mchanzoprompts · 6 years
McCree adjusts his hat to hide his face every time something cute/embarrassing makes him go red and everyone has noticed, except Hanzo, so naturally, it’s their new goal to embarrass Jesse till Hanzo notices a correlation between hat adjusting and comments like “Hanzo, your hair looks sexy pushed back. McCree, will you please tell him his hair looks sexy pushed back?”
cute!!! hanzo is such a nerd, man. When he finally does notice tho he probably makes Jesse do it 24/7
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mchanzoprompts · 6 years
Any prompts for Jesse teaching Hanzo to play videogames?
Hanzo is a very competitive person. Naturally, when D.Va beats him in several rounds of a video game, Hanzo is less than happy. Luckily for him Jesse has been watching D.Va long enough to know her tricks, and is willing to teach Hanzo.
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mchanzoprompts · 7 years
What about an AU where everyone knows about Hanzo and McCree's relationship even though they try to keep it hidden? Of course, everyone has to hold little club meetings and conventions to share cute Mchanzo fanfics and pictures. Neither Hanzo nor McCree know.
aaaa this is so cute
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mchanzoprompts · 7 years
how do you join the discord chat? seems lots of fun!
It's actually a Kik chat! You just download Kik on your phone, go to public chats, type in 'McHell', and join. ^^
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mchanzoprompts · 7 years
Werewolf!McCree wants to have a child with Dragon!Hanzo. Hanzo is nervous about the idea, but Jesse convinces him to go with it. The majority of the fic is about the two keeping the egg safe, learning about how to care for it, and learning how to be good parents.
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mchanzoprompts · 7 years
imagine Mccree and Hanzo watch a shitty horror movie and Hanzo is completely chill and like halfway through the movie, Hanzo rests his head on Mccree's should and Mccree's like "you scared?" And Hanzo smugly says something like "yeah I'm really scared, maybe if you held my hand I would feel better"
cuuuuute!!! im love hanzo bein the one wanting affection. mccree would totally be oblivious tho and just do it thinkin he's comfortin hanzo.
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mchanzoprompts · 7 years
Just and idea that's been floating around in my head. So when Hanzo was attacking Genji he knew that Overwatch was near by and was betting on the fact that they could save him. As a yakuza clan I really doubt they didn't know of Overwatch and try and keep tabs on them. So like Hanzo is betting that they save Genji and give Genji freedom from the clan. Fast forward to recall and Hanzo joins. McCree and co are dicks to him. McCree learns the truth and becomes not dick and they get together! angst!
ooooo yes yes
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mchanzoprompts · 7 years
Prompts I just thought of
-Basically a ghost buster thing(I might write this if yall want,,,comment i guess?) Hanzo,McCree,Genji,Zenyatta, and Lucio are a Ghost Hunting team, and do one last job with Zenyatta, before he leaves for his home land. Of course, this goes wrong, and Zenyatta ends up possessed.
-Senior highschool band AU McCree, a sax player, never gets chummy with the flutists because of past exes. But here’s the catch, a transfer student joins the band. McCree falls in love in first sight, until his gaze falls onto Hanzo’s (transfer student) flute case. He tries so hard to avoid him, but alas, the school concert approaches.
-Bartender AU Hanzo, an experienced bartender, meets the most annoying customer in the world. Yet, Hanzo saves the customer’s phone number in his phone,,,,,just for research purposes,,,, They both agree to meet up with each other, and finally formally learn each other’s names. McCree. What a name!
- Book writer AU Genji, being the writer he is, becomes uninspired after he publishes his biggest book. He explores around the town, searching for inspiration. Genji comes home, still feeling the same. Then he sees his brother and his new boyfriend whispering sweet nothings to each other on the couch while playing with each other’s hair. Genji starts writing wildly.
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mchanzoprompts · 7 years
What do u guys do in the chat?
Oh, we just talk about random things and send links to McHanzo related stuff to each other. Sometimes we play games like Two Truths and a Lie (WHICH I WON BTW).
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mchanzoprompts · 7 years
How to join kik chat?
Alright, you download the app 'Kik' on your phone, press the '+' button, go to public groups, look up 'McHell'. It should be simple from there! :^)
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mchanzoprompts · 7 years
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ayeeee started a mchanzo kik group. anyone is free to join. im pretty chill so dont be afraid of me!! :^)
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mchanzoprompts · 7 years
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ayeeee started a mchanzo kik group. anyone is free to join. im pretty chill so dont be afraid of me!! :^)
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mchanzoprompts · 7 years
(Young mchanzo meeting) Hanzo happens to fall asleep at the place where Deadlock and his clan are supposed to meet alone. Genji places cat ears on Hanzo while he's sleeping as a prank. Jesse and Reyes arrive to Hanzo sleeping on his hands on the meeting place table with cat ears on. He wakes up and apologizes, and carries out the deal, until the middle. Jesse bursts out laughing, telling Hanzo he has cat ears on. Hanzo goes all red, and proceeds to yell at Genji, who's watching from a corner.
genji u lil shit
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mchanzoprompts · 7 years
Hanzo prefers to drink alone. Jesse assumes it's because the archer needs space to brood. A few months later he comes across Hanzo sitting on a walkway, tipsy as hell. "Sorry 'bout that partner, I'll be on my way." Hanzo shoots him a glare, "Yes, please leave. I-" his eyes dart down to Jesse's belt buckle and the archer can't keep a straight face, "I- I am sure Bad Ass Mother Fuckers very Bad Ass things to do." and he starts helplessly cracking up. Hanzo's secretly a giggly drunk.
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mchanzoprompts · 7 years
Jesse's jaw drops and Hanzo's wheezing, "I am deeply sorry but every time I see you doing something I think of that buckle!" he puts on a serious face, "Oh look, that Bad Ass Mother Fucker is doing the dishes in D. Va's pink bunny apron. Oh look, that Bad Ass Mother Fucker is deciding on Cheetos or Nachos. Truly this is a life changing decision for that Bad Ass Mother Fucker" and he just dissolves into more laughter and it's contagious and soon Jesse's chuckling too. Hanzo IS CUTE AF.
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mchanzoprompts · 7 years
Truth or Dare
If one were to judge from the wreckage strewn across the rec room, the party was a clear and absolute success. In one corner, the Christmas tree technically still stood, albeit listing in its base in a way that suggested the vibrations from one good footstep would send it toppling. It was altogether fortunate that the decorations were made entirely of extruded plastic in appropriately festive colors and glitter-painted craft foam because no one had wanted to risk destroying Reinhardt’s antique blown glass ornaments that he’d had shipped in from Germany. Two dozen strands of lights hung from the ceiling, some colored, some white, along with half a hundred snowflakes cut from white construction paper, all of them dangling from not particularly well disguised wads of industrial strength epoxy. Some of them were even still working, casting a gentle glow over the proceedings taking place below.
  Angela had given the entire affair her tacit blessing by sighing heavily and absenting herself from the rec room with a pot of tea and the hardbound copy of The Collected Works of O. Henry that she found under the tree some hours earlier. Hana and Lucio were curled up together in a fort built out of all the furniture cushions and an assortment of blankets filched from stores; the action in the rec center’s holotank showed they were still awake but the relative silence suggested they had their headphones on. Lena and Emily had given up some time before and retired to their quarters, leaning heavily on one another in order to keep to their feet. Fawkes and Rutledge vanished at some point, with Mei and Zarya in tow, all four giggling drunkenly in a manner that boded perilous for some innocent piece of machinery somewhere in the Watchpoint. Reinhardt lay in the middle of the floor some feet away, half-buried in the detritus of orgiastic gift-opening, head pillowed on a stack of eye-searingly hideous sweaters, snoring thunderously under the influence of his failure at a succession of increasingly ridiculous dares. Genji and Zenyatta were off somewhere canoodling in a manner that everyone would politely mistake for meditation because absolutely no one, even in the heat of a cutthroat game of Truth or Dare or Drink, wanted to take the step of asking either of those two how they actually went about having sex.
  The table was covered in empty or near-empty bottles: a ten year old bottle of whiskey Lena had brought with from London that would not live to see eleven, half the case of schwarzbier that Reinhardt imported from Germany, two bottles filched from Torbjorn’s not as hidden as it could be stash of brännvin, one each of kirschwasser, zwetschgenwasser, and marillenschnaps, some horrifying species of tequila fished out of a sealed storage compartment, and the cooking sherry, which no one had yet condescended to open. Hanzo flatly refused to sacrifice any of his junmai daiginjo-shu to the cause of getting the rest of the team, as Jesse presciently put it, “absolutely shitfaced plastered” though he did drink his own failures from his sakazuki once it was established to hold as much as a standard shot glass. Not for the first time, he wondered somewhat blearily, why a Watchpoint that had been largely abandoned for years had such an enormous collection of novelty shot glasses immediately on hand.
  “….annnnd done.” Jesse flopped back into a chair in a fashion rather too coordinated for the amount of alcohol he had consumed thus far.
  Also distinctly unfair: the fact that he had just successfully completed all three elements of a standard field sobriety test and Hanzo was, himself, sober enough to admit that fact. “That is so.” It took him a moment to remember how to properly formulate what he wanted to say in English. “I think that you must be cheating somehow.”
  “Cheating?” It came out as a laugh, the sort of laugh that did more to warm Hanzo’s insides than all the potables he’d consumed thus far, his dark eyes shining in the lights from above and his smile the sort of thing he charge for by the hour. “How d’you come to that conclusion?”
  “I think,” Hanzo replied, contemplatively, his words spaced in a manner that he knew betrayed the precise state of his inebriation, “that you have had your liver replaced with some sort of super-efficient cybernetic alcohol filtration system. Otherwise, you never would have managed that lift-and-turn maneuver without falling on your very fine ass.”
  Had he said that aloud? Yes, yes he had, and elected to allow it to stand: the man had a ridiculously attractive ass, never more so than when he encased it in close-fitting jeans. Which was the case just now.
  The corners of Jesse’s also very fine mouth curled back in a smile that could only be called wicked. Yes, entirely wicked. “There is another explanation for my ability to drink all y’all under the table. You wanna know what it is?”
  “My curiosity is a searing fire. Do quench it.” When had his mouth gotten so dry? He poured the last of the kirschwasser into his cup and used it to lubricate his tongue for whatever came next. It was his turn, after all.
  “I used to play this game with Morrison and Reyes, one of whom was a legit evil genius, and neither of whom could actually get drunk any more thanks to all the shit the SEP did to them back in the day. Did more to develop my tolerance for alcohol than anything else in the world.” The look in his eyes was, briefly, fond and wistful. “Your turn.”
  “It is.” Hanzo acknowledged, nodding slowly. “Truth.” Because his dignity would absolutely not survive a dare and he doubted his own liver would forgive him another drink so soon after the last.
  “Well, I gotta admit, I’ve had a question for you that I’ve been holdin’ on to for a while now.” That wicked, wicked smile had returned and now he leaned close, dark eyes glittering.
  Hanzo found himself leaning into it, as well, undisturbed by the invasion of his personal space occasioned by Jesse’s hand on his knee, sliding slowly up his thigh, or the warm, whiskey-scented breath against his neck and cheek as Jesse murmured, close against his ear, “When was the last time you were fucked good and proper, darlin’?”
Hanzo pressed the last of the space from between their bodies, reached down and thumbed open that ridiculous belt buckle. “Hopefully tonight.”
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mchanzoprompts · 7 years
Angela accidentally gives McCree truth serum instead of his medicine dose. McCree walks around base all day until Angela realizes her mistake. The whole situation curves when McCree sees Hanzo that day....
hanzo approaches mccree first just to compliment him and say "good job, gunslinger." mccree sweats and feels the words start to leave his mouth."hanzo u look like u could breastfeed a baby elephant"mccree's body was found later that day.(btw u guys should totally write this HAHA)
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