mcampbellblog-blog1 · 7 years
Paper #2 Powerpoint
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mcampbellblog-blog1 · 7 years
Extra Credit
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mcampbellblog-blog1 · 7 years
Assignment #8
                                       The ‘Busy’ Trap (Response)
        The busy trap article has an author who talks about how people falls into a hectic schedule where they do not have time to enjoy the little things in life. Where that busy person needs every hour of the day to complete paperwork or run errands for a job. Plus, it states how kids are also having busy schedules lately. Children will come home tired and frustrated like how an adult usually does. Kids can’t and won’t have time to be kids. Instead, they are stuffed away into a schedule where that child’s friend will have to work out with or will not see them on a regular basis. The author takes us on memory lane where they were part of the latchkey generation. Where she would only spend a few hours on assignments, then spend the rest of the time surfing the encyclopedia to make animated films, plus going out friends in the woods to throw dirt clods into each other’s faces. This made the author realize that this is what I want my life to be like every day. Now this might sound like a bum’s life in reality, but to honest it speaks of happiness. Say there are 100 people. Half of the people just went to work for the rest of their lives. In many cases if you are doing the job you want to do one is going to be happy regardless what the case may be. That leaves the other half not work or having a job they really do not care about which leads to them not happy with what they have and then when finished they can do whatever they want to do.  
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mcampbellblog-blog1 · 7 years
Assignment #7
Myles Campbell
Professor Nguyen
English 1302: Composition 2
21 June 2017
                                                 Assignment #7
     The article starts out talking about American men spending all their money on a pointless, shiny rock. Plus, stating that diamonds aren’t much of an asset to begin with. It also mentions how once a customer leaves the jeweler it loses 50 percent of its value. Furthermore, the author ends the first paragraph by saying, “diamonds are bullshit.”
     Then there is a discussion brought up where the concepts intrinsic value and resale value are presented in a more financial term. The meaning of intrinsic value is, “an asset’s value is essentially driven by the (discounted) value of the future cash that asset will generate.” Where on the other hand resale value simply means, the value that item will have later down the line once the owner wants to sell it. Which also brings the readers into consideration that diamonds are not really that rare. This could mean that maybe the price of diamonds could potentially drop but, what it really mean is that diamonds are not an investment.
     Next is where the author brings up a smart remark first stating, “diamonds are not an investment, then follows it up by saying how Americans buy these worthless rocks just to look good, it’s pretty, or it’s a status symbol to have one versus buying one not because it will store value or appreciate.” Which also makes a point to where the world has many, other rocks like, gold, silver, rubies, emeralds, Americans had to choose a rock that not investment material.
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mcampbellblog-blog1 · 7 years
Assignment #6
                             When They Imprison the Wrong Guy 
The article started out by a man named Michael Morton. On the day after his 32nd birthday he sees yellow tape around his house hoping that nothing happened to his family. Only to find out that his son was alright but his wife did not make it. She brutally beaten with a wooden golf club. When the officer brought him in to see the body he was stunned. He wasn’t crying, pacing back and forth, didn’t even drop to his knees, he just stood there and said nothing. The officer took note of this, thinking if this man is at least weeping then I think I have my first suspect. A lot of evidence plus, an old bloody bandana was found at the back of Morton’s house was found to make some of the public, the judge, and the jury believe that Morton was the murderer. Later, after 25 years has pasted, they finally run a DNA test and found another man by the name of Mark Alan Norwood. Finally, they have caught the real murderer and the case was closed.
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mcampbellblog-blog1 · 7 years
Assignment #5
                           Please Put Prices on Health Care (Response) 
     Yes, I agree that this a major concern. I asked myself this question a couple of times, how much money is this doctor asking for? Or in general, where is the price list? Everyone can relate to the fact that the author pointed out how this is one of the major purchases in life. Not one person is going to spend a thousand dollars blind with having the proper information about that product before buying it. Even though this article was published November 6, 2014, I took it upon myself to look at various websites and still found some contained no listed prices. I believe if this problem was fixed I wouldn’t be surprised of the increase of health people.
           What If America Had Canada's Healthcare System? (Response)  
  I would also agree to this article’s topic? In my opinion, if America had Canada’s health care Americans would see an increase in life expectancy. It said that Canadas healthcare system was basically Medicare in its own way. Also, this version is free to everyone and it covers all everything. My theory is if Americans could have this free Medicare healthcare system, have better diets, and exercise more we would live happier lives and do not worry about money problems in some cases. Plus, more people would go to doctors and get the treatment that they need.
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mcampbellblog-blog1 · 7 years
Assignment #4
Myles Campbell
Professor Nguyen
English 1302: Composition 2
13 June 2017
                                               Assignment #4
       The whole passage was a very interesting thing to read. Starting on page 151 it gives a little background information about Gene Kahn. It states brief descriptions of how he looks, and where he works. Fast-forwarding to 3. Down on the Industrial Organic Farm, the author tells us that he decided to travel to California to see these industrial organic farms, which he wasn’t prepared for. These were very big farms. As he mentioned, “twenty-thousand-broiler-chicken houses, or hundreds of acres of corn or broccoli or lettuce reaching the horizon.” It states the facts of big organic farms versus small organics farms. When you go to a big organic farm you’ll see a lot of greenery, massive rotation machines and huge chicken houses but, here is the down fall. Big organic farms use different chemicals to kill insects and weeds. On the other hand, we have small organic farms, which is basically like cycle. Everything works together, not saying that big organic farms don’t have any teamwork but, here is the point. The main thing that small organic farms distinguishes itself from big organic farms it’s how they found a key to making a farm sustainable in a way a natural ecosystem is. How they do not use any chemicals and do not purchase any inputs. In my opinion, I would rather go to a small organic farm because of how everything is being used to make sure the food we eat is organic.
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mcampbellblog-blog1 · 7 years
Assignment #2
                                                     PART 1
1) When you think about Americans and food what do you picture in your mind?
2) Are Americans known for their bad eating habits?
3) Are some nutrition facts that states Americans being healthy or unhealthy people. If so what are they and why?
4)  Do other countries look down on Americans as pigs because of the food they eat?
5) Are Americans the same to other people in different countries when it comes to food?
_____ Best question is #3. 
Myles Campbell
Professor Nguyen
English 1302: Composition 2
7 June 2017
Assignment #2 (Sources)
1.      Chandler, Adam. Why Americans Lead the World in Food Waste. The Atlantic, 15 July 2016. https://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2016/07/american-food-waste/491513/. Accessed 7 June 2017.
2.      Desilver, Drew. What’s on your table? How America’s diet has changed over the decades. Pew Research Center, 13 DECEMBER 2016 http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2016/12/13/whats-on-your-table-how-americas-diet-has-changed-over-the-decades/. Accessed 7 June 2017.
3.      Fox, Maggie. United States Comes in Last Again on Health, Compared to Other Countries. NBC News, 16 November 2016. http://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-care/united-states-comes-last-again-health-compared-other-countries-n684851. Accessed 7 June 2017.
4.      Goldberg, Carey. Deadly Diets: Study Links Unhealthy Eating To Nearly Half Of American Heart Deaths. Wbur, 7 March 2017. http://www.wbur.org/commonhealth/2017/03/07/deadly-diets-study-tufts. Accessed 7 June 2017.
5.      Kaplan, Karen. Here's something Americans disagree about that has nothing to do with partisan politics: food. Los Angeles Times, 3 December 2016. http://www.latimes.com/science/sciencenow/la-sci-sn-americans-food-20161202-story.html. Accessed 7 June 2017.
6.      Kannan, Srimathi, Sparks, Arlene V., Webster, J. DeWitt, Krishnakumar, Ambika, Lumeng, Julie. Healthy Eating and Harambee: Curriculum Development for a Culturally-Centered Bio-Medically Oriented Nutrition Education Program to Reach African American Women of Childbearing Age. EBSCOhost, July 2017. http://web.a.ebscohost.com.libaccess.hccs.edu:2048/ehost/detail/detail?vid=1&sid=07d8fdcc-7634-4025-b4d1-6cbbbc1d9b80%40sessionmgr4010&hid=4109&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#AN=51880949&db=a9h. Accessed 7 June 2017
                                                     PART 2 
My thesis statement is to find out where we are as Americans in the nutrition department. Which mean are we really that unhealthy among other countries?
The steps I took were fairly-simple. I pretty much did the same thing on this assignment just like I did on the last assignment. First, I used my best question and entered it in the search bar. There I only found about four sites. When I got stuck on find good sources I would delete what I previously searched for and enter keywords like nutrition, food, America, 2017, facts etc. That was when I found most of my sources through google, google scholar, and EBSCOhost. After I that I looked for key information that would answer my question and argument.  
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mcampbellblog-blog1 · 7 years
Assignment #1
Part #1 
Why hashtags became so popular? and History and evolution of hashtags. 
Part #2 
Myles Campbell
Professor Nguyen
English 1302: Composition 2
6 June 2017
                                         Assignment #1: Part 2
1.      Atkinson, Amy. So… When Did the Pound Sign Become a Hashtag? RCP Marketing 6 November 2013. https://rcpmarketing.com/pound-sign-become-hashtag/. Accessed 6 June 2017
2.      Bennett, Shea. The History of Hashtags in Social Media Marketing [INFOGRAPHIC]. Adweek 2 September 2014. http://www.adweek.com/digital/history-hashtag-social-marketing/. Accessed 6 June 2017
3.      Blumenfeld, Ciaran. Evolution of the Hashtag. Hashtracking, 16 January 2013 http://blog.hashtracking.com/evolution-of-the-hashtag/. Accessed 6 June 2017
4.      Brown, Heather. Good Question: How Did the Pound Sign Become a Hashtag? CBS Minnesota 7 November 2013. http://minnesota.cbslocal.com/2013/11/07/good-question-how-did-the-pound-sign-become-a-hashtag/. Accessed 6 June 2017
5.      Cooper Belle Beth. The Surprising History of Twitter’s Hashtag Origin and 4 Ways to Get the Most out of Them. Bufferapp, 24 September 2013. https://blog.bufferapp.com/a-concise-history-of-twitter-hashtags-and-how-you-should-use-them-properly. Accessed 6 June 2017
6.      Digital Marketing Philippines. The History of the Hashtag [Infographic]. Shortstack, 7 November 2017. https://www.shortstack.com/the-history-of-the-hashtag-infographic/. Accessed 6 June 2017
7.      Doctor, Venessa. What's the Point Of All These Hashtags? # Hastags.org 17 December 2012.  https://www.hashtags.org/featured/whats-the-point-of-all-these-hashtags/. Accessed 6 June 2017
8.      Expert Commentator. A History of Hashtags [Infographic]. Smart Insights, 16 December 2013. http://www.smartinsights.com/social-media-marketing/social-media-platforms/history-hashtags-infographic/. Accessed 6 June 2017
9.      Hiskey, Daven. The Origin of the Hashtag Symbol. Today I Found Out, 5 November 2014. http://www.todayifoundout.com/index.php/2014/11/origin-hashtag-symbol/. Accessed 6 June 2017
10.  Isak, Christopher. The History of the Hashtag. Techacute.com, 22 July 2015  http://techacute.com/the-history-of-the-hashtag/. Accessed 6 June 2017
11.  Jones, Alice. How did the hashtag become the most popular button on the keyboard? Independent, 2013. http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/comment/how-did-the-hashtag-become-the-most-popular-button-on-the-keyboard-8659606.html. Accessed 6 June 2017
12.  Kolowich, Lindsay. The History of Hashtags [Infographic]. Hubspot, 5 December 2014 https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/history-of-hashtags#sm.0000x7mqs4zsqdiqwn32m14qkzj6w. Accessed 6 June 2017
13.  Sharf, Samantha. The Secret Behind Twitter's IPO: How the Hashtag Became A Worldwide Phenomenon. Forbes 7 November 2013. https://www.forbes.com/sites/samanthasharf/2013/11/07/the-secret-behind-twitters-ipo-how-the-hashtag-became-a-worldwide-phenomenon/#7031868e4fd4. Accessed 6 June 2017
14.  Tatomirovic, Tanja. Hashtag as a popular culture phenomenon. Tanjatatomirovic, 9 February 2016. http://www.tanjatatomirovic.com/2016/02/09/hashtag-as-a-popular-culture-phenomenon/. Accessed 6 June 2017
15.  Tucker Halley Suitt. Why Hashtags are so Powerful. Beta Boston, 9 September 2014. http://www.betaboston.com/news/2014/09/09/why-hashtags-are-so-powerful/?hootPostID=903f01e9a28a1c2fe0260d6cbdcc28c6. Accessed 6 June 2017
Part 3 
1) The key words that I use were history, evolution, popular, well-known, meaning, and power. An easy way of how I kept track of my keyword combinations was simply writing them down on a sheet of paper and using the note section on my phone. 
2)  I decided which sources would be good possible sources by check if that sight had an author with a bio or check to see if the sight has been constantly updated through out the years. Well, it was pretty simple to what source I should and should not use by sorting out which were specifically meant for the topic I was covering.    
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