mbti-nfs · 2 years
Hey guys! Tbh i had kinda given up on this account but i just saw that people actually like the last post a lot so I’ll continue with this account, thanks for the support!
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mbti-nfs · 3 years
MBTI observations #1
DISCLAIMER: Every person is different so these won’t apply to everyone, these are just general observations that I think are true for the majority or at least a big number of people with this type.
INTP: Either care a lot about their appearance and see it as a form of expression or they just don’t give a shit.
ENTP: Actually very sensitive to criticism, they don’t handle it well.
INTJ: Although they can be oblivious as to why they hurt people because of their Fe trickster, they take their close friends’ feelings quite seriously and try their best to protect them.
ENTJ: Despite their reputation, they are actually very caring and fun-loving people. They do value efficiency though and they can be hard on themselves and others if it seems like they’re not truly trying their best.
ISFP: Many ISFPs tend to be be blunt in their communication (most likely because of their Se) but if you get to know them better, you see that this bluntness comes from very intense passion and deep sentimentality. That’s also why they can easily be mistyped as ISTPs. ISTPs can be emotional and passionate too, but in a more system like way.
ESFP: Despite their assertiveness, they have a hard time letting go of people.
ESTP: Very proud people- if you offend their ego, they won’t forget.
ISTP: Although generally reserved and quiet, if a conversation about things that interest them a lot pops us, they get super enthusiastic and won’t shut up.
ISFJ: Most ISFJs I’ve met have a very well developped Ti which they combine well with their Si- very down to earth people.
ESFJ: They’re not actually obsessed with being loved, they just want people to feel intensely towards them, even hate them- they just don’t want to be indifferent to others.
ESTJ: Once their Ne takes over, they become the most chaotic and most creative people ever.
ISTJ: Stereotypes deem them as boring but they’re actually one of the funniest types.
INFP: Sometimes they’re shockingly observant (they put Se doms in shame) but then they can’t see things that are right in front of them- weird combination.
ENFP: Lowkey bossy. Their Te is waiting to be awakened and once it is, they become very assertive and determined leaders.
INFJ: They can be very cold when you first meet them.
ENFJ: Either very athletic or obsessed with literature- depends on how strong their Se is.
Post made by: INFJ
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