
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mazzystarxx · 1 month
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why the hell is everyone in here staring at me
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mazzystarxx · 1 month
Do new room tour i miss your posts so badd
i miss my old posts toooo 😓
sadly I got I new room so not all of it is cute, I actually hate most of it but I’m redoing it and I will get back to being as active as I was before once I get my room done <3
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mazzystarxx · 2 months
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some taissa photos <3
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mazzystarxx · 2 months
fav mutuals?
first I could think of @irl-violetharmon @garbagem4n @mlissyou @cxndiedvi0lets
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mazzystarxx · 2 months
“TikTok is so much more toxic then tumblr” No, there is old creeps, creepy girls who romanticize weird age gaps or anything like that, weird porn accounts, ed accounts, and anon haters everywhere.
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mazzystarxx · 2 months
Do new room tour i miss your posts so badd
i miss my old posts toooo 😓
sadly I got I new room so not all of it is cute, I actually hate most of it but I’m redoing it and I will get back to being as active as I was before once I get my room done <3
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mazzystarxx · 2 months
I never understood everyone's obsession with tate in that greasy slick back.
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mazzystarxx · 2 months
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mazzystarxx · 2 months
Hey! I hope this isn't a bother, that is if you answer! Why do you think Tate's behavior, and toxicity is overly romanticized? It's just a question that's been popping up in my mind, and I just want to know your opinion on it is. I hope you have a nice morning, afternoon, and night, in general a nice day! Thanks, and of course I hope you're doing well! Take care!
I think it’s because Ryan Murphy wanted people to romanticize Tate and wrote his character a certain way to do that. Some of the things that were wrote specifically to make tate be more likable are
1 : this was not exactly wrote out but Tate was conventionally attractive, this is honestly just the cherry on top to all the other things below. Ryan also wrote him so many suggestive scenes to try to make him more look hot and it was so obvious
2: his whole misunderstood trope, In a lot of scenes specifically with Violet, they made Tate have this soft or vulnerable side to make him seem like he was some misunderstood boy. He did have a soft and vulnerable side but he also had a mass shooter, rapist, murderer, and manipulator side so why does the soft side even change anything?
3 : Tate and violets relationship, Ryan Murphy wrote out tate and Violet relationship with some cringy forbidden love story trope. This honestly could deserve its own separate post but it is something that gets romanticized way too much and add onto reason 1 and 2.
4 : He was wrote out to be relatable specifically to teenagers. For example, his whole speech about high school he gave to violet at the beach, the way they made Tate (and Violet) be these troubled rebellious teens that hated high school norms and still trying to figure out there place in the world. There are a couple more things but I think him being relatable to teenagers was a big part of why he is so romanticized because relatable character are way more likable. Even I fell victim to this part at times
I think the reason all of these bad things he does get romanticized is because the way his character was wrote to manipulate younger people into getting him a cult following. Ryan Murphy wanted this.
In the end it’s just a show and it was purposefully trying to manipulate you so I don’t think that it’s the end of the world that he gets romanticized so much but I do think it’s something to keep in mind that he was a terrible person. But it’s not okay at all to defend his bad decisions or deliberately accepting them, I see both of those things way to much
To end this post off I want to say I was mostly just ranting so my grammar might not be perfect, and i also did low key forget about the whole “he was controlled by the house!” thing but I really don’t think that matters because in the end he still did everything he did and it’s not forgivable. and some parts of it made no sense at all even if it did matter
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mazzystarxx · 2 months
any words of support you can give about fixing your life? I just want to know everything will be okay, even if I'm in a really bad way right now
remember that life is full of ups and downs, without having downs in life the ups would mean nothing. <3
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mazzystarxx · 2 months
what do you think makes a good person? What philosophy do you live by, which ones are you interested in?
For your first question, I don’t think you can categorize people into good person or bad person, its really not that simple
And for your second question I never got into it so i don’t know, but I will say I don’t really think there is any meaning of life
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mazzystarxx · 2 months
Go on anon (or not) and send this to 10 of your followers who make you happy or somebody you think needs cheering up. If you get one back, even better 🫶🏻
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mazzystarxx · 2 months
if you get this, answer w / three random facts about yourself and send it the last five blogs in your notifs. anon or not, doesn’t matter, let’s get to know the person behind the blog ♡
I have a obsession with tea, I need it 24/7
specifically black tea with milk and honey
I also really like to brew candles and press flowers <3
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